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Parallel Computing, Volume 29
Volume 29, Number 1, January 2003
- Edwin A. H. Vollebregt
, Mark R. Roest, J. W. M. Lander:
Large scale computing at Rijkswaterstaat. 1-20 - Leo Chin Sim, Heiko Schröder, Graham Leedham:
MIMD-SIMD hybrid system--towards a new low cost parallel system. 21-36 - Hon Fung Li, Gabriel Girard:
View consistencies and exact implementations. 37-67 - Ashok Srinivasan
, Michael Mascagni, David Ceperley
Testing parallel random number generators. 69-94 - Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Jerry L. Trahan
, Chun-ming Lu:
Degree of scalability: scalable reconfigurable mesh algorithms for multiple addition and matrix-vector multiplication. 95-109 - Salma A. Ghoneim, Hossam M. A. Fahmy:
Job preemption, fast subcube compaction, or waiting in hypercube systems? A selection methodology. 111-134 - Heejo Lee, Jong Kim, Sung Je Hong, Sunggu Lee:
Task scheduling using a block dependency DAG for block-oriented sparse Cholesky factorization. 135-159 - Oh-Han Kang, Si-Gwan Kim:
A task duplication based scheduling algorithm for shared memory multiprocessors. 161-166
Volume 29, Number 2, February 2003
- Hongzhang Shan, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Leonid Oliker, Rupak Biswas:
Message passing and shared address space parallelism on an SMP cluster. 167-186 - Olaf Bonorden, Ben H. H. Juurlink, Ingo von Otte, Ingo Rieping:
The Paderborn University BSP (PUB) library. 187-207 - Fabrice Rastello, Amit Rao, Santosh Pande
Optimal task scheduling at run time to exploit intra-tile parallelism. 209-239 - Daniel González, Francisco Almeida
, Luz Marina Moreno, Casiano Rodríguez
Towards the automatic optimal mapping of pipeline algorithms. 241-254 - Cosimo Anglano
, Claudio Casetti, Emilio Leonardi
, Fabio Neri:
Network interface multicast protocols for wormhole-based networks of workstations. 255-283
Volume 29, Number 3, March 2003
- Erik Reinhard
, Dirk Bartz:
Parallel graphics and visualisation. 285-288 - Toshi Kato:
"Kilauea"--parallel global illumination renderer. 289-310 - Michael Isard, Mark Shand, Alan Heirich:
Distributed rendering of interactive soft shadows. 311-323 - Wagner Toledo Corrêa, James T. Klosowski, Cláudio T. Silva:
Out-of-core sort-first parallel rendering for cluster-based tiled displays. 325-338 - Jürgen P. Schulze, Ulrich Lang:
The parallelized perspective shear-warp algorithm for volume rendering. 339-354 - Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro, Kengo Nakajima:
Optimizing parallel performance of unstructured volume rendering for the Earth Simulator. 355-371
Volume 29, Number 4, April 2003
- Athanasios Migdalas, Gerardo Toraldo
, V. Kumar:
Parallel computing in numerical optimization. 373 - Athanasios Migdalas, Gerardo Toraldo
, V. Kumar:
Nonlinear optimization and parallel computing. 375-391 - Renata M. Aiex, S. Binato, Mauricio G. C. Resende:
Parallel GRASP with path-relinking for job shop scheduling. 393-430 - Jörgen Blomvall
A multistage stochastic programming algorithm suitable for parallel computing. 431-445 - Ricardo C. Corrêa
, Fernando de Carvalho Gomes
, Carlos A. S. Oliveira, Panos M. Pardalos:
A parallel implementation of an asynchronous team to the point-to-point connection problem. 447-466 - Marco D'Apuzzo, Marina Marino:
Parallel computational issues of an interior point method for solving large bound-constrained quadratic programming problems. 467-483 - Carla Durazzi, Valeria Ruggiero:
Numerical solution of special linear and quadratic programs via a parallel interior-point method. 485-503 - Cristian Gatu
, Erricos John Kontoghiorghes
Parallel algorithms for computing all possible subset regression models using the QR decomposition. 505-521 - Susana Gómez
, Nelson del Castillo, Longina Castellanos, Julio Solano-González
The parallel tunneling method. 523-533 - Gaetano Zanghirati
, Luca Zanni
A parallel solver for large quadratic programs in training support vector machines. 535-551
Volume 29, Number 5, May 2003
- Gilbert Laporte, Roberto Musmanno:
Parallel computing in logistics. 553-554 - James F. Campbell
, Gary Stiehr, Andreas T. Ernst
, Mohan Krishnamoorthy
Solving hub arc location problems on a cluster of workstations. 555-574 - Félix García-López, Belén Melián-Batista, José A. Moreno-Pérez
, J. Marcos Moreno-Vega
Parallelization of the scatter search for the p-median problem. 575-589 - Bernard Gendron, Jean-Yves Potvin, Patrick Soriano:
A parallel hybrid heuristic for the multicommodity capacitated location problem with balancing requirements. 591-606 - Ted K. Ralphs:
Parallel branch and cut for capacitated vehicle routing. 607-629 - Pierpaolo Caricato
, Gianpaolo Ghiani
, Antonio Grieco, Emanuela Guerriero
Parallel tabu search for a pickup and delivery problem under track contention. 631-639 - Andreas Bortfeldt, Hermann Gehring, Daniel Mack:
A parallel tabu search algorithm for solving the container loading problem. 641-662 - Francesca Guerriero
, Marco Mancini
A cooperative parallel rollout algorithm for the sequential ordering problem. 663-677
Volume 29, Number 6, June 2003
- Daisuke Takahashi
A parallel 1-D FFT algorithm for the Hitachi SR8000. 679-690 - Coskun Mermer
, Donglok Kim, Yongmin Kim:
Efficient 2D FFT implementation on mediaprocessors. 691-709 - P. H. Muir, R. N. Pancer, Kenneth R. Jackson:
PMIRKDC: a parallel mono-implicit Runge-Kutta code with defect control for boundary value ODEs. 711-741 - Alexandre Plastino, Celso C. Ribeiro
, Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez:
Developing SPMD applications with load balancing. 743-766 - Naya Nagy
, Selim G. Akl:
The maximum flow problem: a real-time approach. 767-794 - Bassel R. Arafeh:
A task duplication scheme for resolving deadlocks in clustered DAGs. 795-820 - Jung-Sheng Fu:
Fault-tolerant cycle embedding in the hypercube. 821-832
Volume 29, Number 7, July 2003
- Patrick Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Xiaoye S. Li:
Impact of the implementation of MPI point-to-point communications on the performance of two general sparse solvers. 833-849 - James Kohout, Alan D. George
A high-performance communication service for parallel computing on distributed DSP systems. 851-878 - Christopher J. Freitas, Derrick B. Coffin, Richard L. Murphy:
The characterization of a wide area network computation. 879-894 - Lúcia M. A. Drummond
, Valmir Carneiro Barbosa
On reducing the complexity of matrix clocks. 895-905 - Manuel Prieto
, Rubén S. Montero
, Ignacio Martín Llorente
, Francisco Tirado
A parallel multigrid solver for viscous flows on anisotropic structured grids. 907-923 - Manuel Díaz
, Bartolomé Rubio
, Enrique Soler
, José M. Troya:
Domain interaction patterns to coordinate HPF tasks. 925-951 - Yili Tseng, Ronald F. DeMara
, P. J. Wilder:
Distributed-sum termination detection supporting multithreaded execution. 953-968 - Wolfgang Blochinger, Carsten Sinz, Wolfgang Küchlin:
Parallel propositional satisfiability checking with distributed dynamic learning. 969-994
Volume 29, Number 8, August 2003
- Mark W. Govett
, Leslie Hart, Tom Henderson, Jacques Middlecoff, D. Schaffer:
The Scalable Modeling System: directive-based code parallelization for distributed and shared memory computers. 995-1020 - Jorge Buenabad Chávez, Henk L. Muller, Paul W. A. Stallard, David H. D. Warren:
Virtual memory on data diffusion architectures. 1021-1052 - Makoto Yamashita
, Katsuki Fujisawa
, Masakazu Kojima:
SDPARA: SemiDefinite Programming Algorithm paRAllel version. 1053-1067 - Vincent Teulière, Olivier Brun:
Parallelisation of the particle filtering technique and application to Doppler-bearing tracking of maneuvering sources. 1069-1090 - Liang Peng, Weng-Fai Wong
, Chung-Kwong Yuen:
SilkRoad II: mixed paradigm cluster computing with RC_dag consistency. 1091-1115
Volume 29, Number 9, September 2003
- Peter Arbenz
, Efstratios Gallopoulos
, Bernard Philippe, Yousef Saad
Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA '02). 1117-1119 - Olivier Beaumont
, Arnaud Legrand, Yves Robert
Scheduling divisible workloads on heterogeneous platforms. 1121-1152 - Martin Becka, Gabriel Oksa:
On variable blocking factor in a parallel dynamic block--Jacobi SVD algorithm. 1153-1174 - Olivier Coulaud, Michaël Dussere, Pascal Hénon, Erik Lefebvre, Jean Roman:
Optimization of a kinetic laser-plasma interaction code for large parallel systems. 1175-1189 - Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Gil Utard:
Impact of reordering on the memory of a multifrontal solver. 1191-1218 - Hemant Mahawar, Vivek Sarin:
Parallel iterative methods for dense linear systems in inductance extraction. 1219-1235 - James R. McCombs, Andreas Stathopoulos
Parallel, multigrain iterative solvers for hiding network latencies on MPPs and networks of clusters. 1237-1259 - Sreekanth R. Sambavaram, Vivek Sarin, Ahmed H. Sameh, Ananth Grama:
Multipole-based preconditioners for large sparse linear systems. 1261-1273
Volume 29, Number 10, October 2003
- Andrea Clematis, Michael J. Mineter, Richard Marciano:
High performance computing with geographical data. 1275-1279 - Keith C. Clarke
Geocomputation's future at the extremes: high performance computing and nanoclients. 1281-1295 - Kenneth A. Hawick
, Paul D. Coddington
, Heath A. James:
Distributed frameworks and parallel algorithms for processing large-scale geographic data. 1297-1333 - Ann L. Chervenak, Ewa Deelman, Carl Kesselman
, William E. Allcock, Ian T. Foster, Veronika Nefedova, Jason Lee
, Alex Sim
, Arie Shoshani, Bob Drach, Dean N. Williams, Don Middleton:
High-performance remote access to climate simulation data: a challenge problem for data grid technologies. 1335-1356 - Giovanni Aloisio
, Massimo Cafaro
A dynamic earth observation system. 1357-1362 - Asvin Ananthanarayan, Rajiv Balachandran, Robert L. Grossman
, Yunhong Gu, Xinwei Hong, Jorge Levera, Marco Mazzucco:
Data webs for earth science data. 1363-1379 - Erik G. Hoel, Hanan Samet:
Data-parallel polygonization. 1381-1401 - Giuseppe Dattilo, Giandomenico Spezzano:
Simulation of a cellular landslide model with CAMELOT on high performance computers. 1403-1418 - Apostolos Papadopoulos, Yannis Manolopoulos:
Parallel bulk-loading of spatial data. 1419-1444 - Mark Lanthier, Doron Nussbaum, Jörg-Rüdiger Sack
Parallel implementation of geometric shortest path algorithms. 1445-1479 - Shaowen Wang, Marc P. Armstrong
A quadtree approach to domain decomposition for spatial interpolation in Grid computing environments. 1481-1504
Volume 29, Number 11-12, November-December 2003
- Laurence Tianruo Yang, Yi Pan, Minyi Guo:
Parallel and distributed scientific and engineering computing. 1505-1508 - Yoshiyuki Iwamoto, Koichi Suga, Kanemitsu Ootsu, Takashi Yokota
, Takanobu Baba:
Receiving message prediction method. 1509-1538 - Yudong Sun, Cho-Li Wang:
Solving irregularly structured problems based on distributed object model. 1539-1562 - Weijian Fang, Cho-Li Wang, Francis C. M. Lau:
On the design of global object space for efficient multi-threading Java computing on clusters. 1563-1587 - Fan Chan, Jiannong Cao, Yudong Sun:
High-level abstractions for message-passing parallel programming. 1589-1621 - Xiaohui Shen, Alok N. Choudhary:
A distributed multi-storage I/O system for data intensive scientific computing. 1623-1643 - Patrick Amestoy, Iain S. Duff, Stéphane Pralet, Christof Vömel:
Adapting a parallel sparse direct solver to architectures with clusters of SMPs. 1645-1668 - Leo Chin Sim, Graham Leedham, Leo Chin Jian, Heiko Schröder:
Fast solution of large N×N matrix equations in an MIMD-SIMD Hybrid System. 1669-1684 - Chi Shen, Jun Zhang:
A fully parallel block independent set algorithm for distributed sparse matrices. 1685-1699 - Peter Benner
, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
, Gregorio Quintana-Ortí:
State-space truncation methods for parallel model reduction of large-scale systems. 1701-1722 - Zizhong Chen
, Jack J. Dongarra, Piotr Luszczek, Kenneth Roche
Self-adapting software for numerical linear algebra and LAPACK for clusters. 1723-1743 - Akira Takeuchi, Fumihiko Ino, Kenichi Hagihara:
An improved binary-swap compositing for sort-last parallel rendering on distributed memory multiprocessors. 1745-1762 - María J. Martín, David E. Singh, José Carlos Mouriño
, Francisco F. Rivera
, Ramon Doallo, Javier D. Bruguera:
High performance air pollution modeling for a power plant environment. 1763-1790 - M. Jahed Djomehri, Rupak Biswas:
Performance enhancement strategies for multi-block overset grid CFD applications. 1791-1810
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