Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. »/J. H. H. J-* EP1° DEALER IN AND COLLECTOR OF TREE AND SHRUB SEEDS, SEEDLINGS, FERNS, ETC. Domestic Money Order Office— DUNLAP, TENN. I International Money Order Office, Freight and Express Office— SOUTff^PITTSBURG, TENN. P, 0„ GAGE, Se&*£$e TENN,, Oct 6th, 1900, To My Customers:— I offer the following- nice collected stock on orders received before Nov. loth, at the following prices, (not less than 500 of a kind:) Per 1,000, $2.00; per 5,000, $12.50: per 10,000. $20.00. Acer Saceharinum. sugar maple. 1 to 3 ft. ; Juniperns Yirginiana .red cedar. 6 to 12 in. Betttla Nigra, red birch, 8 to 16 in. : Lauras Benzoin, spice bush, 6 to 12 in. Catalpa Teas. Japan. 6 to 12 in. Lirodendron, tulip poplar, 6 .to 14 in. Negundo, box elder, 6 to 14 in. Sycamore, plane tree, 6 to 12 in. Tilia Americana, linden, 6 to 14 in. Tecoma Badicans. trumpet flow. 6 to 12 in Adiantum Fed a turn, maiden hair fern. Catalpa Ksempferia, 4 to 8 in. Carpinus Americana, 6 to 18 in. Celtis Ocidentalis, hackberrv. 6 to 12 in. Cornus Florida, wh. dogwood, 6 to 12 in. Corylus Americana, hazlenut, 1 to 2 ft. Dirca Palustris, leatherwood, 6 to 14 in. Fagus Ferruginea, beech, 8 to 16 in. ^ iburnum Acenfolium, maple-leaved ar- Hamelis Virginity witch hazle, 6 to 12 in. row wood, 2 to 4 ft., per 1,000, $4.00. I can also supply nice collected Seedlings of Stuartia Pentigyna, Mountain Stuar- tia. 1 to 4 ft. per 100, $1.00: per 1.000, $7.00: 4 to 7 ft. per 100, $4.00. Euonymus Americana, 2 to 4 ft. per 1,000, $5.00. A few thousand each of Black Ash. Betula (red birch), Catalpa Teas (Japan), and Kaunpferia, also Trumpet Creeper, each 4 to 8 inches, at $1.50 per 1000. SEEDS. Stuartia Pentigyna, clean, per lb., $1.00; 10 lbs.. $8.00. Crataegus, Cms G-alli, Hedge Thorn, also Scarlet Fruited Thorn, each 20c per lb. Tilia Americana, linden, 40c per lb. Viburnum Nudum, withe rod, 65c per lb. Tecoma Badicans, trumpet flower, 60c per lb. All Seeds sent prepaid, but Seedlings are not prepaid. I am the only one in this section of the State who has Entomologist's Certificate, which you. will find printed below. The railroads have refused to accept shipments from nearly all States without certificate attached, and most States require Certifi- cate before they will allow seedlings shipped into the State. Il^SPECTIOJ^ CERTIFICATE. COPT. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that the growing stock and premises of Mr. J. H. H. Boyd, of Ixage. Tenn., were inspected on Sept. 21, 1900, and that there were no indications of the presence of the San Jose scale or other very dangerous insects. CHAS. E. CHAMBLISS, Entomologist Tenn. Agr. Exp. Sta. Hoping to receive an early order, I remain, Yours Truly, T. tt. BOTD.