<nowiki>Potere legislativo in Minnesota; Législature du Minnesota; Parlament de Minnesota; Minnesota Legislature; Reachtas Minnesota; 明尼苏达州议会; Minnesota Genel Kurulu; ミネソタ州議会; Parlamento de Minesoto; Minnesotas lovgivende forsamling; Minnesotas legislatur; Minnesota Gī-hōe; Легіслатура штату Міннесота; Minnesota Legislature; בית המחוקקים של מינסוטה; მინესოტის საკანონმდებლო ორგანო; Legislatura de Minnesota; Легислатура Миннесоты; Minnesota Legislature; كونغرس مينيسوتا; Lejislatura de Minnesota; Zakonodajno telo Minnesote; zakonodajni organ ameriške zvezne države Minnesote; gesetzgebende Körperschaft des US-Bundesstaats Minnesota; Minnesota state assembly; législature bicamérale du Minnesota; lagstiftande församlingen i den amerikanska delstaten Minnesota; законодательный орган штата; Minnesota state legislature; Minnesota legislature; MN state legislature; MN legislature; Legislative von Minnesota; Parlament von Minnesota; Minnesota Legislature; parlament Minnesote</nowiki>
Minnesota Legislature Minnesota state assembly |
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Replaces | - Minnesota Territorial Legislature
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