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Mon Dec 16 2024 01:00:02 UTC
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
248646 kdiamond general majewsky REPO --- Adding some ideas from Hotei's Jewels 2010-08-22
345999 kdiamond general majewsky REPO --- The timer of kdiamond is hazardous 2021-03-10
357997 kdiamond general majewsky REPO --- sometimes incorrectly reports 0 moves and ends 2021-03-09
405029 kdiamond general majewsky REPO --- Can't set "Classic" theme. 2019-03-21
493549 kdiamond general majewsky REPO --- on high monitor resolution (4k) the mouse sensitivity to "hit" a diamond is a problem 2024-09-23
219956 kdiamond general majewsky CONF --- "seconds remaining" counter adds a /day/ 2021-03-09
241673 kdiamond general majewsky CONF --- visual indication for gained bonus points/time 2010-06-13
7 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "general" component of the "kdiamond" product