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Citations in EconPapers for

Tullio Jappelli and Mario Padula, (2014), The Consumption and Wealth Effects of an Unanticipated Change in Lifetime Resources, CSEF Working Papers, Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), University of Naples, Italy

1 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Ramcharan, Rodney; Amir Kermani and Marco Di Maggio, (2015), Monetary Policy Pass-Through: Household Consumption and Voluntary Deleveraging, No 256, 2015 Meeting Papers, Society for Economic Dynamics

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The citation and reference data is supplied by Citations in Economics. The data is obtained through machine analysis of the full text files for papers available in EconPapers. Currently only freely available full text files are analysed and results are only included for files which could be parsed without errors.

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