settlement on Suduroy, Faroe Islands
Deutsch: Porkeri ist ein Dorf auf Suðuroy, Färöer
Map of Porkeris kommuna position in the Faroes
Position of Porkeri.
Stamp from 2004
The village
The mountains in the winter
Wooden church of 1847
inside the church
The new school and a pony
The new school and sheep
Rams on pickup truck
Porkeri, view towards south.
East of Porkeri
Winter in Porkeri
Winter in Porkeri
Zacharias Müller, seaman, 94 years
Kambur, north of Porkeri
Old baptismal font in the church of Porkeri
Porkeri in the winter
The capitan houses in Porkeri
The museum in Porkeri
The harbour in Porkeri
Memorial Lost at Sea in Porkeri