Hello Folks, It's Antonio here, CEO at Litlyx.
I was having fun on home brew back in the days. I leave here a useless list of packages that are fun. Enjoy
Ps: Help me leaving a start on my Open-Source project
Top 50 Useless but Fun Homebrew Packages
1. cowsay
Transform your terminal into a speaking cow.
brew install cowsay
2. sl
Celebrate your typos by watching a locomotive drive through your terminal.
brew install sl
3. cmatrix
Turn your terminal into the Matrix's falling green characters.
brew install cmatrix
4. fortune
Get a random, usually humorous, quote each time you open a terminal session.
brew install fortune
5. toilet
Make your terminal output large text banners with a variety of fonts.
brew install toilet
6. oneko
A cat that chases your mouse cursor around your screen.
brew install oneko
7. bb
ASCII art demo to impress your friends.
brew install bb
8. lolcat
Add rainbow colors to your terminal output.
brew install lolcat
9. nyancat
Watch a loop of the Nyan Cat animation in your terminal.
brew install nyancat
10. pipes-sh
Generates random pipes in your terminal for a nostalgic screensaver effect.
brew install pipes-sh
11. rig
Generate fake addresses, names, and other information.
brew install rig
12. ponysay
A fun variant of cowsay with ponies.
brew install ponysay
13. aafire
Display a burning fire in your terminal using ASCII art.
brew install aafire
14. asciiquarium
Enjoy a lively aquarium in your terminal.
brew install asciiquarium
15. xkcdpass
Generate XKCD style passwords.
brew install xkcdpass
16. espeak
A software speech synthesizer for your terminal.
brew install espeak
17. figlet
Create ASCII text banners in various fonts.
brew install figlet
18. asciiville
Generate a cityscape in ASCII art.
brew install asciiville
19. s-tui
Monitor your CPU temperature in a terminal UI.
brew install s-tui
20. htop
An interactive process viewer for Unix systems.
brew install htop
21. boxes
Draw boxes around your terminal text.
brew install boxes
22. tmux
Terminal multiplexer that allows switching between several programs in one terminal.
brew install tmux
23. jp2a
Convert JPEG images to ASCII art.
brew install jp2a
24. neofetch
Display system information with an aesthetic touch.
brew install neofetch
25. toilet
A better version of figlet for creating ASCII text banners.
brew install toilet
26. rig
Generate fake identities.
brew install rig
27. vitetris
A terminal-based Tetris game.
brew install vitetris
28. weechat
A terminal-based IRC client.
brew install weechat
29. lynx
A text-based web browser.
brew install lynx
30. nethack
A single-player dungeon exploration game.
brew install nethack
31. zsh
An extended version of the Bourne Shell with many improvements.
brew install zsh
32. If you are here your are the best!! β€οΈ Star us! here
33. cmatrix
The classic "Matrix" screensaver for your terminal.
brew install cmatrix
34. cowsay
A configurable speaking cow.
brew install cowsay
35. gti
A git launcher that performs amusing animations.
brew install gti
36. gitlol
Humorous git commands.
brew install gitlol
37. img2txt
Convert images to text.
brew install img2txt
38. cbonsai
Grow a bonsai tree in your terminal.
brew install cbonsai
39. steamlocomotive
A steam locomotive animation in your terminal.
brew install sl
40. pipes
Generates random pipes in your terminal.
brew install pipes-sh
41. rig
Generates random fake identities.
brew install rig
42. k9s
Kubernetes CLI to manage your clusters.
brew install k9s
43. bat
A cat clone with wings.
brew install bat
44. tldr
Simplified and community-driven man pages.
brew install tldr
45. nnn
A fast and friendly terminal file browser.
brew install nnn
46. ranger
A console file manager with VI key bindings.
brew install ranger
47. mc
Midnight Commander, a visual file manager.
brew install mc
48. ncdu
Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface.
brew install ncdu
49. fzf
A command-line fuzzy finder.
brew install fzf
50. jq
Command-line JSON processor.
brew install jq
Love from Litlyx
Top comments (2)
find this awesome and funny, bro π
but some parts are duplicates, such as: 11, 26 and 41
I lost them in the count! To way much 50 elements. I will be back at 11 like my previus awesome lists π«’