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944 documents matched the search for null in titles and keywords.
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Null hypothesis significance tests. A mix-up of two different theories: the basis for widespread confusion and numerous misinterpretations,
Jesper W. Schneider, in Scientometrics (2015)
Keywords: Null hypothesis significance test, Fisher’s significance test, Neyman–Pearson’s hypothesis test, Statistical inference, Scientometrics

Bacterial Foraging Algorithm for Null Synthesizing of Linear Antenna Arrays by Controlling Only the Element Positions,
K. Guney and S. Basbug, in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (2011)
Keywords: Antenna array, Pattern nulling, Bacterial foraging algorithm, Position-only control, Pattern synthesis

A Strong Convergence Theorem for a Parallel Iterative Method for Solving the Split Common Null Point Problem in Hilbert Spaces,
Truong Minh Tuyen, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy and Nguyen Minh Trang, in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (2019)
Keywords: Split common null point problem, Monotone operator, Metric projection, Nonexpansive mapping

Extending multivariate distance matrix regression with an effect size measure and the asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic,
Daniel B. McArtor, Gitta H. Lubke and C. S. Bergeman, in Psychometrika (2017)
Keywords: effect size, distances, MDMR, MDS, multivariate outcome, null distribution, person-centered, permutation

The K p, q -Compactness and K p, q -Null Sequences, and the K K p, q -Approximation Property for Banach Spaces,
Ju Myung Kim, in Mathematics (2022)
Keywords: compact set; null sequence; ( p , q )-compact operator; Banach operator ideal; approximation property

Linear Convergence of Split Equality Common Null Point Problem with Application to Optimization Problem,
Yaqian Jiang, Rudong Chen and Luoyi Shi, in Mathematics (2020)
Keywords: split equality problem; split equality common null point problem; bounded linear regularity; linear convergence; split equality optimization problem

Equal support from others for unproductive players: efficient and linear values that satisfy the equal treatment and weak null player out properties for cooperative games,
Takumi Kongo, in Annals of Operations Research (2024)
Keywords: Cooperative game, Null player out, Shapley value, Equal division value, Equal surplus division value, Egalitarian non-separable contribution value

Uniformly consistently estimating the proportion of false null hypotheses via Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral equations,
Xiongzhi Chen, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2019)
Keywords: Analytic functions; Bessel functions; Concentration inequalities; Fourier transform; Lambert W functions; Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral equations; Mellin transform; Natural exponential family; Proportion of false null hypotheses;

Asymptotic expansion of the null distribution of test statistic for linear hypothesis in nonnormal linear model,
Hirokazu Yanagihara, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2003)
Keywords: Analysis of variance Asymptotic expansion Cornish-Fisher expansion Linear hypothesis Linear model Nonnormality Null distribution One-way ANOVA test Two-way ANOVA test

Perspektive netto-null Flächenverbrauch: Innenentwicklung, flächensparendes Bauen, Flächenrückgabe und städtebauliche Qualifizierung als Elemente einer Flächenkreislaufwirtschaft,
Brigitte Adam, Stefan Baumann, Silas Eichfuss, Sebastian Eichhorn, Hendrik Jansen, Theo Kötter, Natascha Rohde, Kerstin Schürholt, Jan Matthias Stielike, Thomas Terfrüchte and Johannes Wilberz, from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (2024)
Keywords: Flächenkreislaufwirtschaft, Innenentwicklung, flächensparendes Bauen, Flächenrückgabe, netto-null, 30 Hektar, Flächenverbrauch, Circular land economy, Inner development, Space-saving construction, Return of land, Net zero, 30 hectares, Land consumption

Modeling values for TU-games using generalized versions of consistency, standardness and the null player property,
Tadeusz Radzik and Theo Driessen, in Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (2016)
Keywords: TU-game, Null player axiom, $$\uplambda $$ λ -Standardness, Consistency, Probabilistic consistency, The Shapley value, The per-capita value, The solidarity value, The equal split value

Null and void,
Jonathan Knight, in Nature (2003) Downloads

An empirical analysis of the determinants and pricing of corporate bond clawbacks,
Kenneth Daniels, Demissew Diro Ejara and Jayaraman Vijayakumar, in Journal of Corporate Finance (2009)
Keywords: financial innovation (null) covenants (null) clawback (null) dilution (null) corporate control

Mexico’s Integration into NAFTA Markets: A View from Sectoral Real Exchange Rates and Transaction Costs,
Luciana Juvenal and Rodolphe Blavy, from International Monetary Fund (2008)
Keywords: WP;null hypothesis

Null controllability of a thermoelastic plate,
Assia Benabdallah and Maria Grazia Naso, in Abstract and Applied Analysis (2002) Downloads

Nullifying the climate null hypothesis,
Judith Curry, in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (2011) Downloads

A Null Hypothesis for CO2,
Roy Clark, in Energy & Environment (2010)
Keywords: Carbon Dioxide; Global Warming; Greenhouse Effect; Maunder Minimum; Meteorological Surface Air Temperature; Milankovitch Cycles; Ocean Warming; Radiative Forcing; Radiative Transfer; Sunspot Cycle

On null hypotheses in survival analysis,
Mats J. Stensrud, Kjetil Røysland and Pål C. Ryalen, in Biometrics (2019) Downloads

The ethical basis of the null hypothesis,
John Pastor, in Nature (2008) Downloads

The Economics of Color: A Null Result,
Ben Greiner and Marianne Stephanides, from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (2020)
Keywords: experiment, colors, bargaining

Testing the null of identification in GMM,
Jonathan Wright, from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) (2002)
Keywords: Econometrics; Econometric models

The Null Result Penalty,
Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth and Andreas Stegmann, in The Economic Journal (2023) Downloads

The Null Result Penalty,
Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth and Andreas Stegmann, in The Economic Journal (2024) Downloads

The Null Result Penalty,
Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth and Andreas Stegmann, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2022) Downloads

On the failures of the null-hypothesis test,
Nicholas Longford, from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2015)
Keywords: decision theory; expected loss; hypothesis testing; plausible value; research agenda.

Testing the concavity of an ordinaldominance curve,
Brendan Beare and Jong-Myun Moon, from Department of Economics, UC San Diego (2012)
Keywords: Social and Behavioral Sciences, null hypothesis

Evaluation of Inflation Forecasting Models in Guatemala,
Juan Carlos Castañeda-Fuentes, Hector Valle, Juan Carlos Catalán-Herrera, Juan Carlos Arriaza-Herrera, José Gutiérrez-Morales, Carlos Castillo-Maldonado, Douglas Napoleón Galindo-Gonzáles, Guisela Hurtarte-Aguilar and Edson Roger Ortiz-Cardona, from Inter-American Development Bank (2018)
Keywords: reject the null hypothesis;forecasting horizon

The Monetary Model Strikes Back: Evidence from the World,
Valerie Cerra and Sweta Saxena, from International Monetary Fund (2008)
Keywords: WP;common time;null hypothesis

Null controllability of a nonlinear heat equation,
G. Aniculăesei and S. Aniţa, in Abstract and Applied Analysis (2002) Downloads

Simple Approximations to Null Sampling Variances,
Robert H. Somers, in Sociological Methods & Research (1980) Downloads

Terje Myklebust, Hans Arnfinn Karlsen and Dag Tjøstheim, in Econometric Theory (2012) Downloads

Stunde Null: Naming and Re-naming,
Svend Erik Larsen, in European Review (2022) Downloads

A Null Model for Pearson Coexpression Networks,
Andrea Gobbi and Giuseppe Jurman, in PLOS ONE (2015) Downloads

‘Wiener Null’ – levelling the city of Vienna,
Angelika Psenner, in Urban Research & Practice (2020) Downloads

Coherent Tests for Interval Null Hypotheses,
Spencer Hansen and Ken Rice, in The American Statistician (2023) Downloads

On ( p, r ) -null sequences and their relatives,
Kati Ain and Eve Oja, in Mathematische Nachrichten (2015) Downloads

Induced Riemannian structures on null hypersurfaces,
Manuel Gutiérrez and Benjamín Olea, in Mathematische Nachrichten (2016) Downloads

A Panel CUSUM Test of the Null of Cointegration,
Joakim Westerlund, in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2005) Downloads

Null Distribution of the Largest Root Statistic,
W. N. Venables, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (1974) Downloads

A Parametric approach to testing the null of cointegration,
Brendan McCabe, Stephen Leybourne and Yongcheol Shin, in Journal of Time Series Analysis (1997) Downloads

Kapitalwert bei Null- und Negativzinsen,
Alexander Dilger, from University of Münster, Institute for Organisational Economics (2021) Downloads

Imaging circumstellar environments with a nulling interferometer,
Philip M. Hinz, J. Roger P. Angel, William F. Hoffmann, Donald W. McCarthy, Patrick C. McGuire, Matt Cheselka, Joseph L. Hora and Neville J. Woolf, in Nature (1998) Downloads

Testing the Null of Cointegration with Structural Breaks*,
Josep Lluís Carrion‐i‐Silvestre and Andreu Sansó, in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2006) Downloads

The Fourier approximation and testing for the null of cointegration,
Ching-Chuan Tsong, Cheng-Feng Lee, Li-Ju Tsai and Te-Chung Hu, in Empirical Economics (2016)
Keywords: Cointegration, Fourier approximation, Structural change, Fiscal sustainability

The partial credit model and null categories,
Mark Wilson and Geofferey Masters, in Psychometrika (1993)
Keywords: sampling zero, structural zero, partial credit model,

A Panel CUSUM Test of the Null of Cointegration,
Joakim Westerlund, from Lund University, Department of Economics (2003)
Keywords: Panel Cointegration; Residual Based Cointegration Test; Monte Carlo Simulation; International R&D Spillovers

A Test for the Null of Multiple Cointegrating Vectors,
Javier Fernandez-Macho, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2013)
Keywords: Brownian motion, cointegration, econometric methods, integrated process, multivariate analysis, time series models, unit root

Asymptotic null distributions of stationarity and nonstationarity,
Nunzio Cappuccio and Diego Lubian, from University of Verona, Department of Economics (2003)
Keywords: Stable distributions, unit root tests, stationarity tests, asymptotic distributions,local-to-finite variance, size distortion

Testing the Null of Cointegration with Structural Breaks,
Josep Carrion-i-Silvestre and Andreu Sansó, from Universitat de les Illes Balears, Departament d'Economía Aplicada (2005)
Keywords: cointegration, strcutural breaks, KPSS test.

The Study of Potential Shariah Non-Compliance Risks in Murabahah Along with Their Risk Management,
Farooq Hassan Muhammad Yunas Ali, in Journal of Finance and Economics Research (2019)
Keywords: Murabahah, SNCR, prohibited profit, voidable, null and void.

Guide to Good Practice in using Open Source Compilers with the AGCC Lexical Analyzer,
Rocsana Bucea-Manea-Tonis, in Informatica Economica (2009)
Keywords: registers, dynamic linkage, cache, null pointers, tweaking

What Do Heteroskedasticity Tests Detect?,
Jayasri Dutta and Asad Zaman, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1992)
Keywords: heteroskedasticity, tests, implicit null, implicit alternative

Computing the Moments of the Complex Gaussian: Full and Sparse Covariance Matrix,
Claudia Fassino, Giovanni Pistone and Maria Piera Rogantin, in Mathematics (2019)
Keywords: Complex Gaussian Distribution; null moments; moment factorisation

Ghost seats in parliaments,
Nora Ibarzabal and Annick Laruelle, in European Journal of Operational Research (2018)
Keywords: Game theory; Elections; Abstention; Null; Blank votes;

A Characterization of Halfspace Depth,
Emilio Carrizosa, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (1996)
Keywords: Multivariate depth location estimates medians (null)

Characterization of Discrete Random Vectors by Conditional Expectations,
Mari­n, J., J. M. Ruiz and P. Zoroa, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (1996)
Keywords: characterization conditional expectation multivariate distributions (null)

On the Accuracy of Binned Kernel Density Estimators,
Peter Hall and M. P. Wand, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (1996)
Keywords: Binning rules Euler-Maclaurin summation formulae (null)

Data replication and extension: A commentary,
Per Davidsson, in Journal of Business Venturing Insights (2015)
Keywords: Replication; Nascent entrepreneurship; Null findings; Business Planning;

Perspective—Chance Explanations in the Management Sciences,
Jerker Denrell, Christina Fang and Chengwei Liu, in Organization Science (2015)
Keywords: randomness, luck, chance, theoretical mechanisms, null models

Red herrings: Some thoughts on the meaning of zero-probability events and mathematical modeling,
Edi Karni, in Economics Letters (2010)
Keywords: Zero-probability events Null events Revealed preference

"reverse Bayesianism": A Choice-based Theory Of Growing Awareness,
Edi Karni and Marie-Louise Vierø, from Economics Department, Queen's University (2010)
Keywords: Awareness, unawareness, reverse Bayesianism, null events

A Conditional Randomization Test to Account for Covariate Imbalance in Randomized Experiments,
Hennessy Jonathan, Dasgupta Tirthankar, Miratrix Luke, Pattanayak Cassandra and Sarkar Pradipta, in Journal of Causal Inference (2016)
Keywords: sharp null hypothesis, potential outcomes, balance function

Testing the equality of multivariate means when $$p>n$$ p > n by combining the Hotelling and Simes tests,
Tzviel Frostig and Yoav Benjamini, in TEST: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (2022)
Keywords: Location alternative, Global null, Permutation testing

Numerical Exact Controllability of the 1D Heat Equation: Duality and Carleman Weights,
Enrique Fernández-Cara and Arnaud Münch, in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (2014)
Keywords: Heat equation, Null controllability, Numerical solution, Duality

Asymptotic behavior for a class of derivative nonlinear Schrödinger systems,
Soichiro Katayama and Daisuke Sakoda, in Partial Differential Equations and Applications (2020)
Keywords: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Asymptotic behavior, Null condition

Taraldsen's Exact Correlation Density,
Hrishikesh Vinod, from Fordham University, Department of Economics (2023)
Keywords: Sampling distribution, Generalized correlation, Arbitrary null

A new basis and the Shapley value,
Koji Yokote, Yukihiko Funaki and Yoshio Kamijo, from Waseda University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics (2015)
Keywords: TU game; Shapley value; Basis; Null space

Das Konzept einer nachhaltigen Finanzpolitik aus heterodoxer Sicht - ein Diskussionsbeitrag,
Arne Heise, from Vienna University of Economics and Business, Department of Economics (2001)
Keywords: Finanzpolitik; Null-Defizit; optimale Verschuldung; Nachhaltigkeit

Jokes – Legally Speaking - Part two,
Bogdan Radu, from Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (2023)
Keywords: jokes, pranks, jocandi causa, null contracts

Richard A. Blythe, in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) (2012)
Keywords: Stochastic modeling, evolution, neutral theory, language change

On the Domain of the Triangle on the Spaces of Null, Convergent, and Bounded Sequences,
Naim L. Braha and Feyzi Başar, in Abstract and Applied Analysis (2013) Downloads

Null controllability of a nonlinear population dynamics problem,
Oumar Traore, in International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (2006) Downloads

On Null Curves in Minkowski 3-Space and Its Fractal Folding,
A.E. El-Ahmady, Malak E. Raslan and A.T. M-Zidan, in Modern Applied Science (2020) Downloads

Learning from Null Effects: A Bottom-Up Approach,
Alrababa’h, Ala’, Scott Williamson, Andrea Dillon, Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner, Michael Hotard, David D. Laitin, Duncan Lawrence and Jeremy Weinstein, in Political Analysis (2023) Downloads

Learning from Null Effects: A Bottom-Up Approach,
Ala' Alrababa'h, Scott Williamson, Andrea Dillon, Jens Hainmueller, Dominik Hangartner, Michael Hotard, David Laitin, Duncan Lawrence and Jeremy Weinstein, from Center for Open Science (2020) Downloads

Null diffusion-based enrichment for metabolomics data,
Sergio Picart-Armada, Francesc Fernández-Albert, Maria Vinaixa, Miguel A Rodríguez, Suvi Aivio, Travis H Stracker, Oscar Yanes and Alexandre Perera-Lluna, in PLOS ONE (2017) Downloads

Optimized Null Model for Protein Structure Networks,
Tijana Milenković, Ioannis Filippis, Michael Lappe and Nataša Pržulj, in PLOS ONE (2009) Downloads

A note on the Bandwidth choice when the null hypothesis is semiparametric,
Jorge Barrientos Marin, in Revista de Economía del Rosario (2005)
Keywords: additive models, bootstrap, bootstrap test, kernel smoothing, nonparametric

Zum Streit um die "schwarze Null",
Karolin Herrmann, from DSi - Deutsches Steuerzahlerinstitut des Bundes der Steuerzahler e.V., Berlin (2014) Downloads

Null players, solidarity, and the egalitarian Shapley values,
André Casajus and Frank Hüttner, from University of Leipzig, Faculty of Economics and Management Science (2012)
Keywords: Solidarity, egalitarian Shapley value, equal division value, desirability, generalized consensus value

Ägyptens Stunde null? Akteure, Interessen, Szenarien,
Muriel Asseburg and Stephan Roll, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2011) Downloads

A Null Relationship between Media Multitasking and Well-Being,
Shui-I Shih, in PLOS ONE (2013) Downloads

Exact Null Controllability of String Equations with Neumann Boundaries,
Lizhi Cui, Jing Lu and Çetin Yildiz, in Journal of Mathematics (2024) Downloads

Position vectors of a timelike and a null helix in Minkowski 3-space,
Kazım İlarslan and Özgür Boyacıoğlu, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2008) Downloads

On the elliptic null-phase solutions of the Kulish–Sklyanin model,
Vladimir S. Gerdjikov and Aleksandr O. Smirnov, in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2023)
Keywords: Integrable nonlinear equations; Lax pair; Monodromy matrix; Spectral curve; Multi-phase solution;

Quest for a sensible null distribution in longitudinal microarray experiments,
Johannes Husing, Irina Gana Dresen and Karl-Heinz Jockel, in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2003) Downloads

The split-and-drift random graph, a null model for speciation,
François Bienvenu, Florence Débarre and Amaury Lambert, in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2019)
Keywords: Dynamical network; Duplication-divergence; Vertex duplication; Genetic drift; Species problem; Coalescent;

The multivariate point null testing problem: A Bayesian discussion,
Miguel A. Gómez-Villegas and Beatriz González-Pérez, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2008) Downloads

Testing composite null hypotheses based on S-divergences,
Abhik Ghosh and Ayanendranath Basu, in Statistics & Probability Letters (2016)
Keywords: Parameter restriction; Composite hypothesis testing; Robustness; S-divergence;

Null preference and the resolution of the topological social choice paradox,
Mark Greenfield and Jun Zhang, in Mathematical Social Sciences (2018) Downloads

A Statistic for Testing the Null Hypothesis of Elliptical Symmetry,
A. Manzotti, Francisco J. Pérez and Adolfo J. Quiroz, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2002)
Keywords: elliptically contoured distributions spherical harmonics quadratic forms empirical processes

Testing the null of stationarity for multiple time series,
In Choi and Byung Chul Ahn, in Journal of Econometrics (1998) Downloads

Juan M. Rodríguez-Póo, Stefan Sperlich and Philippe Vieu, in Econometric Theory (2015) Downloads

Calibration of rho Values for Testing Precise Null Hypotheses,
Sellke T., Bayarri M. J. and Berger J. O., in The American Statistician (2001) Downloads

A Note on Stochastic Independence without Savage-Null Events,
Pierpaolo Battigalli and Pietro Veronesi, in Journal of Economic Theory (1996) Downloads

Multiple Testing of Composite Null Hypotheses in Heteroscedastic Models,
Wenguang Sun and Alexander C. McLain, in Journal of the American Statistical Association (2012) Downloads

On the Null Distribution of Bayes Factors in Linear Regression,
Quan Zhou and Yongtao Guan, in Journal of the American Statistical Association (2018) Downloads

Randomization Tests for Weak Null Hypotheses in Randomized Experiments,
Jason Wu and Peng Ding, in Journal of the American Statistical Association (2021) Downloads

Nonparametric Tests of the Causal Null With Nondiscrete Exposures,
Ted Westling, in Journal of the American Statistical Association (2022) Downloads

A Test of Non Null Hypothesis for Linear Trends in Proportions,
Guolong Zhao, in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2015) Downloads

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