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RSQLite: SQLite Interface for R

Embeds the SQLite database engine in R and provides an interface compliant with the DBI package. The source for the SQLite engine and for various extensions in a recent version is included. System libraries will never be consulted because this package relies on static linking for the plugins it includes; this also ensures a consistent experience across all installations.

Version: 2.3.7
Depends: R (≥ 3.1.0)
Imports: bit64, blob (≥ 1.2.0), DBI (≥ 1.2.0), memoise, methods, pkgconfig, rlang
LinkingTo: plogr (≥ 0.2.0), cpp11 (≥ 0.4.0)
Suggests: callr, DBItest (≥ 1.8.0), gert, gh, hms, knitr, magrittr, rmarkdown, rvest, testthat (≥ 3.0.0), withr, xml2
Published: 2024-05-27
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.RSQLite
Author: Kirill Müller ORCID iD [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], David A. James [aut], Seth Falcon [aut], D. Richard Hipp [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources), Dan Kennedy [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources), Joe Mistachkin [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources), SQLite Authors [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources), Liam Healy [ctb] (for the included SQLite sources), R Consortium [fnd], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Kirill Müller <kirill at cynkra.com>
BugReports: https://github.com/r-dbi/RSQLite/issues
License: LGPL-2.1 | LGPL-3 [expanded from: LGPL (≥ 2.1)]
URL: https://rsqlite.r-dbi.org, https://github.com/r-dbi/RSQLite
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: README NEWS
In views: Databases
CRAN checks: RSQLite results


Reference manual: RSQLite.pdf
Vignettes: RSQLite


Package source: RSQLite_2.3.7.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: RSQLite_2.3.7.zip, r-release: RSQLite_2.3.7.zip, r-oldrel: RSQLite_2.3.7.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): RSQLite_2.3.7.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): RSQLite_2.3.7.tgz, r-release (x86_64): RSQLite_2.3.7.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): RSQLite_2.3.7.tgz
Old sources: RSQLite archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: bioassayR, CITAN, cummeRbund, ECOTOXr, gde, grasp2db, PANTHER.db, pd.081229.hg18.promoter.medip.hx1, pd.2006.07.18.hg18.refseq.promoter, pd.2006.07.18.mm8.refseq.promoter, pd.2006.10.31.rn34.refseq.promoter, pd.ag, pd.aragene.1.0.st, pd.aragene.1.1.st, pd.atdschip.tiling, pd.ath1.121501, pd.barley1, pd.bovgene.1.0.st, pd.bovgene.1.1.st, pd.bovine, pd.bsubtilis, pd.cangene.1.0.st, pd.cangene.1.1.st, pd.canine, pd.canine.2, pd.celegans, pd.charm.hg18.example, pd.chicken, pd.chigene.1.0.st, pd.chigene.1.1.st, pd.chogene.2.0.st, pd.chogene.2.1.st, pd.citrus, pd.clariom.d.human, pd.clariom.s.human, pd.clariom.s.human.ht, pd.clariom.s.mouse, pd.clariom.s.mouse.ht, pd.clariom.s.rat, pd.clariom.s.rat.ht, pd.cotton, pd.cyngene.1.0.st, pd.cyngene.1.1.st, pd.cyrgene.1.0.st, pd.cyrgene.1.1.st, pd.cytogenetics.array, pd.drogene.1.0.st, pd.drogene.1.1.st, pd.drosgenome1, pd.drosophila.2, pd.e.coli.2, pd.ecoli, pd.ecoli.asv2, pd.elegene.1.0.st, pd.elegene.1.1.st, pd.equgene.1.0.st, pd.equgene.1.1.st, pd.feinberg.hg18.me.hx1, pd.feinberg.mm8.me.hx1, pd.felgene.1.0.st, pd.felgene.1.1.st, pd.fingene.1.0.st, pd.fingene.1.1.st, pd.genomewidesnp.5, pd.genomewidesnp.6, pd.guigene.1.0.st, pd.guigene.1.1.st, pd.hc.g110, pd.hg.focus, pd.hg.u133.plus.2, pd.hg.u133a, pd.hg.u133a.2, pd.hg.u133a.tag, pd.hg.u133b, pd.hg.u219, pd.hg.u95a, pd.hg.u95av2, pd.hg.u95b, pd.hg.u95c, pd.hg.u95d, pd.hg.u95e, pd.hg18.60mer.expr, pd.ht.hg.u133.plus.pm, pd.ht.hg.u133a, pd.ht.mg.430a, pd.hta.2.0, pd.hu6800, pd.huex.1.0.st.v2, pd.hugene.1.0.st.v1, pd.hugene.1.1.st.v1, pd.hugene.2.0.st, pd.hugene.2.1.st, pd.maize, pd.mapping250k.nsp, pd.mapping250k.sty, pd.mapping50k.hind240, pd.mapping50k.xba240, pd.margene.1.0.st, pd.margene.1.1.st, pd.medgene.1.0.st, pd.medgene.1.1.st, pd.medicago, pd.mg.u74a, pd.mg.u74av2, pd.mg.u74b, pd.mg.u74bv2, pd.mg.u74c, pd.mg.u74cv2, pd.mirna.1.0, pd.mirna.2.0, pd.mirna.3.0, pd.mirna.3.1, pd.mirna.4.0, pd.moe430a, pd.moe430b, pd.moex.1.0.st.v1, pd.mogene.1.0.st.v1, pd.mogene.1.1.st.v1, pd.mogene.2.0.st, pd.mogene.2.1.st, pd.mouse430.2, pd.mouse430a.2, pd.mta.1.0, pd.mu11ksuba, pd.mu11ksubb, pd.nugo.hs1a520180, pd.nugo.mm1a520177, pd.ovigene.1.0.st, pd.ovigene.1.1.st, pd.pae.g1a, pd.plasmodium.anopheles, pd.poplar, pd.porcine, pd.porgene.1.0.st, pd.porgene.1.1.st, pd.rabgene.1.0.st, pd.rabgene.1.1.st, pd.rae230a, pd.rae230b, pd.raex.1.0.st.v1, pd.ragene.1.0.st.v1, pd.ragene.1.1.st.v1, pd.ragene.2.0.st, pd.ragene.2.1.st, pd.rat230.2, pd.rcngene.1.0.st, pd.rcngene.1.1.st, pd.rg.u34a, pd.rg.u34b, pd.rg.u34c, pd.rhegene.1.0.st, pd.rhegene.1.1.st, pd.rhesus, pd.rice, pd.rjpgene.1.0.st, pd.rjpgene.1.1.st, pd.rn.u34, pd.rta.1.0, pd.rusgene.1.0.st, pd.rusgene.1.1.st, pd.s.aureus, pd.soybean, pd.soygene.1.0.st, pd.soygene.1.1.st, pd.sugar.cane, pd.tomato, pd.u133.x3p, pd.vitis.vinifera, pd.wheat, pd.x.laevis.2, pd.x.tropicalis, pd.xenopus.laevis, pd.yeast.2, pd.yg.s98, pd.zebgene.1.0.st, pd.zebgene.1.1.st, pd.zebrafish, pdInfoBuilder, PolyPhen.Hsapiens.dbSNP131, RecordLinkage, SIFT.Hsapiens.dbSNP132, SIFT.Hsapiens.dbSNP137, snplist, specL, sqldf, UniProt.ws
Reverse imports: acc, acdcquery, ActiSleep, activAnalyzer, AdhereRViz, affycoretools, agcounts, Andromeda, AnnotationDbi, AnnotationForge, AnnotationHub, AnnotationHubData, apsimx, archivist, BatchExperiments, BatchJobs, bdlp, BgeeDB, BiocFileCache, biodb, blsBandit, BoSSA, cansim, celldex, ChemmineDrugs, clstutils, CNEr, CompoundDb, cranlike, customCMPdb, customProDB, D3GB, datrProfile, dbflobr, dexter, dexterMST, drugTargetInteractions, eatDB, emuR, ensembldb, EpiTxDb, eplusr, Eunomia, expDB, FeatureExtraction, FIESTA, FIESTAutils, filehashSQLite, gcbd, geomultistar, GladiaTOX, globaltrends, GWASinspector, GWASTools, htsr, InPAS, ipdDb, kidsides, landsepi, liteq, LowWAFOMNX, LowWAFOMSobol, LRBaseDbi, lumi, marmap, Mega2R, MeSHDbi, meshr, metaseqR2, metrica, mfdb, miRBaseVersions.db, miRNAtap, miRNAtap.db, monaLisa, moodleR, mpathsenser, msPurity, NetSimR, neuroimaGene, NoRCE, oligo, oligoClasses, omicsViewer, OmnipathR, openappr, orderly, Organism.dplyr, PAMmisc, PAMpal, parquetize, pestr, ProfoundData, prrd, pubtatordb, QBMS, qst, qtl2, rangeMapper, rapsimng, RCAS, readwritesqlite, recoup, regutools, ReviewR, RImmPort, rSHAPE, rsyncrosim, rTRM, scRNAseq, scRNAseqApp, scTensor, SEERaBomb, sehrnett, sendigR, SGP, shiny.telemetry, shinymanager, shinymgr, shinyNotes, signatureSearch, simplegraphdb, sitadela, snowquery, soundClass, SpliceWiz, SQLDataFrame, sqliter, sqliteutils, SSN2, SSNbler, synaptome.db, SynExtend, systemPipeShiny, taxonomizr, TFBSTools, tidyhydat, tidywikidatar, tigre, tigreBrowserWriter, toxSummary, trackeR, txdbmaker, vegdata, zipcodeR
Reverse suggests: AnnotationFilter, arkdb, AssessORF, autonomics, baseballr, bigchess, biglm, biglmm, bigreadr, bigsnpr, camtrapR, caroline, cdata, CDMConnector, ChemmineR, chunked, CommonDataModel, connections, convey, corrr, COVID19, CRISPRball, ctrdata, cytominer, DatabaseConnector, dataverifyr, dbglm, DBI, DBItest, dbplyr, dbx, DECIPHER, diseasystore, disprose, dittodb, dlookr, dm, dplyr, easydb, editbl, eiR, etl, ETLUtils, fastRhockey, filematrix, finbif, geogenr, glue, gpkg, GRaNIE, GWSDAT, gypsum, healthdb, hoopR, InterpretMSSpectrum, iNZightPlots, iNZightTools, ipumsr, janitor, JASPAR2024, learnr, LexisNexisTools, lgrExtra, macleish, maGUI, MetMashR, mgsa, mlr3db, modeldb, MsBackendMassbank, MsBackendSql, MsExperiment, mstherm, nflfastR, nodbi, oai, oce, octopus, odbc, oddsapiR, orbital, pdfminer, PhysicalActivity, pmparser, pointblank, pool, ProjectTemplate, prqlr, quantmod, R6P, radiant.data, RaMS, rdataretriever, reactome.db, repana, reproducible, ResultModelManager, rocker, rolap, rqdatatable, rquery, RSQL, SCDB, scrime, sf, shiny.reglog, shinyauthr, shinyChatR, shinylogs, soilDB, SpaDES.core, sqlhelper, sqltargets, srcr, srvyr, stevemisc, storr, stream, survey, svrep, taxadb, tidier, tidypredict, tidyquery, twitteR, ursa, vismeteor, vtreat, wehoop, when, winch, withr
Reverse enhances: login, MetaboAnnotation


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