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How To Deploy Next.js ECommerce On Ubuntu

hello and welcome to my coding tutorial to build and deploy my nextjs e-commerce website on Linux Ubuntu operating system using Hostinger VPS server.

In this tutorial we will learn how to:

  • buy and configure VPS server and website domain on ubuntu
  • clone my main amazona project from GitHub
  • connect to the hostinger Linux server
  • build and deploy automatically applications on every git push
  • and at the end I teach you how to encrypt the website using let's encrypt SSL certificate

Code and Demo

👉 https://nextjs-ecommerce.com/
👉 https://github.com/basir/next-pg-shadcn-ecommerce

Watch Video Tutorial

Buy VPS Server

Buy Domain

Deploy Application

I suppose the vps ip address is and domain name is nextjs-ecommerce.com. you need to change them based on your vps ip address and domain name.

1- connect to vps server

   ssh root@
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2- install node

   apt-get update
   curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x -o nodesource_setup.sh
   sudo -E bash nodesource_setup.sh
   sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
   node -v

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3- create git repo

    mkdir -p ~/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/repo
    mkdir -p ~/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/dest
    cd ~/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/repo
    git --bare init
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4- automate deployment on every git push

   nano hooks/post-receive
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    #!/bin/bash -l
    echo 'post-receive: Triggered.'
    cd ~/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/dest/
    git --git-dir=/root/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/repo --work-tree=/root/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/dest/ checkout main -f
    pnpm install
    pnpm run build
    pm2 restart nextjs-ecommerce
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5- make post-receive executable

   chmod ug+x hooks/post-receive
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6- npm install -g pnpm
7- create postgres database

   cd ../dest
   nano .env
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    NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_NAME=Next ECommerce App
    NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_DESCRIPTION=An ECommerce App built with Next.js, Postgres, Shadcn

    # Database (vercel or neon db url)

    # NextAuth ($ npx auth secret)

    # API Keys
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8- [On Dev Machine] clone repo

    git clone https://github.com/basir/next-pg-shadcn-ecommerce
    cd next-pg-shadcn-ecommerce
    git remote add hostinger ssh://root@
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9- [On Dev Machine] add dummy changes, commit and push

   git add . && git commit -m "commit message" && git push hostinger
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10- config pm2

 sudo npm install -g pm2
 cd /root/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/dest/
 npx drizzle-kit push
 npx tsx ./db/seed
 sudo pm2 start "npm run start" --name "nextjs-ecommerce"
 pm2 save
 pm2 startup
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11- [On Dev Machine] add dummy changes, commit and push

git add . && git commit -m "commit message" && git push hostinger
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12- open
13- config apache

sudo apt install apache2
sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http rewrire headers expires
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextjs-ecommerce.com.conf
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<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerName nextjs-ecommerce.com
     ServerAlias www.nextjs-ecommerce.com

     ProxyRequests Off
     ProxyPreserveHost On
     ProxyVia Full

     <Proxy *>
         Require all granted
     ProxyPass /
     ProxyPassReverse /
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sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
sudo a2ensite nextjs-ecommerce.com.conf
sudo service apache2 restart
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14- open http://nextjs-ecommerce.com
15- secure website

sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache
sudo certbot -d nextjs-ecommerce.com -d www.nextjs-ecommerce.com -m basir.jafarzadeh@gmail.com --apache --agree-tos  --no-eff-email --redirect
sudo certbot renew --dry-run
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16- update http to https in .env file

cd /root/apps/nextjs-ecommerce/dest/
nano .env
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17- open https://nextjs-ecommerce.com


In this tutorial we deploy an ecommerce app on ubuntu server. Let me if you have any questions.

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