Supported Google Cloud products

This document lists the Google Cloud products and locations that Personalized Service Health supports.


The following table lists the Google Cloud products and their corresponding values as displayed in Personalized Service Health, including the API and logs. You'll use these values to create alerts and use the Service Health API.

Personalized Service Health supports the following Google Cloud products:

Product Product name Product ID to use for alerts, API calls, and logs
AlloyDB for PostgreSQL AlloyDB for PostgreSQL fPovtKbaWN9UTepMm3kJ
API Gateway API Gateway VzyLPL7CtWQqJ9WeKAjp
Apigee Apigee 9Y13BNFy4fJydvjdsN3X
Application Integration Application Integration ktmqnquav5joiJK6Qy2u
Artifact Registry Artifact Registry QbBuuiRdsLpMr9WmGwm5
Backup and DR Service Backup and DR 2wwSnezzV5o8a8JouBch
Bare Metal Solution Bare Metal 5gQF7Qk9XfQ32pStX6Hb
BigQuery Data Transfer Service BigQuery Data Transfer Service UdjkJSWTHMj2b11ftW6E
Certificate Authority Service Certificate Authority Service PvdE3tt1VdxKXzSyd8WF
Google Cloud Armor * Cloud Armor Kakg69gTC3xFyeJCY2va
Cloud Service Mesh Cloud ASM D6ayar99EiNLHhwcn77V
Cloud Build Cloud Build fw8GzBdZdqy4THau7e1y
Cloud CDN Cloud CDN ckSRJf2vQwQy188ULGy3
Cloud Data Fusion Cloud Data Fusion rLKDHeeaBiXTeutF1air
Cloud Domains Cloud Domains ni83vQdB693cohxna3mw
Cloud External Key Manager Cloud External Key Manager GXALzYBgpi3XpsLLxLgu
Filestore Cloud Filestore jog4nyYkquiLeSK5s26q
Firestore Cloud Firestore CETSkT92V21G6A1x28me
Cloud HSM Cloud HSM R3HPPUbVeFrApLaqQB4B
Cloud Intrusion Detection System * Cloud IDS mMmi5UKZCkVUzFgpTyCw
Cloud Key Management Service Cloud Key Management Service 67cSySTL7dwJZo9JWUGU
Cloud Load Balancing * Cloud Load Balancing ix7u9beT8ivBdjApTif3
Cloud Logging Cloud Logging PuCJ6W2ovoDhLcyvZ1xa
Memorystore Cloud Memorystore LGPLu3M5pcUAKU1z6eP3
Cloud Monitoring Cloud Monitoring 3zaaDb7antc73BM1UAVT
Cloud NAT * Cloud NAT hCNpnTQHkUCCGxJy35Yq
Cloud Run Cloud Run 9D7d2iNBQWN24zc1VamE
Spanner Cloud Spanner EcNGGUgBtBLrtm4mWvqC
Workflows Cloud Workflows C4P62W9Xc2zZ1Sk52bbw
Cloud Workstations Cloud Workstations 5UUXCiH1vfFHXmbDixrB
Container Registry Container Registry rECkDEKEadgZQkPefibM
Database Migration Service Database Migration Service vY4CRgRFNbqUXWWyYGFS
Dataform Dataform JSShQKADMU3uXYNbCRCh
Dataplex Dataplex Xx5qm9U2ovrN11z2Gd9Q
Dataproc Metastore Dataproc Metastore PXZh68NPz9auRyo4tVfy
Datastream Datastream ibJgP4CNKnFojHHw8L3s
Dialogflow CX Dialogflow CX BnCicQdHSdxaCv8Ya6Vm
Dialogflow ES Dialogflow ES sQqrYvhjMT5crPHKWJFY
Eventarc Eventarc YaFawoMaXnqgY4keUBnW
App Engine Google App Engine kchyUtnkMHJWaAva8aYc
BigQuery Google BigQuery 9CcrhHUcFevXPSVaSxkf
Bigtable Google Cloud Bigtable LfZSuE3xdQU46YMFV5fy
Cloud Composer Google Cloud Composer YxkG5FfcC42cQmvBCk4j
Google Cloud console Google Cloud Console Wdsr1n5vyDvCt78qEifm
Cloud Data Loss Prevention Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention xeLtpZYNSw1WSYhkuxHL
Dataflow Google Cloud Dataflow T9bFoXPqG8w8g1YbWTKY
Dataproc Google Cloud Dataproc yjXrEg3Yvy26BauMwr69
Cloud Deploy Google Cloud Deploy 6z5SnvJrJMJQSdJmUQjH
Cloud DNS Google Cloud DNS TUZUsWSJUVJGW97Jq2sH
Cloud Run functions Google Cloud Functions oW4vJ7VNqyxTWNzSHopX
Google Cloud NetApp Volumes Google Cloud NetApp Volumes vtzMUyQ4z9CbA1x6z85s
Pub/Sub Google Cloud Pub/Sub dFjdLh2v6zuES6t9ADCB
Cloud Scheduler Google Cloud Scheduler Y9fKAQ6BVTQUYomrNN9A
Cloud Source Repositories Google Cloud Source Repositories B2EfFwmTPqzAqHmnpHvm
Cloud SQL Google Cloud SQL hV87iK5DcEXKgWU2kDri
Cloud Storage Google Cloud Storage UwaYoXQ5bHYHG6EdiPB8
Cloud Tasks Google Cloud Tasks tMWyzhyKK4rAzAf7x62h
Compute Engine Google Compute Engine L3ggmi3Jy4xJmgodFA9K
Google Kubernetes Engine Google Kubernetes Engine LCSbT57h59oR4W98NHuz
Hybrid Connectivity * Hybrid Connectivity 5x6CGnZvSHQZ26KtxpK1
Identity and Access Management Identity and Access Management adnGEDEt9zWzs8uF1oKA
Integration Connectors Integration Connectors dqd7x95MSoscq1rYzY7q
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD) m2BYeday5NQNxnEnY56V
Media CDN * Media CDN FK8WX6iZ3FuQL6qUwski
Memorystore for Memcached Memorystore for Memcached paC6vmsvnjCHsBkp4Wva
Memorystore for Redis Cluster Memorystore for Redis 3yFciKa9NQH7pmbnUYUs
Network Connectivity Center * Network Connectivity Center kFBKMAzrhno1We6f7Ydk
Network Intelligence Center * Network Intelligence Center BNe4FZaRboHmVivzH6Ku
Network Telemetry Network Telemetry 6hMPXnhAqgDfYy1aYtGN
Persistent Disk * Persistent Disk SzESm2Ux129pjDGKWD68
Private Service Connect * Private Service Connect fbzQRKqPfxZ2DUScMGV2
Cloud Resource Manager API Resource Manager API MRJK8bmwYLMv6Dtg16kU
Secret Manager Secret Manager kzGfErQK3HzkFhptoeHH
Service Directory Service Directory vmq8TsEZwitKYM6V9BaM
Cloud Service Mesh * Traffic Director NroZwL2UMMionesUGP87
Transcoder API Transcoder API x57hrDXgs8kP2XNBZX34
Vertex AI Workbench Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks GewfNoG6JvJ1kjnL9jb8
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) * Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) BSGtCUnz6ZmyajsjgTKv

* These products also support emerging incidents.

These products also support Impacted relevance.


This section contains a list of public Google Cloud locations. Some Google Cloud products may not be available in the given location or may not use all location types. For example, zonal service may not use multi-regions.

See Google Cloud product availability by locations for up-to-date information.


Format: continent-subcontinent#


asia-east1 australia-southeast2 europe-west8 us-east4
asia-east2 europe-central2 europe-west9 us-east5
asia-northeast1 europe-north1 me-west1 us-east7
asia-northeast2 europe-southwest1 northamerica-northeast1 us-south1
asia-northeast3 europe-west1 northamerica-northeast2 us-west1
asia-south1 europe-west2 southamerica-east1 us-west2
asia-south2 europe-west3 southamerica-west1 us-west3
asia-southeast1 europe-west4 us-central1 us-west4
asia-southeast2 europe-west5 us-central2
australia-southeast1 europe-west6 us-east1


Format: continent-subcontinent#-letter




Format: multiregion or multiregion#


asia eur6 nam13 nam8
asia1 europe nam3 nam9
eu nam-eur-asia1 nam4 us
eur3 nam10 nam5
eur4 nam11 nam6
eur5 nam12 nam7