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Using UnityLink to create physics simulations in High School

Posted 1 year ago

Hello all, I am a high school calculus and physics teacher and Wolfram Language enthusiast. This year I have decided to commit to doing 3D physics simulations in Unity using UnityLink. I have worked through the excellent videos by @Alec Shedelbower and as a class we are rapidly approaching our first attempt at 3D sims. The students have been gaining familiarity with the WL over the past few weeks along with vectors and kinematics.
I have run into a technical snag. Most of my students have pc's or mac's but two of them have Chromebooks. UnityLink has properly connected for all but the two Chromebook students. I think the problem is that they must work in the cloud and UnityLink always times out. The error:

In[2]: = <<UnityLink`
Out[2] = TerminatedEvaluation[RecursionLimit]

I think I have an emergency workaround by scripting with Wolfram Engine but the command line is nowhere near as useful as a notebook for this. Note that UnityLink is working fine for desktop applications using pc or mac. Does anyone have an idea for connecting the WL and Unity in the cloud? Is the problem coming from the need to access the local computer's Unity executable which is blocked in the cloud? Accessing local files from the cloud often seems awkward. Being able to seamlessly interact with local and cloud files would be quite a nice feature. Here is a documentation page circa version 12 that claims it can be done in the cloud.

POSTED BY: John Martin
Posted 1 year ago

The Wolfram Engine for developers on Chromebooks doesn't seem to be a viable option.

POSTED BY: John Martin
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