Cima Monticello
Mountain Cima Monticello (1856 m oder 1857 m so um den Steinrumdreh), mountain chain Mendelkamm, Italy.
Die Cima Monticello vom Etschtalradweg in der Piana Rotaliana
Piana Rotaliana
Fiume Noce, Taleingang ins Nonstal - Val di Non
Southern end of Mendelkamm mountain chain, Piana Rotaliana and Mezzocorona, a photo view with annotations in the photo
Seilbahn "Funivia di Mezzocorona"
Stazione di arrivo della Funivia Mezzocorona-Monte
Steilwand unterhalb der Bergstation der Funivia Mezzocorona-Monte
Euplagia quadripunctaria, Monte di Mezzocorona
Wanderwegweiser im Ortsteil Monte di Mezzocorona, zur Malga Kraun 1 h 45 min
a waterfall in the rocks
Höhlenburg Castel San Gottardo
Ruine des Castel San Gottardo
Castel San Gottardo in the rocks
vista panoramica di Mezzocorona, rocks of Castel San Gottardo in left side of photo. Piana Rotaliana.
Rocks of South side of Cima Monticello, Piana Rotaliana,
valley of river Adige - Etsch, side valley Nonstal - Val di Non. -
Weingärten an der südlichen Basis der Cima Monticello, ein Blick zum Monte Fausior im Süden,
Piana Rotaliana, a view to mountains Monte Bondone (middle of photo and valley) and Paganella
Ein Blick talwärts durch die Salurner Klause, unterhalb im Tal das Dorf Roveré della Luna (Cima Roccapiana in right side of photo),
Village Roveré della Luna and the mountain chain,
Malga Kraun and a view to a Peak near of mountain Wiggerspitze
the forest near of Malga Kraun
a view of the region in the Alps from ISS. die wenig schneebedeckte alpine Gletschertalregion nördlich der Paganella in Bildmitte.