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Automatic Stabilization and Fiscal Policy: Some Quantitative Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean. (2012). Pages, Carmen ; Gonzalez-Rozada, Martin ; Espino, Emilio ; Pages-Serra, Carmen ; Auerbach, Paula ; Genoni, Maria Eugenia.
In: IDB Publications (Working Papers).

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  1. The Role of Automatic Stabilizers and Emergency Tax–Benefit Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Ecuador. (2022). Tasseva, Iva ; Montesdeoca, Lourdes ; Jara, Xavier H.
    In: The European Journal of Development Research.

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  2. The role of automatic stabilizers and emergency tax-benefit policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador. (2021). Tasseva, Iva ; Montesdeoca, Lourdes ; Jara, Xavier H.
    In: WIDER Working Paper Series.

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  3. The role of automatic stabilizers and emergency tax–benefit policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: evidence from Ecuador. (2021). Tasseva, Iva ; Montesdeoca, Lourdes ; Jara, Xavier H.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  4. On the Macroeconomic and Social Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Latin America and the Developing World. (2020). Proaño, Christian ; Proao, Christian R.
    In: Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy.

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  5. Sistemas pensionales y solidarios de Chile, Irlanda,Polonia, Brasil y Perú.. (2012). Gabriel Armando PIRAQUIVE G., ; Maria Claudia LLANES VALENZUELA, .

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  6. Work history and the access to contributory pensions in Uruguay : some facts and policy options. (2008). Forteza, Alvaro ; Rossi, Ianina ; Bucheli, Marisa.
    In: Social Protection and Labor Policy and Technical Notes.

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  7. Informality: Sectoral Selection and Earnings in Uruguay. (2007). Ceni Gonzalez, Rodrigo ; Bucheli, Marisa.
    In: Documentos de Trabajo (working papers).

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