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Women, Medieval Commerce, and the Education Gender Gap. (2013). Bozzano, Monica ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  1. On the Historical Roots of Women’s Empowerment across Italian Provinces: Religion or Family Culture?. (2015). Bozzano, Monica.
    In: Center for Economic Research (RECent).

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  2. On the Historical Roots of Women’s Empowerment across Italian Provinces: Religion or Family Culture?. (2015). Bozzano, Monica.
    In: Department of Economics.

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  3. Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces. (2014). Bozzano, Monica ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
    In: Center for Economic Research (RECent).

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  4. Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces. (2014). Bozzano, Monica ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
    In: Department of Economics (DEMB).

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  5. Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces. (2014). Bozzano, Monica ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  6. Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces. (2014). Bozzano, Monica ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  7. Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces. (2013). Bozzano, Monica ; Bertocchi, Graziella.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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