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Mon Dec 16 2024 00:55:52 UTC
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12 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
434380 Ruqola frontend montel REPO --- Search only search on opened chats 2021-03-14
434439 Ruqola general montel REPO --- commands compatibility 2021-03-17
434765 Ruqola general montel REPO --- Scroll up on chat history becomes very slow 2021-03-22
434963 Ruqola frontend montel REPO --- [feature-request] Jump to mentions 2024-03-22
434965 Ruqola frontend montel REPO --- Read messages count doesn't disappear until you type something 2021-03-26
435409 Ruqola general montel REPO --- Honor message permissions like edit or delete 2021-04-16
449449 Ruqola frontend montel REPO --- [Ruqola v1.6.1] Couldn't edit/delete the previously-sent messages - or it's not obvious how to do this 2024-03-22
453732 Ruqola frontend montel REPO --- crash on Mac when hitting backspace in the channel quicksearch while a search is running 2022-05-13
456315 Ruqola frontend montel REPO --- channel content UX makes it hard to differentiate the posts 2022-08-01
480049 Ruqola backend montel REPO --- Cannot login via Google accounts 2024-10-29
391417 Ruqola frontend montel CONF --- Room status "unread messages" should clear automatically 2020-11-29
434377 Ruqola frontend montel ASSI --- Animated custom icons aren't animated 2024-02-21
12 bugs found.


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