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24th DEXA Workshops 2013: Prague, Czech Republic

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ISSASiM 2013-Third International Workshop onInformation Systems for Situation Awareness and Situation Management

Session 1: Situation Awareness and Management for Location-Based Services

Session 2: Situation Awareness and Management for Disaster Management

TIR 2013-10th International Workshop onText-Based Information Retrieval

Session: Web Search and Similarity Measures

Session: Information Extraction

BIOKDD 2013-Fourth International Workshop onBiological Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

WebS 2013 - 12th International Workshop onWeb Semantics and Web Intelligence

RSmeetDB 2013-Third International Workshop onRecommender Systems Meet Databases

Session 1: Novel Algorithmic Approaches

Session 2: Knowledge Extraction and Knowledge Exploitation in Recommender Systems

IATEM 2013-Second International Workshop onIntelligent Agent Technology, Power Systems and Energy Markets

Session 1: Agent-Based Approaches in Power Systems

Session 2: Multi-agent Electricity Markets

Session 3: Intelligent Energy Systems

CMS 2013-Fourth International Workshop onCloud Computing, Models, and Services

Session 1: Services and Cloud Computing

Session 2: Quality of Services

ICT-GLOW 2013-International Workshop onICT as Key Technology against Global Warming