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Mon Dec 16 2024 13:04:23 UTC
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77 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
110315 kgpg general kde REPO --- Save should overwrite after decrypting/editing/encrypting 2011-12-23
112713 kgpg general kde REPO --- cannot change properties of subkeys 2023-01-01
136203 kgpg general kde REPO --- KIO for encrypted files 2011-12-23
146871 kgpg general kde REPO --- Extended options for signing and encryption in Konqueror’s context menu 2011-12-23
223277 kgpg general kde REPO --- KGpg should not import revocation certificates without confirmation 2013-10-19
270923 kgpg general kde REPO --- KGpg should give you the choice of signing/encrypting with a subkey, not just primary key 2011-04-14
321970 kgpg general kde REPO --- create encrypted or signed data in PGP/MIME format 2013-08-11
323716 kgpg general kde REPO --- Symmetric encryption is without MDC and weaker CAST5 (lacks config options) 2013-08-19
323719 kgpg general kde REPO --- Include the option to add signature with symmetrical encryption 2013-12-04
326322 kgpg general kde REPO --- kgpg generates new RSA&RSA keys as SCEA/SEA instead of SC/E 2021-03-09
326477 kgpg general kde REPO --- add a request for advocating crypto to the crypto configuration 2013-10-23
329593 kgpg general kde REPO --- kgpg does not show the key validity 2014-01-04
342119 kgpg general kde REPO --- can't create new key, access denied.... 2021-03-09
343063 kgpg general kde REPO --- Copying from the kgpg editor breaks the paste 2021-03-09
345298 kgpg general kde REPO --- KGpg complains when you haven't created the ~/.gnupg/ directory beforehand. 2021-10-12
348983 kgpg general kde REPO --- Running KGpg when minimized does not bring the application to foreground 2023-01-01
354338 kgpg general kde REPO --- with tray icon shown, kgpg cannot be opened from launcher or CLI 2021-04-26
354512 kgpg general kde REPO --- Please omit the "Comment" field from key generation dialog box. 2019-04-07
357362 kgpg general kde REPO --- Provide key expiration notifications 2016-01-04
363670 kgpg general kde REPO --- GnuPG failed to start. gpg.conf No such file or directory 2019-01-24
363901 kgpg general kde REPO --- Provide support for importing keys without self signed uids 2016-06-03
412511 kgpg general kde REPO --- The first run screen does not apply an action. 2024-07-21
415966 kgpg general kde REPO --- Improper handling of "Connection timed out" case while uploading key to a keyserver 2020-01-07
416439 kgpg general kde REPO --- Error decrypting older version encrypted files 2020-01-19
423418 kgpg general kde REPO --- Help link is incorrect (error 404) in import wizard 2020-06-24
424766 kgpg general kde REPO --- extend expiry of subkey 2020-07-28
427160 kgpg general kde REPO --- kgpg doesn't work if ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf doesn't exist 2020-09-30
428217 kgpg general kde REPO --- When changing the KGpg home directory, the key list doesn't update, even with an F5; KGpg must be restarted 2020-10-25
433875 kgpg general kde REPO --- Xorg-session.log fills itself with errors and grows absurdly large (led to a system crash on my computer) 2021-03-03
437402 kgpg general kde REPO --- Superposition in GUI for local archive encryption 2022-03-06
438407 kgpg general kde REPO --- Can't not export private keys in Kgpg or delete keys either 2021-06-10
442735 kgpg general kde REPO --- kgpg should ask if a revication certificate really should be imported 2021-09-20
442886 kgpg general kde REPO --- Inconsistent test failure in test kgpg-import. 2021-09-24
443649 kgpg general kde REPO --- program doesn't actually quit if window is closed without formal Quit 2021-10-12
448046 kgpg general kde REPO --- Please make akonadi dependency optional 2024-09-29
450309 kgpg general kde REPO --- File decryption is not working (decrypted file is not created) 2022-02-15
450524 kgpg general kde REPO --- Decrypt file service menu is not available (settings in "Applet & Menus" does not work) 2022-03-07
452350 kgpg general kde REPO --- Kgpg crashes when atempting to create a gog key for Kde Wallet 2022-04-07
454084 kgpg general kde REPO --- Kvault fails closing after encrypting a folder in it 2022-09-15
476499 kgpg general kde REPO --- KGPG package description lacks of OpenPGP keyword 2023-11-03
477686 kgpg general kde REPO --- need to remove non-working analyzer server 2024-05-01
478254 kgpg general kde REPO --- Window says "Upload finished without errors" while simultaneously reporting errors 2023-12-08
482511 kgpg general kde REPO --- dolphin dir: ~/dir1 file aaa.txt.asc -> double click (view) -> modify text -> encrypt -> save ??? offering dir ~/Documents [!!! expected: ~/dir1] 2024-03-06
483699 kgpg general kde REPO --- Decrypt clipboard not working 2024-03-15
486443 kgpg general kde REPO --- Icon theme not following plasma shell theme 2024-08-26
486729 kgpg general kde REPO --- Dark icon used with breeze twilight theme 2024-08-26
489386 kgpg general kde REPO --- Verify files with GPG without affecting the main keyring 2024-06-28
490600 kgpg general kde REPO --- Check for gpg also in /home/<user>/.gnupg 2024-07-21
493099 kgpg general kde REPO --- çalışmadı, bazen çöktü, bazen de çalıştı ama gui gelmedi 2024-09-14
493192 kgpg general kde REPO --- WHen using Kgpg I can´t see _anymore_ the list of managed keys. But key count is greater that 0 and keys are present in ~/.gpg folder (configured in settings) 2024-09-16
494143 kgpg general kde REPO --- Unable to add a JPEG as photo. 2024-10-05
494213 kgpg general kde REPO --- Unable to start kgpg 2024-10-06
494901 kgpg general kde REPO --- kgpg not working in wayland. 2024-10-20
496640 kgpg general kde REPO --- -d option in KGpg does not load optional file into editor 2024-11-24
78220 kgpg general kde CONF --- programm doesn't remember window positon 2021-03-10
83925 kgpg general kde CONF --- Better key server handling needed 2018-07-10
102293 kgpg general kde CONF --- kgpg ignores files encrypted "for-your-eyes-only" 2021-03-09
104832 kgpg general kde CONF --- Editor: GnuPG status messages are spellchecked 2021-03-09
108780 kgpg general kde CONF --- optionally randomize file name at encryption 2011-12-23
143935 kgpg general kde CONF --- KGPG editor decrypt fails if > 3 recipients 2021-03-09
153710 kgpg general kde CONF --- the kgpg text editor should be able to save a file directly as an encrypted file (asc) 2011-12-23
159350 kgpg general kde CONF --- Wish: Search/statistics for default key 2008-03-18
250452 kgpg general kde CONF --- When encryption fails KGpg should give a message about invalid recipients 2013-04-19
252895 kgpg general kde CONF --- Kgpg editor 2.4.1 wants me to save an unmodified encrypted file 2010-10-23
270928 kgpg general kde CONF --- KGpg incorrectly uses last subkey rather than indicated primary key for signing 2011-12-17
297505 kgpg general kde CONF --- when kgpg starts during kde startup, tray icon is not shown 2021-03-09
357462 kgpg general kde CONF --- Decryption failure when message has no version header 2018-05-12
361871 kgpg general kde CONF --- 2.16.1 : cannot extend the expiration for subkeys 2023-01-01
373891 kgpg general kde CONF --- Autostart option is without effect on non-KDE desktop 2024-06-16
415464 kgpg general kde CONF --- Context menu appears ~35px up from mouse position 2019-12-23
450391 kgpg general kde CONF --- "Use *.pgp extension for encrypted files" option is not working 2024-09-02
464811 kgpg general kde CONF --- Using Wayland display manager, KGpg says the clipboard is empty even when it is not 2024-01-26
486445 kgpg general kde CONF --- App Launches in background and GUI not accessible after start 2024-06-27
142762 kgpg general kde ASSI --- kgpg cannot encrypt and sign at the same time 2013-10-26
174132 kgpg general kde ASSI --- no indication about entropy when creating a new key 2009-11-15
270919 kgpg general kde ASSI --- "Apply" button in Settings never grays out 2023-11-24
320045 kgpg general kde ASSI --- enable-progress-filter gpg option break decryption 2023-01-18
77 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "general" component of the "kgpg" product