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Past Courses
CSE 1001 Fundamentals of Software Development 1
CSE 1010 Ideas and Impact of Computing
CSE 4025/5025 Database Systems
CSE 4301/5290 Artificial Intelligence
CSE 4510/5379 Special Topics in CS/AI: Intelligent Systems and the Internet
CSE 4510-06/5241 Distributed Computing
Topics in CS: CSE 4510 Interdisciplinary CS
CSE 5100 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSE 5400 Scientific Writing for CS Research
CSE 5840 Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing: Advances in the World Wide Web
CSE 4403/5401 Independent Study: Exploring Autonomous Mobile Robots
CSE 4403/5801 Recommendation Systems and Netflix Prize
CSE 5693 Machine Learning
CSE 5800 Adv Topics in CS: Learning/Mining and the Internet
Computer Science Seminar (Spring 98)
Philip Chan