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Angeline Wang
Angeline Wang

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Flexbox Basics

Today I'm back with the second building block in CSS: Flexbox! Handily created in 2009 to facilitate dynamic layouts.

I was first introduced to these concepts by my General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive a few weeks back. Since then, I've completed a few labs and projects with them. 👩‍💻

But what was most impactful was having played and replayed Flexbox Froggy & Flexbox Zombies many times. Each time I replayed these games, I discovered a new insight I previously overlooked, and the concepts were further cemented.

Image description

I know these games look silly, but truthfully, they are game (no pun intended) changers to your learning experience 🪄

Part 1 Setting up Flexbox

In order to begin using the magic of Flexbox, we must set up the relevant containers by adding extra <div>s in our HTML.

In our CSS file, we select the <div> by the class we've assigned to it, and apply display: flex.

Then, we can begin using the following properties to target the elements nested directly within the container...

Part 2 Alignment Properties

Location Applied
= These properties & their corresponding values are applied at the container-level
= They will affect the spacing & positioning of elements w/in the container

2.1 flex-direction


= Defines direction elements are placed w/in container

Default Value

= row (Much like the effect of display: inline)
--> Elements nested directly w/ container: Populated along x-axis


  1. row = (Refer to description above)
  2. row-reverse = Elements populated in reverse order of text direction
  3. column = Elements populated in order along y-axis
  4. column-reverse = Elements populated in reverse order along y-axis

2.2 justify-content


--> row
= Spacing along x-axis
--> column
= Spacing along y-axis

Default Value

= flex-start


  1. flex-start
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Elements placed flush against left of container
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Elements placed flush against top of container

  2. flex-end
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Elements placed flush against right of container
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Elements placed flush against bottom of container

  3. center
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Elements packed flush together & placed in middle of container y-axis
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Elements packed flush together & placed in middle of container x-axis

  4. space-between
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Divides up remaining container x-axis space, adds equal amount between elements
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Divides up remaining container y-axis space, adds equal amount between elements

  5. space-around
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Divides up remaining container x-axis space, adds equal amount around both sides of each element
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Divides up remaining container y-axis space, adds equal amount around both sides of each element

2.3 align-items


--> row = Spacing along y-axis
--> column= Spacing along x-axis

Default Value

= flex-start


  1. flex-start
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Elements flush to top of container
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Elements flush to left of container

  2. baseline
    1/ Targets tallest element
    2/ Aligns tallest element's top-most/left-most (row/column) edge with the top-most/left-most (row/column) edge of container
    3/ Aligns rest of elements' baseline w/ baseline of tallest element

What is the baseline?

= Where letters 'sit'
--> Descenders of letters extends below baseline

Use Case

= Content size varies among elements
--> If content size is the same, baseline: Same effect as flex-start

  1. flex-end
    --> row
    = Align Elements flush to right of container
    --> column
    = Align Elements flush to bottom of container

  2. center
    --> row
    = Elements packed flush together & placed in middle of container x-axis
    --> column
    = Elements packed flush together & placed in middle of container y-axis

  3. stretch
    --> row
    = Aligns top & bottom of element flush with top & bottom of container by stretching entire element
    --> column
    = Aligns left & right of element flush with left & right of container by stretching entire element

2.4 order


= Swap the position of an element w/in its group of elements


= To individual element

Default Value

= 0


= Can be Positive or Negative
Effects of Values

  1. Since Default Value for any Element: 0
  2. Element w/ Positive order Value = Immediately moved to back
  3. Element w/ Negative order Value = Immediately moved to front Reason = order Values set to Elements --> Place the Elements in chronological order (From negative to positive values)

2.5 align-self


--> row
= Align an individual element on container's y-axis
--> column
= Align an individual element on container's x-axis


= To a specific element


= Same as `align-items

2.6 flex-wrap


= Create more space for Elements
--> By providing them w/ space beyond their present line
--> Allowing Elements to maintain size

Default Value

= nowrap
--> Will shrink Elements to fit into line


1 . nowrap
= Fit all elements into 1 line
--> Even if this means shrinking them

  1. wrap = Add additional lines to populate elements
  2. wrap-reverse = Add additional lines to populate elements --> In reverse order

2.7 align-content


= Spacing & Positioning of 'lines'/'groups' of elements
--> Takes in & manipulates each 'line' the way align-items take in each 'element'


= Applied with flex-wrap: wrap
--> W/o flex-wrap: wrap, align-content has no effect


  1. flex-start
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Lines flush to top of container
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Lines flush to left of container

  2. flex-end
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Elements flush to bottom of container
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Elements flush to right of container

  3. center
    --> row
    = Lines packed flush together & placed in middle of container x-axis
    --> column
    = Lines packed flush together & placed in middle of container y-axis

  4. space-between
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Divides up remaining container y-axis space, adds equal amount between lines
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Divides up remaining container x-axis space, adds equal amount between lines

  5. space-around
    --> If flex-direction: row
    = Divides up remaining container y-axis space, adds equal amount around both sides of each line
    --> If flex-direction: column
    = Divides up remaining container x-axis space, adds equal amount around both sides of each line

  6. stretch
    --> row
    = Aligns top & bottom of line flush with top & bottom of container by stretching each entire line
    --> column
    = Aligns left & right of line flush with left & right of container by stretching each entire line

align-content vs align-items

= align-content: Spacing & Positioning of lines of elements
= align-items: Spacing & Positioning of individual elements

Part 3 Speed of Resizing Properties

3.1 Alignment vs Resizing Properties

= In all cases, the Flexbox is created on the container
--> Alignment Properties: Applied by selecting Container in CSS
--> Resizing Properties: Applied by selecting Elements themselves in CSS

3.2 flex-grow

Interactions w/ other properties

= Nullifies any effect of justify-content
--> Unless there are new lines


= Enlarge Element(s) to fill ALL available space
--> Works the same for horizontal (flex-direction: row) & vertical (flex-direction: column) space


= Directly to Elements
--> Not on Elements' container

  1. Apply flex-grow: 1 to class w/ all similar elements
  2. Override growing for specific elements that do not grow = flex-grow: 0
  3. Adjust ratios for specific elements growing faster = ie flex-grow: 3 --> Grows 3X as fast as any other element w/ flex-grow: 1

Default Value

= 0
--> Will not grow unless told to


= Ratios
--> Set 2 elements flex-grow: 1 = Both grow to fill available space at same rate


--> Set 1 element to grow at 2X the speed of another element
= flex-grow: 2, flex-grow: 1
= 2X the SPEED, NOT 2X the SIZE: Both growing to fill available space

3.2 flex-shrink


= React when there is not enough space for elements

Default Value

= 1
--> Shrinks without explicitly setting values


= Ratios
--> Used to control how quickly each element shrinks (Speed)


= Elements shrink at a rate relative to each other

  1. All Elements shrinking at same speed = Do not set flex-shrink: This is covered by default value
  2. Certain Elements shrinking 2X as fast = flex-shrink: 2 --> Shrinking twice the SPEED, not SIZE --> For every 1 pixel, these shrink 2 pixels each
  3. Refuse to shrink = flex-shrink: 0 --> Specified on individual element

Shrinking & Growing

= Can be used in combination
--> By Default: Applying flex-grow = Used w/ flex-shrink: 1
= Will Grow & Shrink depending on existence of extra space || lack of space
--> If want elements to Shrink at same speed && Grow
= Only set flex-grow: B/c flex-shrink is set to 1 by Default already

3.3 flex-basis


= Starting point/Ideal world (before any growing or shrinking)
--> Enough space to fit flex-basis defined: Element takes on size defined by flex-basis
--> Not enough space to fit flex-basis defined: Element takes on only the amount of size permitted by space

Default Value

= auto
--> Same as width value


Units of Measurement:

  1. Pixels
  2. Percentages Example: flex-basis: 50% = Takes up 50% of width of container


--> flex-direction: row
= flex-basis targets the width
--> flex-direction: column
= flex-basis targets the height

Final flex-basis Contributors
  1. width/height
    = If flex-basis specified
    --> width: Overridden & Ignored

  2. min-width/min-height
    = Lower Limit for flex-basis
    Example: min-width: 300px/min-height: 300px && flex-basis: 100px
    --> Final flex-basis = 300px (min-width)

Example: min-width/min-height > flex-basis set
--> Final flex-basis = min-width/min-height

  1. max-width/max-height = Upper Limit for flex-basis Example: flex-basis > max-width/max-height --> Final flex-basis = max-width/max-height
Order of Overriding

min/max-width/height > flex-basis > width/height

Interactions w/ Other Properties

  1. flex-basis: 0
    = Will not show the Element, unless flex-grow is set
    --> Size set to 0 until growing begins

  2. flex-shrink: 0
    = Does not allow Element to shrink past flex-basis size

  3. flex-grow need not be specified
    = If flex-basis > Current width/height
    && Element does not need to grow beyond flex-basis size
    --> flex-basis can sometimes be mistaken for flex-grow

  4. Available space does not allow for flex-basis size
    = Element shrinks according to flex-shrink/default shrinking

  5. Available space increases && Element has specified flex-grow
    = Element grows beyond flex-basis size
    Example: flex-basis: 200px && flex-grow: 1

Part 4 Shorthand Properties

4.1 flex-flow


= Combines flex-direction & flex-wrap


= Values of flex-direction & flex-wrap
--> Separated by a space


flex-flow: row wrap
= Sets rows & wraps them into additional lines

4.2 flex


= Combines 2 Settings: flex-grow, flex-shrink, & flex-basis

Default Values

  1. Leave off 3rd Value: flex-basis = flex-basis set to 0px by default --> (unlike how flex-basis is set to auto as a default without flex property)**

Example: flex: 1 0 auto = Grow at speed of 1, not shrink, and use width as flex-basis

  1. Leave off 2nd Value: flex-shrink = flex-shrink set to 1 --> Same as regular flex-shrink default

Example: flex: 0 300px = No growing && flex-basis: 300px

  1. Leave off both 2nd & 3rd Values: flex-shrink & flex-basis = Default: flex-basis: 0px && flex-shrink: 1

Example: flex: 1; = Only sets flex-grow: 1

Values: Keyword Shortcuts

  1. flex: auto
    = flex-grow: 1, flex-shrink: 1, flex-basis: auto
    --> Grows & Shrinks & Keeps initial size = width

  2. flex: none
    = flex-grow: 0, flex-shrink: 0, flex-basis: auto
    --> No Growing & No Shrinking & Initial size = width


= flex: 1 1 300px
--> flex: grow shrink basis


= Setting a flex without specifying the 3rd value
--> Sets your flex-basis from auto to 0px

...And that's it for CSS Flexbox! I'll be returning here to add additional notes and use cases after further personal usage. Super excited to continue sharing my experiences with you <3

Next week, we'll be moving onto CSS Grid to wrap up CSS Essentials! 🤳

With love,

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