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Outsiders?: The Changing Patterns of Exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2008). Duryea, Suzanne ; Chong, Alberto ; Lora, Eduardo ; Chaparro, Juan Camilo ; Diaz, Mercedes Mateo ; Cardenas, Juan Camilo ; Leon, Gianmarco ; Payne, Mark J ; Bouillon, Cesar P ; Azevedo, Viviane ; Marquez, Gustavo ; Calonico, Sebastian ; Polania, Sandra ; Gandelman, Eduardo ; Ripani, Laura ; Pages, Carmen ; Mazza, Jacqueline ; Berkman, Heather ; Opo, Hugo R.
In: IDB Publications (Books).

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  1. Die Rolle des informellen Sektors in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Argentiniens.. (2008). Schröter, Lars ; Schroter, Lars .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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References cited by this document

  1. Ecuador y Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Montevideo. Documento mimeografiado. Stefoni, Carolina. 2002. Mujeres inmigrantes peruanas en Chile. Papeles de Población [Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México] 33 (Julio–Septiembre): 118–45.
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  2. En Claudia Piras, ed., Women at Work: Challenges for Latin America. Washington, DC: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Thomas, Sue y Susan Welch. 2001. The Impact of Women in State Legislatures: Numerical and Organizational Strength. En Susan J. Carroll, ed., The Impact of Women in Public Office. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.

  3. Nueva York: Cambridge University Press. Tejerina, Luis y Glenn Westley. 2007. Financial Services for the Poor: Household Survey Sources and Gaps in Borrowing and Saving. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Washington, DC. Documento mimeografiado.

  4. SUIVD (Sistema Unificado de Información de Violencia y Delincuencia). 2006. Estadísticas: caracterización del homicidio en Bogotá. Disponible en http://www.suivd.gov.
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  5. Svampa, Maristella y Sebastián Pereyra. 2003. Entre la ruta y el barrio. La experiencia de las organizaciones piqueteras. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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  6. Taber, Lisa con Carlos Cuevas. 2004. Integrating the Poor into the Mainstream Financial System: The BANSEFI and SAGARPA Programs in Mexico. En Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) y Banco Mundial, Scaling Up Poverty Reduction: Case Studies in Microfinance. Washington, DC: CGAP/Banco Mundial.
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  7. Tansel, Aysit. 1999. Workers Displaced Due to Privatization in Turkey: Before versus after Displacement. METU Studies in Development 25(4): 625–47.

  8. Tarrow, Sidney. 1998. Power in Movement: Social Movements and Contentious Politics. Second Edition.
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  9. Telles, Edward y Nelson Lim. 1998. Does It Matter Who Answers the Race Question? Racial Classification and Income Inequality in Brazil. Demography 35(4): 465–74.

  10. Tenjo Galarza, Jaime, Rocío Ribero Medina y Luisa Fernanda Bernat Díaz. 2004. Evolution of Salary Differences between Men and Women in Six Latin American Countries.
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  11. Thorp, Rosemary. 1998. Progreso, pobreza y exclusión: una historia económica de América Latina en el siglo XX. Washington, DC: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
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  12. Tilly, Charles. 1978. From Mobilization to Revolution. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
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  13. Torero, Máximo, Eduardo Nakasone y Lorena Alcázar. 2006. Provision of Public Services and Welfare of the Poor: Learning from an Incomplete Electricity Privatization Experience in Rural Peru. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Washington, DC.


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  17. Ethnic and Gender Wage Gaps in Ecuador. (2009). Ñopo, Hugo ; Gallardo, Lourdes .
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  18. Outsiders?: The Changing Patterns of Exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2008). Chaparro, Juan Camilo ; Chong, Alberto E. ; Cardenas, Juan Camilo ; Mazza, Jacqueline ; Azevedo, Viviane ; opo, Hugo R. ; Duryea, Suzanne ; Berkman, Heather ; Calonico, Sebastian ; Marquez, Gustavo ; Polania, Sandra ; Leon, Gianmarco ; Gandelman, Nestor ; Lora, Eduardo ; Diaz, Mercedes Mateo ; Payne, Mark J. ; Bouillon, Cesar P. ; Ripani, Laura ; Pages-Serra, Carmen .
    In: IDB Publications (Books).

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  19. Outsiders?: The Changing Patterns of Exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. (2008). Duryea, Suzanne ; Chong, Alberto ; Lora, Eduardo ; Chaparro, Juan Camilo ; Diaz, Mercedes Mateo ; Cardenas, Juan Camilo ; Leon, Gianmarco ; Payne, Mark J ; Bouillon, Cesar P ; Azevedo, Viviane ; Marquez, Gustavo ; Calonico, Sebastian ; Polania, Sandra ; Gandelman, Eduardo ; Ripani, Laura ; Pages, Carmen ; Mazza, Jacqueline ; Berkman, Heather ; Opo, Hugo R.
    In: IDB Publications (Books).

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  20. Financial Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Review and Lessons. (2008). Bebczuk, Ricardo.
    In: CEDLAS, Working Papers.

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