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Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Progress

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This page aims to gather the data on the progress of Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 in all participating countries. Due to design limitations, it has been split into three different tables; when updating the status of WLM2013 in your country, please update all of them, so we could easily keep track of your progress.

If your country is missing and you are intending to participate: no bad intentions, just add it :) de

General overview

Country Wikipedia Number of objects Unique IDs Lists on wiki Completeness Addresses Descriptions Coordinates
Algeria (ar) Arabic 350 Not yet (AR) (FR) Yes Yes ~5%
Andorra Viquiprojecte:Monuments 111 Yes Yes Yes 100% Yes 100%
Antarctica en: 81 Yes (en), (es), (fr) (no) 100% N/A Yes Yes
Argentina (es) Spanish 1,881 Yes (National)
No (Provincial)
100% National
4/24 Provinces
~90% ~30% ~90%
Armenia (hy) Armenian ca. 25 000 Yes Local wiki: Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh; Lists on Commons (incomplete) 100% Yes Yes Partially
Aruba en: 35 Yes Yes 100% Yes No Yes
Austria de: 37213 Yes Yes 100% 80.36% 100% 98.86%
Azerbaijan Viki Abidələri Sevir 2013 ??? percentage Yes ??? percentage No percentage
Belarus (be) Belarusian 5533 Yes Yes ~100% ~90% ~90% ~5%
Belgium & Luxembourg http://www.wikilovesmonuments.be BR: 1854 (en)
WA: 4207 (nl)
VL: 72231 (nl)
LU: ca. 750
BE (BR, WA, VL): Yes
LU: No
Yes BR fr: 12 %
BR nl: 100%
VL fr: 100 %
VL nl: 100%
WA en: 90%
WA fr: 100%
WA nl: 100%
LU lb: 100%
LU nl: 95 %
LU: ±95 %
Bolivia ~2000 No 20% 100% ~not known 15%
Cameroon fr: 101 Yes Yes No Some ~30%
Canada en, fr 12470 (fr) Yes Yes ? Yes 82% (fr) ? Yes 99%
Chile es: 831 Yes Yes 100% 89% ? 96%
China en, zh ? yes zh ? no no 10%
Colombia es: 1030 Yes Yes ? 65% ? 10%
Czech Republic (cs) Czech cca 40 000 Yes yes 100 % Yes, all of them. Some of these however might be erroneous Yes, all of them Yes, but only cca 20-25 %
Egypt ar:
El Salvador es: ? Yes Not yet Not yet Yes ? 10% ? Yes ? Only the name ? Yes
Estonia (et) ~27 000 Yes Yes 100% partially Yes partially
France (fr) French 43,000 Yes (NB: some objects have several IDs, e.g. bridges crossing territorial borders; some multiple objects have several entries, but just one ID ; some objects protected in 2013 don't have an ID yet) Yes 40%
Germany de: ... For some countries: Yes Low Some Some Some
Hong Kong en:,
? Yes, but not in the list yet Yes No No
Hungary (hu) Hungarian ~1200 Yes Yes 100% Yes (where it is available) Some 99%
India en: ASI: 7478
ASI: yes
ASI: yes
INTACH: Not yet
ASI: yes
ASI: 1.7%
ASI: Some
ASI: 2.7%
Israel (he) Hebrew 785 Generated Hebrew lists by district Incomplete ? ? ?
Italy (it) Italian 900+ Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Jordan (ar) Arabic 85 Historical sites
 ?? Cultural sites
Yes Yes for Historical 100% Historical
0% Cultural
Mexico es: 9951 Yes Yes ? 90% ? ~100%
Namibia -
Nepal 2798 100% No NO NO
Netherlands Page on Commons nl:Wikipedia:Wikiproject/Erfgoed/Nederlandse Erfgoed Inventarisatie
nl:Categorie:Lijsten van rijksmonumenten naar gemeente
Yes Yes
Norway (nb) Norsk bokmål 17,000 Yes List 99% No Yes Yes
Panama Commons page +200 Yes Yes 85% Yes, about 80% Yes, about 80% 60%
Pakistan ?
Poland (pl) Polish ~66 000 No (in progress) yes ~95% ~75% yes ~60%
Romania Page on Commons yes
Russia ru: 58,000 Yes Yes ? ~ 100% ? ~ 100%
Serbia sr: ~ 2500 Yes Yes ? ~50% ? ~81%
Slovakia sk:Wikipédia:Wiki miluje pamiatky Yes sk:Zoznam kultúrnych pamiatok na Slovensku Complete. Many do. Many do. Hardly any does.
South Africa On Commons ~3500 Yes yes 100% 90% 99% 60%
Spain Spanish wikiproject, Catalan portal +40.000 (35.075 in Catalan, 14.189 in Spanish, 494 in Galician) Yes/No Yes Link to list on Spanish contest website, that links to list on Wikimedia projects 100%, but we could add more list for next editions 83.96% in Catalan, 27.39% in Spanish, 55.47% in Galician Yes 84.19% in Catalan, 55.03% in Spanish, 100% in Galician
Sweden (sv) Swedish ~150,000 100% Yes ~95% se-bbr: 13,6%
se-fornmin: 0,69%
se-ship: 100%
se-bbr: 99,3%
se-fornmin: 99,99%
se-ship: 0%
Switzerland (de) German / (fr) French / (it) Italian Cultural properties of national or regional significance: ~12'000 (full coverage); cultural properties of local significance: several thousand (partial coverage) Yes (NB: some objects have several IDs, e.g. bridges crossing territorial borders) Yes, in German, lists in French and Italian will follow (NB: The category "Liste (Kulturgüter von nationaler Bedeutung in der Schweiz)" is redundant as it contains all the cultural properties of national significance per canton, whereas the other lists contain all the cultural properties of national, regional, and in some cases local significance per commune) 100% (in German) No, not all of them Yes, a few still missing Yes, a few still missing
Syria (ar) Arabic 18 Yes Yes 100% No Yes No
Taiwan zh 2839 Yes Yes 100% Yes Yes Yes
Thailand Page on Commons 8,500+ Yes. except one Yes 100% Yes No (but links are available) Yes (but accuracy is not that great)
Tunisia Page on Commons 937 Yes French 100% Yes (partial) No Yes (partial)
Ukraine uk:Вікіпедія:Вікі любить пам'ятки over 50,000 Yes (generated by WMUA, official ones are messy) Ukrainian ~40% (some regions are done, for some others we did not obtain full lists yet) 85% (the rest is in rural area and localised only to the village) Yes, but some are minimalistic (e.g. "XIX house") 15%
United Kingdom Pages on Commons 38159 Yes, four official lists Yes 100% Yes Yes Yes
United States
Uruguay ca. 1100 Yes Yes 90% Yes Yes No
Country Wikipedia Number of objects Unique IDs Lists on wiki Completeness Addresses Descriptions Coordinates

External progress

Country Partners Sponsors Jury Media coverage Website Piwik ID
Algeria ? ? Yes ? No, use page on arwiki -
Andorra Yes Yes Yes Yes! Yes 8
Antarctica Antarctic Treaty Secretariat Yes No Yes 35
Argentina Not yet No Yes Not yet Yes 9
Armenia Ministry of Culture of Armenia, NKR Government's Department of Tourism and Historical Environment, Shirak Technologies, Artsakh Youth Development Centre, BarcampGyumri, Instigate, Protection Ucom, Wikimedia Foundation Yes 50+ (incomplete list); 3 press releases Yes 34
Aruba No Yes over 30 sponsor Yes Yes 24 ora, Boletin extra Aruba Yes www.wlmaruba.com 36
Austria Yes Yes 10
Azerbaijan Yes No -
Belgium Yes (governmental organisations, WMF) Yes (see above) ? Partially Yes 12
Bolivia Yes Yes 39
Cameroon Yes (doual'art, Orange Foundation) Yes Yes cm.wikilovesmonuments.org 37
Canada Yes No
Chile Yes http://www.wikilovesmonuments.cl 13
China Guokr.com Sharism Lab partially yes Yes 40
Colombia Yes Yes 14
Czech Republic Under negotiations Under negotiations ? Not yet There is a medial partner and a press release prepared Yes 15
Egypt No Guiddoo ? Yes Yes No No -
El Salvador ? ? Yes Yes 38
Estonia Cultural Heritage Board Yes Yes 16
France ? in progress yes 17
Germany Yes ? 3
Hong Kong Yes ?
Hungary Hungarian National Asset Management Inc. Yes (over 30 sponsors) Yes Yes Yes 18
India ASI, INTACH ? Yes ? Yes 19
Israel Yes Yes 20
Italy Yes Yes Yes Yes 5
Jordan Yes (Jordanian photography society & photography trip group) Yes Yes
Mexico Yes Yes 32
Nepal ? No -
Netherlands see here for our partners: Knoworries, Nederlands fotomuseum, Erfgoedvereniging Heemschut, tijdschift Monumenten, Stichting Museumjaarkaart, Nederlands Openluchtmuseum, schilder Coen Janssen, fotograaf Herman van Doorn Sponsors are our partners YesPartially In preparation Yes 2
Norway ? ?
Panama Yes, the Technological University of Panama Yes Yes Yes Yes 7
Philippines Exp. October 17 Yes 21
Poland Yes No Yes Yes Yes 22
Romania Yes No Yes NO Yes 23
Russia Yes Yes 24
Serbia Yes Yes 25
Slovakia The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic is our main partner. The Monuments Board is our main partner. ? The jury of 4 members is working. Working on media coverage. Yes 41
South Africa Yes Yes 6
Spain Yes Yes 26
Sweden Yes, the Swedish National Heritage Board and the Maritime Museum Scandinavian Photo, Maritime Museum Yes Press release sent Yes 27
Switzerland Yes, Seniorweb No Yes No Yes 28
Syria Joined with Jordan jury Yes 42
Taiwan Yes. Media Innovation Xenter Yes, Branding Taiwan, Cheng Zhi Educational Foundation Yes Yes,1,2 http://www.wikilovesmonuments.tw/ -
Thailand Siam Society, Pantip.com WMF (gifts, funding) pantip.com (gifts) lettera27 (gifts) Yes Yes (BangkokPost) http://th.wikilovesmonuments.org -
Tunisia No Yes Yes Yes (under Revue de presse) Yes 43
Ukraine More than 20 In progress Yes A lot, see uk:ВП:ППВ wlm.org.ua 29
United Kingdom WMUK WMUK Yes Not yet but some stories seeded with appropriate publications. Expecting good results. Yes 44
United States Yes Yes 30
Uruguay Yes Yes 45
Venezuela Yes Yes 46
Country Partners Sponsors Jury Media coverage Website Piwik ID

Other data

Country Heritage institution Name of object Heritage project Number of volunteers English description page
Algeria وزارة الثقافة والاتصال (Ministry of Culture and Communication) Monuments and Landscapes ? 3 Not yet
Andorra Museus i Monuments d'Andorra monument Viquiprojecte:Monuments The Catalan Army! Yes
Antarctica Yes
Argentina Yes
Aruba Stichting Monumentenfonds Aruba Stichting Monumentenfonds Aruba buildings and Graves No 4 Yes
Belgium & Luxembourg Yes
Canada Yes
Chile Yes
Czech Republic National Heritage Institute (NPÚ) npu.cz No In 2012, 3 organizers, 1000 participated in the contest. As of 2013, the situation is pretty much the same. Not yet.
El Salvador
Estonia Yes
France Yes
Hong Kong
Hungary Lechner Lajos Tudásközpont (since July 2013) műemlék WLM (and WikiProject World Heritage Sites) ~10 Yes
India Yes
Italy Yes
Jordan No 6 confirmed, possibly up to 10 Yes
Netherlands Yes +/- 20 volunteers Yes
Panama National Culture Institute / Instituto Nacional de Cultura Monument 5 Yes
Romania Ministerul Culturii
Slovakia The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic is our main partner. Deals with various types of objects: buildings, memorials etc. No. 1 website, Wikipedia
South Africa South African Heritage Resources Agency Heritage Sites No Yes
Spain Yes
Sweden Swedish National Heritage Board Listed buildings,ancient monuments,historical ships No 1 Yes
Switzerland Heritage section of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and the cantonal offices Objects are either in category A (national importance) or B (regional importance) Yes Yes
Thailand FineArts Department Ancient monuments No >10 Yes (for competition but not for the heritage)
Tunisia Institut national du patrimoine Listed buildings No 7 Yes
Ukraine Ministry of Culture of Ukraine (national) and 27 departments of culture of regional administrations (local) Monuments of national / local significance No 11 (list here) Yes
United Kingdom English Heritage, Historic Scotland, Cadw, and NIEA Listed buildings No 21 on mailing list (21 July) English only this year
United States
Uruguay Yes
Country Heritage institution Name of object Heritage project Number of volunteers English description page



Still too early for nominations.



Not received


See also
