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DG.O 2015: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Social media and government (I)

Open government, open data, and collaboration (I)

Technology, governance, and solutions to natural and manmade crisis (I)

Open government, open data, and collaboration (II)

Technology, governance, and solutions to natural and manmade crisis (II) + emerging topics (I)

Organizational factors, adoption issues and digital government impacts (I)

Emerging topics (II)

Social media and government (II)

Digital government and (In)equality (I)

Social media and government (III)

Smart cities, smart citizens and smart government (I) + digital government and (in)equality (II)

Open government, open data, and collaboration (III) + organizational factors, adoption issues and digital government impacts (II)


Posters and system demonstrations

Tutorials and workshops