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63560 documents matched the search for Subnational tax in titles and keywords.
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Taxing Our Neighbors? Why Some Sub-National Revenues Are So Small,
Jorge Baldrich, from Universidad de San Andres, Departamento de Economia (2010)
Keywords: tax, sub-national revenues

Reducing Reliance on Natural Resource Revenue and Increasing Subnational Tax Autonomy in Bolivia,
Giorgio Brosio, from Inter-American Development Bank (2012)
Keywords: Taxation, pulic finance, Tax reform, Tax autonomy, Subnational governments, Prefectures

Subnational Taxes in Developing Countries: The Way Forward,
Richard Bird and Roy Bahl, from eSocialSciences (2009)
Keywords: subnational taxes; developing countries; subnational governments; fiscal decentralization; inter governmental fiscal relations; local tax; regional tax; real property taxes; excise taxes; personal income taxes; payroll taxes; consumption taxes; business taxes.

Rethinking Subnational Taxes: A New Look At Tax Assignment,
Richard Bird, from International Monetary Fund (1999)
Keywords: WP;tax assignment;central government;developing country;provincial sales tax;tax administration; Subnational taxes; Local business taxes; Regional governments; local government; state ICMS; government needs; beggar-my-neighbor tax competition; national government; state VAT; multitiered government; importing state; destination state; Subnational tax; Value-added tax; Revenue assignments; Expenditure assignments; Corporate income tax; Africa; Global

The Role of Immovable Property Taxes in the EU Countries - Taxes on Land, Buildings and Other Structure in Sub-national Tax Revenues under the Conditions of Tax Decentralization,
Lenka Maličká, in Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (2017)
Keywords: Fiscal federalism, fiscal decentralization, tax decentralization, sub-national government, local tax, immovable property tax, GMM dynamic panel model

Argentina and Brazil: Fiscal Harmonization and Subnational Sales Taxation – State / Provincial VAT versus State / Provincial Retail Sales Tax,
Horacio Piffano, from IIE, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2007)
Keywords: Dual Sales Taxation; Tax Harmonization, Argentina and Brazil; Federal VAT and Subnational VAT versus Provincial Retail Sales Tax.

Argentina and Brazil: Fiscal Harmonization and Subnational Sales Taxation – State / Provincial VAT versus State / Provincial Retail Sales Tax,
Horacio Piffano, from Departamento de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2007)
Keywords: Dual Sales Taxation; Tax Harmonization, Argentina and Brazil; Federal VAT and Subnational VAT versus Provincial Retail Sales Tax.

Sub-national Revenue Mobilization in Latin American and Caribbean Countries: The Case of Colombia,
Fabio Sanchez Torres, Irina España Eljaiek and Jannet Zenteno, from Inter-American Development Bank (2012)
Keywords: Sub-national revenue, Value-added tax, Income tax, Tax

Richard Bird, in Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy (JICEP) (2011)
Keywords: Fiscal decentralisation, subnational taxes, tax assignment, H70, H71, H77

Revisiting the link between resource windfalls and subnational crowding out for local mining economies in Chile,
Mauricio Oyarzo and Dusan Paredes, in Resources Policy (2019)
Keywords: Subnational crowding out; Resource windfalls; Mining taxes;

Sub-national Revenue Mobilization in Mexico,
Luis Cesar Castañeda and Juan E. Pardinas, from Inter-American Development Bank (2012)
Keywords: Sub-national revenue, Value-added tax, Income tax, State and municipal tax collection

The GST/HST: Creating an Integrated Sales Tax in a Federal Country,
Richard Bird, from International Center for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University (2012)
Keywords: Canada, VAT, subnational taxes, intergovernmental fiscal relations

Regional Tax Autonomy and Budget Balances,
Boris I. Alekhin, in Finansovyj žhurnal — Financial Journal (2020)
Keywords: property tax, tax autonomy, sub-national government, fiscal imbalance

Sub-national deficits in European countries: The impact of fiscal rules and tax autonomy,
Dirk Foremny, in European Journal of Political Economy (2014)
Keywords: Sub-national deficits; Fiscal rules; Soft budget constraints; Fiscal federalism;

Budget transparency and internal revenue mobilisation at sub-national government level: evidence from Nigeria,
Mohammed Yaru, in Public Sector Economics (2022)
Keywords: tax; revenue; budget transparency; sub-national government; Nigeria

Property tax and fiscal discipline in OECD countries,
Andrea Presbitero, Agnese Sacchi and Alberto Zazzaro, in Economics Letters (2014)
Keywords: Property tax; Tax decentralization; Sub-national governments; Fiscal imbalance;

Property Tax and Fiscal Discipline in OECD Countries,
Andrea Presbitero, Agnese Sacchi and Alberto Zazzaro, from Money and Finance Research group (Mo.Fi.R.) - Univ. Politecnica Marche - Dept. Economic and Social Sciences (2014)
Keywords: Fiscal imbalance, Property tax, Sub-national governments, Tax decentralization

Multi-stage taxation by subnational governments: Tax incidence and Leviathan taxation,
Walter Cont and Diego Fernández Felices, from IIE, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2016)
Keywords: local indirect taxation; multistage taxes; tax icidence; tax competition

Multi-stage taxation by subnational governments: Tax incidence and Leviathan taxation,
Walter Cont and Diego Fernández Felices, from Departamento de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2016)
Keywords: local indirect taxation; multistage taxes; tax icidence; tax competition

Implementing Subnational Value Added Taxes on Internal Trade: The Compensating VAT (CVAT),
Charles McLure, in International Tax and Public Finance (2000)
Keywords: value-added tax, state sales tax,

Decentralizing Value Added Taxes: Appearance or Reality?,
Katarzyna Wójtowicz, from ToKnowPress (2015)
Keywords: subnational governments, fiscal decentralization, value-added tax, European Union

Vertical aspects of sub-national deficits: the impact of fiscal rules and tax autonomy in European countries,
Dirk Foremny, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: sub-national deficits; fiscal rules; soft budget constraints; fiscal federalism

Policy Forum: Subnational Taxation—A Comparison of the Tax Systems of Brazil and Canada,
George Gonzalez, in Canadian Tax Journal (2023)
Keywords: Brazil, federalism, Latin America, municipal taxation, sales taxes, value-added tax

Minimum Standards, Fixed Costs and Taxing Autonomy of Subnational Governments,
Helmut Seitz, from CESifo (2008)
Keywords: fiscal federalism, minimum standards, tax autonomy, fiscal equalization

Digitalisation challenges and opportunities for subnational governments,
Luiz de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian, from OECD Publishing (2020)
Keywords: decentralisation, digitalisation, subnational governments

Federalism and subnational indebtedness,
Mônica Mora and Fabio Giambiagi, in Brazilian Journal of Political Economy (2007)
Keywords: Federalism, subnational debt, intergovernmental relations

Twenty years of tax autonomy across levels of government: Measurement and applications,
Sean Dougherty, Michelle Harding and Andrew Reschovsky, from OECD Publishing (2019)
Keywords: fiscal decentralisation, local taxation, property tax design, sub-national governments, tax autonomy

Sub-national property tax reform and tax bargaining: Lessons from a quasi-randomized reform program in Sierra Leone,
Wilson Prichard, Samuel Jibao and Nicolas Orgeira Pillai, in World Development (2025)
Keywords: Taxation; Tax Reform; Accountability; Social contracts;

Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Subnational Finances,
Vladimir Nazarov, Arseny Mamedov and Andrey Alaev, from Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (2012)
Keywords: fiscal relations, subnational finances, federal budget, road funds, subnational budgets

Sub-National cultural Policy Where the Action is?,
J. Schuster, from Harris School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago (2003)
Keywords: cultural policy, sub-national

Vertical Tax Externalities in the Theory of Fiscal Federalism,
Michael Keen, from International Monetary Fund (1997)
Keywords: WP;federal government;equilibrium state tax;public goods;federal-state interaction;gas excise;state tax rate; taxes gasoline; Subnational tax; Fiscal federalism; Rent tax; North America

Tax morale and compliance: review of evidence and case studies for Europe,
Benno Torgler, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Taxation&Subsidies,Subnational Economic Development,Debt Markets,Emerging Markets,Tax Law

Income and Terrorism: Insights From Subnational Data,
Michael Jetter, Rafat Mahmood and David Stadelmann, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (2024)
Keywords: subnational income; subnational terrorism; domestic terrorism; transnational terrorism

National electoral cycles in transfers to subnational jurisdictions. Evidence from Argentina,
Cecilia Rumi, in Journal of Applied Economics (2014)
Keywords: electoral cycles, subnational governments

Subnational Budget Monitoring in Macedonia: Case Studies of Municipalities of Štip and Gostivar,
Zhidas Daskalovski, from Institute of Public Finance (2006)
Keywords: Macedonia, subnational budget monitoring

Transparency and accountability, mechanisms to limit subnational public debt?,
Marcela Astudillo Moya, Andrés Blancas Neria and Francisco Javier Fonseca Corona, in Contaduría y Administración (2018)
Keywords: Subnational debt; Transparency; Accountability; Corruption.

The role of subnational autonomy in the COVID-19 pandemic: Initial evidence,
Chiara Del Bo, in Economics Bulletin (2021)
Keywords: Covid-19; subnational autonomy; containment measures

Challenges to Subnational Democracy in the United States, Past and Present,
Robert Mickey, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2022)
Keywords: subnational democracy; authoritarianism; Republican Party

Subnational Government Structure and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations,
Jameson Boex, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Andrey Timofeev, from International Center for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University (2004)
Keywords: Subnational Government,Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations

Russian sub-national actors: paradiplomacies in the Arctic region,
Alexander Sergunin, from European Regional Science Association (2014)
Keywords: subnational units; Russia; paradiplomacy; Arctic;

Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Subnational Finances,
Anton Siluanov, Vladimir Nazarov and Arseny Mamedov, from Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (2012)
Keywords: fiscal relations, subnational finances, Russian economy

Subnational Budget Watch in Croatia: Is Anybody There?,
Ivana Maletiæ, from Institute of Public Finance (2006)
Keywords: Croatia, public finance, subnational budget monitoring

Comparing National-Subnational Relations in 8 Unitary States1,
Okyeon Yi, in International Area Studies Review (2006)
Keywords: national-subnational relations; unitary state; intermediate-level subnational government; self-management; subnational autonomy

Subnational Debt Finance and the Global Financial Crisis,
Otaviano Canuto and Lili Liu, in World Bank - Economic Premise (2010)
Keywords: subnational, debt, finance, financial crisis, subnational debt financing, subnational governments, fiscal, sustanable financing, infrastructure, social services

Great Recession and Fiscal Squeeze at U.S. Subnational Government Level,
Jiri Jonas, from International Monetary Fund (2012)
Keywords: WP;government;country;local government;state government;State budget; Fiscal policy; tax policy; local government finance; budget gap; property tax; job statistic; State tax collection; tax receipt; net government lending; government supplier; State nominal; local government employment; bond yield; Budget planning and preparation; Tax collection; Global financial crisis of 2008-2009; Subnational tax

Corporate Social Responsibility, Institutional Environments, and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from a Subnational Comparison in China,
Kenny Z. Lin, Suwina Cheng and Fang Zhang, in The International Journal of Accounting (2017)
Keywords: Business ethics and social responsibility; Institutions; Tax avoidance; Transition economies;

Tax Competition Between Sub-Central Governments,
Hansjörg Blöchliger and José Maria Pinero Campos, from OECD Publishing (2011)
Keywords: administration infranationale, autonomie fiscale, Concurrence fiscale, fiscal federalism, fédéralisme budgétaire, politique fiscale infranationale, sub-central government, sub-national tax policy, tax autonomy, tax competition

A Dynamic Spatial Panel of Subnational GHG Emissions: Environmental Effectiveness of Emissions Taxes in Spanish Regions,
Jaime Vallés-Giménez and Anabel Zárate-Marco, in Sustainability (2020)
Keywords: greenhouse gas emissions (GHG); emissions tax; environmental policy; spatial nexus; temporal persistence

Taxing Business,
Richard Bird, from The World Bank Group (2009)
Keywords: Law and Development - Tax Law Taxation and Subsidies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Subnational Economic Development Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Private Sector Development - Emerging Markets

Subnational identities in the context of the changing internalgeopolitics. The case of post-revolutionary Ukraine,
Mihaylov Valentin and Sala Stanisław, in Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series (2018)
Keywords: Ukraine, subnational identities, internal geopolitics

Subnational Export Performance and Determinants: Evidence from Two Indian States,
Jaya Prakash Pradhan and Mohammad Zohair, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Subnational Exports; spatial factors; India

Governance and Electoral Integrity: Evidence from Subnational India,
Zaad Mahmood, in Studies in Indian Politics (2020)
Keywords: Electoral integrity; elections; governance; India; subnational

Subnational variation in forest protection in the Argentine Chaco,
Belén Fernández Milmanda and Candelaria Garay, in World Development (2019)
Keywords: Environmental politics; Subnational politics; Institutional enforcement; Deforestation;

Fiscal Origins of Subnational Democracy: Evidence from Argentina,
Diego Diaz-Rioseco and Carla Alberti, in Politics & Society (2024)
Keywords: subnational democracy; fiscal federalism; rentierism; decentralization; municipalities

Climate Change Regulation in Brazil and the Role of Subnational Governments,
Viviane Romeiro and Virginia Parente, from International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (2012)
Keywords: Climate Change Regulation in Brazil and the Role of Subnational Governments

Insolvency Frameworks for Sub-national Governments,
Katharina Herold, from OECD Publishing (2018)
Keywords: debt resolution frameworks, municipal bankruptcy, sub-national insolvency

Managing rising subnational fiscal risks,
Luiz de Mello and Teresa Ter-Minassian, from OECD Publishing (2024)
Keywords: fiscal risks, fiscal sustainability, intergovernmental relations, risk management, subnational governments

Subnational Export Performance and Determinants,
Jaya Prakash Pradhan and Mohammad Zohair, in Review of Market Integration (2015)
Keywords: Subnational Exports; Spatial Factors; Fractional Logit; Tamil Nadu; Uttar Pradesh; India

Subnational governments and COVID management,
Simanti Bandyopadhyay, Sujana Kabiraj and Subrata Majumder, in Economic Modelling (2023)
Keywords: Subnational finance; Development indicators; COVID Management; Non-parametric methods; Meta frontier analysis;

Income and Terrorism: Insights from Subnational Data,
Michael Jetter, Rafat Mahmood and David Stadelmann, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2021)
Keywords: subnational income, subnational terrorism, domestic terrorism, transnational terrorism, terror group ideology

How to Manage Fiscal Risks from Subnational Governments,
Sandeep Saxena, from International Monetary Fund (2022)
Keywords: fiscal risks; contingent liabilities; subnational debt; public financial management (PFM); fiscal institutions; public debt; fiscal policy; budget planning; subnational finances; Subnational government; Subnational contingent liabilities; national government; sound Subnational PFM system; borrowing regulation; Budget planning and preparation; Global

A Handbook for Tax Simplification,
International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and World Bank, from The World Bank Group (2009)
Keywords: Law and Development - Tax Law Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Taxation & Subsidies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Subnational Economic Development Law and Development - Administrative & Regulatory Law Private Sector Development - Business Environment

Property Taxes in the Punjab, Pakistan,
World Bank, from The World Bank Group (2006)
Keywords: Law and Development - Tax Law Taxation and Subsidies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Subnational Economic Development Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Finance and Financial Sector Development - Access to Finance

Subnational government in the Western Balkans,
Andrew Davies, Monika Kurian, Isabelle Chatry, Maria Varinia Michalun and Thomas Prorok, from OECD Publishing (2023)
Keywords: albania, bosnia and herzegovina, decentralisation, kosovo, montenegro, multi-level governance, north macedonia, public governance, serbia, subnational government, western balkans

Consequences of the Economic and Monetary Union for the Coordination of Tax Systems in the European Union: Lessons from the U.S. Experience,
Howell Zee and Vito Tanzi, from International Monetary Fund (1998)
Keywords: WP;government;country;tax authorities;federal government;tax revenue; Tax coordination; tax competition; economic union; State income tax; taxable income; monolithic government; market forces; states in the United States; VAT regime; tax payment; common currency; federal tax authorities; definitive VAT regime; economic area; Income and capital gains taxes; Income tax systems; Subnational tax; Corporate income tax; Personal income; Europe

Elena-Doina Dascalu and Laura Nasta, in Economy & Business Journal (2016)
Keywords: subnational governments, income redistribution, inclusive development

Can subnational accounting give an early warning of fiscal risks?,
Timothy Irwin and Delphine Moretti, in OECD Journal on Budgeting (2020)
Keywords: Subnational accounting, fiscal risks, balance sheets, monitoring

Capital Financing by Indonesian Local Governments: Will Subnational Bonds (Finally) Play a Part?,
John Petersen and Darius Tirtosuharto, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Public finance, subnational borrowing, bond bank, Indonesia

Are shocks to electricity consumption transitory or permanent? Sub-national evidence from Turkey,
Eyup Dogan, in Utilities Policy (2016)
Keywords: Unit root; Electricity consumption; Sub-national data;

Fiscal Rules for Subnational Governments. Some Organizing Principles and Latin American Experiences,
Mariano Tommasi and Miguel Braun, from Universidad de San Andres, Departamento de Economia (2002)
Keywords: fiscal rules, subnational governments, Latin America

Soft budget restrictions of subnational authorities: practice and implications for Russia,
Marianna Vinyo, Pavel Kadochnikov, Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, Ilya Trunin and Sergei Chetverikov, in Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy (2006)
Keywords: budger, sub-national authorities, restrictions, perspectives

Political Alignment in the Time of Weak Parties: Electoral Advantages and Subnational Transfers in Colombia,
Leonardo Bonilla-Mejía and Iván Higuera-Mendieta, from Banco de la Republica de Colombia (2017)
Keywords: Political alignment, elections, subnational transfers, regression discontinuity

The Persistence of (Subnational) Fortune: Geography, Agglomeration, and Institutions in the New World,
William Maloney and Felipe Valencia Caicedo, from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE (2012)
Keywords: Persistence, Subnational Growth, Geography, Agglomeration, Institutions

Unusual electoral systems and political hegemony. Evidence from the argentine subnational districts,
José Bercoff, Osvaldo Meloni and Juan Tabuenca, from Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (2020)
Keywords: Political competition; electoral systems; subnational politics; Argentina

Structural change and the National Initiative for Human Development in Morocco: Subnational insights,
Al-mouksit Akim and Wissal Sahel, from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER) (2023)
Keywords: Structural change, Human development, Subnational, Morocco

Credit Ratings in the Presence of Bailout: The Case of Mexican Subnational Government Debt,
Fausto Hernandez-Trillo and Ricardo Smith-Ramírez, in Economía Journal (2009)
Keywords: Credit Ratings, Bailout, Subnational Governments, Debt

Rating Sub-National Government Debt in LDCs: Does size matter?,
Fausto Hernandez-Trillo and Ricardo Smith, from CIDE, División de Economía (2006)
Keywords: Rating Sub-National Government Debt, LDCs

Oil shocks and subnational public investment: The role of institutions in regional resource curse,
Jaime Bonet, Gerson Perez-Valbuena and Lucas Marín-Llanes, in Energy Economics (2020)
Keywords: Oil-shocks; Subnational public investment; Resource curse;

Sub-National Revenue Mobilization in Latin American and Caribbean Countries: The Case of Argentina,
Daniel Artana, Sebastián Auguste, Marcela Cristini, Cynthia Moskovits and Ivana Templado, from Inter-American Development Bank (2012)
Keywords: Sub-national revenues, Vertical imbalance, Transfers

Making Public Finance Public: Subnational Budget Watch in Croatia, Macedonia, and Ukraine,
Katarina Ott, from Institute of Public Finance (2006)
Keywords: subnational bugdeting, budget transparancy, Croatia, Macedonia, Ukraine

The effect of sub-national borrowing control on fiscal sustainability: How to regulate?,
Violeta Vulovic, from Institut d'Economia de Barcelona (IEB) (2010)
Keywords: Sub-national borrowing, fiscal sustainability, panel data

Fiscal Decentralization and the Allocation of Public Spending of Subnational Governments. The Case of Ecuador,
Henry Aray and Janeth Pacheco-Delgado, from Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Granada. (2022)
Keywords: Subnational governments; Decentralization; Public spending; Ecuador.

Subnational Government Bankruptcy, Defaul, and Fiscal Crisis in the United States,
John Mikesell, from International Center for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University (2002)
Keywords: subnational governments, bankruptcy, fiscal crisis, united states

Manifestations of Subnational Fiscal Federalism in Lithuanian Local Self-governments,
Dalia Rudytė, Solveiga Skunčikienė and Inga Maksvytienė, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Fiscal federalism, Municipal function, Subnational level

Measurement of Inequality-Adjusted Human Development at the Sub-National Level for the United States in 2015 And 2020,
Parker Howell and Maritza Sotomayor, in Journal of Economic Development (2023)
Keywords: Human Development; Composite Index; Sub-National IHDI; Sub-National GDI; Sub-national GII; United States

Improving Subnational Government Development Finance in Emerging and Developing Economies: Toward a Strategic Approach,
Paul Smoke, from Asian Development Bank Institute (2019)
Keywords: subnational government finance; intergovernmental transfers; subnational government debt; subnational government financial intermediaries; Asia

Financial crises and subnational socio-economic sustainability,
Antonio Daher and Daniel Moreno, in Lecturas de Economía (2016)
Keywords: socio-economic sustainability, international crises, sub-national territories

Fiscal Governance, Information Capacity, and Subnational Capital Finance,
Tima T. Moldogaziev, Salvador Espinosa and Christine R. Martell, in Public Finance Review (2018)
Keywords: subnational capital finance; information capacity; fiscal governance; market development

Laws for Fiscal Responsibility for Subnational Discipline:International Experience,
Lili Liu and Steven B. Webb, in Applied Economics and Finance (2016)
Keywords: fiscal responsibility law, intergovernmental fiscal coordination, subnational debt

The changing map of subnational governance in the Republic of Ireland,
Breathnach Proinnsias, O’Mahony Eoin and Chris van Egeraat, in Administration (2021)
Keywords: Ireland, subnational governance, territorial structures, counties, regional planning

Inequality in carbon emissions at sub-national level in India,
Rashmi Umesh Arora, in Journal of Developing Areas (2014)
Keywords: Per Capita Carbon Emissions, Sub-National, India, and Inequality

National and Sub-National Social Distancing Responses to COVID-19,
Terrence Iverson and Edward Barbier, in Economies (2021)
Keywords: COVID-19; national policy; social distancing; sub-national jurisdiction

When Civilizational Nationalism Meets Subnationalism: The Crisis in Manipur,
Sanjib Baruah, in Studies in Indian Politics (2024)
Keywords: Manipur; subnationalism; Hindu nationalism; indigenous people; Asian borderlands

Regionalism, subnational variation and gravity: A four-country tale,
Keywords: trade agreements; Argentina; Brazil; Poland; Spain; subnational regions; exports; gravity

Fiscal rules for subnational governments: The devil’s in the details,
Camila Vammalle and Indre Bambalaite, from OECD Publishing (2021)
Keywords: fiscal federalism, fiscal rules, intergovernmental fiscal relations, subnational governments

Going subnational: A literature review and research agenda,
Thomas Hutzschenreuter, Tanja Matt and Ingo Kleindienst, in Journal of World Business (2020)
Keywords: International business; Multinational enterprise (MNE); Subnational; Region; Literature review;

The Subnational Penn Effect: Evidence from China,
Huayi Yu, Xiang Tang and Rui Wu, in Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities (2012)
Keywords: regional price dispersion, subnational Penn effect, agglomeration economies

Russia’s Interbudgetary Relations and Subnational Finance in 2009,
Anton Siluanov, Vladimir Nazarov and Arseny Mamedov, from Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (2012)
Keywords: interbudgetary relations, subnational finances, federal budget, Russian economy

Intergovernmental Relations and Subnational Finances in Russia in 2008,
Anton Siluanov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Vladimir Nazarov and Arseny Mamedov, from Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (2012)
Keywords: interbudgetary relations, subnational finances, federal budget, Russian economy

Intergovernmental fiscal relations and subnational finance in Russia in 2015,
Arseny Mamedov, Elena Fomina and Sergey Belev, from Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy (2016)
Keywords: Russian economy, fiscal relations, subnational finance, consolidated budget, debt policy

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