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Mark Gardner
Mark Gardner

Posted on • Originally published at phoenixtrap.com on

Sweeter Perl exception classes

I mentioned at the Ephemeral Miniconf last month that as soon as I write about one Perl module (or five), someone inevitably brings up another (or seven) I’ve missed. And of course, it happened again last week: no sooner had I written in passing that I was using Exception::Class than the denizens of the Libera Chat IRC #perl channel insisted I should use Throwable instead for defining my exceptions. (I’ve already blogged about various ways of catching exceptions.)

Why Throwable? Aside from Exception::Class’s author recommending it over his own work due to a “nicer, more modern interface,” Throwable is a Moo role, so it’s composable into classes along with other roles instead of mucking about with multiple inheritance. This means that if your exceptions need to do something reusable in your application like logging, you can also consume a role that does that and not have so much duplicate code. (No, I’m not going to pick a favorite logging module; I’ll probably get that wrong too.)

However, since Throwable is a role instead of a class, I would have to define several additional packages in my tiny modulino script from last week, one for each exception class I want. The beauty of Exception::Class is its simple declarative nature: just use it and pass a list of desired class names along with options for attributes and whatnot. What’s needed for simple use cases like mine is a declarative syntax for defining several exception classes without the noise of multiple packages.

Enter Throwable::SugarFactory, a module that enables you to do just that by adding an exception function for declaring exception classes. (There’s also the similarly-named Throwable::Factory; see the above discussion about never being able to cover everybody’s favorites.) The exception function takes three arguments: the name of the desired exception class as a string, a description, and an optional list of instructions Moo uses to build the class. It might look something like this:

package Local::My::Exceptions;
use Throwable::SugarFactory;

exception GenericError => 'something bad happened';
exception DetailedError => 'something specific happened' =>
  ( has => [message => ( is => 'ro' )] );

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Throwable::SugarFactory takes care of creating constructor functions in Perl-style snake_case as well as functions for detecting what kind of exception is being caught, so you can use your new exception library like this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use experimental qw(isa);
use Feature::Compat::Try;
use JSON::MaybeXS;
use Local::My::Exceptions;

try {
    die generic_error();
catch ($e) {
    warn 'whoops!';

try {
    die detailed_error( message => 'you got me' );
catch ($e) {
    die encode_json( $e->to_hash )
      if $e isa DetailedError and defined $e->message;
    $e->throw if $e->does('Throwable');
    die $e;
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The above also demonstrates a couple of other Throwable::SugarFactory features. First, you get a to_hash method that returns a hash reference of all exception data, suitable for serializing to JSON. Second, you get all of Throwable’s methods, including throw for re-throwing exceptions.

So where does this leave last week’s FOAAS.com modulino client demonstration of object mocking tests? With a little bit of rewriting to define and then use our sweeter exception library, it looks like this. You can review for a description of the rest of its workings.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

package Local::CallFOAAS::Exceptions;
use Throwable::SugarFactory;

    exception NoMethodError =>
      'no matching WebService::FOAAS method' =>
      ( has => [ method => ( is => 'ro' ) ] );
    exception ServiceError =>
      'error from WebService::FOAAS' =>
      ( has => [ message => ( is => 'ro' ) ] );

package Local::CallFOAAS;  # this is a modulino
use Test2::V0;             # enables strict, warnings, utf8

# declare all the new stuff we're using
use feature qw(say state);
use experimental qw(isa postderef signatures);
use Feature::Compat::Try;
use Syntax::Construct qw(non-destructive-substitution);

use WebService::FOAAS ();
use Package::Stash;
BEGIN { Local::CallFOAAS::Exceptions->import() }

my $foaas = Package::Stash->new('WebService::FOAAS');

my $run_as =
    !!$ENV{CPANTEST}       ? 'test'
  : !defined scalar caller ? 'run'
  :                          undef;
__PACKAGE__->$run_as(@ARGV) if defined $run_as;

sub run ( $class, @args ) {
    try { say $class->call_method(@args) }
    catch ($e) {
        die 'No method ', $e->method, "\n"
          if $e isa NoMethodError;
        die 'Service error: ', $e->message, "\n"
          if $e isa ServiceError;
        die "$e\n";

# Utilities

sub methods ($) {
    state @methods = sort map s/^foaas_(.+)/$1/r,
      grep /^foaas_/, $foaas->list_all_symbols('CODE');
    return @methods;

sub call_method ( $class, $method = '', @args ) {
    state %methods = map { $_ => 1 } $class->methods();
    die no_method_error( method => $method )
      unless $methods{$method};
    return do {
        try { $foaas->get_symbol("&$method")->(@args) }
        catch ($e) { die service_error( message => $e ) }

# Testing

sub test ( $class, @ ) {
    state $stash = Package::Stash->new($class);
    state @tests = sort grep /^_test_/,

    for my $test (@tests) {
        subtest $test => sub {
            try { $class->$test() }
            catch ($e) { diag $e }

sub _test_can ($class) {
    state @subs = qw(run call_method methods test);
    can_ok $class, \@subs, "can do: @subs";

sub _test_methods ($class) {
    my $mock = mock 'WebService::FOAAS' => ( track => 1 );

    for my $method ( $class->methods() ) {
        $mock->override( $method => 1 );

        ok lives { $class->call_method($method) },
          "$method lives";
        ok scalar $mock->sub_tracking->{$method}->@*,
          "$method called";

sub _test_service_failure ($class) {
    my $mock = mock 'WebService::FOAAS';

    for my $method ( $class->methods() ) {
        $mock->override( $method => sub { die 'mocked' } );

        my $exception =
          dies { $class->call_method($method) };
        isa_ok $exception, [ServiceError],
          "$method throws ServiceError on failure";
        like $exception->message, qr/^mocked/,
          "correct error in $method exception";

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[Updated, thanks to Dan Book, Karen Etheridge, and Bob Kleemann] The only goofy bit above is the need to put the exception calls in a BEGIN block and then explic­it­ly call BEGIN { Local::CallFOAAS::Exceptions->import() }. Since the two pack­ages are in the same file, I can’t do a use state­ment since the implied require would look for a cor­re­spond­ing file or entry in %INC. (You can get around this by mess­ing with %INC direct­ly or through a mod­ule like me::inlined that does that mess­ing for you, but for a single-​purpose mod­uli­no like this it’s fine.)

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