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Standards across borders: crossborder diffusion of the arms length standard in North America. (2001). Eden, Lorraine ; Dacin, Tina M. ; Wan, William P..
In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  2. The location choice of foreign direct investments: Empirical evidence and methodological challenges. (2017). Weatherall, Cecilie ; Asmussen, Christian Geisler ; Bernhard, BO.
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  3. Making the foreign familiar: The influence of top management team and board of directors characteristics on the adoption of foreign practices. (2016). Shin, Donghoon ; Okhmatovskiy, Ilya ; Seidle, Russell.
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  4. International governance through soft law: The case of the OECD transfer pricing guidelines. (2012). Vega, Alberto .
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  6. Institutions and the OLI paradigm of the multinational enterprise. (2008). .
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  7. Management control in the transfer pricing tax compliant multinational enterprise. (2008). Jorissen, Ann ; Cools, Martine ; Emmanuel, Clive .
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  8. Echec de lisomorphisme : première tentative dorganisation de la profession comptable au Maroc (1947-1954).. (2006). el Omari, Sami.
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  10. Accounting History publications 2001. (2002). Anderson, Malcolm.
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