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1291 documents matched the search for J11 in JEL-codes.
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Effects of the Global Population Growth,
Voiculeţ Alina, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2017)
Keywords: population, famine, illiteracy, aging, access to drinking water

To Stay or to Move? Freshmen and University Accessibility in Italy,
Gian Carlo Blangiardo, in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (2012)
Keywords: life potential, demographic GDP, demographic perspectives

Dynamics of life expectancy in Russia over the last half century and prospects of reaching the 80+ level by 2030,
Dmitry V. Pomazkin, in Population and Economics (2019)
Keywords: life expectancy forecast, rate of decline in mortality

Phd. Ioana-Bianca Berna and Phd. Daniela-Anamaria Radu, in International Journal for Human Capital Development (2013)
Keywords: Demography, Human capital development, Knowledge-Economy, Fertility, Demographic Growth, Demographic Decrease

Business ‘Psych’cles: A Close Look at Mental Health and State-level Economic Performance Using Google Search Data,
Daniel Farhat and Tarja Viitanen, in Review of Economic Analysis (2017)
Keywords: "mental health, business cycles, internet keyword search data"

Dinámica demográfica y crisis socioeconómica en Ciudad Juárez, México, 2000-2010,
Wilebaldo Martinez Toyes, from Cuerpo Académico 41 de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (2013)
Keywords: population dynamics, migration, economic crisis and violence.

Long-Term Demographic Forecasts and Implications for Health Care Resources and Repurposing,
Eric Nauenberg and Carita Ng, from Canadian Centre for Health Economics (2017)
Keywords: demographics, seniors, social supports, health, human resources

Global Demographic Change - On Longevity,
Hans Groth, in Journal of Innovative Business and Management (2019)
Keywords: nominal demographic change, longevity, forecasting life expectancy

A stafétabot átadása: avagy az újabb generációk megjelenése a munkahelyeken,
Laura Czifra and Aranka Mészáros, in Eszak-magyarorszagi Strategiai Fuzetek (2013)
Keywords: generációk, karriermenedzsment, munkaidő átszervezés, kommunikáció

Previsioni stocastiche della popolazione nell’ottica di un Istituto Nazionale di Statistica,
Gianni Corsetti and Marco Marsili, in Rivista di statistica ufficiale (2013)
Keywords: population projections, stochastic approach, uncertainty.

Longevity, Growth and Intergenerational Equity - The Deterministic Case,
Torben M. Andersen and Marias H. Gestsson, from Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University (2010)
Keywords: OLG models, demographics, longevity, taxes, transfers, retirement age, dependency ratio, healthy ageing, decentralization

Issues Of Labour Potential Growth And Effective Formation Of Employment Structure In Uzbekistan,
Muyassar Mirzakarimova, in European Journal of Business and Economics (2012)
Keywords: WorkforceSkill Level, Demographic, Living Standards, Labour Market,

The Social Pressure on the Environment Quality,
Ion Velcea and Daniela Irimie, in Knowledge Horizons - Economics (2009)
Keywords: Demographic fluctuation, environment degradation, nature demo-technical degradation, geographic global nature

A Complex Model for Measurement and Factor Analysis of Population Ageing,
Emil Hristov, in Economic Thought journal (2008) Downloads

Economic Aspects of the Aging Population. Case Study on the Czech Republic,
Smrcka Lubos and Colibasanu Oana – Antonia, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2013)
Keywords: demography, gross domestic product, creative industries, fertility, population, labour forces

A new stage of demographic change: A warning for economists,
Anatoly Vishnevsky and Ekaterina Shcherbakova, in Russian Journal of Economics (2018)
Keywords: Russia, demographic changes, population growth, natural increase, net migration, population ageing, ageing of the labor force, retirement age.

Constantin V. Ştreangă, in Management Intercultural (2014)
Keywords: Târgu Ocna, Population, Number of inhabitants

Can We Slow Down the Alarming Rate of Europe’s Ageing?,
Sándor Türei, in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal (2008)
Keywords: ageing, population, Europe

Jerzy Kowaleski and Anna Majdzinska, in OLSZTYN ECONOMIC JOURNAL (2018)
Keywords: potential labour force, working-age subpopulation, changes in the population age structure, rural areas, counties

The Dynamics of the World Population between Demographic Explosion and Implosion (period 1950-2050),
Mirela Ionela Aceleanu, Doina Iacob and Angela-Eliza Micu, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2010)
Keywords: population, demography, evolution

L'avenir démographique des pays du Sud. Les certitudes et les interrogations,
Gilles Pison, in Revue économique (2008) Downloads

Тенденции рождаемости и смертности в Сибирском федеральном округе. Trends of fertility and mortality in the Siberian Federal District,
Третьякова Е.А. and Хасанова Р.Р., in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки (2017)
Keywords: рождаемость, очередность рождений, СФО, смертность, ожидаемая продолжительность жизни, стандартизованные коэффициенты смертности, причины смерти населения order of births, Siberian federal district, mortality, life expectancy, standardized mortality rates, causes of mortality

Economic and Social Analysis of Economic Gaps, between 1990 – 2014 and the Influence Factors,
Raluca Ileana Zorzoliu and Elena Gurgu, in International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration (2016)
Keywords: the gaps, internal migration, external migration, agrarian economy

A spatial analysis of patterns of growth and concentration of population based on homogeneous population censuses: Spain (1877-2001),
Xavier Franch Auladell, Jordi Marti-Henneberg and Josep Puig-Farré, in INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH (2013)
Keywords: Spain; population censuses; municipality; homogenisation; spatial analysis

Regionale Bevölkerungsentwicklung in der Metropolregion Hamburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung im Rahmen des Projekts 'Infrastrukturplanung und demografische Entwicklungen' (InfraDem),
Stephan Kühntopf and Thusnelda Tivig, from University of Rostock, Institute of Economics (2008)
Keywords: Bevölkerungsprognose, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Merida State: Population movements during the period 1936-1990,
Oswaldo Ramos Ojeda, in Economía (1995)
Keywords: Movimiento migratorio, población, estructura geográfica.

The Davidovich method and the native population internal migration in Venezuela during the XX century,
Oswaldo Ramos Ojeda, in Economía (1998)
Keywords: Método de Davidovich, movimiento migratorio, población.

Newton’s law and migration dynamics,
Oswaldo Ramos Ojeda, in Economía (1999)
Keywords: Leyes de Newton, movimiento migratorio, población.

Урбанизация в России и значение малых и средних городов в развитии сельских территорий,
Irina Sekushina, in Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science (2018)
Keywords: small and medium-sized cities, urbanization, urban network of the region, social and economic importance of the city, development of rural areas

Impact of demographic features on economic development of India from 2001 - 2010,
Rathore Dr Bhawna, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: population, economic growth, economic development,income, standard of living, consumption of goods.

Mauro ALbani, Antonella Guarneri and Serena Pivesan, in Demográfia English Edition (2014)
Keywords: migration, Italy, inflows, outflows, migratory balance, foreign resident population, models of demographic change

Universal history and population change,
Dirk J. Van De Kaa, in Demográfia English Edition (2010)
Keywords: Demographic Trends, Population, Europe, Second Demographic Transition (SDT), Future of Europe, Future of Nations, Population change, Developmental paradigm, Universal History

Between global and local hierarchies: population management in the first half of the tewntieth century,
Attila Melegh, in Demográfia English Edition (2010)
Keywords: Demographic Trends, Population, Population policy, Population discourses, Comparative history, Biopolitics, Discourse analysis, 1900-1940, USA, Netherlands, Hungary, India, Great Britain, Italy, France, Romania, Bulgaria

The development and the spatial characteristics of Roma population in Hungary-experimental population projections till 2021,
László Hablicsek, in Demográfia English Edition (2008)
Keywords: Population, Fertility, Hungary, Roma population, Population-statistics, Population prognosis, Regional distribution

Hungarian pensioners in the world,
Sándor Illés, in Demográfia English Edition (2007)
Keywords: Migration, Pensioners, Age composition, Migration of the elderly, Hungary

Globalisation, ethnicity and international migration. The comparison of Finland, Hungary and Russia,
Attila Melegh, Elena Kondratieva, Perttu Salmenhaara, Annika Forsander, László Hablicsek and Adrienn Hegyesi, in Demográfia English Edition (2005)
Keywords: Hungary, Russia, Finland, International migration, Social structure, Ethnicity, Migration policy

The nature and causes of immigration into Hungary and the Integration of immigrants into Hungarian society and labour market,
Irén Gödri, in Demográfia English Edition (2005)
Keywords: Migration, Immigration, Hungary, Individual motivations of migration, Labour market status of immigrants, Structural factors of migration

Changes in demographic processes in Hungary,
László Cseh-Szombathy, in Demográfia English Edition (2003)
Keywords: Age distribution, Birthrate, Mortality rates, Population, Decreasing population, Population policy, Hungary

Mortality differences between the subregions of Hungary,
András Klinger, in Demográfia English Edition (2003)
Keywords: Mortality rates, Population, Human Geography, Epidemiology, Developing Countries, Public Health, Hungary

The role of international migration in maintaining the population size of Hungary between 2000-2050,
László Hablicsek and Pál Péter Tóth, in Demográfia English Edition (2003)
Keywords: Immigration, Migration, International Migration, Population size, 2000-2050, Hungary

Economic Growth and Population Transition inChina and India 1990-2018,
Aalok Ranjan Chaurasia, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2020)
Keywords: Economic growth, population transition, China, India, standard of living

The Statistics on Outbound Migration and the Demographics of Bulgarian Population,
Nikola Cholakov, in Economic Thought journal (2003) Downloads

Working Paper 03-20 - Modelling fertility for national population projections - The case of Belgium,
Marie Vandresse, from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium (2020)
Keywords: Demography, population projections

Working Paper 07-18 - Multiregional Population Projection Model at the EU level,
Marie Vandresse, from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium (2018)
Keywords: Demography, International migration, Multiregional population projection

Working Paper 01-18 - Perspectives démographiques 2016-2060: analyses de sensibilité, scénarios alternatifs et effets budgétaires et sociaux,
Johan Duyck, Jean-Marc Paul and Marie Vandresse, from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium (2018) Downloads

Working Paper 18-09 - Quotients de mortalité prospectifs par sexe et unisexes / Prospectieve sterftequotiënten per geslacht en uniseks,
Jean-Marc Paul, from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium (2009)
Keywords: Demography, Prospective mortality rates, Life expectancy, Generation life expectancy, Mortality table

Impact of population ageing and elderly poverty on macroeconomic aggregates,
Eli?ka Orlická, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2015)
Keywords: population ageing, elderly poverty, economic growth, saving rate, consumption, labour force, government expenditures

Forecasting mortality with international linkages: A global vector-autoregression approach,
Hong Li and Yanlin Shi, in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (2021)
Keywords: Global vector-autoregression; Coherent mortality forecasting; Multiple populations; Co-integration; Hyperbolic memory process;

Population ageing and the labour market: Modelling size and age-specific effects,
Katerina Lisenkova, Marcel Mérette and Robert Wright, in Economic Modelling (2013)
Keywords: OLG-CGE modelling; Population ageing; Scotland;

Regional Trade and Investment Architecture in Asia-Pacific: Emerging Trends and Imperatives,
Tiziana Bonapace, from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (2005)
Keywords: globalization, WTO, Investments

Demographic Dividend or Demographic Threat in Pakistan,
Durre Nayab, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: Demographic dividend; age-structure; demographic transition; Pakistan

Biljana Radivojevic and Goran Penev, in Economic Annals (2014)
Keywords: war losses, Serbia, First World War, demographic consequences

Geodemography: Land cover, geographical information systems and population distribution,
Francisco Goerlich Gisbert and Isidro Cantarino Martí, in INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES - Journal of REGIONAL RESEARCH (2013)
Keywords: population; Geographical Information Systems; Corine Land Cover; SIOSE; spatial disaggregation

A gravity model of mortality rates for two related populations,
Kevin Dowd, Andrew Cairns, David Blake, Guy Coughlan and Marwa Khalaf-Allah, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: Gravity model; mortality rates; related populations

Tablas de vida de decrementos múltiples: Mortalidad por causas en España (1975-2008),
Francisco Goerlich Gisbert, from Fundacion BBVA / BBVA Foundation (2012)
Keywords: Life expectancy, mortality causes, life tables, International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

Esperanza de vida y causas de muerte: Un análisis de descomposición (1975-2009),
Francisco Goerlich Gisbert, from Fundacion BBVA / BBVA Foundation (2012)
Keywords: Life expectancy, mortality causes, life tables, International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

Censo 2021 versus Padrón 2021 –¡Y algunas otras cuestiones censales!–,
Francisco Goerlich Gisbert, from Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie) (2024)
Keywords: Población; Censo; Padrón; Secciones Censales, Grids de población. Census; Population registry; Census Tracts; Popula-tion Grids.

HIPGDAC-ES: Historical Population Grid Data Compilation for Spain (1900-2021) –Version 0 (beta)–,
Francisco Goerlich Gisbert, from Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie) (2024)
Keywords: Palabras clave: Población; Censos; Grids de pobla-ción; Demografía. Population; Census; Population Grids; Demography.

Der demographische Wandel bleibt ungebrochen – trotz höherer Zuwanderung: Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung für Deutschland bis 2060 auf der Basis des Zensus 2011,
Eckart Bomsdorf and Jörg Winkelhausen, in ifo Schnelldienst (2014)
Keywords: Demographischer Übergang, Bevölkerungsprognose, Datenerhebung, Deutschland

UNFPA’s View on Population: an Economic Analysis,
Alejandro Cid, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2003)
Keywords: demographic economics; poverty; economic development; development planning and policy; resource economics

International mortality modelling—An economic perspective,
Declan French, in Economics Letters (2014)
Keywords: Mortality; Technology; Diffusion;

Challenges in Introducing Innovations in the Veterinary Sector in Bulgaria,
Borisov Borislav, Kostov Iliyan and Nikolova Gergana, in Economics (2023)
Keywords: digitalization, veterinary sector, demography

Typisierung auf räumlich tief gegliederter Ebene als Beitrag zur Beurteilung der demographischen Entwicklung eines Gebietes,
Annett Kirschke, in ifo Dresden berichtet (2006)
Keywords: Bevölkerungsentwicklung, Regionale Bevölkerungsentwicklung, Bevölkerungsstatistik, Statistische Methode, Sachsen

Future Population Trends in China: 2005-2050,
Chen Wei and Liu Jinju, from Victoria University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre (2009)
Keywords: population projection, Brass logit transformation, life table, China

How fast is population ageing in China?,
Yinhua Mai, Xiujian Peng and Wei Chen, from Victoria University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre (2009)
Keywords: Cohort-component, Brass logit transformation, Population projection, Population ageing, China

Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Deutschland bis 2050: nur leichter Rückgang der Einwohnerzahl?,
Erika Schulz and Anke Hannemann, in DIW Wochenbericht (2007)
Keywords: Demographic forecast

Population projections using R, including graphical dynamic presentations,
Farid Flici, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2020)
Keywords: population projection; R; Algeria;

Muti-Scenarios Population Projection for Algeria using R,
Farid Flici, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2020)
Keywords: multi-scenario; projection; Algeria; R

Age Groups and the Measure of Population Aging,
Hippolyte d'Albis and Fabrice Collard, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2013)
Keywords: Population Aging, Age Distributions, Aging Indexes, Optimal Grouping, Old Age, Demographic Measures.

Demographic Dividend or Demographic Threat in Pakistan,
Durre Nayab, from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Demographic dividend, age-structure, demographic transition, Pakistan

Demographic Complementarities and Outsourcing: Implications and Challenges for India,
Mukul G. Asher and Amarendu Nandy, from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (2006)
Keywords: Outsourcing, Offshoring, India, Demographic Trends, globalization

Does Europe need mass immigration?,
Massimo Livi Bacci, in Journal of Economic Geography (2018)
Keywords: Population, immigration, ageing, productivity, innovation

Do Immigrant Inflows Lead to Native Outflows?,
John DiNardo and David Card, in American Economic Review (2000) Downloads

Global Demography: Fact, Force and Future,
David Bloom and David Canning, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: demography; population; aging

Rural/Urban Migrations in Zimbabwe in 1982-92: Selectivity by Gender, Place of Birth, and Educational Attainment,
Kao-Lee Liaw and Yasuko Hayase, from McMaster University (1997)
Keywords: rural/urban migration; Zimbabwe; census

PMEDS-D Users' Manual,
Frank Denton, Christine Feaver and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (1997)
Keywords: demographic; projection; simulation; population; labour force

Immigration, Labour Force, and the Age Structure of the Population,
Frank Denton, Christine Feaver and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (1997)
Keywords: immigration; labour force; population age structure; simulation; growth

Population, Labour Force and Long-term Economic Growth,
Frank Denton and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (1997)
Keywords: population; labour force; immigration; baby boom; economic growth

Alternative Pasts, Possible Futures: A "What If" Study of the Effects of Fertility on the Canadian Poulation and Labour Force,
Frank Denton, Christine Feaver and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (2002)
Keywords: fertility; population; labour force; dependency ratio

Population Change and Economic Growth: The Long-Term Outlook,
Frank Denton and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (2003)
Keywords: population change; economic growth; simulation

Alternative Pasts, Possible Futures: A "What If" Study of the Effects of Fertility on the Canadian Population and Labour Force,
Frank Denton, Christine Feaver and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (2002)
Keywords: fertility; population; labour force; dependency ratio

Changing Income Inequality and Immigration in Canada 1980-1995,
Eric G. Moore and Michael A. Pacey, from McMaster University (2002)
Keywords: income inequality; immigration

Population Change and Economic Growth: The Long-Term Outlook,
Frank Denton and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (2003)
Keywords: population change; economic growth; simulation

La «migration de remplacement» au Québec: à quel point peut-on compter sur l’immigration pour contrer les problèmes démographiques appréhendés?,
Guillaume Marois, from McMaster University (2009)
Keywords: Replacement migration, Quebec, immigration, demography, population, ageing, workforce, fertility, projections

Le vieillissement de la population carcérale sous responsabilité fédérale au Canada: Vers de «pénitenciers-hospices» ?,
Anne-Laure Tesseron, from McMaster University (2009)
Keywords: Prison population, prison ageing, old prisoners, projections, Canada

Revue de la littérature sur l’évolution future de l’espérance de vie et de l’espérance de vie en santé,
Robert Bourbeau, Jacques Légaré and Nadine Ouellette, from McMaster University (2011)
Keywords: mortality, morbidity, life expectancy, healthy life expectancy, limit to the human life span, Canada, industrialized countries

Explaining the Fertility Decline in Ireland,
Cathal O'Donoghue and Eamon O'Shea, from National University of Ireland Galway, Department of Economics (2003) Downloads

Population Dynamics in India and Implications for Economic Growth 2011/1,
World Demographic and Ageing Forum and David E. Bloom, from World Demographic and Ageing Forum (2010)
Keywords: Demographic Trends and Forecasts

Population ageing or population growth, what should we worry about,
World Demographic and Ageing Forum and Lord Adair Turner of Ecchinswell, from World Demographic and Ageing Forum (2007)
Keywords: Demographic Trends and Forecasts

Features and Challenges of Population Ageing using the European Perspective,
World Demographic and Ageing Forum, Asghar Zaidi and Alexandre Sidorenko, from World Demographic and Ageing Forum (2008)
Keywords: Demographic Trends and Forecasts

Global Demography, Facts, Force and Future,
World Demographic and Ageing Forum, David Bloom and David Canning, from World Demographic and Ageing Forum (2006)
Keywords: Demographic Trends and Forecasts

Switzerland and its Demography,
World Demographic and Ageing Forum and Hans Groth, from World Demographic and Ageing Forum (2009)
Keywords: Demographic Trends and Forecasts

Demography and Low Frequency Capital Flows,
David Backus, Thomas Cooley and Espen Henriksen, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2013) Downloads

Transaction Prices and Managed Care Discounting for Selected Medical Technologies: A Bargaining Approach,
Avi Dor, Michael Grossman and Siran M.Koroukian, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2004) Downloads

Will immigration in the future make it easier to support an ageing population?,
Jan Ekberg, from Linnaeus University, Centre for Labour Market Policy Research (CAFO), School of Business and Economics (2010)
Keywords: Demography; Forecasting; Immigration

Immigration, Labour Force, and the Age Structure of the Population,
Frank Denton, Christine Feaver and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (1997)
Keywords: immigration; labour force; population age structure; simulation; growth

Population, Labour Force, and Long-term Economic Growth,
Frank Denton and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (1997)
Keywords: population; labour force; immigration; baby boom; economic growth

Gender Differentials in Adult Mortality in India - With Notes on Rural-Urban Contrasts,
N.Krishnaji and K.S.James, from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research (2002)
Keywords: Gender, Differentials, Adult Mortality, India, Rural-Urban

Demographically based global income forecasts up to the year 2050,
Bo Malmberg and Thomas Lindh, from Institute for Futures Studies (2004)
Keywords: demographic projections; global income; long-term forecasts

Demography and housing demand - What can we learn from residential construction data?,
Thomas Lindh and Bo Malmberg, from Institute for Futures Studies (2005)
Keywords: demography; housing demand

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