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HANSEN PROSO~— The Salvation ‘Grain!

The Best Catch Crop For The Northwest—Matures In 60 Days Can Be Planted Later And Will Stand More Dry Weather Than Any Other Grain

Hansen Proso was introduced along with many other varieties of Proso from Siberi 5

ee nee Sune Bun ee kernels, and the Pretest Ric ee aie 1s extremely valuable as a catch crop even for the north, as it will mature in 60

crops are planted even after they show signs of failure. Though it does best when Pe Tee hae ee

and still mature a good crop of grain. It may even be sown after removing an early crop of oats or barley and thus raise

two ct OP aSCe from the same ground in one year. It often yields 300 to 500 fold of good clean grain, weighing 60 to 64 pounds

per bushel.

The seed is round and several times the size of ordinary millet. It grows in a sprangley head, resembling oats. The color of the inner kernel of grain is white. Hansen Proso is suitable for feeding whole or ground. It is very valuable as a fattening grain for hogs as weil as a good general feed for cattle, horses, and chickens. Chickens prefer it to corn or wheat.

Many farmers claim that Hansen Proso will put on a quicker and solider fat than will corn. The U. S. Dept. of Agricul- ture in their Proso Bulletin give many valuable statistics in this regard.

We do not advise using it excluding all corn. But we do say that if you will

It was then

sow about two-thirds the corn that you

usually do and sow that extra acreage to Hansen Proso that the increased value of feed will make you a good increase in profit. And right now with the scarcity of seed, there is a demand worth considering in seed grain.

When hulled and ground Proso may be used as a breakfast cereal, similar to wheat or rice, or as a flour in breads and other pastry. Sow 15 to 25 pounds to the acre.

One Bundle Of Proso Grown in Western S. Dak.


S. Dard.


Often Called Arctic Sweet Clover in Canada

This remarkable Sweet Clover was introduced from the dry Semipalatinsk region of Siberia by Prof. N. E. Hansen. It is very tall growing clover and will make an astounding growth in one year, often reaching a height of 6 to 8 feet in one season. Has very succulent stems and may be cut two or three times during the season without danger of harming its growth the next season if the last cutting is not done too late.

Altho a more rank grower than our common sweet clover it has a somewhat finer stem and eal-antrreally- makes-better hays It-is-much hardier than<the conimon sweet clover-and will ithstand our coldest winters and driest summers, as it comes from one of the driest and oldest parts of Siberia. :

Get a good start now in this as there is a growing demand for the seed at a good profit.

1 Ib. 25c; 5 Ibs. $1.00; 10 Ibs. $1.75; 25 Ibs. $3.50; 100 Ibs. $10.00

A Sensational New Rose

HANSEN’S THORNLESS A Rose Without Thorns!

Prof. N. E. Hansen is working with thousands of rose seed- tings and is attracting nation wide attention for his efforts toward producing lovely, hardy roses without thorns.

His Thornless Rose we offer here is really thornless! Not only on the main stems, but on the branches as well. The plant is of sturdy upright growth with attractive foliage, which makes it desirable as a shrub, and it is perfectly hardy as it will stand fifty degrees below zero without protection.

The flowers are of a delicate pink color and very fragrant. The bright red seed pods clinging to the red twigs, against the white snow in winter is very ornamental.


A Harvested Crop of Hansen Proso That Went Over 40 Bu. Per Acre


From the wilds of Siberia, near the town of Shilka, comes this new, hardy, Everblooming Orchid Iris, which was brought to this country by Carl A. Han- sen from one of his world-wide plant exploration ex- peditions.

A real hardy outdoor perennial for the Northwest. It blooms continuously for six to eight weeks after all other Irises are gone. Its wide, spreading blooms -possess lovely, delicate tones of superb orchid and blue, mingled with creamy white as found in the finest orchids.

With this latest addition to the Iris family, it is now possible for everyone to have flowers growing in their own gardens, so like the expensive orchids. Long slender stems bear as many as twelve io fif- teen superbly beautiful flowers on each plant, all at one time, hundreds before the season is over.

Shilka Iris Flowers


Ea., 20c; 6, lh 28 aL SMALL SIZE RO

Ea., 10c: 3,25c:6,40c;12,75¢ oe BOS a ee foc

The flowers of the new Shilka are delicately fra-

grant, a remarkable attribute to an already beautiful flower. Many of the blossoms come double.

The foliage, like other Irises, is attractive all through the season, in beds or in border plantings.

Everyone who likes Irises should plant this newest

1h tt a 0) me Hh mF me met NN 8h EF 2 | 1} eH me 1H 1 m1} me HH em hme | mem} mn} me 9, m8} mem >

Extra Special Your selection of 50c extra in plants as a Free Premium

OFFER!! $3.00 order of plants from this folder.

with every

and finest, Shilka Iris.

. | Loy

Fo —— it Hn

IN 8 Bi Fi eR i i Nt A ee i le ee thy re ype

a OF


3% From



Return Postage Guaranteed 3 PERMIT NO. 5


The first shrub to bloom in spring. ' Covered with bright rose-pink, frag- ' rant flowers, that last nearly three weeks. You will eagerly await f each spring for them to blossom. Its a ; slender, dark green foliage turns to 7 ; { a flame of radiant gold and red in \A the fall. For a low, hardy flower- ing hedge none can excel the Si- : berian Fiowerng Almond. Plant A , / them 12 to 18 inches apart, and 4 : ; / ( @ they will form a matted flowering no : J of m. hedge. If left untrimmed they will 7 , make a _ beautifully symmetrical, natural hedge about three feet high. Plant them freely in front of larger shrubs, as they are desir- / f able all season. Each, 35c; 3 for A ; / 80c. f J J

if ¥

Choice Offering Of Quality Stock at Low Prices Sale at These Low Prices Ends Mar

Co O20 hos Mosmncmm he ©.S. POSTAGE

153 194 1. Be Sure to Order Early


The New, Quick-Bearing Cherry--Easy to Grow, Sure to Preduce Highly Productive—Good Flavor—Hardy Everywhere

Hansen Bush Cherries are the result of over 30 years of untiring selection work by the great plant wizard, Prof. N. E. Hansen of South Dakota State College at Brookings

A new development in frait culture that is gradually changing the method of plum and cherry fruit production thruout the northwest, becnuse of the immense amount of choice quality fruit they produce on smal] trees on such a small area of ground.

The fruit is of good flaver and quality to eat fresh, but its most remarkable Masses Of Fruit Completely character is best developed thru the superb jam, jelly, and cordial they make.

Cover The Branches It is of good size and comes in massed clusters, at times almost completely eovering the limb. The plants bear from the ground up on low bush-like dwarf trees, rarely getting over 4 to 5 feet tall. They may be planted 3 to 4 feet apart and still have plenty of room for natural growth.

Bush Cherries usually commence bearing the year after planting, often fruit even the year they are set out, and annually thereafter. There is 4 ready market for the fruit, once having been tried.

Prices On Hansen Bush Cherries


EXTRA SPECIAL!! Large Three-Year Old

(see enanecetenossunanncnasssensenssses

BUSH CHERRIES: All Heavy, Well Branched, Strong Rooted, Bushy Trees eae Size Each Per 3 Per 6 Per 12 Per 25 Ready to:BearThisi te oy ye epee ee $30 $ .75 $1.45. $2.75 $5.00 Year. Erices, Postpaid: ?'> nrcaiums pce ie eee eee .20 .50 6951.75 3.00 40c Each7'3:For.$1.00 3 Small 0242 ele oie ee oe 45 40 15 «1.35 2.25


SENATOR DUNLAP—The most MASTADON EVERBEARING— VICTORIA RHUBARB The popular, largest, and most pro- Largest and sweetest everbearing best for pie and sauce. 1l5c Each;

ductive June bearing strawberry. berry on the market. A real 3 For 30c; 6 For 50c; 12 For 85c. Prices: 25 For 25c; 50 For 40c; money maker if you want to raise WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS 100 For 7T5e. : fruits to sell. 25 For 50c; 50 The best for general planting. PROGRESSIVE EVERBEAR- For 75c; 100 For $1.25. 25 For 60c; 50 For $1.00; 100 For ING Very productive. Easy to LATHAM RASPBERRY The $1.75. crow. Very hardy, quite drought largest and most productive ied BETA GRAPE Good gized. resistant. Prices: 25 For 35¢; 50 raspberry for general use. 10 For Hardy. Splendid for jelly, ete. For 60c; 100 For $1.00. 50c; 25 For $1.00: 100 For $3.00. 15¢ Each; 3 For 40c;-12 For $1.35.


We offer for a jimited time, Hansen’s new sensational northwest hardy apricots. Just recently introduced by Prof. N, E. Hansen, of South Dakota State College, who has been working for many years to produce hardy apricots that would be good eating and large size and still would withstand the rigors of Dakota’s cold and drouth.

Two very important points of interest stand out in regard to these new apricots. One jis that they are perhaps one of the most drouth resistant of all trees, coming through the terrible drouths of 1933, 1934 and 1935 with flying colors—full foliage and no apparent effect whatever from the dry hot weather, and with a great crop of fruit. The second point is that they are hardy almost any- where in America, standing and bearing well in climates getting as low as 50 to 60 below zero.

Manchu, Mandarin, Chow, Sing, Ninguta, Tola, Anda, Zun, Sino, Lalin, Hulan and Sansin. For descriptions see our last spring's catalog. Price: $ .75 Each; 3, $2.00; 6, $3.50; 12, $ 6.50


New seediing selections of the above new kinds. Only a very small stock available. While

they last. Price: 35¢ Each; 3 For $1.00; 6 For $1.75; 12 For $3.00


SPIREA VAN HOUTTE—The most popular of the spring blooming [ | shrubs. A wonderful wealth of fine white flowers in early spring which | i are ideal in shrub plantings, and make a beautiful flowering hedge. Hardy everywhere and at present the most widely planted ornamental | shrub.

SPIREA ANTHONY WATERER—A dwarf Red Flowering, summer blooming Spirea. Very fine for border work and low hedges. Blooms almost continuously from mid-June till frost, with flowers in bougeut clusters.

—Prices For Heavy Bushy Spirea V. H. and A. W.—


ANOKA—The Wonder Apple. One of Prof. N. E. Hansen’s Greatest In- troductions. Perhaps no other apple in recent times has created so much sensation or has received as much praise as this wonder apple-—Anoka! It is very good to cat, Jange size, bright color, hardy everywhere, and a big producer, but the big thing and best part of all is that it usually bears the second year after planting.

GOLDO APPLE—A true winter apple for the northwest originated by Prof. N. E. Hansen. Keeps in an ordinary vegetable cellar till well into March. Has the rich excellent flavor of Grimes Golden but is larger in size, A very vigorous grower, bearing very young.

DOLGO CRAB—The most wonderful jelly and pickling crab on the mar- ket. Fruit good sized, conical in shape with a most brilliant flaming red color. Bears very young. 1 pk. of fruit can make 42 glasss of jelly and 9 qts. of jam without addition of commercial or other fruit pectin,—only sugar and water.

RED FLESH CRAB—A marvelous crab that is RED thruout,—flesh and skin. Sweet cating, productive, hardv. Nothing like it yet introduced.


Large............50e Each; 3 For $1.25; 6 For $2.25; 12 For $4.00 Medium.......... 40¢ Fach; 3 For $1.00; 6 For $1.75; 12 For $3.00 Small... --....00c Each; 3 For $ .75: 6 For $1.35; 12 For $2.50

SPECIAL! ‘Large 3 Yr. Anoka Apple Trees, Ready To Bear This Year; $1.00 Each; 3 Trees $2.56,

JELLY CRABS—Seedlines of Dolgo and similar crabs. All produce choice fruits for jelly and sauce. 10¢ Each; 3 For 25c; 6 For 40c; 12 For 75c. WEALTHY APPLE & WHITNEY CRAB—Twoold favorites of fruit lovers. PRICES ON WEALTHY AND WHITNEY

Large 456 eee 35¢ Each; 3 For $ .90; 6 For $1.65; 12 For $3.00 Medium 3-5 ........ 25c Each; 3 Fer $ .60; 6 Fer $1.10; 12 For $2.00 Small 254 ee 20c Each; 3 For $ .50; 6 For $ .85; 12 Fer $1.50

OKA CHERRY—The best and sweetest of all of Prof. N. E. Hansen’s cherry hybrid introductions. This new cherry has developed a wonderful demand and became extremely popular almost over night. Its superb sweet- ness and beautiful intense, wine-red flesh can’t be beat. The fruit is large and comes in clusters. A wonderful commercial fruit.

WANETA PLUM—The giant of hardy plums. Up to two inches in dia- meter. Highly flavored. Richly colored red skin. The most popular of the Hansen Hybrid Plums and champion of the northwest.

OPATA CHERRY PLUM—Farliest of all plums and famous everywhere for its rich, wonderfully delicious flavor. Flesh light green with purplish red skin. Very productive.

SAPA CHERRY PLUM—wUsually the most productive of any of the Hansen Hybrids. Fruit very large. Extra fine sweet flavor with purple red flesh. Bears the year after planting. Extra hardy.

HANSKA PLUM—The superb plum of apricot flavor and fragrance. Very hardy and productive. Has highly colored firm flesh. A good keeper. PRICES ON OKA—WANETA—OPATA—SAPA—HANSKA 4 to 6 Ft.—45ic Fach; 3 For $1.35; 6 For $2.)5; 12 Fer $3.85 3 to 5 Ft—35c Fach; 3 For $1.00; 6 For $1.75; 12 For $3.15 2 to 4 Ft.—25c Each; 3 Fer $ .€0; 6_For $1.15; 12 For $2.15 SPECIAL! Large 3 Yr. Oka Cherry Trees, Ready To Bear This Year;

$ .75 Each; 3 Trees $2.00.


CARAGANA--The hardiest and HANSEN SIBERIAN ROSE— best all around hedge plant. Very The plant is covered with beautiful drought resistant. Has feathery, pink blooms all summer long. 25¢ dense green foliage. Each; 3 For 50c; 6 For 75c.

HEDGE ROSES—The most beau- HANSA ROSE—Hardiest double,

tiful of all hedges. Something new dark-red rose. 40c Each; 3 For and very distinctive, extremely $1.00; 6 For $1.75.

hardy. Blooms profusely all during ASSORTED R

a OSES—A good as- une and more of the summer. sortment of all choice hardy double Size Prices Per 10 Per 25 Per 100 roses. By Color: Pink, Red, White

Sito ls: in. ate $ .50 $1.00 $3.50 or Yellow: 35c Each; 3 For 90c. 12) tem 2enin. “eto ss 750 £50) 5.00 Our Selection: 30c Each; 3 For 11% to 2% ft. ... 1.00. 2.00 7.50 75ce; 6 For $1.35.


RED SILVER CRAB—A glorious new flowering crab that

Sire ie Pash Pst 3 Per 6 Per 12 as = is completely red in flower, leaf, bark, and fruit. The wonder- arge MAS” Oe ATES 2 ony Ss . Sikasy ae 2 k 5 Mes eee As "35 60 1.00 L735 fully fragrant flowers are huge, completely double, and alto- Small 2 yr...... 10 125 40 15 1.25 gether lovely. Destined to be one of the greatest hardy flow- CISTENA—Purple Leaf Shrub For Beauty of Color. Shrubs with ering crabs ever introducd. A beautiful silver tinseling under different foliage are very desirable. Gistena is in great demand for its the leaves gives the supreme effect of glory. Supply very rich dark maroon purple foliage and bark, and gives a splendid touch limited so: please order as early as possible of color in any landscape planting. Flowers are a beautiful dark pink. L bs : y p iF Prices: 40¢ Each; 3 For $1.00; 6 For $1.75; 12 For $3.00 3 Year Anoka Tree Bearing A arge 3-5 Ft. Trees: Sd Each; 3 For $2.00 Good Crop Of Fruit Large 4-6 Ft. Trees: $1.25 Each. ORDER BLANK PERENNIAL CARL A. HANSEN NURSERY S Brookings, Seuth Dakota Pater tates fitis. ocak c face ane : PEONIES—The most gorgeous of flowers, WESTERN YUCCA—Has beautiful long gs, S yet so easy to grow. Hardy ee a stalks of cream-colored, bell shaped flowers. : : . : we “hin ther fallow ee We hGceenTi planted, always there. Prices, ssorte Especially niece for rock gardens. Very Gentlemen: For the enclosed $.......,...... please ship the following order this spring. Colors: 23c Each; 3 For 60c; 6 For $1.00. drought resistant. Each 15¢; 3 For 40c; 8 IRIS—Very hardy and easy to grow. Bril- Lag F ery 31-2 ING BEY lea cie os Pihice, cence Maio ohio eee RNP Res iueic ve SVU eielio ra: eciseede Ekerelva Metairanal tele (aunt spenaaeer aitbet sk eteeeiensiay hastens ieettets liant hues in many assorted varieties. 8- GLADIOLUS—The true glory ofnthe ihe 3 FS gar- sorted Varieties: 3 For 20c; 6 For 35c; 12 gen and flower supreme. Desirable and very AAAS: OE ea lex cvssae ais sovettte nize evetin Wromemene7 ai sobebek aaacs 6 laby cue conch pyaMeue ess «oa Nate memR tn ees Rot Tae MORAL yc eap steer etal sete ete For 60c. easy to grow anywhere. We grow hundreds eee z ee ———— PHLOX—Vivid, alluring colors of many of different varieties in a wide range of Quantity pee ee Nome ole Visriel yee itt, Amount shades. Hardy, easy to grow, and a very many gorgeous colors. Choice Assortment Of aes = ii desirable perennial for every garden. As- Large Blooming-Size Bulbs: 6 For 20c; 12 | 1 : sorted Colors: 20c Each; 3 For 50c; 6 For For 35c; 25 For 60c; 100 For $2.25. 1 a a ors eae | i 85c; 12 For $1.50. { pe eee ee z LAWN TREES | MAY DAY—The Beautiful Flowering Lawn Tree. The earliest of all flowering lawn trees = a - F to blossom in spring. Flowers pure white and very, very fragrant, hanging in long clusters | they completely cover the tree, making it into one huge bouquet of massive beauty, long ee nae, =a 2 S ee eee before many trees have even begun to leaf out. Nothing can compare with its glorious beauty. | 4-6 Ft. $1.00 Each; 2 For $1.75; 6 For $4.50. 3-5 Ft. 65c Each; 2 For $1.00; 6 For $2.50. eB nk oe ee Be = ee SIBERIAN FLOWERING CRAB—The hardiest of flowering crabs and earliest to bloom. | Prices: 3-5 Ft. 25e Each; 2 For $ .40; 6 For $1.00. 2-4 Ft. 15c Each; 3 For 40c; 12 For $1.25. = : = BLACK HILLS SPRUCE—Most beautiful green thruout the entire year. Adds just that | ' touch of steadfast beauty to make a landscape planting complete. LL se = | Balled and Burlapped Specimens | | 12-18 Inch... $1.25 Each; 2 For $2.00 Seedlings For Windbreaks a 18-24 Inch ....$1.75 Each; 2 For $3.00 6- 9 In. 10 For $1.00; 25 For $2.00; 100 For $ 7.50 ] | 2-3 Feet ......$2.25 Each; 2 For $4.00 9-15 In. 10 For $1.75; 25 For $3.50; 100 For $12.50 : | i CHINESE ELM—Fastest Growing Permanent Tree Known ce IN BIG DEMAND EVERYWHERE. This remarkable elm for street and lawn is fast ote amr: : E : : : i adi hruout America. Jt grows faster, is more drouth resistant, longer « TERMS: Sacks or packing free. Payment by cash or money order, or if by check z becoming the leading elm t 1 t at, = or draft Rddene extra for float charges. All shipments sent collect: for delivery = lived, grows larger, and is hardier than any other shade tree gYown. It is much finer than = charges unless otherwise stated, by what we consider best and cheapest way. Smalls the ordinary Elm. The foliage is finer and featherier, a brighter green, and very (denser any = packages may be sent collect by mail for postage required plus handling fee, or cana ue brane pa almost right angles with the trunk instead of being in spray-form like s se ai - diti = e n . £ be sent prepaid fer 10% of the amount of the order additional. 2 Prices ForeStrong.) Well BranchedtIrees Seedling Stock For) Groves SPECIAL! First Tima Offered DAKOTA PENSTEMON—One of the most 3-5 Ft. Trees—10c Each; 3 For $ .25; 12 For $ .75 And Winbreaks

Eo ois E ¢ = Y S| ss : .50; 1.50 6 to 12 In.—25 For $ .25; 100 For $ .75 beautiful native perennials. Reigns serenely in 4-6 Fe. Ticeig 0s Enel; Seer? pu 12 ox

sel tay te art tls tu og cdbshyed Howat Evnccsn se EEE Reine Bets $ Mor C08: Br AE GEAR AR—n Peed 8/108 oe ha

are a pretty lilac-blue, massed in large terminal racemes. Each 10c; 3 For 25e; 12 For 75c. 8-10 Ft $.75 Each; 10-12 Ft. $1.25 Each 2 to 3 Ft.; 10$ .35; 25 $ .75; 100 $2.50