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Damian Cipolat
Damian Cipolat

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Why a==1&&a==2&&a==3 is true in JS?

Maybe you have seen this as a meme or in some JS forum.

I'm sure you have thought, this is impossible to happen, in a code language can this return "true". It's a joke? - Not this returns "true" and there are many reasons for this to happen.


To explain this, is necessary to understand some concepts.

1) Implicit and explicit coercion.

There are two types of coercion explicit and explicit.

Type coercion:

Is the process of converting value from one type to another (such as string to number, object to boolean, and so on). Any type, be it primitive or an object, is a valid subject for type coercion. To recall, primitives are: number, string, boolean, null, undefined + Symbol (added in ES6).

Explicit type coercion:

When a developer expresses the intention to convert between types by writing the appropriate code, like Number(value).

Implicit type coercion:

Values can also be converted between different types automatically, and it is called implicit type coercion. It usually happens when you apply operators to values of different types, like 1 == null, 2/’5', null + new Date(), or it can be triggered by the surrounding context, like with if (value) {…}, where value is coerced to boolean.

There are only three types of conversion in JavaScript:

  • to string
  • to boolean
  • to number

2) Objects, type coercion.

When a JS engine encounters expression like [1] + [4,5], first it needs to convert an object to a primitive value, which is then converted to the final type. And still there are only three types of conversion: numeric, string and boolean.

Numeric and string conversion make use of two methods of the input object: valueOf and toString . Both methods are declared on Object.prototype and thus available for any derived types, such as Date, Array, etc.

In general the algorithm is as follows:

  • If input is already a primitive, do nothing and return it.
  • Call input.toString(), if the result is primitive, return it.
  • Call input.valueOf(), if the result is primitive, return it.
  • If neither input.toString() nor input.valueOf() yields primitive, throw TypeError.

3) Functions toString and valueOf

Take a look of two object prototype methods.


The method .toString() is used when an object is coerced into a string. This is helpful when you want to get a nice string representation of an object vs. the not-so-useful "[object Object]".

const s = {
  name: 'Damian',
  surname: 'Cipolat',
  toString: function() {
    console.log('LOG', this.name,this.surname);
    return `Fullname: ${this.name},${this.surname}`;
// { x: 7, y: 3, toString: [Function: toString] }
console.log(s + '');
// 'Square: 7,3'
// NaN
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The method .valueOf() is used when an object is coerced into a primitive value such as a number. If you’ve ever added a number to an object and ended up with a value of NaN, then this method is your friend.

const box = {
  l: 7,
  w: 3,
  h: 4,
  valueOf: function() {
    return this.l * this.w * this.h
// { [Number: 84] l: 7, w: 3, h: 4, valueOf: [Function: valueOf] }
// [object Object]
// 84
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Ok, it's time to discover the magic, why a==1&&a==2&&a==3 is "true"? To make this expression success, we can override the function toString, this function is used in the implicit type coercion of the operator "==".

This is the full code:

const a = {
  tmp: 1,
  toString: function () {
    console.log('TO STRING');
    return a.tmp++;

if(a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3) {
  console.log('JS Magic!');
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So the reason here is the toString function is called 3 times and the TO STRING appears in the console output.


Some interesting links to continue reading.

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