Special:Import does not seem to care about the name space data in the <sitedata> record in the import.
As a result, when names of namespaces differ between the wiki that exported XML data and the wiki that imports it,
no mapping occurs of either <title>, <username>, or <text> contents.
While this may be desirable at times, mostly one wants namespace prefixes in
- <title>namespace:title</title>s ;
- <username>namespace:title</username>s ;
- [[namespace:link]]s, and [[namespace:pipedlink|xx]] constructs insite <text ...>...</text>;
- [[:namespace:link]]s, and [[:namespace:pipedlink|xx]] constructs <text ...>...</text>;
- [[namepace:link|with|parameters|etc.]], and [[:namepace:link|with|parameters|etc.]] constructs <text ...>...</
- anything else I might have forgotten
mapped from the originating namespaces the those of the target wiki.
If that is feasible, I'd suggest a checkbox on the Special:Import page (checked by default) which selects mapping.
I do not see applications, but maybe <title>, <username> content and <text> content mapping could each have a
checkbox on their own. They're to be coded separately anyways.
Version: 1.7.x
Severity: enhancement
URL: http://ksh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Import
See Also: