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IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Volume 12
Volume 12, Number 1, January 1986
- P. Allen Currit, Michael G. Dyer, Harlan D. Mills:
Certifying the Reliability of Software. 3-11 - Douglas R. Miller:
Exponential Order Statistic Models of Software Reliability Growth. 12-24 - F.-W. Scholz:
Software Reliability Modeling and Analysis. 25-31 - Ushio Sumita, Yasushi Masuda
Analysis of Software Availability/Reliability Under the Influence of Hardware Failures. 32-41 - Viktor K. Prasanna, Salim Hariri, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
Distributed Program Reliability Analysis. 42-50 - Herbert Hecht, Myron Hecht:
Software Reliability in the System Context. 51-58 - Pankaj Jalote, Roy H. Campbell:
Atomic Actions for Fault-Tolerance Using CSP. 59-68 - David J. Taylor:
Concurrency and Forward Recovery in Atomic Actions. 69-78 - Luigi V. Mancini
Modular Redundancy in a Message Passing System. 79-86 - Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Kewal K. Saluja:
A Wachtdog Processor Based General Rollback Technique with Multiple Retries. 87-95 - John C. Knight, Nancy G. Leveson:
An Experimental Evaluation of the Assumption of Independence in Multiversion Programming. 96-109 - Janet R. Dunham:
Experiments in Software Reliability: Life-Critical Applications. 110-123 - Ian J. Hayes
Specification Directed Module Testing. 124-133 - Hideaki Tsubotani, Noriaki Monden, Minoru Tanaka, Tadao Ichikawa:
A High Level Language-Based Computing Environment to Support Production and Execution of Reliable Programs. 134-146 - Anthony I. Wasserman, Peter A. Pircher, David T. Shewmake:
Building Reliable Interactive Information Systems. 147-156 - Robert E. Strom, Shaula Yemini:
Typestate: A Programming Language Concept for Enhancing Software Reliability. 157-171 - Zavdi L. Lichtman:
Generation and Consistency Checking of Design and Program Structures. 172-181
Volume 12, Number 2, February 1986
- Glenn David Bergland, Pamela Zave:
Guest Editor's Prologue Special Issue on Software Design Methods. 185-191 - Harlan D. Mills, Richard C. Linger:
Data Structured Programming: Program Design without Arrays and Pointers. 192-197 - Paul T. Ward:
The Transformation Schema: An Extension of te Data Flow Diagram to Represent Control and Timing. 198-210 - Grady Booch:
Object-Oriented Development. 211-221 - John R. Cameron:
An Overview of JSD. 222-240 - Peter B. Henderson:
Functional Programming, Formal Specification, and Rapid Prototyping. 241-250 - David Lorge Parnas, Paul C. Clements:
A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake it. 251-257 - H. Jack Barnard, Robert F. Metz, Arthur L. Price:
A Recommended Practice for Describing Software Designs: IEEE Standards Project 1016. 258-263 - David N. Card, Victor E. Church, William W. Agresti:
An Empirical Study of Software Design Practices. 264-271 - Leon S. Levy:
A Metaprogramming Method and Its Economic Justification. 272-277 - George S. Avrunin, Laura K. Dillon, Jack C. Wileden, William E. Riddle:
Constrained Expressions: Adding Analysis Capabilities to Design Methods for Concurrent Software Systems. 278-292 - Gerald Estrin, Robert S. Fenchel, Rami R. Razouk, Mary K. Vernon:
SARA (System ARchitects Apprentice): Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation Support for Design of Concurrent Systems. 293-311 - Pamela Zave, William M. Schell:
Salient Features of an Executable Specification Language and Its Environment. 312-325 - Anthony I. Wasserman, Peter A. Pircher, David T. Shewmake, Martin L. Kersten:
Developing Interactive Information Systems with the User Software Engineering Methodology. 326-345 - Giorgio Bruno, Giuseppe Marchetto:
Process-Translatable Petri Nets for the Rapid Prototyping of Process Control Systems. 346-357 - Jine S. Tseng, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, Yuan Shi, Noah S. Prywes:
Real-Time Software Life Cycle with the Model System. 358-373
Volume 12, Number 3, March 1986
- Shmuel Rotenstreich, William E. Howden:
Two-Dimensional Program Design. 377-384 - Karsten Schwan, Anita K. Jones:
Flexible Software Development for Multiple Computer Systems. 385-401 - Franz-Josef Polster:
Reuse of Software Through Generation of Partial Systems. 402-416 - Gary D. Kimura:
A Structure Editor for Abstract Document Objects. 417-435 - Clement H. C. Leung:
Dynamic Storage Fragmentation and File Deterioration. 436-441 - Abha Moitra, S. Sitharama Iyengar:
Derivation of a Parallel Algorithm for Balancing Binary Trees. 442-449 - Harry G. Perros, Tayfur Altiok:
Approximate Analysis of Open Networks of Queues with Blocking: Tandem Configurations. 450-461 - Mukul K. Sinha:
Commutable Transactions and the Time_pad Synchronization Mechanism for Distributed Systems. 462-476 - Kenneth J. Perry, Sam Toueg:
Distributed Agreement in the Presence of Processor and Communication Faults. 477-482 - Bipin Indurkhya
, Harold S. Stone, Lu Xi-Cheng:
Optimal Partitioning of Randomly Generated Distributed Programs. 483-495 - John E. Gaffney Jr.:
The Impact on Software Development Costs of Using HOL's. 496-499 - Lionel M. Ni, Kai Hwang:
Correction to "Optimal Load Balancing in a Multiple Processor System with Many Job Classes". 500
Volume 12, Number 4, April 1986
- Gurdeep S. Hura, Harpreet Singh, N. K. Nanda:
Some Design Aspects of Databases Through Petri Net Modeling. 505-510 - Masahiro Tsuchiya, Michael P. Mariani, James D. Brom:
Distributed Database Management Model and Validation. 511-520 - Anna Hac:
A Decomposition Solution to a Queueing Network Model of a Distributed File System with Dynamic Locking. 521-530 - N. Natarajan:
A Distributed Scheme for Detecting Communication Deadlocks. 531-537 - Carlo Batini, Enrico Nardelli, Roberto Tamassia:
A Layout Algorithm for Data Flow Diagrams. 538-546 - Fabrizio Baiardi
, Nicoletta De Francesco, Gigliola Vaglini:
Development of a Debugger for a Concurrent Language. 547-553 - Lalit M. Patnaik, Kailasam Viswanathan Iyer
Load-Leveling in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing Systems. 554-560 - Gianfranco Balbo, Steven C. Bruell, Subbarao Ghanta:
Combining Queueing Network and Generalized Stochastic Petri Net Models for the Analysis of Some Software Blocking Phenomena. 561-576 - Bruce Hillyer, David Elliot Shaw, Anil Nigam:
NON-VON's Performance on Certain Database Benchmarks. 577-583 - Martin Trachtenberg:
Validating Halstead's Theory with System 3 Data. 584 - Myron Lipow:
Comments on "Estimating the Number of Faults in Code" and Two Corrections to Published Data. 584-585
Volume 12, Number 5, May 1986
- Daniel M. Yellin, Eva-Maria M. Mueckstein:
The Automatic Inversion of Attribute Grammars. 590-599 - T. V. Lakshman, Ashok K. Agrawala:
Efficient Decentralized Consensus Protocols. 600-607 - William E. Hall III, Stuart H. Zweben:
The Cloze Procedure and Software Comprehensibility Measurement. 608-623 - Tadao Ichikawa, Masahito Hirakawa:
ARES: A Relational Database with the Capability of Performing Flexible Interpretation of Queries. 624-634 - Krithi Ramamritham, David W. Stemple, David A. Briggs, Stephen Vinter:
Privilege Transfer and Revocation in a Port-Based System. 635-648 - Boumediene Belkhouche, Joseph E. Urban:
Direct Implementation of Abstract Data Types from Abstract Specifications. 649-661 - Derek L. Eager, Edward D. Lazowska
, John Zahorjan:
Adaptive Load Sharing in Homogeneous Distributed Systems. 662-675
Volume 12, Number 6, June 1986
- Domenico Ferrari:
Considerations in the Insularity of Performance Evaluation. 678-683 - Jim Gray:
An Approach to Decentralized Computer Systems. 684-692 - Edith W. Martin, Richard A. DeMillo:
Operational Survivability in Gracefully Degrading Distributed Processing Systems. 693-704 - Robert F. Mathis:
The Last 10 Percent. 705-712 - Stephen S. Yau, Jeffrey J. P. Tsai:
A Survey of Software Design Techniques. 713-721
Volume 12, Number 7, July 1986
- Herbert A. Simon:
Whether Software Engineering Needs to Be Artificially Intelligent. 726-732 - Victor R. Basili, Richard W. Selby, David H. Hutchens:
Experimentation in Software Engineering. 733-743 - Michael E. Fagan:
Advances in Software Inspections. 744-751 - Allen T. Goldberg:
Knowledge-Based Programming: A Survey of Program Design and Construction Techniques. 752-768 - C. V. Ramamoorthy, Vijay K. Garg, Atul Prakash
Programming in the Large. 769-783 - Herbert Weber, Hartmut Ehrig:
Specification of Modular Systems. 784-798
Volume 12, Number 8, August 1986
- Tak-Sun Yuen, David Hung-Chang Du:
Dynamic File Structure for Partial Match Retrieval Based on Overflow Bucket Sharing. 801-810 - Roy H. Campbell, Brian Randell:
Error Recovery in Asynchronous Systems. 811-826 - Thomas P. Blumer, Deepinder P. Sidhu:
Mechanical Verification and Automatic Implementation of Communication Protocols. 827-843 - C. Murray Woodside, Satish K. Tripathi:
Optimal Allocation of File Servers in a Local Network Environment. 844-848 - Ellis Horowitz, Ronald Williamson:
SODOS: A Software Documentation Support Environment - Its Definition. 849-859 - Branislav Meandzija:
A Formal Method for Composing a Network Command Language. 860-865 - Robert P. Trueblood, A. Sengupta:
Dynamic Analysis of the Effects Access Rule Modifications Have Upon Security. 866-874 - Kuo-Chung Tai, Alan L. Tharp:
A Comparison of Computed Chaining to Predictors. 870-874 - David Lorge Parnas, Paul C. Clements:
Correction to "A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake It". 874
Volume 12, Number 9, September 1986
- Brent Auernheimer, Richard A. Kemmerer:
RT-ASLAN: A Specification Language for Real-Time Systems. 879-889 - Farnam Jahanian, Aloysius K. Mok:
Safety Analysis of Timing Properties in Real-Time Systems. 890-904 - Peter G. Neumann:
On Hierarchical Design of Computer Systems for Critical Applications. 905-920 - Andrew M. Tyrrell, David J. Holding:
Design of Reliable Software in Distributed Systems Using the Conversation Scheme. 921-928 - Peter G. Bishop
, David G. Esp, Mel Barnes, Peter Humphreys, Gustav Dahll, Jaakko Lahti:
PODS - A Project on Diverse Software. 929-940 - Eugene Kligerman, Alexander D. Stoyenko:
Real-Time Euclid: A Language for Reliable Real-Time Systems. 941-949 - Abdallah A. Abdel-Ghaly, P. Y. Chan, Bev Littlewood:
Evaluation of Competing Software Reliability Predictions. 950-967 - Robert Troy, Yves Romain:
A Statistical Methodology for the Study of the Software Failure Process and Its Application to the ARGOS Center. 968-978 - Thomas Downs:
Extensions to an Approach to the Modeling of Software Testing with Some Performance Comparisons. 979-987 - Robin E. Bloomfield, Peter K. D. Froome:
The Application of Formal Methods to the Assessment of High Integrity Software. 988-993
Volume 12, Number 10, October 1986
- William E. Howden:
A Functional Approach to Program Testing and Analysis. 997-1005 - Douglas W. Cornell, Daniel M. Dias, Philip S. Yu:
On Multisystem Coupling Through Function Request Shipping. 1006-1017 - Donald F. Towsley
Allocating Programs Containing Branches and Loops Within a Multiple Processor System. 1018-1024 - Adrian E. Conway, Nicolas D. Georganas:
Decomposition and Aggregation by Class in Closed Queueing Networks. 1024-1040 - C. Murray Woodside:
Controllability of Computer Performance Tradeoffs Obtained Using Controlled-Share Queue Schedulers. 1041-1048
Volume 12, Number 11, November 1986
- Hisao Kameda:
The Gains from Computer Communication. 1049-1055 - David W. Stemple, Stephen Vinter, Krithi Ramamritham:
Functional Addressing in Gutenberg: Interprocess Communication without Process Indentifiers. 1056-1066 - Alan B. Sheltzer, Gerald J. Popek:
Internet Locus: Extending Transparency to an Internet Environment. 1067-1075 - Ellis Horowitz, Ronald Williamson:
SODOS: A Software Documentation Support Environment - Its Use. 1076-1087 - To-Yat Cheung:
On the Projection Method for Protocol Verification. 1088-1095 - Sukhamay Kundu:
The Call-Return Tree and Its Application to Program Performance Analysis. 1096-1101
Volume 12, Number 12, December 1986
- Sakti P. Ghosh:
Statistical Relational Tables for Statistical Database Management. 1106-1116 - A. Nico Habermann, David Notkin:
Gandalf: Software Development Environments. 1117-1127 - Elaine J. Weyuker:
Axiomatizing Software Test Data Adequacy. 1128-1138 - Dennis W. Leinbaugh, Mohamad-Reza Yamini:
Guaranteed Response Times in a Distributed Hard-Real-Time Environment. 1139-1144 - Franz Stetter:
Comments on "Number of Faults per Line of Code". 1145
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