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Protein 2 ranog odgovora na rast je protein koji je kod ljudi kodiran genom EGR2. EGR2 (znan i kao Krox20) je transkripcijski faktor regulacije, sa tri mjesta vezanja DNK cinkovog prsta, izrazito eksprimiran u populaciji migrirajućih ćelija nervnog grebena.[5][6][7] Kasnije se eksprimira u neuronskim ćelijama kranijalne ganglije izvedene iz grebena. Protein kodiran pomoću Krox20 sadrži dva cinkova prsta tipa cys2his2. Ekspresija Krox20 gena ograničena je na rani razvoj stražnjeg mozga.[6][8] Evolucijski je konzerviran kod kičmenjaka, uključujuči ljude, miševe, kokoši i zebrice.[9] Osim toga, aminokiselinska sekvenca i većina aspekata uzorka embrionskog gena konzervirani su kod kičmenjaka, što dodatno implicira njegovu ulogu u razvoju stražnjeg mozga.[7][10][11][12] Kada se

Vanjski ID-jeviOMIM: 129010 MGI: 95296 HomoloGene: 20123 GeneCards: EGR2
Lokacija gena (čovjek)
Hromosom 10 (čovjek)
Hrom.Hromosom 10 (čovjek)[1]
Hromosom 10 (čovjek)
Genomska lokacija za EGR2
Genomska lokacija za EGR2
Bend10q21.3Početak62,811,996 bp[1]
Kraj62,819,167 bp[1]
Lokacija gena (miš)
Hromosom 10 (miš)
Hrom.Hromosom 10 (miš)[2]
Hromosom 10 (miš)
Genomska lokacija za EGR2
Genomska lokacija za EGR2
Bend10 B5.1|10 34.96 cMPočetak67,535,475 bp[2]
Kraj67,542,188 bp[2]
Obrazac RNK ekspresije
Više referentnih podataka o ekspresiji
Ontologija gena
Molekularna funkcija vezivanje sa DNK
GO:0001131, GO:0001151, GO:0001130, GO:0001204 DNA-binding transcription factor activity
HMG box domain binding
GO:0001077, GO:0001212, GO:0001213, GO:0001211, GO:0001205 DNA-binding transcription activator activity, RNA polymerase II-specific
chromatin binding
vezivanje iona metala
GO:0000980 RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0001948, GO:0016582 vezivanje za proteine
nucleic acid binding
ubiquitin protein ligase binding
aktivnost sa transferazom
GO:0001200, GO:0001133, GO:0001201 DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific
SUMO ligase activity
Ćelijska komponenta citoplazma
intracellular membrane-bounded organelle
Biološki proces cellular response to organic substance
rhythmic behavior
peripheral nervous system development
GO:0009373 regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
rhombomere 3 development
brain segmentation
transcription by RNA polymerase II
protein sumoylation
rhombomere 3 formation
transcription, DNA-templated
response to insulin
GO:0060469, GO:0009371 positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
brain development
rhombomere 5 formation
protein export from nucleus
learning or memory
skeletal muscle cell differentiation
Schwann cell differentiation
regulation of neuronal synaptic plasticity
facial nerve structural organization
regulation of ossification
motor neuron axon guidance
fat cell differentiation
GO:0003257, GO:0010735, GO:1901228, GO:1900622, GO:1904488 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0044324, GO:0003256, GO:1901213, GO:0046019, GO:0046020, GO:1900094, GO:0061216, GO:0060994, GO:1902064, GO:0003258, GO:0072212 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
Izvori:Amigo / QuickGO
RefSeq (mRNK)



RefSeq (bjelančevina)




Lokacija (UCSC)Chr 10: 62.81 – 62.82 MbChr 10: 67.54 – 67.54 Mb
PubMed pretraga[3][4]
Pogledaj/uredi – čovjekPogledaj/uredi – miš

Krox20 deletira na miševima, sposobnost kodiranja proteina gena Krox20 (uključujući domen vezanja DNK cinkovog prsta) se smanjuje. Ovi miševi ne mogu preživjeti nakon rođenja i pokazuju velike nedostatke stražnjeg mozga.[6][8] Ovi nedostaci uključuju, ali nisu ograničeni na nedostatke u formiranju kranijalnih čulnihih ganglija, djelimičnu fuziju trigeminusog živca (V) s facijalnim (VII) i slušnim (VII) živcima, proksimalni korijeni živaca koji izlaze iz ovih ganglija bili su neorganizirani i isprepleteni jedni s drugima pri ulasku u moždano stablo, a došlo je i do spajanja glosofaringeusog (IX) nervnog kompleksa.[13][14][15]

Aminokiselinska sekvenca


Dužina polipeptidnog lanca je 476 aminokiselina, а molekulska težina 50.302.[16]




Protein 2 za odgovor na rani rast je transkripcijski faktor s tri tandemska cinkova prsta tipa C2H2. Mutacije u ovom genu povezane su s autosomno dominantnom Charcot-Marie-Toothovom bolesti, tip 1D,[17] Dejerine–Sottasovom bolesti,[18] i kongenitalnom hipomijelinacijskom neuropatijom.[19] Dvije studije povezale su ekspresiju "EGR2" sa proliferacijom osteoprogenitora[20] i ćelijske linije izvedene iz Ewingovog sarkoma, koji je visoko agresivan rak povezan s kostima.[21]

Novo istraživanje sugerira da je Krox20 - ili njegov nedostatak – uzrok muške prijezrelosne ćelavosti.[22]


  1. ^ a b c GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000122877 - Ensembl, maj 2017
  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000037868 - Ensembl, maj 2017
  3. ^ "Human PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  4. ^ "Mouse PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  5. ^ Chavrier P, Janssen-Timmen U, Mattéi MG, Zerial M, Bravo R, Charnay P (februar 1989). "Structure, chromosome location, and expression of the mouse zinc finger gene Krox-20: multiple gene products and coregulation with the proto-oncogene c-fos". Molecular and Cellular Biology. 9 (2): 787–97. doi:10.1128/mcb.9.2.787. PMC 362656. PMID 2496302.
  6. ^ a b c Swiatek PJ, Gridley T (novembar 1993). "Perinatal lethality and defects in hindbrain development in mice homozygous for a targeted mutation of the zinc finger gene Krox20". Genes & Development. 7 (11): 2071–84. doi:10.1101/gad.7.11.2071. PMID 8224839.
  7. ^ a b Wilkinson DG, Bhatt S, Chavrier P, Bravo R, Charnay P (februar 1989). "Segment-specific expression of a zinc-finger gene in the developing nervous system of the mouse". Nature. 337 (6206): 461–4. Bibcode:1989Natur.337..461W. doi:10.1038/337461a0. PMID 2915691. S2CID 4336310.
  8. ^ a b Bradley LC, Snape A, Bhatt S, Wilkinson DG (januar 1993). "The structure and expression of the Xenopus Krox-20 gene: conserved and divergent patterns of expression in rhombomeres and neural crest". Mechanisms of Development. 40 (1–2): 73–84. doi:10.1016/0925-4773(93)90089-g. PMID 8443108. S2CID 20347966.
  9. ^ Bhat RV, Worley PF, Cole AJ, Baraban JM (april 1992). "Activation of the zinc finger encoding gene krox-20 in adult rat brain: comparison with zif268". Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 13 (3): 263–6. doi:10.1016/0169-328x(92)90034-9. PMID 1317498.
  10. ^ Wilkinson DG, Bhatt S, Cook M, Boncinelli E, Krumlauf R (oktobar 1989). "Segmental expression of Hox-2 homoeobox-containing genes in the developing mouse hindbrain". Nature. 341 (6241): 405–9. Bibcode:1989Natur.341..405W. doi:10.1038/341405a0. PMID 2571936. S2CID 4324322.
  11. ^ Hunt P, Gulisano M, Cook M, Sham MH, Faiella A, Wilkinson D, Boncinelli E, Krumlauf R (oktobar 1991). "A distinct Hox code for the branchial region of the vertebrate head". Nature. 353 (6347): 861–4. Bibcode:1991Natur.353..861H. doi:10.1038/353861a0. PMID 1682814. S2CID 4312466.
  12. ^ Oxtoby E, Jowett T (mart 1993). "Cloning of the zebrafish krox-20 gene (krx-20) and its expression during hindbrain development". Nucleic Acids Research. 21 (5): 1087–95. doi:10.1093/nar/21.5.1087. PMC 309267. PMID 8464695.
  13. ^ Frohman MA, Boyle M, Martin GR (oktobar 1990). "Isolation of the mouse Hox-2.9 gene; analysis of embryonic expression suggests that positional information along the anterior-posterior axis is specified by mesoderm". Development. 110 (2): 589–607. doi:10.1242/dev.110.2.589. PMID 1983472.
  14. ^ Murphy P, Davidson DR, Hill RE (septembar 1989). "Segment-specific expression of a homoeobox-containing gene in the mouse hindbrain". Nature. 341 (6238): 156–9. Bibcode:1989Natur.341..156M. doi:10.1038/341156a0. PMID 2571087. S2CID 4371764.
  15. ^ Nieto MA, Bradley LC, Wilkinson DG (1991). "Conserved segmental expression of Krox-20 in the vertebrate hindbrain and its relationship to lineage restriction". Development. Suppl 2: 59–62. doi:10.1242/dev.113.Supplement_2.59. hdl:10261/32226. PMID 1688180.
  16. ^ "UniProt, P11161". Pristupljeno 1. 9. 2021.
  17. ^ "Entrez Gene: EGR2 early growth response 2 (Krox-20 homolog, Drosophila)".
  18. ^ Boerkoel CF, Takashima H, Bacino CA, Daentl D, Lupski JR (juli 2001). "EGR2 mutation R359W causes a spectrum of Dejerine-Sottas neuropathy". Neurogenetics. 3 (3): 153–7. doi:10.1007/s100480100107. PMID 11523566. S2CID 32746701.
  19. ^ Warner LE, Mancias P, Butler IJ, McDonald CM, Keppen L, Koob KG, Lupski JR (april 1998). "Mutations in the early growth response 2 (EGR2) gene are associated with hereditary myelinopathies". Nature Genetics. 18 (4): 382–4. doi:10.1038/ng0498-382. PMID 9537424. S2CID 25550479.
  20. ^ Chandra A, Lan S, Zhu J, Siclari VA, Qin L (juli 2013). "Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling promotes proliferation and survival in osteoprogenitors by increasing early growth response 2 (EGR2) expression". The Journal of Biological Chemistry (jezik: engleski). 288 (28): 20488–98. doi:10.1074/jbc.M112.447250. PMC 3711314. PMID 23720781.
  21. ^ Grünewald TG, Bernard V, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Raynal V, Surdez D, Aynaud MM, et al. (septembar 2015). "Chimeric EWSR1-FLI1 regulates the Ewing sarcoma susceptibility gene EGR2 via a GGAA microsatellite". Nature Genetics. 47 (9): 1073–8. doi:10.1038/ng.3363. PMC 4591073. PMID 26214589.
  22. ^ Le, Lu. "Scientists find skin cells at the root of balding, gray hair". UT Southwestern Medical Center. Pristupljeno 9. 5. 2017.

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