Found scandata at /var/tmp/autoclean/derive/b22275903/b22275903_scandata.xml. Will skip page 1 because it's a cover page. Will skip page 14 because it's a cover page. Will skip page 16 because it's a cover page. Seeking title page... Will skip the following pages as requested: 1,14,16 Title: "further experiments on the effect of alcohol and exercise on the elimination of nitrogen and on the pulse and temperature of the body" Candidate pages: p. 3 367 total px 345.0 adj total p. 13 475 total px 351.5 adj total Word details for selected page: alcohol 53 px exercise 53 px body. 70 px elimination 50 px nitrogen 66 px experiments 65 px pulse 63 px effect 55 px Selected title page: 13 Identified leaf 13 as title page. Marking leaf 13 as 'Title'. Scandata has been modified. Saving log...