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English: BALTOPS (for Baltic Operations) is an annual military exercise in the Baltic Sea and the regions surrounding it. It is held since 1971 and sponsored by the U.S. Naval Forces Europe. Since 1993, it includes Eastern European countries and is a part of the Partnership for Peace program.
<nowiki>BALTOPS; BALTOPS; Baltops; Baltops; BALTOPS; BALTOPS; BALTOPS; BALTOPS; مناورات بالتوبس; BALTOPS; バルト海で行われるNATO年次軍事演習; Marinemanöver; årlig Nato-marinövning i Östersjön; bałtyckie manewry NATO; annual military exercise; jaarlijkse militaire oefening; Baltic Operations; BALTOPS; BALTOPS; バルト海作戦演習</nowiki>
bałtyckie manewry NATO
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