Enache Elena and Morozan Cristian,
in Management Strategies Journal
Keywords: entrepreneurs, crowdfunding, financing, social economy, life conditions, economic sector
Andrei Tabarcea,
in CES Working Papers
Keywords: ethical behavior; culture; time; universalization Romania
Theories of Transition,
Colin Sparks,
in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication
Keywords: post-communism, transition, transitology, democracy, market, elite
Why is Necessary the Knowledge of Morality Nowadays,
Valentina Dramalieva,
in Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi
Keywords: knowledge of morality, cultural lag
The Economic Effects of Protestant and Catholic Moralities in Sovereign Debt Crisis. A Cross-Country Analysis [Efectele economice ale moralităţilor protestantă şi catolică în criza datoriilor suverane. O analiză între ţări],
Sanda Dragoş Constantin,
in Revista OEconomica
Keywords: culture, reformation, Protestantism, Catholicism, sovereign debts, economic behaviour
Consumerism and the Culture of Late Modernity. A Theological Interpretation [Consumerismul şi cultura modernităţii târzii. O interpretare teologică],
Constantin Mihai,
in Revista OEconomica
Keywords: regulation, consumerism, loss of freedom, anthropological analysis
Social Economy Dimensions from Romania. Perspectives and Realities of NGO Sector,
Felicia Andrioni and Mihaela Camelia Schmidt,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: Social economy, perspectives, NGO sector, civil society
Analysis of Tidung Island Tourist Perceptions and Preferences Using Importance Performance Analysis Method,
Muhamad Syahiddin, Dhian Tyas Untari and Paryono,
in Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People
Keywords: perception, preference, Tidung Island, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)
Are Human Rights Becoming Burdensome for Our Economies? The Role of Slavery-Like Practices in the Development of World Economics and in the Context of Modern Society,
Tiziana Luise,
in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali
Keywords: slavery, slaves, society, social, economy, labor, identity
Quale programma per lo sviluppo? Una nota a partire dalla dottrina sociale della Chiesa,
Simona Beretta,
in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali
Keywords: development planning, human dignity, freedom of initiative, institutional arrangements.
Business Ethics in Germany – Problems, Concepts, and Functions,
Hans-Ulrich Kuepper,
in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics
Keywords: Unternehmensethik, Germany, Max Weber
Ethics in New Economy,
Janusz Wisniewski,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: New Economy, ethics, CRTP Rules, Catholic social teaching
Human Dignity-An Economic Approach,
Livia Ivascu,
in Scientia Moralitas Journal
Keywords: human dignity, human rights, economic rights, value, duties (moral), respect, human being, and principles
Ethics and Economics-The Context of an Ambivalent Relationship,
Arthur Wagner,
in Scientia Moralitas Journal
Keywords: ethics, morals, economics, essential—complementary premises monistic—dualist concept
Tamir Rosenthal,
in Entrepreneurship
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Israel, Intel, Diversity and Inclusion, Ethical Conduct, Volunteering, Environment Quality, Employment
The Main Options at National and International Level on Combating the Effects of Global Financial Crisis,
Dumitru Mazilu,
in Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Keywords: Financial crisis, emergent economies, fighting financial crisis effects
Economic prerequisites of society's well-being,
Cristina Balaceanu, Daniela Penu and Iuliana Barbat,
in Social-Economic Debates
Keywords: Education system, sectoral policies, education sustainability, labor market sustainability
Private Property Rights, Government Interventionism and Welfare Economics,
Jankovic Ivan and Block Walter,
in Review of Economic Perspectives
Keywords: Government failure, market failure, prices, private property rights, subjectivism, socialism, public choice
Cechy kultury organizacyjnej warunkujace podejmowanie dzialan pozabiznesowych/Characteristics of Organizational Culture Which Conditions Undertaking Non-Business Activities,
Monika Olszewska,
in Annales. Ethics in Economic Life
Keywords: market, morality, ethics, person
Moralnosc a rynek. Propozycja nowej definicji rynku/Morality and the Market. A Proposal of New Definition of the Market,
Robert Rogowski,
in Annales. Ethics in Economic Life
Keywords: market, morality, ethics, person
The Concept of Integrity and Its Application to Engineering Ethics,
Piotr Wajszczyk,
in Annales. Ethics in Economic Life
Keywords: engineering ethics, integrity, professional ethics
Ethical Development of Professional Image in Professional Codes of Engineering Ethics,
Piotr Wajszczyk,
in Annales. Ethics in Economic Life
Keywords: professional engineering ethics, codes of ethics, social professional image, management of professional organizations and societies
Wolnosc gospodarcza a poczucie odpowiedzialnosci za dobro wspolne/Economic Freedom and the Sense of Responsibility for the Common Good,
Danuta Walczak-Duraj,
in Annales. Ethics in Economic Life
Keywords: economic freedom, responsibility, common good, market, axio-normative order
Management strategies and methods reducing work incapacity,
Marco Habbaba,
in Journal of Human Resource Management
Keywords: management, leadership, work incapacity, work absence, cost reduction
Commentaire de la note de Philippe Mongin. « Le libéralisme, deus ex machina de l'économie du bien-être »,
Alain Wolfelsperger,
in Revue économique
Research in Islamic Economics and Finance: Nature, Quality, and Measurement البحث في الاقتصاد والتمويل الإسلامي: الطبيعة والجودة والقياس,
Munawar Iqbal,
in Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics
Keywords: Impact factor, ISI, Scopus, Google Scholar, Journal Rank, h-index, g-index. عامل التأثير، ISI ، Scopus ، Google Scholar ، ترتيب المجلة، مؤشر h ، مؤشر g.
Two Energies of the Entrepreneurship and the Role of the Institutions in Their Management,
Vladimir G. Stankov,
in Economic Thought journal
Nicolae Cornel Jucan and Mihaela Sabina Jucan,
in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica
Keywords: Business, Culture, Decision making, Electronics, Ethics, Globalization, Information, Management, Responsibility.
Filofteia Repez and Mihaela Postolache,
from Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and "Carol I-st" National Defence University, Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education
Keywords: security, cooperation, tolerance, the extended Black Sea region, strategy
Andriy Maksymuk and Nataliya Kuzenko,
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: social values, formal and informal institutions, GDP per capita, trade, democracy
The Digital Economy,
Oana Iuliana Rujoiu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: the digital economy, the process of economy's digitalization, digital money, internet, industrial revolution
The Analysis of the Perceptions about Gender Equality on the Labour Market in Romania,
Daniela Pasnicu and Luise Mladen,
in International Conference on Economic Sciences and Business Administration
Keywords: gender equality, gender gap, occupation, career, pay
Intercultural challenges: University – Business Partnerships,
Marc Ambrock and Kingsley Lawal,
from Universities Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Africa International Conference
Philippe Duez, Ioan Radu, Cleopatra Sendroiu and Monica Sabau,
in Business Excellence and Management
Keywords: Health and social system, Economics of law, Lump sum contract
Rationalité et embeddedness La sensibilité écologique des consommateurs à l’école des conventions,
Patrick Jolivet,
in Ethics and Economics
Keywords: rationalité; économie des conventions; sensibilité écologique des consommateurs; embededdness; don contre don
A closer look at potential distortions in state real gross domestic product: The case of the Texas energy sector,
Keith Phillips, Raul Hernandez and Benjamin Scheiner,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Industry RGDP; value added; oil and gas extraction; regional data
A note on spurious seasonal patterns and other distortions in the BLS local area unemployment statistics,
Keith Phillips and Jianguo Wang,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Local area unemployment statistics; data revisions; seasonal adjustment; C8
The bias in measuring disparity in outcomes via a dummy variable: A note,
Shawn W. Ulrick,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Pooling bias; measuring disparity
Measuring U.S. business cycles: A comparison of two methods and two indicators of economic activities,
Francis Ahking,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Markov-switching model; Bry and Boschan algorithm; business cycle dating
A test for selection in matched administrative earnings data,
Jesse Bricker and Gary V. Engelhardt,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Earnings; selection bias
Formulary measures for the U.S. current account: Accounting for transactions attributable to special purpose entities of multinational enterprises,
Dylan G. Rassier,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: National accounting; production; FDI; multinational firms; balance of payments
Computing regression statistics from grouped data,
Jörg Schwiebert,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Data confidentiality; grouped data; instrumental variables; nonlinear least Squares; ordinary least squares
The degree and impact of differences in house price index measurement,
Mick Silver,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: House price indexes; housing inflation; residential property price indexes
Human capital, education, achievement and learning,
Chris Robinson,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Human capital; skills; tasks; panel data
Household consumption: Research questions, measurement issues, and data collection strategies,
Luigi Pistaferri,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Consumption; survey data
Family formation processes: Assessing the need for a new nationally representative household panel survey in the United States,
Wendy D. Manning,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Family; household; measurement; panel data
Advancing the science of child and adolescent development: Do we need a new household panel survey?,
Terri J. Sabol, P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Child and adolescent development; measurement; household surveys; birth cohort and longitudinal studies
Intergenerational family support processes from young adulthood through later life: Do we need a new national survey?,
Judith A. Seltzer,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Family support; inequality; intergenerational relationships; kin networks; life course; safety net; transfers
Social networks and social capital: New directions for a household panel survey,
Laura Tach and Benjamin Cornwell,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Social networks; social capital; social media; survey research
Housing and neighborhoods and a new national household panel,
Lincoln Quillian and Jens Ludwig,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Housing; neighborhoods; panel data; residential mobility; neighborhood effects; social capital
Assessing the need for a new household panel study: Health insurance and health care,
Helen Levy,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Survey data; longitudinal studies; health insurance; access to care; health reform
Physical health and health behavior,
Nancy Adler, Christine Bachrach and Aric A. Prather,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Health; mortality; disparities; social determinants; stress; gene-environment; biomarkers; place
Genotyping a new, national household panel study: White paper prepared for NSF-sponsored Conference, May 2014,
Dalton Conley,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Genotype; G × E; national household panel; behavior genetics; Socio-genomics
Methodological considerations for a new household panel survey,
Kristen Olson and J. Michael Brick,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: New household panel survey; survey methodology; survey design
Toward a new nationally representative household panel survey (NRHPS),
James S. House,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Social science; social policy; nationally representative sample; innovation; interdisciplinary; cost-effectiveness; methodology
The need for nationally representative longitudinal data for addressing key questions about family change,
R. Kelly Raley,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Family; households; social trends; data collection
Model specification tests and the estimation of treatment effects: An application with random and non-random administrative records,
Tao Chen, Tao Chen and Kenneth A. Couch,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Model misspecification; unconditional bounding; administrative records
Measuring poverty using the Supplemental Poverty Measure in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, 1998 to 2010,
Sara Kimberlin, H. Luke Shaefer and Jiyoon Kim,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Poverty measurement; supplemental Poverty Measure; Panel Study of Income Dynamics; social welfare policies
Prescription drug coverage and drug utilization: New evidence from the HRS prescription drug study,
Gary V. Engelhardt,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Prescription drugs; utilization; panel data
Measuring visible underemployment,
Sugata Sen Roy and Sourav Chakrabortty,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Visible underemployment; intensity measures; norm-based measures
New insights on the impact of coefficient instability on ratio-correlation population estimates,
Jeff Tayman and David A. Swanson,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Population estimation; ratio-correlation method; coefficient instability
Consumption inequality in the Great Recession,
Hyojung Lee and Gary D. Painter,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Consumption inequality; economic well-being; Theil index decomposition
Seasonal adjustment of hybrid time series: An application to U.S. regional jobs data,
Keith Phillips and Jianguo Wang,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Current employment statistics; seasonal adjustment; hybrid time series
A new method for measuring historical poverty trends: Incorporating geographic differences in the cost of living using the Supplemental Poverty Measure,
Laura Nolan, Irwin Garfinkel, Neeraj Kaushal, JaeHyun Nam, Jane Waldfogel and Christopher Wimer,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Poverty measurement; Supplemental Poverty Measure; Current Population Survey
Alternatives to GDP - Measuring the impact of natural disasters using panel data,
Jörg Döpke and Philip Maschke,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Natural disasters; alternative welfare indicators; welfare measurement
Value ``added'': Why consistency in aggregation is essential for global accounting standards, and how to achieve it,
Utz-Peter Reich,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: National accounts; value added; volume measures; consistency; aggregation
Poverty, richness, and inequality: Evidence for Portugal using a housing comfort index,
Cristina Fernandes, Cristina Fernandes, Nuno Crespo and Nadia Simoes,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Wealth; Portugal; poverty; richness; inequality; housing comfort
Implementation of a linked Medical Organization Survey in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey,
Steven B. Cohen, Joel W. Cohen, Marie N. Stagnitti and Doris C. Lefkowitz,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Physician survey; medical organizations; MEPS
Rasch analyses of the standardized Spanish translation of the U.S. household food security survey module,
Matthew Rabbitt and Alisha Coleman-Jensen,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Food security; measurement; Rasch model; differential item functioning; Hispanics; Spanish
Nowcasting regional job growth using payroll processing company data,
Keith Phillips and Christopher Slijk,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Nowcasting; real-time data; payroll processing data; regional dataJEL classification: C13; C53; C82
El modo de producción capitalista, su actual crisis sistémica y una alternativa posible,
Sabogal Tamayo Julián,
in Revista Sociedad y Economía
Keywords: Modo de Producción, Capital, Crisis Sistémica, Explotación, Problema Ambiental.
¿Influye la realIdad económIca en el suicidio?,
Christian Acevedo Navas,
from Universidad del Norte
Keywords: suicidio y producto interno bruto en Colombia, suicidio y economía en Colombia / Social mobility, poverty, department of Cordoba
¿Qué hacer... con el desarrollo? Neodesarrollismos, buenvivir y alternativas populares,
Féliz Mariano,
in Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
Keywords: Desarrollo, Sudamérica, Neoliberalismo, Buenvivir.
The concentration of health care expenditures in the U.S. and predictions of future spending,
Steven B. Cohen,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Medical expenditures; concentration of healthcare expenditures; MEPS
Ethical dilemmas of the silver economy,
Grazyna Krzyminiewska,
in Ekonomia i Prawo
Keywords: ethics; ethical dilemmas silver economy; ageing population
The order of social sciences: sociology in dialogue with neighbouring disciplines,
Dieter Bögenhold,
in The Journal of Philosophical Economics
Keywords: interdisciplinarity, philosophical economics, economic sociology, Max Weber, Joseph A. Schumpeter
Measuring disability, physical functions and cognitive abilities of adults: Survey enhancements and options for a new panel study,
Carlos F. Mendes de Leon and Vicki A. Freedman,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Disability; physical functioning; cognitive functioning; household panel survey; adults
Valuing water services: A review of what water pricing and demand management would mean for Nairobi city,
James Origa Otieno,
from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Keywords: Valuing water, Economics of Water, Demand Management
O tratare complexa a sistemului de pensii din Romania,
Stegaroiu Valentin,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: social insurance; pension system; contributions;social dimension
The Adjustment of the Romanian Public Pension Plan in the Context of European Integration,
Stegaroiu Valentin,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: social insurance , pensions, public social insurance system, social insurance pension
L'analisi della competitività degli oli extravergine di oliva nel canale della GDO,
Andrea Marchini and Francesco Diotallevi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: modern distribution startegies, olive oil
Социетальные аспекты эффективности экономических процессов,
Irina Filippova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: public production, effectiveness, accrual, societal approach
Importance of human values of personnel in the contemporary organization,
Diana Şerb and Nicoleta Cicioc,
in Computational Methods in Social Sciences (CMSS)
Keywords: human values, personnel, organization
Mudura Mariana Lioara, Mudura Teodor and Secara Oana Maria,
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: Romania, social assistance, social economy, non-profit sector, cooperatives.
Jubénot Marie-Noëlle,
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: Nonprofit organization, typology, economic impact, employees
Borma Afrodita,
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: women, European Union, PROGRESS, European Social Fund, European Institution
Story of a Shellfish Farmers Co-operative,
Cheryl Lans and Delia Becker,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: shellfish, Vancouver Island, co-operative, policy needs
Business Ethics in Germany – Problems, Concepts, and Functions,
Hans-Ulrich Kuepper,
in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics
Keywords: Unternehmensethik, Germany, Max Weber
A proszociális értékek evolúciója a játékelméleti kísérletek tükrében,
György Marosán,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Daniela Paşnicu and Luise Mladen,
in Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economic Series
Keywords: gender equality; gender gaps; occupation; career; incomes
Kamelia Narleva,
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Management, Human Resource Management, Functions, Empirical Approach
Contemporary Culture Facing New Value Landmarks,
Nikoleta Mihaleva,
in An Annual Book of University of Economics - Varna
Keywords: civilizational development, Contemporary culture, social code, Landmarks, crisis in values
Other Things Equal: One Small Step for Gary,
Deirdre McCloskey,
in Eastern Economic Journal
Sylvester Adejo Ogba and Elijah Ojochonu Okpanachi,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Environment, Philosophy, Nigeria.
Ahmet Gökçe,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Social-Economic Situation, International Trade Union Confederation, Turkey
Indonesia?s Efforts Towards Malaysia?s Culture Claim,
Panji Raga and Nurdiniah Andesita Hamzah,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Knowing the efforts of Indonesian government to maintain its culture.
Ethical regulation in business managers decision making,
Arie Reshef,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Ethical regulation, Business ethics, Ethical decision making
A note on how to realize the full potential of the EU-SILC data,
Melissa Berger and Sandra Schaffner,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: EU-SILC; sampling weights; income; Europe; data quality; panel data
Tejer el liderazgo público: estudio y construcción de un marco conceptual y de competencias,
Paola Forero, Nathalie Mendez and Camilo Recio,
from Escuela de Gobierno - Universidad de los Andes
Keywords: liderazgo público; valor público; gobernanza colaborativa; competencias cognitivas; competencias socioemocionales; competencias relacionales; competencias integradoras
Is the 2010 Affordable Care Act minimum standard to identify disability in all national datasets good enough for policy purposes?,
Richard Burkhauser, T. Lynn Fisher, Andrew J. Houtenville and Jennifer R. Tennant,
in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement
Keywords: Measuring disability populations; function-based measures; activity-based measures; disability prevalence; matched CPS/SSA administrative records data