35 documents matched the search for the 2021-04-19 issue of the NEP report on Microeconomic European Issues (nep-eur), currently edited by Hafiz Imtiaz Ahmad.
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The Value Added Tax Simulation Model: VATSIM-DF (II), Cristina Cirillo, Lucia Imperioli and Marco Manzo,
from Ministry of Economy and Finance, Department of Finance
Keywords: redistributive effects, simulation, taxation, Value Added Tax
The impact of mandatory economic education on adolescents' attitudes, Luis Oberrauch and Günther Seeber,
from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Keywords: Pre-college economic education, economic attitudes, economic competence, gender gap
Does it pay to go public? Understanding the public-private sector wage gap in Germany, Marina Bonaccolto-Töpfer, Carolina Castagnetti and Stephanie Prümer,
from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics
Keywords: Public-Private Sector Wage Gap, Quantile Regression for Panel Data, Germany
Do nonfinancial firms hold risky financial assets? Evidence from Germany, Daniel Hoang, Fabian Silbereis and Raphael Stengel,
from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department of Economics and Management
Keywords: Cash Policy, Financial Portfolio, Precautionary Savings, Liquidity Management
Does initial vocational training foster innovativeness at the company level? Evidence from German establishment data, Eike Matthies, Katarzyna Haverkamp, Jörg Thomä and Kilian Bizer,
from Volkswirtschaftliches Institut für Mittelstand und Handwerk an der Universität Göttingen (ifh)
Keywords: Vocational education, apprenticeship training, modes of innovation, innovation without R&D, SMEs
Financial vulnerability and seeking expert advice: Evidence from a survey experiment, Manthos Delis, Emilios Galariotis and Jerome Monne,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Behavioral economics and finance; Poverty; Salience; Survey experiment; Priming; Banking services; Financial advisor.
Trade Credit and Firm Investments: Empirical Evidence from Italian Cooperative Banks, Stefano Filomeni, Michele Modina and Elena Tabacco,
from University of Essex, Essex Business School
Keywords: SMEs, trade credit, investment, relationship lending, soft information, cooperative bank
Corona and the stability of personal traits and preferences: Evidence from Germany, Manuel Frondel, Daniel Osberghaus and Stephan Sommer,
from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Keywords: Patience, risk aversion, locus of control
Do You Really Want to Share Everything? The Wellbeing of Work-Linked Couples, Juliane Hennecke and Clemens Hetschko,
from Auckland University of Technology, Department of Economics
Keywords: work-linked couples, wellbeing, assortative matching, relationship quality, work-life balance, copreneurs, occupational gender disparity, dual career support
Incumbents beware: the impact of offshoring on elections, Stephanie Rickard,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: globalization; offshoring; voting; coalition government; incumbents; economic vote; regional government; elections
Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – the Role of Working Conditions, Gundula Zoch, Ann-Christin Bächmann and Basha Vicari,
from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany]
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Pandemie ; Auswirkungen ; Determinanten ; Frauen ; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren ; Lebenssituation ; Männer ; Mütter ; psychische Faktoren ; Nationales Bildungspanel ; Arbeitsbedingungen ; soziale Isolation ; Zufriedenheit ; 2019-2020
The interplay between green policy, electricity prices, financial constraints and jobs: firm-level evidence, Gert Bijnens, John Hutchinson, Jozef Konings and Arthur Saint Guilhem,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: employment, environmental regulation, labor demand, manufacturing industry, monetary policy
Postgraduate education and job mismatch: the role of migration, Martina Aronica, Alessandra Faggian, Debora Insolda and Davide Piacentino,
from Gran Sasso Science Institute, Social Sciences
Keywords: PhD degree, education-job mismatching, human capital migration, Italian regions
Moving (within and across) spatial labour markets in times of COVID-19: evidence from Facebook mobility data on Italian labour market areas, Andrea Ascani, Alessandra Faggian, Sandro Montresor and Alessandro Palma,
from Gran Sasso Science Institute, Social Sciences
Keywords: labour market, mobility, COVID-19, resilience, Facebook
The impact of place-based policies on income distribution, Giuseppe Albanese, Guglielmo Barone and Guido DeBlasio,
from Gran Sasso Science Institute, Social Sciences
Keywords: place-based policy, income distribution
Technological novelty and key enabling technologies: Evidence from European regions, Sandro Montresor, Gianluca Orsatti and Francesco Quatraro,
from Gran Sasso Science Institute, Social Sciences
Keywords: technological novelty, knowledge combination, key enabling technologies (KETs)
Wind of Change? Experimental Survey Evidence on the COVID-19 Shock and Socio-Political Attitudes in Europe, Gianmarco Daniele, Andrea Martinangeli, Francesco Passarelli, Willem Sas and Lisa Windsteiger,
from Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance
Keywords: COVID-19, Social Trust, Institutional Trust, Survey Experiment, European Union, Welfare, Health, Taxation, Accountability, Populism, Values
Assessing Alternative Indicators for Covid-19 Policy Evaluation, with a Counterfactual for Sweden, Giancarlo Spagnolo, Chiara Latour and Franco Peracchi,
from Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics
Keywords: COVID-19 indicators; excess deaths; COVID-19 deaths; containment policies; lockdown; synthetic control method; Sweden
Is longer education a substitute for job search through social contacts?, Dagmar Müller,
from IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy
Keywords: social contacts; young workers; labor market transitions; mobility
The Fall in Income Inequality during COVID-19 in Five European Countries, Andrew Clark, Conchita D'Ambrosio and Anthony Lepinteur,
from HAL
Keywords: COVID-19,COME-HERE,Income Inequality
Institutions and the uneven geography of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Andrés Rodrìguez-Pose and Chiara Burlina,
from Gran Sasso Science Institute, Social Sciences
Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, institutions, regions, Europe
The gender gap in pension wealth in Europe: Evidence from twenty countries, Tairi Room and Orsolya Soosaar,
from Bank of Estonia
Keywords: retirement saving behaviour, voluntary retirement savings, mandatory retirement saving system, private pension wealth, gender gap, Europe
The gender wealth gap in Europe: A comparative study using a model averaging methodology, Merike Kukk, Jaanika Merikyll and Tairi Room,
from Bank of Estonia
Keywords: gender gap, imputation, model averaging, wealth distribution, inequality, intra-household allocation of wealth, household finance, Europe
Populism Amidst Prosperity: Dimensionality, party competition and voter preference in the era of populism: The case of England, 2010-2017, Do Won Kim,
from European Institute, LSE
Keywords: Multidimensionality, populism, voter-party congruence
Populism Amidst Prosperity:The urban-rural polarisation of political disenchantment: An investigation of social and political attitudes in 30 European countries, Michael Kenny and Davide Luca,
from European Institute, LSE
Keywords: urban-rural divide; regional inequality; geography of discontent; Europe
Does robotization affect job quality? Evidence from European regional labour markets, José Ignacio Antón, Enrique Fernandez-Macias and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: Robotization, Working conditions, Job quality, Europe, Regional labour markets
Employment Responses to Income Effect: Evidence from Pension Reform, Sebastian Becker, Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer and Peter Haan,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Natural experiment, female labor supply, pension benefit
Trade Shocks, Fertility, and Marital Behavior, Osea Giuntella, Lorenzo Rotunno and Luca Stella,
from Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France
Keywords: international trade, labor market outcomes, fertility, marriage
What Types of Firms Become Illiquid as a Result of COVID-19? A Firm-Level Perspective Using French Data, William Connell Garcia and Victor Ho,
from Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), European Commission
The Impact of Gender Role Norms on Mothers' Labor Supply, Danilo Cavapozzi, Marco Francesconi and Cheti Nicoletti,
from CESifo
Keywords: culture, norms, gender, identity, peer effects
The COVID-19 Pandemic's Effects on Voter Turnout, Matteo Picchio and Raffaella Santolini,
from Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali
Keywords: COVID-19 outbreak, pandemic, voter turnout, mortality rate, Italian municipalities.
The relationship between pandemic containment measures, mobility and economic activity, Corinna Ghirelli, María Gil, Samuel Hurtado and Alberto Urtasun,
from Banco de España
Keywords: nowcasting, GDP, economic activity, textual analysis, sentiment indicators, soft indicators, pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, mobility, restrictions, panel data
The fiscal impact of immigration in the EU, Michael Christl, Alain Bélanger, Alessandra Conte, Jacopo Mazza and Edlira Narazani,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: Migration Microsimulation Tax-benefit system EUROMOD
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health: Disentangling Crucial Channels, Bettina M. Siflinger, Michaela Paffenholz, Sebastian Seitz, Moritz Mendel and Hans-Martin von Gaudecker,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: COVID-19, mental health, gender inequality, lockdown
The Impact of Combining Work with Study on the Labour Market Performance of Graduates: the Joint Role of Work Intensity and Job-Field Match, Antonio Di Paolo and Alessia Matano,
from University of Barcelona, Research Institute of Applied Economics
Keywords: University Graduates, Pre-graduation Jobs, Employability, Job Quality, Self-Selection. JEL classification: I23, J24, J22.