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30790 documents matched the search for R in titles and keywords.
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Opinion and Representation - Talking Politics. By William A. Gamson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 272p. $49.95 cloth, $15.95 paper. - Numbered Voices: How Opinion Polling Has Shaped American Politics. By Susan Herbst. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. 227p. $24.95. - The Changing American Mind: How and Why American Public Opinion Changed between 1960 and 1988. By William G. Mayer. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992. 505p. $49.50 cloth, $18.95 paper. - The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. By John R. Zaller. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 367p. $59.95 cloth, $17.95 paper,
James Stimson, in American Political Science Review (1995) Downloads

The Currency of Ideas: Monetary Politics in the European Union. By Kathleen R. McNamara. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998. 185p. $39.95 cloth, $16.95 paper. - Monetary Politics: Exchange Rate Cooperation in the European Union. By Thomas H. Oatley. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997. 222p. $49.50. - Political Economy of Financial Integration in Europe: The Battle of the Systems. By Jonathon Story and Ingo Walter. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997. 337p. $25.00 paper. - Aspects of European Monetary Integration: The Politics of Convergence. By Alison M. S. Watson. New York: St. Martin's, 1997. 226p. $29.95 paper,
Richard Deeg, in American Political Science Review (2000) Downloads

The Government and Administration of Ohio. By Francis R. Aumann and Harvey Walker. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1956. Pp. xiv, 489. $5.95.) - The Government and Administration of Delaware. By Paul Dolan. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1956. Pp. xvi, 396. $4.95.) - The Government and Administration of Iowa. By Russell M. Ross. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1957. Pp. xiv, 382. $7.00.) - The Government and Administration of New Jersey. By Bennett M. Rich. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1957. Pp. xiv, 415. $7.50.),
Gary P. Brazier, in American Political Science Review (1959) Downloads

La collectivisation de l'agriculture: U.S.S.R., Chine et Democraties populaires. By Charles Bouvier. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1958. Pp. 242. No price given.) - Collective Farming in Russia. By Roy D. Laird. (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, 1958, pp. 176. $2.50 paper; $3.25 cloth.) - Collectivization of Agriculture in Eastern Europe. Edited By Irwin T. Sanders. (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1958. Pp. x, 214. $5.00.) - Land Reform and Democracy. By Clarence Senior. (Gainesville: University of Florida Press. 1959. Pp. xiii, 269. $6.75.) - Farmer and Farm Labor in the Soviet Zone of Germany. By Frieda Wunderlich. (New York: Twayne Publishers. 1958. Pp. 162. $4.00.),
Charles M. Hardin, in American Political Science Review (1960) Downloads

Reviews: Land for Housing the Poor, Wohnprobleme in Der Dritten Welt/Housing Problems in the Third World, Eine Methodologie Der Regional-Taxonomie: Probleme und Verfahren Der Klassifikation und Regionalisierung in Der Geographie und Regionalforschung, Theorie Der Raumplanung: Regionalwissenschaftliche Grundlagen für Die Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung, Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management, Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and Public Policy: Anticipating the Unexpected, Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis, Conflicts over Resource Ownership: The Use of Public Policy by Private Interests, London's Green Belt: Containment in Practice,
D Drakakis-Smith, D Steiner, P Korcelli, J A Patmore, T O'Riordan, S Hanson and A V Kneese, in Environment and Planning A (1984) Downloads

Reviews: The Built Form of Western Cities: Essays for M R G Conzen on the Occasion of hIs Eightieth Birthday, Place, Policy and Politics: Do Localities Matter?, Economic Growth: Stagnation and the Working Population in Western Europe, Developments in British Politics 3, Global Forest Resources, Subsidizing Industrial Location: A Conceptual Framework with Application to Korea, Comparative Public Policy: The Politics of Social Choice in America, Europe and Japan, Rural Studies in Britain and France, Counterurbanisation in England and Wales, Booknote Environmental Ecology: The Impacts of Pollution and other Stresses on Ecosystem Structure and Function,
M Bouman, A E G Jonas, G Norcliffe, K Bassett, R Hayter, G J R Linge, D W Edgington, S Whatmore and M Coombes, in Environment and Planning A (1991) Downloads

Review of the report entitled: The Impact of The European Green Deal on Polish Agriculture, Gradziuk, P.; Matyka, M.; Poczta, W.; Czerniak, A.; Czubak, W.; Jończyk, K.; Kopiński, J.; Kozyra, J.; Pawlak, K.; Sadowski, A.; Siebielec, G.; Stalenga, J.; Wawer, R.; Zawalińska, K.; Berbeć, A.; Krupin, V.; Madej, A.; Skowron, P.; Jendrzejewski, B.; Komisarek, D.; Łopatka, A.; Wojciechowska, A.; Klepacki, B.; Wrzaszcz, W.; Gradziuk, K.; Trocewicz, A. Reports Of Polityka Insight 2021. Polityka Insight Sp. Z O.O. Warsaw. Doi: 10.13140/Rg.2.2.35624.49922/1, 233 Pp,
Danuta Guzal-Dec, in Economic and Regional Studies (Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne) (2022)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management

Handbook of Product Placement in the Mass Media: New Strategies in Marketing Theory, Practice, Trends, and Ethics Galician M-L (Ed.) (2004) Hawthorn Press, Binghamton NY; ISBN-13:978-0-7890-2535-7; HB; 288 pages; AUD 40.601 GBP 17.20 / USD 29.95 - Customer Relationship Management in Electronic Markets G R Iyer and D Bejou (2003) Hawthorn Press, Binghampton NY; ISBN 0-7890-1945-0; PB; 114 pages; USD 19.95 - Many Thin Companies T Carter (2004) Hawthorn Press, Binghamton NY; ISBN 0-7890-2248-6; PB; 122 pages; USD 22.95 - Conflict Management D Borisoff and D A Victor (1998) Allyn & Bacon, Boston MA; ISBN 0-205-27294-0; PB; 248 pages; USD 75.60,
Tony Beatton, in Journal of Management & Organization (2006) Downloads

Nikolaus Böttecher y Bernd Hausberger (eds.): Dinero y negocios en la historia de América Latina, Geld and Geschäft in der Geshichte Lateinamerikas. Veinte ensayos dedicados a Reinhard Liehr, Frankfurt am Main y Madrid, Vervuet-Iberoamericana, Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana, 2000, 552 pp., índice general y de autores, gráficos, cuadros, mapas y bibliografía, prólogos de N. Böttecher y B. Hausberger y de G. Vollmer, y datos biográficos y bibliografía de R. Liehr,
Antonio Santamaría García, in Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History (2001) Downloads

Institutional Rigidities and Britain's Industrial Decline - The Decline of the British Economy. Edited by Bernard Elbaum and William Lazonick · New York: Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press, 1987. vii + 310 pp. Tables, notes, bibliographies, and index. Cloth, $49.95; paper, $17.95. - Modernization Frustrated: The Politics of Industrial Decline in Britain since 1900. By Scott Newton and Dilwyn Porter · Winchester, Mass.: Unwin Wyman Inc., 1988. xv + 224 pp. Tables, notes, selected bibliography, and index. Cloth, $39.95; paper, $14.95. - Enterprise, Management and Innovation in British Business, 1914–80. Edited by R. P. T. Davenport-Hines and Geoffrey Jones · London: Frank Cass, 1988. x + 118 pp. Tables, appendixes, notes, and index. $25.00,
Maurice W. Kirby, in Business History Review (1989) Downloads

Société et Politique: La vie des Groupes. Tome premier: Fondements de la Société Libérale. Tome second: Dynamique de la Société Libérale. By Léon Dion. (Québec: Les Presses de l'Université de Laval, 1971, 1972. Pp. 444 and 616. No price indicated.) - Pluralismus: Konzeptionen und Kontroversen. Edited by Franz Nuscheler and Winfried Steffani, (München: R. Piper & Co., 1972, Pp. 345. No price indicated.) - Pluralismus zwischen Liberalismus und Sozialismus. By Rainer Eisfeld. (Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1972. Pp. 195. No price indicated.),
Henry W. Ehrmann, in American Political Science Review (1974) Downloads

The Causes and Consequences of Divided Government: Toward a New Theory of American Politics? - The Politics of Divided Government. Edited by Gary W. Cox and Samuel Kernell. Boulder: Westview Press, 1991. 270p. $55.00 cloth, $15.95 paper. - Divided Government. By Morris Fiorina. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1992. 138p. $10.50 paper. - The Electoral Origins of Divided Government: Competition in U.S. House Elections, 1946–1988. By Gary C. Jacobson. Boulder: Westview Press, 1990. 152p. $44.50 cloth, $15.95 paper. - Divided We Govern: Party Control, Lawmaking, and Investigations, 1946–1990. By David R. Mayhew, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991. 228p. $25.00,
David W. Brady, in American Political Science Review (1993) Downloads

VON ECKHARDT, HANS. (Trans. by CATH-ERINE ALLLISON PHILLIPS). Russia.Pp. xxix, 711. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1933. $7.50. DERETCHIN, JOSEPH. Russia and the Brigand. Pp.121. Boston: The Christopher Publishing House, 1932. $1.75. HOPPER, BRUCE. Pan-Sovietism. Pp. xiii, 288. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1931. $2.50. OSSINSKT-OBOLENSKY, V. V.; RONIN, S. L.; GAYSTER, A.; and KRAVAL, J. A. Social Economic Planning in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Pp.168. Issued by the International Industrial Relations Association, The Hague, Holland. New York, Room 600, 130 East 22nd St. 1931. KINGSBURY, SUSAN M., and FAIRCHILD, MILDRED. Employment and Unemploy ment in Pre-War and Soviet Russia. Pp. 132. Issued by the International Indus trial Relations Association, The Hague, Holland. New York, Room 600, 130 East 22nd St. 1931. CHAMBERLIN, W M. HENRY. The Soviet Planned Economic Order. Pp. vii, 258. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1931. $2.50. RUXEYSER, WALTER ARNOLD. Working for the Soviets. Pp. xvi, 286. New York: Covici-Friede, 1932. $3.00. LONG, RAY. An Editor Looks at Russia. Pp. ix, 114. New York: Ray Long and Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1931. $1.00. CHESTERTON, MRS. CECIL. My Russian Venture. Pp. 283. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1931. $2.50. DARLING, JAY N. Ding Goes to Russia. Pp. ix, 195. New York and London: Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1932. $2.50. BUEHLER, E. C.; MAXWELL, B. W.; and PFLAUM, GEORGE R. R. Recognition of Soviet Russia. Pp. 387. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1931. $2.40. COUNTS, GEORGE S.; VILLARI, LUIGI; RORTY, MALCOLM C.; and BAKER, NEWTON D. Bolshevism, Fascism and Capitalism. Pp. 274. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1932. $3.00,
Karl Scholz, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1932) Downloads

DERIJCKE, Luc: “Business and the environment. (Georg Winter, McGraw-Hill Book Company GmbH, 1988)” (p. 332); OPDEBEECK, Hendrik: “Maatschappij economie. (W.A.A.M. de Roos, N.H. Douben, J. Wemelsfelder, SamSom, 1988)” (p. 332-333); PAUWELS, Johan: “Keynes’s vision. (Athol Fitzgibbons, Clarendon Press, 1988)” (p. 333-334); DEBRANBANDER, Guido: “Kennen & kunnen. (Gert J. Peelen, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1988)” (p. 334); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “Decision and rationality. (Bertrand R. Munier, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1987)” (p. 335); VERCRUYSSE, Bart: “Innovatie is geen toeval. (B. Aris e.a., Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, 1988)” (p. 336); MARTENS, Rudy: “Vernieuwing als strategie (Robert H. Waterman, Jr., uitgevers, 1988)” (p. 336-337); VANCAUWENBERGH, André: “Corporate revival. (Marc Lambrecht, Leuven University Press, 1988)” (p. 337); GIJSBRECHTS, Els: “Research for marketing decisions. (Paul E. Green e.a., Prentice-Hall International, 1988)” (p. 338-339); DEPELSMACKER, Patrick: “Principles of marketing. (Joel R. Evans, Barry Berman, Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1988)” (p. 339); RIJKEN, Marina: “Sales management. (Richard R. Still e.a., Prentice-Hall International, 1988)” (p. 340); MARTENS, Rudy: “High flyers. (Charles J. Cox, Cary L. Cooper, Basil Blackwell, 1988)” (p. 341); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Managerial job change. (Nigel Nicholson, Michel A. West, Cambridge University Press, 1988)” (p. 341-342); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Professioneel management. (Gustaaf Haubourdin, Uitgeverij H. Nelissen, 1988)” (p. 342); DURNICK, Edward: “Financial theory and corporate policy. (Thomas E. Copeland, J. Fred Weston, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1988)” (p. 342-343); JEGERS, Marc: “Advances in working capital management. (Yong H. Kim, ed., Venkat Srinivasan, JAI Press, 1988)” (p. 343); JORISSEN, Ann: “Management and cost accounting. (Colin Drury, Van Nostrand Reinhold (International) Co., 1988)” (p. 344),
Luc Derijcke, Hendrik Opdebeeck, Johan Pauwels, Guido Debranbander, Aviel Verbruggen, Bart Vercruysse, Rudy Martens, André Vancauwenbergh, Els Gijsbrechts, Patrick Depelsmacker, Marina Rijken, Rudy Martens, Daniël Vloeberghs, Edward Durnick, Marc Jegers and Ann Jorissen, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1989) Downloads

Исследование влияния на продолжительность жизни населения различных социально-экономических факторов,
Карпенко Е.М., Карпенко В.М. and Голуб В.Н., in Экономический вестник университета. Сборник научных трудов ученых и аспирантов (2016)

Комплементарные эффекты в активизации развития научно-технической деятельности в информационном обществе,
Жилінська О., in Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics. Вісник Киiвського нацiонального унiверситету iм. Тараса Шевченка. Серiя: Економiка (2016)

Beyond the concept of human and social capital: the impact of the regional environment on high-tech venturing,
Frank Lasch, in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (2011)
Keywords: high-tech entrepreneurship; high technology ventures; ICT; information technology; communications technology; regions; regional factors; France; regional environments; venturing; emerging industries; job generation; new firms; company formation; supply side; demand side; heterogeneous sectors; computer industry; telecommunications; knowledge intensive services; new business ventures; longitudinal analysis; labour markets; proximity effects; service subdivisions; industry specific environments; R&D; research and development; diversified industries; industrial diversification; industry structures; competitive advantage; capital variables; localisation economies; network opportunities; network interaction; local markets; social capital; human capital; cultural capital; Europe; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; entrepreneurs.

Cruel Seas: World War 2 Merchant Marine-Related Nautical Fiction from the 1930s to Present,
Daniel C Krummes, from Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley (2015)
Keywords: Arts and Humanities, steamships, ocean liners, freighters, merchant shipping, merchant marine, mercantile navy, merchant mariners, World War Two, World War 2, World War Two fiction, convoys, nautical fiction, maritime fiction, marine fiction, popular fiction, pulp fiction, pulp magazines, Battle of the Atlantic, Murmansk Run, Townend, Wetjen, Monsarrat, Havighurst, de Hartog, Callison, Hammond Innes, Mr. Gallup, Richard Sale, Richard Howells Watkins, Forester, Gilpatric, Mr. Glencannon, James Hanley, Jacland Marmur, Philip McCutchan, Howard Pease, Norman Reilly Raine, Breyfogle, Allan R. Bosworth, Robert Carse, Douglas Scott Brookes, Daniel C. Krummes

The First Day,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

The Spreadsheet View of Data,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Multiple Regression — Beta Coefficients, Correlations, and Standard Deviations,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

The Data-Generating Process and Scientific Inference,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Causal Inference Using Multiple Regressions,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Randomization and Friends,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Matching and Propensity Score Matching — “As if Randomized”,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Instrumental Variables,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Regression Discontinuity — A Sort of Instrumental Variable Technique,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Statistical Merging — Difference-in-Difference and Split-Sample Instrumental Variables,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Panel Dataset Analysis with Randomization,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Panel Dataset Analysis with Fixed Effects and Lags,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Panel Dataset Analysis with Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM), Possible Endogeneity with the Predictor Variables,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Logits, Probits, and Multinomial Logits,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Discrete Outcomes Continued: The Area Under the Curve Metrics, Count Models,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Cox Regression Models a.k.a. Proportional Hazards Modeling,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Structural Duration Models,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Quantile Regression,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Linear Model with Restrictions/Variable Selections–Supervised Machine Learning Including Random Forest Regression,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Random Forest Regression Residuals and the Regression Gini Index,
Richard J. Butler, Matthew J. Butler and Barbara L. Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals,

Advanced Statistics for Health Research,
Richard J Butler, Matthew J Butler and Barbara L Wilson, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Nursing, Physician, Healthcare, Public Health, Regression, Orthogonal Projection, Geometric View of Causal Inference, 2SLS, Two-Stage Least Squares, Instrumental Variables, Probits, Logits, Proportional Hazards, Cox Regressions, Quantile Regression, Random Forest Regression, Randomization, Matching, Propensity-Score, Differences-in-Differences, Regression Discontinuity, Fixed Effects, R, SAS, STATA, Research Examples, Empirical Rule, Applied Statistics, Confidence Intervals, VIF, Standard Beta, Histograms, Scatterplots, Regression Gini Index, COVID-19, Gender Wage Differentials, LASSO, Area Under The Curve, AUC, ROC, Decision Trees, Maximum Likelihood, GMM, Data Generating Process, Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects (LATE), Data Visualization, Omitted Variable Bias, Simultaneous Equations, Measurement Error, Supervised Machine Learning, Panel Data, RGI, Health Professionals

Proposed Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke as a Toxic Air Contaminant, Part C: Public Comments and ARB/OEHHA Staff Responses,
California Environmental Protection Agency: Air Resources Board, from Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, UC San Francisco (2005)
Keywords: environmental tobacco smoke, secondhand smoke, ETS, involuntary smoking, passive smoking, exposure assessment, tobacco smoke pollution, particulate matter, emissions, indoor smoking, outdoor smoking, indoor air pollution, Coalition of Natural Resources Defense Council, The Breast Cancer Fund, San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility, Breast Cancer Action, Los Angeles Physicians for Social Responsibility, Alyonik Hrushow, City and County of San Francisco, Department of Public Health, William V. Corr, National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids, Susan Rappaport, Paul Knepprath, American Lung Association, Robert T. Croyle, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, James Repace, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Brian McGinn, Lorillard Tobacco Company, Roger A. Jenkins, A. Judson Wells, Maurice E. LeVois, Robert F. Phalen, University of California Irvine, Peter N. Lee, P.N. Lee Statistics and Computing LTD., J. Daniel Heck, Charles I. Klivans, Dennis Eckhart, Bill Lockyer, California Department of Justice, American Cancer Society, Diane J. Fink, Dileep G. Bal, California Department of Health Services, Gina M. Solomon, Repace Associates, Inc., Jay R. Schrand, Jennifer Jinot, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Katharine Young, Kenneth G. Brown, Kbinc., Linda Stewart, Mary E. Ward, LeVois & Associates, Michael J. Thun, Robert Charles Burton, National Cancer Control Initiative, Sanford H. Barsky, University of California, Los Angeles, Stephen J. Jay, Gregory K. Steele, Indiana University School of Medicine, Wade S. Brynelson, California Department of Education, William V. Corr

MEGANCK, Jacques: “Economics in perspective. (John Kenneth Galbraith, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987)” (p.123); ROOSENS, Paul: “International economics. (Walter Enders, Prentice-Hall, 1987)” (p. 124); MARIJSE, Stefaan: “The meaning of crisis. (James O’Connor, Basil Blackwell, 1987)” (p. 124-125); PAUWELS, Johan: “The capitalist revolution. (Peter L. Berger, Wildwood House Limited, 1987)” (p. 125-126); DE BRUYNE, G.: “Unemployment (Peter J. Pedersen, Walter Gruyter, 1987)” (p. 126-127); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Unemployment, labour slack and labour market accounting. (Chris de Neubourg, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1987)” (p. 127); HEYLEN, Freddy: “The European monetary system. (Paul Van Den Bempt, Acco, 1987)” (p. 128); JEGERS, Marc: “The economics of imperfect competition. (Melvin L. Greenhut, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 128-129); ROOSENS, Paul: “De-industrialization (R.E. Rowthorn & J.R. Wells, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 129); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “The Chinese economy. (Gregory C. Chow, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1987)” (p. 130); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “World coal. (Richard L. Gordon, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 130); MARIJSE, Stefaan: “Development and planning (Ignacy Sachs, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 131); VAN WALTERSCHOOT, Walter: “Probleemvelden in marketing (P.S.H. Leeflang, Antwerpen, H.E. Stenfert Kroese, 1988)” (p. 132); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “The leadership factor (John P. Kotter, Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1988)” (p. 133); KYMPERS, Leopold: “The process of technological change. (Jon Clark e.a., Cambridge University Press, 1988)” (p. 134); JEGERS, Marc: “Business financial management (Philip L. Cooley & Peyton Foster Roden, The Dryden Press, 1988)” (p. 134-135); VAN WOUWE, Martine: “Stochastic programming 84.” (A. Prekopa & R.J.-B. Wets, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 135-136); MOONS, Carl: “Principes van rationale databanken (Hans Janssens, Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappelijke Uitgaven, 1987)” (p. 136-137); JORISSEN, Ann: “Theorie en praktijk van de winstbepaling (M. Van Wallenburg, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1988)” (p. 137); GOETHALS, Hubert: “Actuele problemen van het arbeidsrecht. (M. Rigaux, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1987)” (p. 138); HUYSMAN, Hilde: “Ziekenhuis en strategie. (J.H. Peters, Spruyt Van Mantgem & DeDoes, 1986)” (p. 139); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Het rijk van schaarste. (Hans Achterhuis, Ambo, 1988)” (p. 139-140),
Jacques Meganck, Paul Roosens, Stefaan Marijse, Johan Pauwels, G. de Bruyne, Hilde Meersman, Freddy Heylen, Marc Jegers, Paul Roosens, Sylvain Plasschaert, Aviel Verbruggen, Stefaan Marijse, Walter van Walterschoot, Daniël Vloeberghs, Leopold Kympers, Marc Jegers, Martine van Wouwe, Carl Moons, Ann Jorissen, Hubert Goethals and Hilde Huysman, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1989) Downloads

QUESADA SEGURA, R.; VILA TIERNO, F.; MÁRQUEZ PRIETO, A.; MARTÍN RIVERA, L.; ROMERO PARDO, P.; MORENO BRENES, P.; PERALTA DE LA CÁMARA, J. L. y SALAS PORRAS, M.: “Nuevas técnicas de docencia e investigación en Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social. Innovación educativa en el ámbito del Derecho Social (El enfoque didáctico de las Ciencias Jurídicas. Propuestas del Área de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social)” en GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA, F. J. (Coord.), (2006): Innovación Educativa y Calidad de la Docencia Universitaria, Servicio de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, pp. 371-392, ISBN: 84-9747-130-X,
María Salas Porras, in Rejie (2010)
Keywords: nuevas tecnicas, docencia, investigacion, derecho del trabajo, seguridad social, derecho social

JOHNSTON, R. M. Bull Run—Its Strategy and Tactics. Pp. xiv, 293. Price, $2.50. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 19 3— JONES, CHESTER LLOYD. Statute Law Making. Pp. xii, 327. Price, $2.50. Boston: Boston Book Company, 1912.— KNEELAND, GEORGE J. Commercialized Prostitution in New York City. Pp. xii, 334. Price, $1.30. New York: The Century Company, 1913. — KRAUS, JUR HERBERT. Die Monroedoktrin in ihren Beziehungen zur Amerikan ishen Diplomatie und zum Volkerrecht. Pp. 480. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1913. — LAUBER, ALMON W. Indian Slavery in Colonial Times Within the Present Limits of the United States. Pp. 352. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1913.— LEOPOLD, LEWIS. Prestige. Pp. 352. Price, $3.00. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1913,
N/a, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1914) Downloads

BURTT, HAROLD ERNEST. Legal Psychology. Pp. xiv, 467. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1931. $6.00. BARNES, HARRY ELMER. Can Man Be Civilized? Pp. xi, 307. New York: Brentano's, 1932. $2.50. NEMILOV, ANTON (Trans. by Stephanie Ofental). The Biological Tragedy of Woman. Pp. vii, 200. New York: Covici-Friede, 1932. $2.50. PATON, STEWART. Prohibiting Minds. Pp. xi. 198. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1931. $2.00. BERRY, RICHARD J., and GORDON, R. G. The Mental Defective. Pp. xiii, 225. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1931. $2.50. THOMPSON, Dow. A Mind That Was Different. Pp. xiii, 117. Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Company, 1931,
Donald A. Laird, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1932) Downloads

DENNIS, LAWRENCE. The Coming American Fascism. Pp. xiii, 320. New York: Harper & Bros., 1935. $2.50. SIMON, HUGO FERDINAND. Revolution- Whither Bound? Pp. xii, 380. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1935. $2.50. GARLAND, C. M. Depressions and Their Solution. Pp. 187. Chicago: The Guil- ford Press, 1935. $2.50. HAMLIN, SCOVILLE. Balance or Chaos. Pp. xiv, 346. New York: Richard R. Smith, 1935. $~.00. TUCKER, GILBERT M. The Path to Prosperity. Pp. xii, 31~. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1935. $2.50. PRICE, Guy V. The New Social Order in America. Pp. 841. Kansas City: The Brown-White Co., 1935. $2.25. JACKSON, GILBERT. An Fconomist's Confession of Faith. Pp. 182. New York: Macmillan Co., 1935. $2.75. STEED,HENRy'VICKHAM. A Way to Social Peace. Pp. 148. New York: Columbia University Press, 1935. $1.50,
Edward Berman, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1936) Downloads

The Economic Life of Soviet Russia. By Calvin B. Hoover. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1931. Pp. viii, 361.) - Russia's Productive System. By Emile Burns. (New York: Dutton and Company. 1931. Pp. 288.) - The Red Trade Menace: Progress of the Soviet Five Year Plan. By H. R. Knickerbocker. (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 1931. Pp. xviii, 277.) - The Five Year Plan of the Soviet Union: A Political Interpretation. By G. T. Grinko (New York: International Publishers. 1930. Pp. 340.) - The Challenge of Russia. By Sherwood Eddy. (New York: Farrar and Rinehart. 1931. Pp. x, 278.) - The Russian Experiment. By Arthur Feiler. Translated by H. J. Stenning. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1930. Pp. 272.),
Lennox A. Mills, in American Political Science Review (1931) Downloads

Electoral Politics in the Indian States. Edited by Myron Weiner and John Osgood Field. 4 Volumes. - Vol. 1: The Communist Parties of West Bengal. By John Osgood Field and Marcus F. Franda. 1974. Pp. xvii + 158. $9.00. - Vol. 2: Three Disadvantaged Sectors. By Jagdish N. Bhagwati, Padma Desai, John Osgood Field, William L. Richter, and Myron Weiner. 1975. Pp. xxii + 199. $11.00. - Vol. 3: The Impact of Modernization. By John Osgood Field, Fran cine Frankel, Mary F. Katzenstein, and Myron Weiner. 1977. Pp. xx + 193. $13.00.) - Vol. 4: Party Systems and Cleavages. By Marguerite Ross Barnett, Craig Baxter, Paul R. Brass, Robert Hammond, Robert L. HardgraveJr., and Glynn Wood. 1975. Pp. xxiii + 204. $13.00. (Delhi: Manohar Book Service, distributed in the U.S. by South Asia Books.),
Shanto Iyengar, in American Political Science Review (1978) Downloads

Gehlen, Spy of the Century. By E. H. Cookridge. (New York: Random House, 1972. Pp. 402. $10.00.) - The Game of the Foxes: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United States and Great Britain During World War II. By Ladislas Farago. (New York: David McKay, 1972. Pp. 696. $11.95.) - Project Paperclip: German Scientists and the Cold War. By Clarence G. Lasby. (New York: Atheneum, 1971. Pp. 338. $8.95.) - The Double Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945. By J. C. Masterman. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972. Pp. 203. $6.95.) - OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency. By R. Harris Smith. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972. Pp. 458. $10.95.),
Harry Howe Ransom, in American Political Science Review (1973) Downloads

Book Reviews: R. Emerson Dobash and Russell P. Dobash (eds.), Rethinking Violence against Women. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1998. 276 pages. $24.95. Jeffrey L. Edleson and Zvi C. Eisikovits (eds.), Future Interventions with Battered Women and their Families. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1996. 244 pages. $19.95. Sandy Cook and Judith Bessant (eds.), Women's Encounters with Violence. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1997. 268 pages. $22.95. Edward W. Gondolf, Assessing Woman Battering in Mental Health Services. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1998. 188 pages. $22.95. Jacquelyn C. Campbell (ed.), Empowering Survivors of Abuse. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1998. 332 pages. $25.95,
Elizabeth Vatsyayan, in Indian Journal of Gender Studies (2002) Downloads

JOEL BERGSMAN. Brazil: Industrialization and Trade Policies. Pp. 296. Paperbound only, $5.75. JAGDISH N. BHAGWATI AND PADMA DESAI. India: Planning for Industrialization. Pp. xx, 537. Clothbound, $21.00; paperbound, $8.00. TIMOTHY KING. Mexico: Industrialization and Trade Policies Since 1940. Pp. x, 160. Paperbound only, $2.50. STEPHEN R. LEWIS, JR. Pakistan: Indus trialization and Trade Policies. Pp. xvii, 214. Clothbound, $9.00; paperbound, $4.00. JOHN H. POWER AND GERARDO P. SICAT. The Philippines: Industrialization and Trade Policies. Pp. 141. And in the same volume: MO-HUAN HSING. Taiwan: Industrialization and Trade Policies. Pp. 182. Clothbound, $13.00; paperbound, $7.25. IAN LITTLE, TABOR SCITOVSKY, AND MAURICE SCOTT. Industry and Trade in Some Developing Countries: A Comparative Study. Pp. xxii, 512. Clothbound, $14.50; paperbound, $6.50. New York: Oxford University Press for the Organization for European Co-operation and Development, Paris, 1970,
Wilfred Malenbaum, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1971) Downloads

New Horizons in Institutional Analysis - Health Politics: Interests and Institutions in Western Europe. By Ellen M. Immergut. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 336p. $49.95. - Institutions and Social Conflict. By Jack Knight. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 234p. $59.95 cloth, $17.95 paper. - Governments at Work: Canadian Parliamentary Federalism and Its Public Policy Effects. By Mark Sproule-Jones. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. 291p. $45.00 cloth, $18.95 paper. - Structuring Politics: Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis. Edited by Sven Steinmo, Kathleen Thelen, and Frank Longstreth. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. 257p. $54.95 cloth, $18.95 paper. - Do Institutions Matter? Government Capabilities in the United States and Abroad. Edited by R. Kent Weaver and Bert A. Rockman. Washington: Brookings, 1993. 498p. $36.95 cloth, $16.95 paper,
Elinor Ostrom, in American Political Science Review (1995) Downloads

The Railway Navvy: “That Despicable Race of Men.” By David Brooke. (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1983. 216 pp. $21.00.) - The Railway Builders: Lives and Works of the Victorian Railway Contractors. By R. S. Joby. (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1983. 200 pp. $19.95.) - Stephensons' Britain. By Derrick Beckett. (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1984. 240 pp. $21.00.) - Nineteenth Century Railway History through the Illustrated London News. Edited by Anthony J. Lambert. (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1984. 128 pp. $27.00.) - A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain. Volume 14. The Lake Counties. By David Joy. (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1983. 270 pp. $23.50.),
David Jenkinson, in Business History Review (1985) Downloads

The Pacific and its place in global history - Pacific histories: ocean, land, people Edited by David Armitage and Alison Bashford. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. xiv + 371. Hardback £65.00, ISBN 978–1–137–00165–8; paperback £19.99, ISBN 978–1–137–00163–4. - Navigating the Spanish lake: the Pacific in the Iberian world, 1521–1898 By Rainer F. Buschmann Edward R. SlackJr, and James B. Tueller. Perspectives on the global past. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2014. Pp. xii + 182. Hardback £43.50, ISBN 978–0–8248–3824–9. - Science, voyages, and encounters in Oceania, 1511–1850 By Bronwen Douglas. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Pp. xx + 361. Hardback £65.00, ISBN 978–1–137–30588–6. - The great ocean: Pacific worlds from Captain Cook to the Gold Rush By David Igler. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. xi + 255. Hardback £20.99, ISBN 978–0–19–991495–1,
Robert Hellyer, in Journal of Global History (2016) Downloads

De l'organisation du Conseil Municipal de Paris. Par Henri Chrétien. (Paris: Giard & Brière. 1906. Pp. 232.) - Le problème du mode d'élection des conseillers municipaux de Paris. Par Dominique Pénard. (Paris: Imprimerie Jouve. 1905. Pp. 144.) - La préfecture de police. Par Edmond Mouneyrat. (Paris: Bonvalot-Jouve. 1906. Pp. 194.) - Les secrétaires de mairie. Par R. Martineau. (Paris: Bonvalot-Jouve. 1906. Pp. 188.) - Les exploitations municipales, commerciales, et industrielles en France. Par Pierre Mercier. (Paris: Roustan: 1905. Pp. 310.) - Études sur l'œuvre économique des municipalités. Par Maurice Gaucheron. (Paris: Bonvalot-Jouve. 1906. Pp. 211.),
William Bennett Munro, in American Political Science Review (1907) Downloads

Navigating the Rapids 1918–1971: From the Papers of Adolf A. Berle. Edited by Beatrice B. Berle and Travis B. Jacobs. (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1973. Pp. 859. $18.50.) - The Diaries of Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., 1943–1946. Edited by Thomas M. Campbell and George C. Herring. (New York: New View Points, 1975. Pp. 544. $12.50.) - The Crippled Giant: American Foreign Policy and Its Domestic Consequences. By Senator J. William Fulbright. (New York: Random House, 1972. Pp. 292. $6.95, cloth; $1.95, paper.) - John Foster Dulles: A Statesman and His Times. By Michael A. Guhin. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1972. Pp. 404. $12.95.) - The Storm Has Many Eyes: A Personal Narrative. By Henry Cabot Lodge. (New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1973. Pp. 272. $7.50.),
S. Shepard Jones, in American Political Science Review (1977) Downloads

Farm Policy: The Politics of Soil, Surpluses and Subsidies. By Nancy A. Blanpied. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1984. Pp. ix + 179. $9.95, paper.) - Made in Washington: Food Policy and the Political Expedient. By Clarence D. Palmby. (Danville, IL: The Interstate Printers and Publishers, 1985. Pp. xi + 226. $14.95.) - Alternative Agriculture and Food Policies and the 1985 Farm Bill. Edited by Gordon C. Rausser and Kenneth R. Farrell. (Berkeley: Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California—Berkeley and the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, Resources for the Future, 1984. Pp. xix + 425. $18.00.) - U.S. Agricultural Policy: The 1985 Farm Legislation. Edited by Bruce L. Gardner. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1985. Pp. viii + 385. $12.95, paper.),
Ross B. Talbot, in American Political Science Review (1986) Downloads

Reviews: Agrarian Protest in Ireland, 1750–1960, The Bordeaux-Dublin Letters, 1757: Correspondence of an Irish Community Abroad, Clanaricard and Thomond, 1540–1640: Provincial Politics and Society Transformed, The Donegal Plantation and the Tír Chonaill Irish, 1610–1710, A Portrait of Dublin in Maps: History, Geography, People, Society, Sligo: The Irish Revolution, 1912–1923, The Militia in Eighteenth-Century Ireland: In Defence of the Protestant Interest, The Eighteenth-Century Composite State: Representative Institutions in Ireland and Europe, 1689–1800, The Ulster Plantation in the Counties of Armagh and Cavan, 1608–1641, An Archaeology of the Troubles: The Dark Heritage of Long Kesh/Maze Prison, The Irish Parliamentary Party and the Third Home Rule Crisis, Clerics and Clansmen: The Diocese of Argyll between the Twelfth and Sixteenth Centuries, The Clements Archive, The Conolly Archive, Growing Pains: Childhood Illnesses in Ireland, 1750–1950, John Redmond: The National Leader, Keynes in Dublin: Exploring the 1933 Finlay Lecture,
Margaret Ó hógartaigh, William Doyle, Henry A. Jefferies, Ruth McManus, Marie Coleman, James Kelly, Liam Chambers, Brian Mac Cuarta Sj, Ian Miller, Patrick Maume, Henry A. Jefferies, Tim Murtagh, Margaret Ó hógartaigh, Walter Forde and Graham Brownlow, in Irish Economic and Social History (2014) Downloads

On Smart SanctionsAbstract: In this paper, we develop a North-South endogenous growth model to examine three phases of development in the South: imitation of Northern products, imitation and innovation and finally, innovation only. In particular, the model has the features of catching up (and potentially overtaking) which are of particular relevance to the Pacific Rim economies. We show that the possible equilibria depend on cross-country assimilation effects and the ease of imitation. We then apply the model to analyse the impact of R&D subsidies. There are some clear global policy implications which emerge from our analysis. Firstly, because subsidies to Southern innovation benefit the North as well, it is beneficial to the North to pay for some of these subsidies. Secondly, because the ability of the South to assimilate Northern knowledge and innovate depends on Southern skills levels, the consequent spillover benefits on growth make the subsidising of Southern education by the North particularly attractive,
Hamid Beladi and Reza Oladi, from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio (2014)
Keywords: Economic sanctions, oligarchic economies

Sustainable Intrapreneurship - The GSI Concept and Strategy - Unfolding Competitive Advantage via Fair Entrepreneurship,
Roman Anton, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2015)
Keywords: entrepreneurship; entrepreneuring; intrapreneurship; intrapreneuring; fairness; fair; equal opportunity; risk; reward; competition; economy; independence; concept; GSI; graded; sustainable; intrapreneuring; Pinchot; innovation; competitive; advantage; strategy; HR; organizational; development; social; shared value; public; private; public-private; partnership; sector; dimension; reserve; work; system; mission; vision; 3BL; TBL; optimal; output; monetary; incentive; opportunity; possibility; discrimination; economic; profit; environment; business; free; market; intra; extra; open; access; correlation; macroeconomics; country; national; economics; KPIs; performance; network; PAP; PAPs; PA; principal; agent; principal-agent; problem; entrepreneurialism; proportionality; equilibrium; equilibria; regression; review; research; analysis; compilation; sustainably; decentralization; hierarchy; structure; top-down; bottom-up; management; TCT; SMEs; SME; MNCs; MNC; R&D; SMART; life; IT; EVP; theory; extrapreneuring; ICS; CEOs; MPS; JDR; LMX; PEAA; PrI; TPM; PVM; E-Gov; PI; GI; TTIP; industry4.0; industry5.0; Corporate; Firm; employee; entrepreneurial; activity; frameworks; platforms; life-cycle; entry-level; positions; intramarket; extramarket; US; EU; world; global; international; comparison; growth; GDP; index; economical; empirical; data; statistical; organizational; culture

On the Future Advances in Engineering and In-Vitro Culture of Human Embryos,
Roman Anton, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: socio-economic; societal; ethical; ethics; censored; method; scientific; stem cell; transplantation; medicine; biomedical; political; regulation; human; embryo; embryos; engineering; mass; production; embryogenic; R&D; research; powerful; xenotransplantation; IVF; in-vitro; in-vivo; culture; fertilization; self-organization; absence; maternal tissues; maternal; tissues; pluripotency; pluripotent; ESCs; Nature; post-implantation; genetic; modification; engineering; stem; cells; chimeric; chimera; IPSCs; induced; pluripotent; stPSCs; debated; discussion; moral status; stem cell business; regenerative; medicine; sector; recent; advance; Brivanlou; Zernicka-Goetz; self-organization; ICM; human-embryo; editing; CRISPR/Cas9; CRISPR; Cas9; transgenics; genetically; modified; human; life; UN; standards; international; guideline; 14-day rule; Carnegie; Carnegie 6a; stage; gene-editing; summit; conference; licence; mosaicism; allele complexity; zygotes; zygote; mouse; germ; line; germline; donor; tissue; organ; blastocyst; transfere; genome; human rights; rights; ligislature; regulations; DPF; HFEA; UK; US; China; EU

Chapter 10 A Survey on the Economics of the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry,
Ian McCarthy, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2010)
Keywords: Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), Average Manufacturer Price (AMP), Average Wholesale Price (AWP), Bayh-Dole Act, Bioequivalence, Brand name drug, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Chain pharmacy, Clinical trials, Closed formulary, Coinsurance, Compliance, Co-payment, Cost controls, Cost sharing, Detailing, Direct-to-consumer Advertising (DTC Advertising), Disease management, Drug manufacturers, Drug prices, Drug–product substitution, Experience goods, Fee-for-service (FFS), First-mover advantage, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Formulary, Generic drug, Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP), Hatch-Waxman Act, Health plan, Insurance, Investigational New Drug Application (IND), Mail-order pharmacy, Mail-order prescription drugs, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare+Choice (M+C), Medicare Advantage, Medicare Modernization Act (MMA), Medicare Part D, Moral hazard, Negative goods, New Drug Application (NDA), Non-retail pharmacy, Original Medicare, Out-of-pocket, Paid search advertising, Patent, Patient, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacy, Pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), Physician, Prescription drugs, Product differentiation, Rebate, Reimbursement, Research and development (R&D), Retail pharmacy, Search costs, Switching costs, Therapeutic class, Third-party insurance, Tiered formulary, Wholesale Acquisition Price (WAC), Wholesaler

International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
Massimiliano Maggioni and Giuseppe Turchetti, from Springer (2024)
Keywords: IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, Fair Value Through the Statement of Profit or Loss (FVTPL), Held To Maturity (HTM), Loans and Receivables (L&R), Available For Sale (AFS), Transaction date, Settlement date, Other comprehensive income (OCI), Fair value-hedge accounting, IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures, IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, Solely Payment of Principal and Interest (SPPI), Fair Value Through the statement of Other Comprehensive Income (FVTOCI), Hold to collect, Hold to collect and sell, Held For Trading (HFT), Fair Value Option, Forward-looking expected loss, Impairment, Staging allocation, Hedge accounting, Expected credit loss impairment model, Deferral approach, Overlay approach, IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts, Insurance contract, Significant insurance risk, Discretionary participation, Unbundling, Liability Adequacy Test (LAT), Shadow accounting, Deposit accounting, Deferred Origination Costs (DOC), IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts, Building Block Model, Risk adjustment, Locked-in, Contractual service margin, Shock absorber effect, Premium Allocation Approach, Unearned premium, Variable fee approach, IAS 38 Intangible Assets, IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, Cash Generating Unit (CGU), IFRS 3 Business Combinations, Acquisition method, IAS 12 Income Taxes, IFRS 8 Operating Segments

Time to Rethink Risk Management:Surviving Future Global Crises,
Tony Bendell, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Global Crises, Enterprise Risk Management, ERM, Organisational Survival, Risk, Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Crisis Management, Black Swan, Grey Rhino, Global Trends, VUCA, COVID-19, New Normal, Antifragile, Expectation Influenced Probability, Exponential Growth, Logistic Growth, Financial Crisis, Soft Systems, Systems Thinking, Resilience, Robustness, Business Continuity, Emergency Management, Chief Risk Officer, Risk Manager, Business Continuity Manager, Risk Avoidance, Risk Mitigation, Risk Register, COSO, World Health Organization, WHO, Corporate Culture, Governance, The Board, ISO 31000, Role of Government, White Swan, Grey Swan, Precautionary Principles, 0Dragon King, PD CEN/TS 17091, State of Threat, Pandemic, Intelligence Cycle, R Number, PD ISO/TS 22330, PD ISO/TS 22318, ISO 22313, ISO 22316, ISO 22320, ISO 22395, ISO 22319, BS 67000, Emergency Response, Abu Dhabi Police, BLUEBELLA, Nottingham City Council, EFQM, ISO 9001, Process Model, 7S Model, Deloitte's Layer Model, Change Curve

Chaos, Complexity, and Nonlinear Economic Theory,
Wei-Bin Zhang, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2023)
Keywords: Complexity Theory, Newtonian World Vision, Evolution of Economies, Complex Systems, Economic Dynamics, Nonlinear Science, Nonlinear Economics, Business Cycles, Structural Change, Strange Attractor, Economic Chaos, Bifurcation, Multiple Paths, Self-Organization, Lock-In, Path-Dependent Development, Multiple Equilibrium Points, General Economic Theory, Predictability, Uncertainty, Unpredictable, Bounded Rationality, Deterministic Economic Dynamics, Synergetic Economics, Catastrophe, Lorenz Equations, Rational and Irrational, Piecewise Smooth Dynamical System, Malthus Economics, Poverty Trap. Cobweb Model, Walrasian Economics, Marxian Economics, Keynesian Economics, Adam Smith's Economic Equilibrium, Solow Growth Model, Diamond Model, Uzawa–Lucas Model, Utility Function, Haavelmo Population Model, IS-LM Model, Money in Utility Function, Goodwin–Kalecki–Marx Model, Stackelburg Game, Dixit–Stiglitz Model, Oniki–Uzawa Model, Overlapping Generations Model, Ramsey Growth Model, Cournot Game, Learning-by-Doing, R&D, Capital Accumulation, Environmental Change, Stock Market, Neoclassical Economics, Neoclassical Growth Model, Mathematical Biology, Lotka–Volterra Model, Monopolistic Competition, Prey-Predator Model, International Trade, New Economic Growth Theory, Monopoly, Technological Change, Urban Dynamics, Redistribution of Income, Population Dynamics, Rational Expectation, Monetary Policy, Monetary Rule, Taylor Rule, Inflation

KÉSENNE, S.: “De zichtbare hand (Paul DE GRAUWE, Uitgeverij Lannoo, 1986)” (p. 121-122); MEGANCK, J.: “Economics (Paul A. SAMUELSON & William D. NORDHAUS, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985)” (p. 122); ACX, R.: “The impact of the Reagan program (Philip CAGAN & Eduardo SOMESATTO, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1986)” (p. 123); JEGERS, M.: “Profits in the long run. (Dennis C. MUELLER, Cambridge University Press, 1986)” (p. 123-124); PAUWELS, J.: “The debate over stabilization policy (Franco MODIGLIANI, Cambridge University Press, 1986)” (p. 124); MARIJSSE, S.: “International networks of banks and industry (M. FENNEMA, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982)” (p. 125); PLASSCHAERT, S.: “Economic growth in the third world: An introduction (Lloyd G. REYNOLDS, Yale University Press, 1986)” (p. 126); VAN POECK, A.: “Economic forecasting and policy (John LLEWELLYN, Stephen POTTER & Lee SAMUELSON, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985)” (p. 126-127); RAES, R.: “Money, the financial system, and monetary policy (Thomas F. CARGILL, Prentice-Hall, 1986)” (p. 127); ROOSENS, P.: “Trade protection in the United States: 31 case studies (Gary Clyde HUFBAUER, Diane T. BERLINER & Kimberly Ann ELLIOTT, Institute for international economics, 1986)” (p. 128); DE BRABANDER, G.: “Human behavior in geographical space (J.H.P. PAELINCK, Gower Publishing Company, 1986)” (p. 128-129); JEGERS, M.: “Firms and markets (Ken TUCKER & Charles BADEN FULLER, Croom Helm, 1986)” (p. 129); VAN CAUWENBERGH, A.: “Power in the organization (Philippe DAUDI, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 130); KYMPERS, L.: “Mergers and acquisitions (Terence E. COOKE, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 130-131); VERCRUYSSE, B.: “Managing new technology (David BODDY & David A. BUCHANAN, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 131); DURINCK, E.: “Financial innovation and the money supply (T.M. PODOLSKI, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 132); VAN WATERSCHOOT, W.: “Toegepaste marketing (P. VAN NIEROP, Samsom, 1985)” (p. 132-133); MATTHYSSENS, P.: “Strategy in retailing: Theory and application (Derek KNEE & David WALTERS, Philip Allan, 1985)” (p. 133); JANSSENS, G.: “Inkoop van marketingonderzoek (J.J.R. VAN MINDEN, H.E. Stenfert Kroese, 1986)” (p. 134); VAN DE VOORDE, E.: “Fysieke distributie (A.R. VAN GOOR, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1986)” (p. 134); DERIJCKE, L.: “Waarom alles altijd verkeerd gaat. (Laurence J. PETER, uitgevers, 1985)” (p. 135); VAN MECHELEN, C.: “Simulatie (S.K.T. BOERSMA & T. HOENDERKAMP, Academic Service, 1985)” (p. 135-136); NONNEMAN, W.: “The art of decision-making (Morton DAVIS, Springer-Verlag, 1986)” (p. 136); REYNS, C.: “Zoeklicht op de commissaris-revisor (René VAN ASBROECK & Peter DE BOCK, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1986)” (p. 137); JORISSEN, A.: “The regulation of accounting (Peter TAYLOR & Stuart TURLEY, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 137); DEMEYERE, L.: “International trade policy: The lawyers perspective (John H. JACKSON, Richard O. CUNNINGHAM & Claude G.B. FONTHEIM, Matthew Bender, 1985)” (p. 138); VRANKEN, J.: “Politik der armut und die spaltung des sozialstaats (Stephan LEIBFRIED & Florian TENNSTEDT, Suhrkamp Verlang, 1985)” (p. 139-140); GOETHALS, H.: “Solidariteit in crisis (Frans SPINNEWYN, Uitgeverij Acco, 1985)” (p. 140); VAN LOON, F.: “Methods and experiences in impact assessment (Henk A. BECKER & Alan L. PORTER, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1986)” (p. 141); POURVOYEUR, R.: “Trading for growth: The next round of trade negotiations (Gary Clyde HUFBAUER & Jeffrey J. SCHOTT, Institute for International Economics, 1985)” (p. 142); BAUDEZ, L.: “Jaarboek van de haven van Antwerpen, 1986-1987. Jaarboek van de havens van Zeebrugge en Oostende, 1986-1987 (s.n., Antwerpse Lloyd, 1986)” (p. 142-143),
Stefan Kesenne, J. Meganck, R. Acx, M. Jegers, J. Pauwels, S. Marijsse, S. Plasschaert, A. van Poeck, R. Raes, P. Roosens, G. de Brabander, M. Jegers, A. van Cauwenbergh, L. Kympers, B. Vercruysse, E. Durinck, W. van Waterschoot, P. Matthyssens, G. Janssens, E. van de Voorde, L. Derijcke, C. van Mechelen, W. Nonneman, C. Reyns, A. Jorissen, L. Demeyere, J. Vranken, H. Goethals, F. van Loon, R. Pourvoyeur and L. Baudez, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1987) Downloads

PAUWELS, J.: “Actuele economische problemen ( Vic VAN ROMPUY, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 1986)” (p. 611); HEYLEN, F.: “Causes of contemporary stagnation (Helmut FRISCH & Bernhard GAHLEN, Springer-Verlag, 1986)” (p. 612-613); VAN POECK, A.: “The economist Economics (Rupert PENNANT-REA & Clive CROOK, Penguin Books, 1986)” (p. 613); VAN POECK, A.: “Government and the economy (K. BAIN & P.G.A. HOWELLS, Longman, 1987)” (p. 613); ROOSENS, P.: “International trade and exchange rates in the late eighties (Theo PEETERS, Peter PRAET & Paul REDING, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 1985)” (p. 614); ACX, R.: “Central bankers, bureaucratic incentives, and monetary policy (Eugenia Froedge & Mark TOMA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986)” (p. 614-615); VERBRUGGEN, A.: “Energy in Europe (Thomas G. WEYMAN-JONES, Methuen, 1986)” (p. 615); PAUWELS, W.: “Public enterprise economics (Dieter BÖS, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 615-616); WEVERBERGH, M.: “Dynamic models of oligopoly (Drew FUDENBERG & Jean TIROLE, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1986)” (p. 616); CLAESSENS, E.: “The economics of industrial organization (William G. SHEPHERD, Prentice-Hall, 1985)” (p. 617); PLASSCHAERT, S.: “Comparative economic systems (Paul R. GREGORY & Robert C. STUART, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1985)” (p. 617-618); MEGANCK, J.: “Geschichte der theoretischen volkswirtschaftslehre (Alfred E. OTT & Harald WINKEL, Vandengoeck & Ruprecht, 1985)” (p. 618); NONNEMAN, W.: “Who profits (Robert A. LEONE, Basic Books, 1986)” (p. 619); DE BORGER, B.: “Analyzing redistribution policies (Nanak KAKWANI, Cambridge University Press, 1986)” (p. 619-620); JEGERS, M.: “A guide to econometrics (Peter KENNEDY, Basil Blackwell, 1985)” (p. 620); DE BRABANDER, G.: “State, economy, and society in Western Europe, 1815-1975 (Peter FLORA F. KRAUS & W. PFENNING, St. James Press, 1987)” (p. 621); VLOEBERGHS, D.: “Management voor een nieuwe tijd (Hein STUFKENS, Lemniscaat, 1986)” (p. 621-622); VLOEBERGHS, D.: “Transformatie (John ADAMS, Lemniscaat, 1986)” (p. 622); DE CADT, R.: “Made in Japan (Akio MORITA, Edwin M. REINGOLD & Mitsuko SHIMOMURA, uitgevers, 1986)” (p. 623); VLOEBERGHS, D.: “Rapport sur les sciences de l’organisation au Ministre de la Recherche et de la Technologie (Pierra DAVOUS & Jacques MÉLÈSE, Les Editions d’Organisation, 1986)” (p. 624); WEVERBERGH, M.: “Essentials of business statistics (Wayne W. DANIEL, Houghton Mifflin, 1984)” (p. 624); BALLON, G.L.: “De vennootschappenwet 1986 (Ben VAN BRUYSTEGEM, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1986)” (p. 625); VAN HOOF, D.: “The law of international trade (Mark S.W. HOYLE, CCH Editions Limited, 1986)” (p. 625-626); VLOEBERGHS, D.: “Infoducten (Luc DE BRABANDERE, Lannoo, 1986)” (p. 626); MEGANCK, J.: “Lehrbuch der wirtschaftssoziologie (Eugen BUSS, Walter de Gruyter, 1985)” (p. 626-627),
J. Pauwels, F. Heylen, A. van Poeck, P. Roosens, R. Acx, A. Verbruggen, W. Pauwels, M. Weverbergh, E. Claessens, S. Plasschaert, J. Meganck, W. Nonneman, B. Borger, M. Jegers, G. de Brabander, D. Vloeberghs, R. de Cadt, D. Vloeberghs, M. Weverbergh, G.L. Ballon, D. van Hoof, D. Vloeberghs and J. Meganck, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1987) Downloads

NAERT, Frank: “Exchange-rate instability (Paul R. KRUGMAN, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 475); PARYS, Wilfried: “Keynes’s principle of effective demand (Edward J. AMADEO, Gower Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 475-476); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Groei en crisis in het na-oorlogse kapitalisme (Dirk FRANTZEN, Kluwer Wetenschappelijke Uitgeverij, 1989)” (p. 476-478); VAN COPPENOLLE, Chantal: “Croissance, crise et régulation en économie ouverte (Isabelle CASSIERS, De Boeck)Wesmael, 1988)” (p. 478-479); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “Dollars, deficits & trade (James A. DORN & William A. NISKANEN, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 479); JACOBS, Kris: “Economics in theory and practice: An eclectic approach (Lawrence R. KLEIN & Jaime MARQUEZ, Kluwer Academiic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 479-481); JANSSENS, Ilse: “Public choice II (Dennis C. MUELLER, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 481); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Gestion de l’économie et de l’entreprise (s.n., De Boeck-Wesmael, 1988)” (p. 482); JANSEN, Karel: “Statistiek voor de economische wetenscchappen (Bert NIJDAM & Hans VAN BUUREN, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1989)” (p. 482-483); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Organizational symbolism (Barry A. TURNER, Walter de Gruyter, 1990)” (p. 484); VERBEKE, Alain: “Organization theory and class analysis (Stewart R. CLEGG, Walter de Gruyter, 1990)” (p.484-485); MARTENS, Rudy: “Bedrijfskunde (D. KEUNING, H.E. Stenfeert Kroese BV, 1989)” (p. 485); VANLOMMEL, Géry: “The international steel industry (Ray HUDSON & David SADLER, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 486); DERIJCKE, Luc: “Personeelsbeoordeling en functioneringsgesprekken (Dimp NELEMANS & Martin VAN DER AVOIRD, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1989)” (p. 487); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Onderhandeling en bemiddeling (Teun WOLTERS, VU Uitgeverij, 1989)” (p. 487-488); JEGERS, Marc: “Manuel d’evaluation des projets industriels (Jacques FRAIX, De Boeck-Wesmael, 1988)” (p. 488-489); VAN DEN BULTE, Christophe: “Strategic industrial marketing (Peter M. CHISNALL, Prentice Hall, 1989)” (p. 489-490); JORISSEN, Ann: “Managerial accounting changes fort he 1990s (John Y. LEE, Addison-Wesley, 1989)” (p. 490-491); JORISSEN, Ann: “Interpreting US financial statements. Interpreting European financial statements (Christopher NOBES, Butterworths, 1989)” (p. 491-493); CAMPO, Katia: “Computer models for management science (Warren J. ERIKSON & Owen P. HALL, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 493-494); VAN PUT, August: “Terugkeer van de ethiek (Luk BOUCKAERT, Acco, 1989)” (p. 494-495); DE BRABANDER, Guido: “Regional development in Europe: Recent initiatives and experiences (Jürgen ALLESCH, Walter de Gruyter, 1989)” (p. 495-496); DEMEYERE, Luc: “La compensation et les droits des tiers (Guy DUBOC, Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1989)” (p. 496-497),
Frank Naert, Wilfried Parys, Stefaan Marijsse, Chantal van Coppenolle, Michel Dombrecht, Kris Jacobs, Ilse Janssens, Hilde Meersman, Karel Jansen, Daniël Vloeberghs, Alain Verbeke, Rudy Martens, Géry Vanlommel, Luc Derijcke, Walter Nonneman, Marc Jegers, Christophe van Den Bulte, Ann Jorissen, Katia Campo, August van Put, Guido de Brabander and Luc Demeyere, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1990) Downloads

VAN DE VOORDE, E.: “Handbook of regional and urban economics (Peter NIJKAMP, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 803); KÉSENNE, S.: “Handbook of labor economics (Orley ASHENFELTER & Richard LAYARD, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 803-804); KÉSENNE, S.: “Economics of labor in industrial society (Clark KERR & Paul D. STAUDOHAR, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1986)” (p. 804); VAN POECK, A.: “International political economics (Bruno S. FREY, Basil Blackwell, 1984)” (p. 805); ROOSSENS, P.: “International trade, employment and structural adjustment: The United States (H. Peter GRAY, Thomas PUGEL & Ingo WALTER, International Labour Office, 1986)” (p. 806); VAN HOUTE, P.: “Technology, innovation and economic policy (Peter HALL, Philip Allan, 1986)” (p. 806); ROOSSENS, P.: “Trade in transit (Hans VISSER & Evert SCHOORL, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1986)” (p. 807); PLASSCHAERT, S.: “Financial intermediation beyond the debt crisis (Donald R. LESSARD & John WILLIAMSON, Institute for International Economics, 1985)” (p. 807); HEYLEN, F.: “Problems of international money, 1972-85 (Michael POSNER, Overseas Development Institute, 1986)” (p. 808); LIERMAN, F.: “International lending: Country risk analysis (Emilio MAYER, Reston Publishing Company, 1985)” (p. 809); CLAESSENS, E.: “Economics of managerial decision-making (G.P. MARSHALL & B.J. MCCORMICK, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 809); PARYS, W.: “Contradictions and dilemmas (János KORNAI, MIT Press, 1986)” (p. 810); DE BRABANDER, G.: “Regional econometric modeling (M. Ray PERRYMAN & James R. SCHMIDT, Kluwer Nijhoff Publishing, 1986)” (p. 810-811); WEVERBERGH, M.: “Dynamische markttheorie (H.W. DE JONG, H.E. Stenfert Kroese, 1985)” (p. 811); PAUWELS, J.: “The reconstruction of economic theory (Philip MIROWSKY, Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1986)” (p. 811-812); MEGANCK, J.: “Economic history and the history of economics (Mark BLAUG, Wheatsheaf Books, 1986)” (p. 812-813); MEGANCK, J.: “History of modern non-Marxian economics (Antal MÁTYÁS, Macmillan Education Ltd., 1985)” (p. 813); LAMBRECHT, M.: “Het flexibele bedrijf (L.U. DE SITTER e.a., Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappelijke uitgaven, 1986)” (p. 814); APPELMANS, J.L.: “The economics of futures markets (Jerome L. STEIN, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 814-815); DERIJCKE, L.: “Sociaal beleid becijferd (K.F. JANSEN, W.H.A. SCHAFRAT & P. SCHANSMAN, Kluwer, 1987)” (p. 815); JEGERS, M.: “Financial statement analysis (Charles H. GIBSON & Patricia A. FRISHKOFF, Kent Publishing Company, 1986)” (p. 816); DE MEYER, J.: “Manager en informative (J. IN ‘t VELDT, Elsevier, 1986)” (p. 816-817); GOETHALS, H.: “Volmachten en sociale zekerheid, 1983/84 (Jef VAN LANGENDONCK e.a., Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1985)” (p. 817-818); BALLON, G.L.: “Verbintenissen en overeenkomsten in kort bestek (R. VANDEPUTTE, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1986)” (p. 818); VANROELEN, A.: “Working time reduction and the crisis in the welfare state (Alfred KLEINKNECHT & Tom VAN VEEN, Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes, 1986)” (p. 818-819); VRANKEN, J.: “The Swiss way of welfare (Ralph SEGALMAN, Praeger Publishers, 1986)” (p. 819-820),
E. van de Voorde, Stefan Kesenne, A. van Poeck, P. Roossens, P. van Houte, P. Roossens, S. Plasschaert, F. Heylen, F. Lierman, E. Claessens, W. Parys, G. de Brabander, M. Weverbergh, J. Pauwels, J. Meganck, M. Lambrecht, J.L. Appelmans, L. Derijcke, M. Jegers, J. de Meyer, H. Goethals, G.L. Ballon, A. Vanroelen and J. Vranken, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1987) Downloads

CHAPIN, F. STUART, and STUART A. QUEEN. Social Work in the Depression. Pp. xii, 134. COLLINS, SELWYN D., and CLARK TIBBITTS. Social Aspects of Health in the Depres sion. Pp. xiii, 192. EDUCATIONAL POLICIES COMMISSION. Education in the Depression. Pp. xi, 173. KINCHELOE, SAMUEL C. Religion in the Depression. Pp. ix, 158. SANDERSON, DWIGHT. Rural Life in the Depression. Pp. vii, 169. SELLIN, THORSTEN. Crime in the Depres sion. Pp. vii, 133. STEINER, JESSE F. Recreation in the De pression. Pp. vii, 124. STOUFFER, SAMUEL A., and PAUL F. LAZ- ARSFELD. The Family in the Depres sion. Pp. x, 221. THOMPSON, WARREN S. Internal Migra tion in the Depression. Pp. vii, 86. VAILE, ROLAND S. Social Aspects of Con sumption in the Depression. Pp. vii, 86. WAPLES, DOUGLAS. Social Aspects of Reading in the Depression. Pp. xvi, 228. WHITE, R. CLYDE and MARY K. Social Aspects of Relief Policies in the Depres sion. Pp. xi, 173. YOUNG, DONALD. Minority Peoples in the Depression. Pp. ix, 252. New York: Social Science Research Council, 1937. $1.00 ordered sin gly. $10.00 entire set,
George A. Lundberg, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1938) Downloads

EMERSON, WILLIAM R. P., M. D. Nutrition and Growth in Children. Pp. xxix, 342. Price, $2.50. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1922. HUNT, JEAN LEE, JOHNSON, BUFFORD J., LINCOLN, EDITH M. Health Education and the Nutrition Class. Pp. xv, 281. Price, $3.50. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1922. THE NATIONAL CHILD HEALTH COUNCIL. Child Health in Erie County, New York. Pp. 90. Washington, D. C., Supplement to Mother and Child, Magazine of the American Child Hygiene Association, May, 1922. SOUTH CAROLINA MENTAL HYGIENE COM MITTEE. A Report of the South Caro lina Mental Hygiene Survey. Pp. 73. Columbia, South Carolina: South Caro lina Board of Public Welfare, Quarterly Bulletin No. 1, Vol. 111, 1922. WOOLLEY, HELEN T., PH.D., and HART, HORNELL. Feeble-Minded Ex-School Chil dren: A Study of Children Who Have Been Students In Cincinnati Special Schools. Pp. 237 to 263. Cincinnati: Studies From The Helen S. Traounstine Foundation, Vol. 1, No. 7, April, 1921. GREEN, GEORGE H. Psychanalysis In The Class Room. Pp. xi, 272. Price, $1.75. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1922,
James H.S. Bossard, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1922) Downloads

A World of Secrets: The Uses and Limits of Intelligence. By Walter Laqueur. (New York: Basic Books, 1985. Pp. xii + 404. $21.95.) - Regulating U.S. Intelligence Operations: A Study in Definition of the National Interest. By John M. Oseth. (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1985. Pp. xvii + 236. $24.00.) - A Season of Inquiry: The Senate Intelligence Investigation. By Loch K. Johnson. (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1985. Pp. 317. $31.00.) - Secrecy and Democracy: The CIA in Transition. By Stansfield Turner. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985. Pp. xii + 304. $16.95.) - Intelligence Policy and Process. Edited by Alfred C. Maurer. Marion D. Tunstall, and James M. Keagle. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1985. Pp. viii + 399. $20.00.) - Knowing One's Enemies: Intelligence Assessments Before the Two World Wars. Edited by Ernest R. May. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984. Pp. xiii + 561. $29.50.) - The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence Communities in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Christopher Andrew and David Dilks. (Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1984. Pp. vi 300. $27.95.) - Domestic Intelligence and Intelligence and Policy. Vols. 6 and 7 of Intelligence Requirements for the 1980s. Edited by Roy Godson. (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986. Vol. 6; Pp. xiv + 192. $14.95. Vol. 7. Pp. xii + 290. $14.95.),
Harry Howe Ransom, in American Political Science Review (1986) Downloads

The Philippines. By Robert E. Baldwin. Foreign Trade Regimes and Economic Development Series [henceforth FTRED], vol. 5. New York and London: Columbia University Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1975. Pp. xix, 165. No price listed. - India. By Jagdish N. Bhagwati and T. N. Srinivasan. FTRED, vol. 6. 1975. Pp. xxiv, 261. $15.00 cloth, $5.00 paper. - South Korea. By Charles R. FrankJr., Kwang Suk Kim, and Larry Westphal. FTRED, vol. 7. 1975. Pp. xxii, 264. No price listed. - Egypt. By Bent Hansen and Karim Nashashibi. FTRED, vol. 4. 1975. Pp. xxv, 358. No price listed. - Ghana. By J. Clark Leith. FTRED, vol. 2. 1974. Pp. xxi, 216. No price listed. - Israel. By Michael Michaely. FTRED, vol. 3. 1975. Pp. xv, 219. No price listed. - Trade and Development in Korea. Edited by Wontack Hong and Anne O. Krueger. Seoul: Korea Development Institute, 1975. Pp. 253. No price listed,
Kathleen M. Langley, in The Journal of Economic History (1977) Downloads

ROSENTAL, ERWIN. Ibn Khalduns Gedan ken über den Staat: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Staats lehre. Pp. x, 118. Munich and Berlin: Oldenbourg, 1932. 6.50 marks. BECKER, CARL. The Heavenly City of the Eighteenth-Century Philosophers. Pp. x, 168. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1932. $2.00. MÜLLER, GEORG. Die Gesellschafts- und Staatslehren des Abbes Mably und ihr Einfluss auf das Werk der Konstituante. Pp. 123. Berlin: Ebering, 1932. 5 marks. VAN DEUSEN, G. G. Sieyes: His Life and His Nationalism. Pp. 170. New York: Columbia University Press, 1932. $3.00. HEARNSHAW, F. J. C. (Ed.). The Social and Political Ideas of Some Repre sentative Thinkers of the Age of Reaction and Reconstruction. Pp. 220. London: Harrap, 1932. 8s. 6d. SPANN, OTHMAR. Geschichtsphilosophie. Pp. xviii, 456. Jena: Fischer, 1932. Paper 15 marks, cloth 16.30 marks. FREYER, HANS. Einleitung in die Soziol ogie. Pp. 150. Leipzig: Quelle and Meyer, 1931. 1.80 marks. WEBER, ALFRED (dedicated to). Soziolog ische Studien. Pp. 305. Potsdam: Protte, 1930. Paper 9 marks, cloth 12 marks. ABRAMOWITSCH, MARK. Hauptprobleme der Soziologie (Probleme marxistischer Lebenserkenntnis. Pp. 112. Berlin: Verlagsanstalt "Courier," 1930. ADLER, MAX (and others). Festschrift für Carl Grünberg zum 70. Geburtstag. Pp. iv, 560. Leipzig: Hirschfeld, 1932. Paper 27 marks, cloth 30 marks. LÖWITH, KARL. "Max Weber und Karl Marx," I and II. Articles in the Archiv für Sozialwissemehaft und Sozialpolitik, Vol. 67, 1 and 2 (March, April, 1932). Pp. 175 to 214 and 53 to 99. Tübingen: Mohr, 1932. Price for both numbers, 10 marks. SCHÜTZ, ALFRED. Der sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt: eine Einleitung in die verstehende Soziologie. Pp. vii, 286. Vienna: Springer, 1932. Paper 12 marks, cloth 13.50 marks. OTAKA, TOMOO. Grundlegung der Lehre vom sozialen Verband. Pp. xii, 280. Vienna: Springer, 1938. Paper 12 marks, cloth 13.50 marks,
Howard Becker, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1933) Downloads

Sustainable Economic Development,
Arsenio Balisacan, Ujjayant Chakravorty and Majah-Leah Ravago, from Elsevier (2014)
Keywords: Agricultural R&D; Agricultural development policy; Agricultural organization; Agricultural policy; Agriculture markets and trade; Black-hole economics; Case studies; Catastrophes; Climate change; Climate targets; Commercial agriculture in Africa; Complex systems; Confiscation; Conjunctive use; Consumption subsidy; Corruption; Crop insurance; Deaths; Development policy; Disasters; Drought; Drought tolerance; Dynamic efficiency; Dynamic optimization; Economic growth; Economics of cooperation; Economy and environment; Efficiency cost; Energy; Energy markets; Entry and participation in agricultural markets; Environmental regulation; Export taxation; Farm subsidies; Farmer decision-making; Farmer protection; Food price spikes; Food security; Food self-sufficiency; General equilibrium; Gisser-Sánchez effect; Governance; Governance beyond governments; Green subsidy; Groundwater; Growth; Human development; Illicit economy; Import restrictions; Income transfer; Index insurance; Industrial development; Industrial policy and agriculture; Institutions; Institutions and governance; Insurance; Intergenerational equity; Intertemporal welfare; Irrigation; Kiawe; Land; Land governance; Large-scale farms; Limited-access order; Maize farming; Marginal user cost; Mekong economies; Moral hazard; Narco-nation; Natural capital; Natural resources; Natural state; Networks; New institutional economics; Nonrenewable resources; Open-access order; Optimum price; Pearce equation; Philippines; Political economy; Poverty; Poverty incidence; Poverty reduction; Private investment in agriculture in Africa; Production specialization; Productivity; Property; Property rights; Prosopis pallida; Public-private coordination; Reconstruction; Reforestation; Regional integration; Renewable resources; Rent-seeking; Research sponsorship; Resource boom; Resource management; Resource policy; Revolution;

CASSIMON, Danny: “International economic cooperation. (Martin Feldstein, The University of Chicago Press, 1988)” (p. 453); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Empiricial macroeconomics for interdependent economies(Ralph C. Bryant e.a., The Brookings Institution, 1988)” (p. 454); STEURS, Geert: “Market power and the economy (Wallace C. Peterson, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988)” (p. 454-455); VANDEVOORDE, Eddy: “Privatization and state-owned enterprises. (Paul W. MacAvoy e.a., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 455-456); PAUWELS, Johan: “Keynesian economics: The permanent revolution. (G.K. Shaw, Publishing Company Limited (Gower), 1988)” (p. 457); CARRIN, Guy: “Management problems in health care (Günter Fandel, Springer-Verslag, 1988)” (p. 458); MEGANCK, Jacques: “Monetaire filosofie (C.J. Rijnvos, H.E. Stenfert Kroese BV, 1988)” (p. 458-459); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “International management (Anant R. Negandhi, Allyn and Bacon, 1987)” (p. 259-260); DELEECK, Herman: “Egalitarianism and the generation of inequality (Henry Phelps Brown, Clarendon Press, 1988)” (p. 460); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Fundamentele bedrijfseconomie (Raymond de Bondt, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 1987)” (p. 461); MARTENS, Rudy: “The strategy process. (James Brian Quinn e.a., Prentice-Hall International, 1988)” (p. 462); DERIJCKE, Luc: “Plant closings (Carolyn C. Perrucci e.a., Aldine de Gruyter, 1988)” (p. 462); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: “Consumer behavior. (Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie L. Kanuk, Prentice-Hall International, 1987)” (p. 463); MATTHYSSENS, Paul: “International marketing. (Erik Wiklund, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1987)” (p. 464); GIJSBRECHTS, Els: “Seminar on business to business research. (S.N., Brussels (Belgium),1988)” (p. 464-465); VANDENBULTE, Christophe: “Marketing classics. (Ben M. Enis, Keith C. Cox, Allyn and Bacon, 1988)” (p. 465-466); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Managers and their jobs. (Rosemary Stewart, The Macmillan Press Ltd,., 1988)” (p. 466); DERIJCKE, Luc: “The economist pocket negotiator (Gavin Kennedy, Basil Blackwell, The Economist Publications, 1987)” (p. 466); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Werkboek bij « management en organisatie. Theorie en toepassing » (D. Keuning, D.J. Eppink,H.E. Stenfert Kroese BV, 1988)” (p. 467); LAVEREN, EDDY: “The theory of finance. (John D. Martin, Samuel H. Cox, Jr. & Richard MacMinn, Dryden Press, 1988)” (p. 467-468); DURNICK, Edward: “Values in the marketplace. (James Blurk, Walter de Gruyter, 1988)” (p. 468); JEGERS, Marc: “Liquidity analysis and management (George W. Gallinger, P. Basil Healy, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1987)” (p. 468-469); VANMECHELEN, Claude: “Javelin. (Wim M. van der Vooren, Ingrid van Lingen, H.E. Stenfert Kroese BV, 1987)” (p. 469-470); VANMECHELEN, Claude: “Applied decision support (Michael W. Davis, Prentice-Hall, 1988)” (p. 470); VANHOOF, Dony: “De fiscal aspecten van het gebruik van vennootschappen met rechtspersoonlijkheid. (S.N., Biblo, 1987)” (p. 471); BALLON, L. Gabriel: “Tewerkstelling van Belgische werknemers in het buitenland. (Carine Saelaert, Kluwer rechtswetenschappen, 1988)” (p. 472); DEMEYERE, Luc: “Enforcement of money judgements abroad (Philip R. Weems, Matthew Bender, 1988)” (p. 472-473); s.n.: “Jaarboek haven van Antwerpen, 1988-1989 (S.N., Lloyd, 1988)” (p. 473),
Danny Cassimon, Hilde Meersman, Geert Steurs, Eddy Vandevoorde, Johan Pauwels, Guy Carrin, Jacques Meganck, Sylvain Plasschaert, Herman Deleeck, Wilfried Pauwels, Rudy Martens, Luc Derijcke, Marcel Weverbergh, Paul Matthyssens, Els Gijsbrechts, Christophe Vandenbulte, Daniël Vloeberghs, Luc Derijcke, Daniël Vloeberghs, Eddy Laveren, Edward Durnick, Marc Jegers, Claude Vanmechelen, Dony Vanhoof, L. Gabriel Ballon, Luc Demeyere and S.N., in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1989) Downloads

MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Economics (Michael PARKIN, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 587); MAES, Ivo: “Modern international economics (Shelagh HEFFERNAN & Peter SINCLAIR, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 587-588); KONINGS, Jozef: “The competitiveness of small firms (Cliff PRATTEN, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 588-589); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “Monetary policy (P. ARTUS & Y. BARROUX, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 589-590);LAMPAERT, Stefaan: “The political economy of American monetary policy (Thomas MAYER, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 590); PARYS, Wilfried: “Optimization in economic theory (Avinash K. DIXIT, Oxford University Press, 1990)” (p. 590-591); HEYLEN, Freddy: “Unemployment and wage determination in Europe (Bertil HOLMLUND & Karl-Gustaf LÖFGREN, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 591-592); VLASSELAER, Christian: “Economic analysis of product innovation (Manuel TRAJTENBERG, Harvard University Press, 1990)” (p. 592-593); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The practice of econometrics (Ernst R. BERNDT, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 593-594); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Econometrics (Jon STEWART, Philip Allan, 1991)” (p. 594); KERSTENS, Kris: “Productiviteit in de overheid (Geert BOUCKAERT, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen, 1990)” (p. 595); VANCOPPENOLLE, Chantal: “The rise of financial capitalism (Larry NEAL, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 595-596); ERREYGERS, Guido: “Marx and modern economic analysis (Giovanni A. CARAVALE, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991)” (p. 596-598); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Uncertainty (M. Granger MORGAN & Max HENRION, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 598-599); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Managerial dilemmas (Gary J. MILLER, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 559-600); CASSIMON, Danny: “Public finance in developing countries (Vito TANZI, Edward Elgar, 1990)” (p. 600-601); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “Multinationals and economic development (James C.W. AHIAKPOR, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 601); ERREYGERS, Guido: “Environment and development (Jan BOJÖ e.a., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 601-602); VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Competition and the regulation of utilities (Michael A. CREW, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 602-603); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “Resource-based industrialization (R.M. AUTY, Clarendon Prress, 1990)” (p. 603-604); VAN CLAUWENBERGH, André: “The strategy concept and process (Arnoldo C. HAX & Nicolas S. MAILUF, Prentice-Hall International, 1991)” (p. 604); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Organisatiecultuur (P.H.A. FRISSEN & J.M. VAN WESTERLAAK, Academic Service/Economie en Bedrijfskunde, 1990)” (p. 604-605); GIJSBRECHTS, Els: “Strategische city-marketing (L. VAN DEN BERG e.a., Academic Service/Economie en Bedrijfskunde, 1990)” (p. 605-606); LAVEREN, Eddy: “Futures and options markets (Steven C. BLANK e.a., Prentice-Hall International, 1991)” (p. 606-607); DURINCK, Edward: “European financial integration (Alberto GIOVANNINI & Colin MAYER, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 607); VAN HOOYDONK, Eric: “Harmonisatie van het kapitaalbeschermingsrecht in de EEG (J.N. SCHUTTE-VEENSTRA, Kluwer, 1991)” (p. 608); BALLON, G.L.: “Wetboek vennootschappen (Eddy Wymeersch e.a., uitgevers, 1991)” (p. 608-609); MAES, Ivo: “Intégration financière et Union Monétaire Européenne (Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Economica, 1991)” (p. 609); MATTHYSSENS, Paul: “The marketing challenge of Europe 1992 (John A. QUELCH e.a., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1991)” (p. 610),
Hilde Meersman, Ivo Maes, Jozef Konings, Michel Dombrecht, Stefaan Lampaert, Wilfried Parys, Freddy Heylen, Christian Vlasselaer, Stefan Kesenne, Kris Kerstens, Chantal Vancoppenolle, Guido Erreygers, Walter Nonneman, Danny Cassimon, Sylvain Plaschaert, Reinhilde Veugelers, Aviel Verbruggen, André van Clauwenbergh, Daniël Vloeberghs, Els Gijsbrechts, Eddy Laveren, Edward Durinck, Eric van Hooydonk, G.L. Ballon and Paul Matthyssens, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1992) Downloads

PARYS, Wilfried: “The mind and method of the economist (Brian J. LOASBY, Gower Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 130-131); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “International labour statistics (R. BEAN, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 131-132) SELEN, Willem: “Reduced worktime and the management of production (Chris NYLAND, Cambridge University Press, 1988)” (p. 132); MAES, Ivo: “Limiting exchange rate flexibility (Francesco GIAVAZZI & Alberto GIOVANNINI, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 132-133); SLAETS, Patrick: “Innovation and technology transfer in Japan and Europe (Glyn O. PHILIPS, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 133-134); VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Industrial policy (Grahame THOMPSON, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 134-135); CASSIMON, Danny: “Multinationals in Latin America (Robert Grosse, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 135); COPPIETERS, Piet: “Economic policy and technological performance (Partha DASGUPTA & Paul STONEMAN, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 135-136); VANDEVELDE, Toon: “The gift economy (David CHEAL, Routledge, 1988)” (p. 136-137); SLEUWAEGEN, Leo & Harry COMMANDEUR: “Corporate technological behavior (Håkan HÅKANSSON, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 137-138); JEGERS, Marc: “An introduction to cost and production functions (David F. HEATHFIELD & Soren WIBE, Macmillan Education, 1987)” (p. 138-139); BAUDEZ, Louis: “Jaarboek haven van Antwerpen, 1989-1990 (s.n., Antwerpse Lloyd, 1989)” (p. 139); MARTENS, Rudy: “Exploring corporate strategy (Gerry JOHNSON & Kevan SCHOLES, Prentice-Hall, 1989)” (p. 140); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Ondernemen binnen de onderneming (Mathieu WEGGEMAN e.a., Kluwer, 1988)” (p. 141); JEGERS, Marc: “Internal organization, efficiency and profit (Steve THOMPSON & Mike WRIGHT, Philip Allan, 1988)” (p. 141-142); LAGASSE, Leen: “Marketingbeleid (Robert BILSEN & Walter VAN WATERSCHOOT, Uitgeverij MIM, 1989)” (p. 142); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Vers un egestion stratégique des resources humaines (Charles-Henri BESSEYRE DES HORTS, Les Editions d’Organisation, 1988)” (p. 143); DERIJCKE, Luc: “Met open vizier (Roger FISHER & Scott BROWN, uitgevers, 1989)” (p. 143-144); JEGERS, Marc: “Yield curve analysis (Livingston G. DOUGLAS, Simon & Schuster, 1988)” (p. 144-145); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: “Decision synthesis (Stephen R. WATSON & Dennis M. BUEDE, Cambridge University Press, 1987)” (p. 145-146); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: “Materiaalstroombeheersing (A.AA.E.M. KEES, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1988)” (p. 146-147); JORISSEN, Ann: “Advanced management accounting (Robert S. KAPLAN & Anthony A. ATKINSON, Prentice-Hall International, 1989)” (p. 147-148); JORISSEN, Ann: “Managerial accounting (Calvin ENGLER, Irwin, 1987)” (p. 148-149) DEMEYERE, Luc: “Establishing a transnational franchise (Joseph E. PATTISON, Mattheew Bender & Co. Inc., 1988)” (p. 149-150); DE LATHOUWER, Lieve: “Social security policies in industrial countries (Margaret S. GORDON, Cambridge University Press, 1988)” (p. 150-151); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “Europese financiële integratie en monetaire samenwerking (Marc QUINTYN & Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Kluwer; 1989)” (p. 151-152); FAUCOMPRET, Eric: “Barriers to European growth (Robert Z. LAWRENCE & Charles L. SCHULTZE, The Brookings Institution, 1987)” (p. 152-153),
Wilfried Parys, Stefan Kesenne, Willem Selen, Ivo Maes, Patrick Slaets, Reinhilde Veugelers, Danny Cassimon, Piet Coppieters, Toon Vandevelde, Leo Sleuwaegen, Harry Commandeur, Marc Jegers, Louis Baudez, Rudy Martens, Daniël Vloeberghs, Leen Lagasse, Luc Derijcke, Claude van Mechelen, Ann Jorissen, Luc: Demeyere,, Lieve de Lathouwer, Sylvain Plasschaert and Eric Faucompret, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1990) Downloads

VAN POECK, A.: “The political economy of international monetary interdependence (Koichi HAMADA, The MIT Press, 1985)” (p. 479); MARIJSSE, S.: “The theory of monopoly capitalism (J.B. FOSTER, Monthly Review Press, 1986)” (p. 480); DURINCK, E.: “International financial management: Theory and application (Donald R. LESSARD, John Wiley & Sons, 1985)” (p. 481); KYMPERS, L.: “The design dimension (Christopher LORENZ, Basil Blackwell, 1986)” (p. 481-482); KYMPERS, L.: “Managing for joint venture success (Kathryn Rudie HARRIGAN, D.C. Health and Company, 1986)” (p. 482-483); VERCRUYSSE, B.: “De Peterpiramide (Laurence J. PETER, uitgevers, 1986)” (p. 483) VLOEBERGHS, D.: “Conflicthantering en organisatieontwikkeling (W.F.G. MASTENBROEK, Samsom Uitgeverij, 1986)” (p. 484); VAN MECHELEN, C.: “Production and operations management (Everett E. ADAM, Jr. & Ronald J. EBERT, Prentice-Hall, 1986)” (p. 484-485); HINNEKENNS, L.: “De belasting van buitenlands kaderleden in België volgens de circulaire van 8 augustus 1983 (Luc VANHEESWIJCK, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 19886)” (p. 485); VAN DE VOORDE, E.: “De overeenkomst van internationaal wegvervoer CMR (Frans PONET, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1986)” (p. 486); DEMEYERE, L.: “International exporting agreements (Shaul I. EZER, Matthew Bender, 1986)” (p. 486-487); VANROELEN, A.: “Deeltijdarbeid: Mythe en realiteit (Lei DELSEN, Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes, 1986)” (p. 487); PEETERS, J.: “Social security: Visions and revisions (W. Andrew ACHENBAUM, Cambridge University Press, 1986)” (p. 487-488),
A. van Poeck, S. Marijsse, E. Durinck, L. Kympers, B. Vercruysse, D. Vloeberghs, C. van Mechelen, L. Hinnekenns, E. van de Voorde, L. Demeyere, A. Vanroelen and J. Peeters, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1987) Downloads

Transforming the Rural Asian Economy: The Unfinished Revolution: Mark W. Rosegrant, Peter B.R. Hazell, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, 512 pp., US$ 35 (on-line, free), ISBN: 0-19-592448-7 (paperback), ISBN 0-19-592 447-9 (hardback): The Growth and Sustainability of Agriculture in Asia: Mingsarn Santikarn Kaosa-ard, Benjavan Rerkaem, with contributions by Sheller Grasty, Apichart Kaosa-ard, Sunil S. Pednekar, Kanok RerKasem, Paul Auger, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, 303 pp., US$ 30 (on-line, free), ISBN: 0-19-592450-9 (paperback), ISBN 0-19-592450-5 (hardback): Rural Financial Markets in Asia: Paradigms, Policies, and Performance: Richard L. Meyer, Geetha Nagarajan, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, 401 pp., US$ 30 (on-line, free), ISBN 0-19-592452-5 (paperback), ISBN 0-19-592451-7 (hardback): The Quality of Life in Rural Asia: David E. Bloom, Patricia H. Craig, Pia N. Malaney, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, 310 pp., US$ 30 (on-line, free), ISBN 0-19-592454-1 (paperback), ISBN 0-19-592453-3 (hardback): The Evolving Roles of the State, Private, and Local Actors in Rural Asia: Ammar Siamwalla, with contributions by Alex Brillantes, Somsak Chunharas, Colin MacAndrews, Andrew Macintyre, Fred Roche, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, 413 pp., US$ 30 (on-line, free), ISBN 0-19-592456-8 (paperback); ISBN 0-19-592455-X (hardback): Rural Asia: Beyond the Green Revolution: Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Manila, 2000, 187 pp., US$ 10 (on-line, free), ISBN: 971-561-272-5 (paperback),
Randolph Barker, in Agricultural Economics (2003) Downloads

The Elizabethan House of Commons. By J. E. Neale. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. Pp. 455. $5.00.) - Sale of Offices in the Seventeenth Century. By K. W. Swart. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1949. Pp. 165.) - The Law and the Commonwealth. By R. T. E. Latham. (London: Oxford University Press. 1949. Pp. viii, 510–633. $1.75.) - Germany Under Occupation; Illustrative Materials and Documents. By James K. Pollock, James H. Meisel and Heney L. Bretton. (Ann Arbor: George Wahr Publishing Co. 1949. Pp. 305.) - Contrôle de l'Allemagne. Control of Germany. By Louis F. Aubert, William Diebold, Michael Zvegintzovet al., (Paris: Marcel Rivière et Cie. Distributed in the U. S. by Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 144. $1.25.) - Education in Occupied Germany. L'Education de l'Allemagne Occupée. By Helen Liddell, Edmund Vermeil, Bogdan Suchodolski. (Paris: Marcel Rivière et Cie. Distributed in the U. S. by Columbia University Press. 1948. Pp. 148. $1.25.) - The Austrian Electoral Reform of 1907. By William Alexander Jenks. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. 227. $3.25.) - Whirlwind; Tito's Rise to Power. By Stephen Clissold. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1949. Pp. 245. $3.75.) - The Cardinal's Story; The Life and Work of Joseph, Cardinal Mindszenty, Archbishop of Esztergom, Primate of Hungary. By Stephen K. Swift. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. x, 328. $3.75.) - Leaves from a Russian Diary—and Thirty Years After. By Pitirim A. Sorokin. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 346. $3.50.) - India, Pakistan, and the West. By Percival Spear. (London: Oxford University Press. 1949. Pp. 232. $2.00.),
Anonymous, in American Political Science Review (1950) Downloads

Nature and Needs of Higher Education: The Report of the Commission on Financing Higher Education. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xi. 191. $2.50.) - Who Should Go to College, By Byron S. Hollinshead with a chapter by Robert Havighurst and Robert R. Rodgers. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xi, 190. $3.00.) - The Federal Government and Financing Higher Education. By Richard G. Axt. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xiv, 295. $4.00.) - Government Assistance to Universities in Great Britain: Memoranda Submitted to the Commission on Financing Higher Education. By Harold W. Dodds, Louis M. Hacker and Lindsay Rogers. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. x, 133. $2.50.) - State Public Finance and State Institutions of Higher Education in the United States. By H. K. Allen in collaboration with Richard G. Axt. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xviii, 196. $3.00.) - Student Charges and Financing of Higher Education. By Richard H. Ostheimer. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1953). - The Development and Scope of Higher Education in the United States. By Richard Hofstadter and D. DeWitt Hardy. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 254. $3.00.) - A Statistical Analysis of the Organization of Higher Education in the United States, 1948–1949. By Richard H. Ostheimer. (New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. xviii, 233.) - Financing Higher Education in the United States: The Staff Report of the Commission on Financing Higher Education. By John D. Millett. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1952. Pp. xix, 503. $5.00.),
George C. S. Benson, in American Political Science Review (1953) Downloads

PARYS, Wilfried: "Eminent Economists (Michael Szenberg, Cambridge University Press, 1992)" (p. 141); DE BORGER, Bruno: "A coure in microeconomic theory (David M. KREPS, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990)" (p. 142-143); JANSSENS, Geert: "Perfect markets and easy virtue (William J. BAUMOL & Sue Anne Batey BLACKMAN, Blackwell Publishers, 1991)" (p. 143); MEERSMAN, Hilde: "A history of macroeconometric model-building (Ronald G. BOKIN e.a., Edward Elgar Publishing, 1990)" (p. 144); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "Commercialization and agricultural development (Loren BRANDT, Cambridge University Press, 1989)" (p. 144-145); PEETERS, Chris: "Handboek openbare financiën (Wim MOESEN & Vic ROMPUY, Acco, 1991)" (p. 145-146); CUYVERS, Ludo: "Minidragons (Steven M. GOLDSTEIN, Westview Press, 1991)" (p. 146); MEERSMAN, Hilde: "A reader's guide to rational expectations (Deborah A. REDMAN, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1992)" (p. 146-147); VAN HOOF, Liliane: "Cycles and stagnation in socialist economies (Andràs SIMONOVITS, Blackwell Publishers, 1992)" (p. 147-148); KONINGS, Joep: "Perspectives on positive political economy (James E. ALT & Kenneth A. SHEPSLE, Cambridge University Press, 1990)" (p. 148); JEGERS, Marc: "Economics, bounded rationality and the cognitive revolution (Herbert SIMON e.a., Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1992)" (p. 149); DE GRAEVE, Diana: "Providing health care (Alistair MCGUIRE e.a., Oxford University Press, 1991)" (p. 149-150); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Selling public enterprises (Leroy P. JONES e.a., The MIT Press, 1990)" (p. 150-151); NONNEMAN, Walter: "The economics of American higher education (William E. BECKER & Darell R. LEWIS, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)" (p. 151-152); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "The Cambridge handbook of contemporary China (Colin MACKERRAS & Amanda YORKE, Cambridge University Press, 1991)" (p. 152); MEGANCK, Jacques: "Perspectives on the history of economic thought (William J. BARBER, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991)" (p. 152-153); BERCKMOES, Renaat: "Jobs, earnings, and employment growth policies in the United States (John D. KASARDA, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)" (p. 153-154); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Immigration, trade, and the labor market (John M. ABOWD & Richard B. FREEMAN, The University of Chicago Press, 1991)" (p. 154-155); PAUWELS, Wilfried: "Sunk costs and market structure (John SUTTON, The MIT Press, 1991)" (p. 155-156); VERGAUWEN, Philip: "Corporate takeovers and productivity (Frank R. LICHTENBERG, The MIT Press, 1992)" (p. 156-157); DURINCK, Edward: "Continious-time finance (Robert C. MERTON, Blackwell Publishers, 1992)" (p. 157-158); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: "Finance internationale (Henri BOURGUINAT, Presses Universitaires de France, 1992)" (p. 158-159); MARTENS, Rudy: "The strategy process (Henry MINTZBERG & James Brian QUINN, Prentice-Hall International, 1991)" (p. 159-160); VAN CAUWENBERGH, André: "Reshaping work (Chris SMITH e.a., Cambridge University Press, 199)" (p. 160); DERIJCKE, Luc: "Continu opleiden (Karel DE WITTE, Acco, 1992)" (p. 160-161); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Managen zonder hiërarchie (Willem VERHOEVEN, Uitgeverij H. NELISSEN, 1991)" (p. 161-162); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Transactional analysis for trainers (Julie HAY, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1992)" (p. 163); WOUTERS, Kathleen: "Shaping the future (Peter G.W. KEEN, Harvard Bussiness School Press, 1991)" (p. 163-164); JORISSEN, Ann: "The European accounting guide (David ALEXANDER & Simon ARCHER, Academic Press, 1992)" (p. 164-165); JORISSEN, Ann: "Auditing as verification of financial information (T. Flemming RUUD, Norwegian University Press, 1989)" (p. 165-166); BLOCK, Hendrik J.: "Het getrouwe beeld van de jaarrekening (Ann JORISSEN, Kluwer rechtswetenschappen, 1991)" (p. 166-167); VAN HEESVELDE, Eric: "Armoede en sociale uitsluiting (J. VRANKEN & D. GELDOF, Acco 1992)" (p. 167-168); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: "Atypisch Belgisch (Eric ROSSEEL & Jacues VILROKX, Acco, 1992)" (p. 168-169); VAN WAMBEKE, Wim & Mark KEULENEER: "Het proces: Weldaad of kwaad? (Marcel STORME, uitgevers, 1991)" (p. 169-170); ROOSENS, Paul: "Towards a new Europe? (Ash AMIN & Michael DIETRICH, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1991)" (p. 171); BOGAERT, Ilse: "Europe at the multinationals (Stephen Young & James HAMILL, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1992)" (p. 171-172),
Wilfried Parys, Bruno de Borger, Geert Janssens, Hilde Meersman, Sylvain Plasschaert, Chris Peeters, Ludo Cuyvers, Liliane van Hoof, Joep Konings, Marc Jegers, Diana de Graeve, Eddy van de Voorde, Walter Nonneman, Sylvain Plasschaert, Jacques Meganck, Renaat Berckmoes, Stefan Kesenne, Wilfried Pauwels, Philip Vergauwen, Edward Durinck, Rudy Martens, André van Cauwenbergh, Luc Derijcke, Daniël Vloeberghs, Kathleen Wouters, Ann Jorissen, Hendrik J. Block, Eric van Heesvelde, Wim van Wambeke, Mark Keuleneer, Paul Roosens and Ilse Bogaert, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1993) Downloads

YZEWYN, Dirk: “Innovation and regional development (Hans-Jürgen EWERS & Jürgen ALLESCH, Walter de Gruyter, 1990)” (p. 745); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Open economy Macroeconomics (Ronald SHONE, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989)” (p. 746); PAUWELS, Johan: “Value-form and the state (Geert REUTEN & Michael WILLIAMS, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 746-747); ERREYGERS, Guido: “General equilibrium or market process (Alfred BOSCH e.a., J.C.B. Mohr, 1990)” (p. 747-748); SCHROYEN, Fred: “A market theory of money (John HICKS, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 748-749); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “Free banking and monetary reform (David GLASNER, Cambridge Universiity Press, 1989)” (p. 749-750); LAMPAERT, Stefaan: “The economics of trade protection (Neil VOUSDEN, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 750); MAES, Ivo: “Managing exchange rates (Peter B. KENEN, Routledge, 1988)” (p. 751); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Financing the world economy in the nineties (Jac. J. SIJBEN, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 751-752); HENDRICKX, Koen: “Productivity growth and the competitiveness of the American economy (Stanley W. BLACK, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 752-753); PARYS, Wilfried: “Quantitative economics of socialism (Masaaki KUBONIWA, Pxford University Press, 1989)” (p. 753-754); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “The Czechoslovak economy 1948-1988 (Martin MYANT, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 754-755); VERVECKEN, Gerda: “The regulation of motor vehicle and traffic safety (Glenn C. BLOMQUIST, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988)” (p. 755-756); JEGERS, Marc: “The nonprofit organization (David L. GIES e.a., Cole Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 756-757); KONINGS, Joep: “Descriptive theories of bargaining (Gerald R. UHLICH, Springer-Verlag, 1990)” (p. 757); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Facility location and the theory of production (Arthur P. HURTER, Jr. & Joseph S. MARTINICH, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 758); EMBRECHTS, Rob: “The challenge to the south (s.n., Oxford University Press, 1990)” (p. 758-759); CASSIMON, Danny: “Alternative solutions to developing - Country debt problems (Rudiger, DORNBUSCH e.a., American Enterprise Institute for Public Poolicy Research, 1989)” (p. 759-760); KÉSENNE Stefaan: “Combating long-term unemployment (Kenneth DYSON, Routledge, 1989)” (p. 760-761); KESTELOOT, Katrien: “Competition in Europe (Peter DE WOLF, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 761-762); MARTENS, Rudy: “Organization theory (Stephen P. ROBBINS, Prentice-Hall International, 1990)” (p. 762-763); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Kijken, denken, doen (M.M. OTTO & A.C.J. DE LEEUW, Van Gorcum 1989)” (p. 763); VAN WATERSCHOOT, Walter: “Dynamiek in de distributie (J. BUNT e.a., Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, 1989)” (p. 7664-765); DURINCK, Edward: “Foundations for financial economics (Chi-fu HUANG & Robert H. LITZENBERGER)” (p. 765); LAVEREN, Eddy: “Case problems in financial management (William H. MARSH & Harry R. KUNIANSKY, Prentice Hall, 1988)” (p. 765-766); DURINCK, Edward: “Options, futures, and other derivative securities (John HULL, Prentice-Hall International, 1989)” (p. 766-767); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Financiering en risicobeheer in de international handel (Walter CORLUY, MIM, 1990)” (p. 767-768); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Aspiration based decision support systems (A. LEWANDOWSKI & A.P. WIERZBICKI, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 768); JORISSEN, Ann: “Accounting for management decisions (John ARNOLD & Tony HOPE, Prentice Hall, 1990)” (p. 769); JORISSEN, Ann: “Japanese management accounting (Yasuhiro MONDEN & Michiharu SAKURAI, Productivity Press, 1989)” (p. 769-770); KERSTENS, Kris: “Optimal income tax and redistribution (Matti TUOMALA, Clarendon Press, 1990)” (p. 771); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “The Japanese tax system (Hiromitsu ISHI, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 772); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Riskk, organizations, and society (Martin SHUBIK, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991)” (p. 773); JEGERS, Marc: “The European internal market (Alexis JACQUEMIN & André SAPIR, Oxford University Press, 1898)” (p. 774); BRAECKE, Chris: “Zweisprachiges handbuch für Handelskorrespondenz und kommunikation/Bilingual handbook of business correspondence and communication (Susan DAVIES e.a., Prentice Hall International, 1989)” (p. 775),
Dirk Yzewyn, Hilde Meersman, Johan Pauwels, Guido Erreygers, Fred Schroyen, Michel Dombrecht, Stefaan Lampaert, Ivo Maes, Stefaan Marijsse, Koen Hendrickx, Wilfried Parys, Liliane van Hoof, Gerda Vervecken, Marc Jegers, Joep Konings, Eddy van de Voorde, Rob Embrechts, Danny Cassimon, Stefan Kesenne, Katrien Kesteloot, Rudy Martens, Daniël Vloeberghs, Walter van Waterschoot, Edward Durinck, Liliane van Hoof, Robert van Straelen, Ann Jorissen, Kris Kerstens, Sylvain Plasschaert, Walter Nonneman, Marc Jegers and Chris Braecke, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1991) Downloads

PARYS, Wilfried: “The spread of economic ideas (David C. Colander & A.W. Coats, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 151-152); PARYS, Wilfried: “History of economic theory (Takashi Negishi, North-Holland, 1989)” (p. 153-154); MEGANCK, Jacques: “Perspectives on the history of economic thought (Donald A. Walker, Aldershot, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1989)” (p. 154-155); HEYLEN, Freddy: “Economic behavior (Jerry K. Rohacek, Economic Behavior Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1989)” (p. 155-156); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Understanding economic behavior (Klaus G. Grunert & Folke Oelander, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 156); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Macroeconomic theory and stabilization policy (Willem H. Buiter, Manchester University Press, 1989)” (p. 157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “The regulation of monopoly (Roger Sherman, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 158); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Economic development, the family, and income distribution (Simon Kuznets, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 158-159); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Issues in US-EC trade relations (Robert E. Baldwin e.a., The University of Chicago Press, 1988)” (p. 159-160); KÉSENNE, Stefaan: “The insider-outsider theory of employment and unemployment (Assar Lindbeck & Dennis J. Snower, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 161); MEEUSEN, Wim: “The nature of unemployment in Britain (Stephen Nickell e.a., Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 161-162); VANCOPPENOLLE, Chantal: “The quest for productivity (Bruce W. Ahlstrand, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 162-163); COUDER, Johan: “Management control and union power (Christine Edwards & Edmund Heery, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 163-164); JEGERS, Marc: “Industrial economics (Paul R. Ferguson, Macmillan Education, 1989)” (p. 165); VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “The future of nuclear power (Geoffrey Greenhalgh, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1988)” (p. 166); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Economics of shipping practice and management (Alan E. Branch, Chapman and Hall, 1989)” (p. 166-167); CLAESSENS, Evrard: “L’industrie agro-alimentaire de la Wallonie à l’Europe 93 (Jules Gazon, De Boeck-Wesmael, 1990)” (p. 167-168); VAN WOUWE, Martine: “Integrating insurance and risk management for hazardous wastes (Howard Kunreuther & M.V. Rajeev Gowda, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 168); MATTHYSSENS, Paul: “Contemporary perspectives on strategic market planning (Roger A. Kerin e.a., Simon & Schuster, 1989)” (p. 169-170); JORISSEN, Ann: “Management control systems (Robert Anthony e.a., Irwin, 1989)” (p. 170-171); DERIJCKE, Luc: “Management and organizational behavior (R. Wayne Mondy e.a., Allyn and Bacon, 1989)” (p. 171-172); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Automatisering, de sociale dimensie (H.J.G. Verhallen, Samsom, 1989)” (p. 172); VAN WALTERSCHOOT, Walter: “Marketing & detailhandel (Wim van der Ster & Pieter van Wissen, Wolters-Noordhoff, 1990)” (p. 173-174); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Contributions to operations research and economics (Bernard Cornet & Henry Tulkens, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 174-175); SPAAS, Jan P.M.: “Just-in-time (Chris Voss & David Clutterbuck, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 175-176); JORISSEN, Ann: “The concise guide to interpreting accounts (J.D. Blake, Van Nostrand Reinhold International, 1989)” (p. 176-177); JORISSEN, Ann: “Audit jaarboek 1990-1991 (Jan Verhoeye, Kluwer Editorial, 1991)” (p. 177-178); LEMMENS, Michèle: “Actuele problemen van fiscal recht (M.Storme & S. Van Crombrugge, XVe Postuniversitaire lessencyclus Willy Delva, 1988)” (p. 178-179); BALLON G., Luc: “Essays in law and economics (Michel faure & Roger Van den Bergh, MAKLU Uitgevers, 1989)” (p. 179-180); JORISSEN, Ann: “Pensioenstelsels (J. Swinnen & J.P. Ameye, M.Rottiers, De, W. Goethals & A. Van Paesschen, E. Cauwels, V. Ph. Neyt, De Financieel Ekonomische Tijd, 1990 )" (p. 180-181); BALLON G., Luc: “Handels-, economische en financieel recht (H. Swennen e.a., Kluwer rechtswetenschappen, 1989)” (p. 181-182); VAN GERWEN, Jef: “Moral expertise (Don MacNiven, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 182-183); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The modern economic and social history of the Middle East in its world context (Georges Sabagh, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 183); DEWEIRDT, Edward: “Een Europese financiële ruimte (Dominique Servais, Bureau voor officiële publikaties der Europese Gemeenschappen, 1989)” (p. 157),
Wilfried Parys, Jacques Meganck, Freddy Heylen, Wilfried Pauwels, Hilde Meersman, Eddy van de Voorde, Walter Nonneman, Liliane van Hoof, Stefan Kesenne, Wim Meeusen, Chantal Vancoppenolle, Johan Couder, Marc Jegers, Aviel Verbruggen, Eddy van de Voorde, Evrard Claessens, Martine van Wouwe, Paul Matthyssens, Ann Jorissen, Luc Derijcke, Daniël Vloeberghs, Walter van Walterschoot, Jan P.M. Spaas, Michèle Lemmens, Luc Ballon G. and Jef van Gerwen, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1991) Downloads

MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Economics (John SLOMAN, Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, 1991)” (p. 703-704); PARYS, Wilfried: “Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought (S. Todd LOWRY, ed. Edward Elgar, 1992)” (p. 704); MAES, Ivo: “International monetary economics, 1870-1960 (M. June FLANDERS, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 704-705); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “Economic theories in China, 1979-1988 (Robert C. Hsu, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 705-706); VAN HOOF, Liliane: “East-West Financial Relations (Iliana ZLOCH-CHRISTY, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 706-707); KONINGS, Joep: “The state and economic knowledge (Mary O. FURNER & Barry SUPPLE, eds., Cambridge University Press/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1990)” (p. 707); HENDRICKX, Koen: “Growth/Productivity/Employment (The MIT Press, 1990)” (p. 708); VANDENBUSSCHE, Hylke: “ Policy implications of antidumping measures (P.K.M. THARAKAN, ed., Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1991)” (p. 709); DONCKELS, Rik: “Small firms and entrepreneurship (Zoltan J. ACS & David B. AUDRETSCH, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 709-710); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Logistiek management (Schoonhoven, Academic Service, 1992)” (p. 710-711); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “The Internationalisation of Capital Markets and the Regulatory Response (John FINGLETON & Dirk SCHOENMAKER, eds., Graham & Trotman, 1992)” (p. 711-712); JEGERS, Marc: “A Primer in Game Theory (Robert GIBBONS, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992)” (p. 712); KESENNE, Stefan: “Labour markets in an ageing Europe (Paul JOHNSON & Klaus F. ZIMMERMANN, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 712-713); KESENNE, Stefan: “Labour Markets under Trade Unionism (John PENCAVEL, Basil Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 713); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “The New Industrial Economics (George NORMAN & Manfredi LA MANNA, eds., Edward Elgar, 1992)” (p. 714); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Entry and Market Contestability (P.A. GEROSKI & J. SCHWALBACH, eds., Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 714-715); DURINCK, Edward: “Modelling for Financial Decisions (Jaap SPRONK & Benedetto MATARAZZO, eds., Springer-Verlag, 1991)” (p. 715-716); DURINCK, Edward: “Corporate Financial Analysis (Diana R. HARRINGTON, Business One Irwin, 1993)” (p. 716); MARTENS, Rudy: “Managing the Strategy Process (Balaji S. CHAKRAVARTHY & Peter LORANGE, Prentice Hall, 1991)” (p. 716-717); KYMPERS, Leopold: “Mintzberg over Management (Henry Mintzberg, Uitgeverij Veen, 1991)” (p. 718); BOGAERT, Ilse: “Microeconomic Contributions to Strategic Management (Jacques THEPOT & Raymond-Alain THIETART, eds., Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1991)” (p. 718-719); JORISSEN, Ann: “Time-Based Competition (Joseph D. BLACKBURN, ed., Business One Irwin, 1991)” (p. 719-720); JORISSEN, Ann: “Dé Gibs voor Accountants en Bedrijfsrevisoren ’93 (A. Chiau & J. Van den Bossche, eds., Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1993)” (p. 720-721); GOETHALS, Hubert: “Tijdelijke arbeid, uitzendardbeid en terbeschikkingstelling van werknemers (Filip Tilleman, Kluwer Rechtswetenschappen, 1992)” (p. 722); FAUCOMPRET, Erik: “New dimensions in regional integration (Jaime De MELO & Aroind PANAGARIYA, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 722-723),
Hilde Meersman, Wilfried Parys, Ivo Maes, Sylvain Plasschaert, Liliane van Hoof, Joep Konings, Koen Hendrickx, Hylke Vandenbussche, Rik Donckels, Eddy van de Voorde, Sylvain Plasschaert, Marc Jegers, Stefan Kesenne, Eddy van de Voorde, Edward Durinck, Rudy Martens, Leopold Kympers, Ilse Bogaert, Ann Jorissen, Hubert Goethals and Erik Faucompret, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1993) Downloads

MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Economic Policies for the 1990s (John LLEWELLYN, Stephen J. POTTER, Blackwell Publishers, 1991)” (p. 523-524); CUYVERS, Ludo: “South East Asia in the world-economy (Chris DIXON, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 524-525); VAN HOOF, Liliane:” Reform in Eastern Europe (Olivier BLANCHARD e.a., The MIT Press, 1991)” (p. 525-526); VAN HULLE, Cynthia: ”Financial markets’ liberalization and the role of banks (Vittorio CONTI & Rony HAMAUI, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 526-527); COECK, Chris: “Transport, the Environment and Economic Policy (Kenneth BUTTON, Edward Elgar, 1993)” (p. 527-529); ERREYGERS, Guido: “Common Property Economics (Glenn G. STEVENSON, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 529); WITLOX, Frank: “Pathways to Industrialization and Regional Development (Michael STORPER & Allen J. SCOTT, Routledge, 1992)” (p. 529-530); BRUGGEMAN, Annick: “Currency Use and Payment Patterns (Willem C. BOESCHOTEN, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)” (p. 530-531); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Industrial Efficiency in Six Nations (Richard E. CAVES, The MIT Press, 1992)” (p. 531-532); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Learning and Practicing Econometrics (William E. GRIFFITHS e.a., John Willey & Sons, 1992)” (p. 532-533); KERSTENS, Kris: “International Applications of Productivity and Efficiency Analysis (Thomas R. GELLEDGE Jr & Knox LOVELL, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)” (p. 533-534); YZEWYN, Dirk: “Liber amicorum Prof. Dr. Modest Goossens (Herman VAN DER HAEGEN & Etienne VAN HECKE, KU Leuven, 1992)” (p. 534); KESENNE, Stefan: “Wages and unemployment (Pierre PICARD, Cambridge University Press, 1993)” (p. 535); MARYSSE Stefaan: “Disarray in World Food Markets (Rod Tyers & Kyn ANDERSON, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 535-536); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Industrial organization (Kenneth D. GEORGE e.a., Routledge, 1992)” (p. 536-537); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “De wereld van de zeevrachtvaart (J. DE WEERDT, Schoonhoven, Academic Service, 1992)” (p. 537); KYMPERS, Leopold: “Strategie onder de scanner (Paul VERBRUGGEN & Noël VAN ROBAEYS, Roularta Books, 1992)” (p. 538); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “Matamanagement (F.D. WIRTZ, Uitgeverij H. Nelissen, 1990)” (p. 538-539); BOGAERT, Ilse: “Becoming a learning organization (Joop SWIERINGA & André WIERDSMA, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992)” (p. 539-540); DURINCK, Edward: “Venture Capital (Milford B. GREEN, ed., Routledge, 1991) (p. 540-541); DE BOECK, Paul: “Inzicht in stressgevoeligheid (Jan DE VISCH & Arnold BÖHRER, Acco, 1993)” (p. 541-542); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: “MRP (Terry LUNN & Susan A. Neff, Business One Irwin, 1992)” (p. 542-543); COPPIETERS, Piet: “Industrieel beleid in de dienstensector (L. GELDERS & J. MAES, Acco, 1992)” (p. 543-544); REYNS, Carl: “Algemeen boekhouden (Gustaaf VAN HERCK, Chris LEFEBVRE & A. GAEREMYNCK, Acco, 1992)” (p. 544-545); DE CEUSTER, Marc: “Vennootschapsboekhaouden ( Robert VERTONGHEN & Chris LEFEBVRE, Acco, 1992)” (p. 545); VAN GERWEN, Jef: “Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik (Karl HOMANN & Frans BLOME-DREES, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992)” (p. 546),
Hilde Meersman, Ludo Cuyvers, Liliane van Hoof, Cynthia van Hulle, Chris Coeck, Guido Erreygers, Frank Witlox, Annick Bruggeman, Robert van Straelen, Hilde Meersman, Kris Kerstens, Dirk Yzewyn, Stefan Kesenne, Stefaan Marysse, Eddy van de Voorde, Eddy van de Voorde, Leopold Kympers, Daniël Vloeberghs, Ilse Bogaert, Edward Durinck, Paul de Boeck, Claude van Mechelen, Piet Coppieters, Carl Reyns, Marc de Ceuster and Jef van Gerwen, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1993) Downloads

MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The history of econometric ideas (Mary S. Morgan, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 371); NAERT, Frank: “Money, trade and payments (David Cobham, Manchester United Press, 1989)” (p. 371-372); BLAUWENS, G.: “Efficiency in environmental regulation (Ralph A. Luken, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 373); DE BORGER, Bruno: “Productivity and U.S. economic growth (Dale W. Jorgenson e.a., North-Holland, 1987)” (p. 373-374); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Managerial economics (James G. Mulligan, Allyn and Bacon, 1989)” (p. 374-375); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “The economics of special privilege and rent seeking (Gordon Tullock, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 375-376); PEETERS, Chris: “Managing owners (Keith Bradly & Aaron Nejad, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 376); NONNEMAN, Walter: “The political economy of social security (B. A. Gustafsson & N.A. Klevmarken, North-Holland, 1989)” (p. 177-178); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Efficiency in U.S. manufacturing industries (Richard E. Caves & David R., The MIT Press, 1990)” (p. 378); YZEWYN, Dirk: “Advances in spatial theory and dynamics (Ake E. Andersson e.a., North-Holland, 1989)” (p. 379); KÉSENNE, Stefaan: “Understanding unemployment (Lawrence H. Summers, The MIT Press, 1987)” (p. 380); CASSIMON, Danny: “Handbook of development economics (H. Chenery & T.N. Srinivasan, North-Holland, 1988)” (p. 381-382); JEGERS, Marc: “Industrial economics (W. Duncan Reekie, Edward Elgar (Gower Publishing Company), 1989)” (p. 383); VANDENBUSSCHE, Hylke: “The dynamics of company profits (Dennis C. Mueller, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 383-384); VERSTRAETEN, Hans: “The world television industry (Peter Dunnett, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 384-383); VERCRUYSSE, Bart: “Managing innovation and change (Sven B. Lundstedt & Thomas H. Moss, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 1989)” (p. 385-386); SUYKENS, Fernand: “Boards of directors under public ownership (Miriam Dornstein, Walter de Gruyter, 1988)” (p. 386); DURINCK, Edward: “The economic function of futures markets (Jeffrey Williams, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 386-387); LAVEREN, Eddy: “Inleiding in de optietheorie (L.A. Ankum & A.G.Z., Academic Service, 1990)” (p. 387-388); LAEVAERT, Ludo: “Global marketing management (Brian Toyne & Peter G.P. Walters, Allyn and Bacon, 1989)” (p. 388); SPAAS P.M., Jan: “Managing service quality (Graham Clark, IFS Publications, 1990)” (p. 389); JEGERS, Marc: “Knowledge-based systems for management decisions (Robert J. Mockler, Prentice-Hall International Editions, 1989)” (p. 390); JORISSEN, Ann: “Statistical analysis in accounting and finance (John P. Dickinson, Philip Allan (Simon & Schuster International Group, 1990)” (p. 390-391); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Quantitative analysis for economics and business (Guy Judge, Harvester Wheatsheaf (Simon & Schuster), 1990)” (p. 392); FAUNCOMPRET, Eric: “Van Jalta tot Malta (Paul Van de Meerssche, Standaard Uitgeverij, 1990)” (p. 393); DE GRAEVE, Dianna: “The nonprofit sector in international perspective (Estelle James, Oxford University Press, 1989)” (p. 394); VAN LOON, Francis: “Sociology and related disciplines (Sociology and related disciplines, Routledge, 1990)” (p. 395),
Hilde Meersman, Frank Naert, G. Blauwens, Bruno De Borger, Eddy van de Voorde, Wilfried Pauwels, Chris Peeters, Walter Nonneman, Robert van Straelen, Dirk Yzewyn, Stefan Kesenne, Danny Cassimon, Marc Jegers, Hylke Vandenbussche, Hans Verstraeten, Bart Vercruysse, Fernand Suykens, Edward Durinck, Eddy Laveren, Ludo Laevaert, Jan Spaas P.M., Marc Jegers, Ann Jorissen, Hilde Meersman, Eric Fauncompret, Dianna de Graeve and Francis van Loon, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1991) Downloads

HENDRICKX, Koen: “Seven schools of macroeconomic thought (Edmund S. PHELPS, Clarendon Press, 1990)” (p. 621-622); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “From marx tot he market (Wlodzimierz BRUS & Kazimierz LASKI, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 622-623); MEGANCK, Jacques: “Perspectives on the history of economic thought (Donald A. WALKER, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1989)” (p. 623-624); MAES, Ivo: “Economic laws and economic history (Charles P. KINDLEBERGER, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 624-625); VAN GOMPEL, Johan: “The foreign exchange market (Richard T. BAILLIE & Patrick C. MCMAHON, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 625-626); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “The political economy of government regulation (Jason F. SHOGREN, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 626-627); DE BORGER, Bruno: “The economics of small firms (Zoltan J. ACS & David B. AUDRETSCH, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 627-628); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Transportation safety in an age of deregulation (Leon N. MOSES & Ian SAVAGE, Oxford University Press, 1989)” (p. 628); JORISSEN, Ann: “Cost analysis applications of economics and operations research (T.R. GULLEDGE Jr. & L.A. LITTERAL, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 628-629); VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Regulation and markets (Daniel F. SPULBER, The MIT Press, 1989)” (p. 629-630); JEGERS, Marc: “Forecasting, structural time series and the Kalman filter (Andrew C. HARVEY, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 631); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Hunger and public action (Jean DRÈZE & Amartya SEN, Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 631-632); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Peasants and governments (David BEVN e.a., Clarendon Press, 1989)” (p. 633-634); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The labor market and business cycle theories (Piero FERRI & Edward GREENBERG, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 634); KESTELOOT, Katrien: “Innovation, creativity and law (William KINGSTON, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989)” (p. 635); VANLOMMEL, Géry: “Electric power economics energy analysis and policy (Mohan Munasinghe, Butterworths, 1990)” (p. 636); MARTENS, Rudy: “Implanting strategic management (H. Igor ANSOFF & Edward J. MCDONNELL, Prentice Hall, 1990)” (p. 637); MARTENS, Rudy: “Managing innovation (D.H. WHITTAKER, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 637-638); DONCKELS, Rik: Karel J. SAMSOM, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 638-639); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “L’autoformation à la gestion (Tom BOYDELL Bureau International du Travaiil, 1990)” (p. 639); DURINCK, Edward: “Capital investment and financial decisions (Haim LEVY & Marshall SARNAT, Prentice Hall, 1990)” (p. 640); VAN DEN BULTE, Christophe: “Marketing and competitive success (Michael J. BAKER & Susan J. HART, Philip Allan, 1989)” (p. 640-641); VAN STRAELEN, Robert: “Computer-based management of complex systems (Peter M. MILLING & Erich O.K. ZAHN, Springer-Verlag, 1989)” (p. 641-642); GIJSBRECHTS, Els: “Introduction to management science (Bernard W. TAYLOR III, Allyn and Bacon, 1990)” (p. 642-643); JORISSEN, Ann: “Financial statement analysis (Charles H. GIBSON, Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 644); BALLON, Gabriel L.: “Contracting for property rights (Gary D. LIBECAP, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 645,
Koen Hendrickx, Sylvain Plasschaert, Jacques Meganck, Ivo Maes, Johan van Gompel, Wilfried Pauwels, Bruno de Borger, Eddy van de Voorde, Ann Jorissen, Reinhilde Veugelers, Marc Jegers, Stefaan Marijsse, Stefan Kesenne, Katrien Kesteloot, Géry Vanlommel, Rudy Martens, Rik Donckels, Daniël Vloeberghs, Edward Durinck, Christophe van Den Bulte, Robert van Straelen, Els Gijsbrechts, Ann Jorissen and Gabriel L. Ballon, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1990) Downloads

Boekbesprekingen: VAN POECK, André: "De economische en monetaire unie en de Belgische economie (Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Intersentia Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. 147); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Advances in the economics of sport (Wallace HENDRICKS, JAI Press, 1997)" (p. 148); ROOSSENS, Paul: "Japan (John RAVENHILL, Edward Elgar, 1997)" (p. 148-149); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: "An introduction to the economics of information (Inés MACHO-STADLER & J. David PÉREZ-CASTRILLO, Oxford University Press, 1997)" (p. 149-150); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Democracy and welfare economics (Hans VAN DEN DOEL & Ben VAN VELTHOVEN, Cambridge University Press, 1993)" (p. 150-151); KERSTENS, Kristiaan: "Exploring probability and statistics with spreadsheets (R. JACKSON & J.T. CALLENDER, Prentice Hall, 1995)" (p. 151-152); VAN HOOF, Liliane: "Competition Policy and the transformation of Central Europe (John FINGLETON, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1996)" (p. 152); JEGERS, Marc: "Economic evaluation and health promotion (Ceri PHILLIPS, Avebury, 1997)" (p. 152-153); VANHOUDT, Patrick: "Quantitative aspects of post-war European economic growth (Bart VAN ARK & Nicholas CRAFTS, Cambridge University Press, 1996)" (p. 153); VAN HOUDT, Toon: "Economic thought before Adam Smith (Murray N. ROTHBARD, Edward Elgar, 1995)" (p. 153-155); MEGANCK, Jacques: "The crisis of vision in modern economic thought (Robert HEILBRONER & William MILBERG, Cambridge University Press, 1996)" (p. 155-156); DENDUYVER, Julien: "Vervoerseconomie (Gust BLAUWENS, Peter DE BAERE & Eddy VAN DE VOORDE, MIM Standaard Uitgeverij, 1995)" (p. 156-157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Industrial organization (Oz SHY, The MIT Press, 1996)" (p. 157); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: "Industrial economics and organization (David JACOBSON & Bernadette ANDRÉOSSO-O'CALLAGHAN, The McGraw-Hill Book Companies, 1996)" (p. 158); JEGERS, Marc: "Strategy as rationality (Alan E. SINGER, Avebury, 1996)" (p. 158-159); JEGERS, Marc: "Small firm finance (Jerome S. OSTERYOUNG, Derek L. NEWMAN & Leslie G. DAVIES, The Dryden Press & Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1997)" (p. 159); ANNAERT, Jan: "Portfolio management (James L. FARELL, McGraw-Hill, 1997)" (p. 160-161); DE CEUSTER, Marc: "International financial integration (Richard C. MARSTON, Cambridge University Press, 1995)" (p. 161); LODEWYCKX, Jef: "Risk management in volatile financial markets (Franco BRUNI, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996)" (p. 161-162); VAN MECHELEN, Claude: "Ondernemingssturing (Michel VLASSELAER & Thierry VAN SCHOUBROECK, MAKLU Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. -162-163); VANSTRAELEN, Ann: "Cost accounting: A managerial emphasis (Charles T. HORNGREN, George FOSTER & Srikant M. DATAR, Prentice Hall International, 1996)" (p. 163-164); JORISSEN, Ann: "Accountability (Rolland MUNRO & Jan MOURITSEN, International Thomson Business Press 1996)" (p. 164-165); JORISSEN, Ann: "(1) Introduction to Business analysis & valuation (Krishna G. PALEPU, Victor L. BERNARD & Paul M. HEALY, South-Western College Publishing, 1996)" (p. 165-167); JORISSEN, Ann: "(2) Business analysis & valation: Using financial statements. Text and cases (Krishna G. PALEPU, Victor L. BERNARD & Paul M. HEALY, South-Western College Publishing, 1996)" (p. 165-167); JEGERS, Marc: "Implementing activity-based management in daily operations (John A. MILLER, John Wiley & Sons, 1996)" (p. 167-168); DERIJCKE, Luc: "The psychology of action (Peter M. GOLLWITZER & John A. BARGH, The Guilford Press, 1996)" (p. 168-169); DUPONT, Patrick: "Policy-making in the European Union (Hellen WALLACE & William WALLACE, Oxford University Press, 1996)" (p. 169-170),
Andre Van Poeck, Stefan Kesenne, Paul Roossens, Marcel Weverbergh, Kristiaan Kerstens, Liliane van Hoof, Marc Jegers, Patrick Vanhoudt, Toon van Houdt, Jacques Meganck, Julien Denduyver, Eddy van de Voorde, Jan Annaert, Marc de Ceuster, Jef Lodewyckx, Claude van Mechelen, Ann Vanstraelen, Ann Jorissen, Luc Derijcke and Patrick Dupont, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1998)
Keywords: Book reviews, Boekbesprekingen, Paul van den Bempt, Wallace Hendricks, John Ravenhill, Inés Macho-Stadler, J. David Pérez-Castrillo, Hans van den Doel, Ben van Velthoven, RO Jackson, J.T. Callender, John Fingleton, Ceri Phillips, Bart van Ark, Nicholas Crafts, Murray N. Rothbard, Robert Heilbroner, William Milberg, Gust Blauwens, Oz Shy, David Jacobson, Bernadette Andréosso-0’Callaghan, Alan E. Singer, Jerome S. Osteryoung, Derek L. Newman, Leslie G. Davies, James L. Farell, Richard C. Marston, Franco Bruni, Michel Vlasselaer, Thierry van Schoubroeck, Charles T. Horngren, George Foster, Strikant M. Datar, Rolland Munro, Jan Mouritsen, Krishna G. Palepu, Victor L. Bernard, Paul M. Healy, John A. Miller, Peter M. Gollwitzer, John A. Bargh, Hellen Wallace, William Wallace

CASSIMON, Danny: “Economic problems of the 1990s (Paul DAVIDSON & J.A. KREGEL, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1991)” (p. 745); COPPIETERS, Piet: “Restoring economic equilibrium (Theodore W. SCHULTZ, Basil BLACKWELL, 1990)” (p. 746); PARYS, Wilfried: “Comparative economic systems (David W. CONKLIN, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 746-747); MARIJSSE, Stefaan: “Long waves in economic development (Jan REIJNDERS, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1990)” (p. 747-748); VANCOPPENOLLE, Chantal: “Protectionism and economic revival (Michael KITSON & Solomos SOLOMOU, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 748-749); NONNEMAN, Walter: “Introducing econometrics (William S. BROWN, West Publishing Company, 1991)” (p. 749); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The new classical macroeconomics (Kevin D. HOOVER, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 749-750); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Macroeconomics and the wage bargain (Wendy CARLIN & David SOSKICE, Oxford University Press, 1990)” (p. 750-751); PAUWELS, Wilfried: “Financial structure and economic organization (Robert M. TOWNSEND, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (p. 751); BLAUWENS, G.: “An introduction to modern welfare economics (Johansson PER-OLOV, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 751-752); RAES, Régine: “Leading economic indicators (Kajal LAHIRI & Geoffrey H. MOORE, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 752-753); HENDRICKX, Koen: “The economic theory of structure and change (Mauro BARANZINI & Roberto SCAZZIERI, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 753-754); TAHON, Nikolaas: “Institutions, institutional chhange and economic performance (Douglass C. NORTH, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 754-755); VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy: “Cost analysis and estimating (Willis R. GREER Jr. & Daniël A. NUSSBAUM, Springer-Verlag, 1990)” (p. 755); JEGERS, Marc: “Time series techniques for economists ( Terence C. MILLS, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 755-756); DERIJCKE, Luc: “The market experience (Robert E. LANE, Cambridge University Press, 1991)” (p. 756); ROOSENS, Paul: “The economics of property rights (Svetozar PEJOVICH, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990)” (p. 757): VAN HOOF, Liliane: “Economic planning in transition (Janos KOVÀCS & Bruno DALLAGO, Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 757-758): ERREYGERS, Guido: “The stages of economic growth (W.W. ROSTOW, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 758): BASTIAENSEN, Johan: “The macroeconomics of populism in Latin America (Rudiger DORNBUSCH & Sebastian EDWARDS, The University of Chicago Press, 1991)” (p. 759): VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “Recent modelling approaches in applied energy economics (Olav BJERKHOLT e.a., Chapman and Hall, 1990)” (p. 760): VEUGELERS, Reinhilde: “Dynamics, incomplete information and industrial economics (Jean-Jacques LAFFONT & Michel MOREAUX, Basil Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 760-761); MARTENS, Rudy: “Forming winning strategies (Po L. YU, Springer-Verlag, 1990)” (p. 762); VAN CAUWENBERGH, André: “Overcoming organizational defenses (Chris ARGYRIS, Allyn and Bacon, 1990)” (p. 762-763); MATTHYSSENS, Paul: “Exportmanagement (L.P.V.M. KYMPERS e.a., Wolters-Noordhoff, 1991)” (p. 763-764); WEVERBERGH, Marcel: “Modern consumer theory (Kelvin LANCASTER, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1990)” (p. 764-765); VLOEBERGHS, Daniël: “The international manager (Kevin BARMAN & David OATES, The Economist’s Books, 1991)” (p. 765); DOMBRECHT, Michel: “International financial markets (Jerome L. STEIN, Basil Blackwell, 1991)” (p. 766); DURINCK, Edward: “Modern working capital management (Frederick C. SCHERR, Prentice-Hall International, 1990)” (p. 766-767); BERTELS, Koen: “Knowledge-based manufacturing management (Roger KERR, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 767-768); JORISSEN, Ann: “Handboek consolidatie (Siebrecht PLATEAU & Gustaaf VAN HERCK, Acco, 1992)” (p. 768-769); VERHETSEL, Ann: “Female labour market behavior and fertility (Jacques J. SIEGERS e.a., Springer-Verlag, 1991)” (p. 769-770); MAES, Ivo: “Robert Triffin, conseiller des princes (Catherine FERRANT & Jean SLOOVER, Editions Ciaco (Artel), 1990)” (p. 771),
Danny Cassimon, Piet Coppieters, Wilfried Parys, Stefaan Marijsse, Chantal Vancoppenolle, Walter Nonneman, Hilde Meersman, Stefan Kesenne, Wilfried Pauwels, G. Blauwens, Régine Raes, Koen Hendrickx, Nikolaas Tahon, Eddy van de Voorde, Marc Jegers, Luc Derijcke, Paul Roosens, Liliane van Hoof, Guido Erreygers, Johan Bastiaensen, Aviel Verbruggen, Reinhilde Veugelers, Rudy Martens, André van Cauwenbergh, Paul Matthyssens, Marcel Weverbergh, Daniël Vloeberghs, Michel Dombrecht, Edward Durinck, Koen Bertels, Ann Jorissen, Ann Verhetsel and Ivo Maes, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1992) Downloads

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