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Working Papers

From Princeton University, School of Public and International Affairs, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing.
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23-01-ff: Ethnic/Racial Disparities in DNA Methylation Age Profiles across the Lifespan Downloads
Juan Del Toro, Colin Freilich, Gianna Rea-Sandin, Kristian Markon and Sylia Wilson
22-01-ff: Policing Disability: Law Enforcement Contact among Urban Teens Downloads
Amanda Geller, Kristin Turney and Sarah Remes
20-03-ff: Family instability from Birth to Adolescence: Evidence from a Birth Cohort Study Downloads
Sarah Gold, Brandon Wagner, Sara McLanahan and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
19-12-ff: Vicarious and Contingent Consequences of Adolescent Police Exposure Downloads
Kristin Turney
19-11-ff: Keeping Promises: Single Mothers, Race, and Elementary Educational Engagement Downloads
Yiwan Ye and Larissa Saco
19-09-ff: The Health-Related Consequences to Police Stops as Pathways to Risks in Academic Performance for Urban Adolescents Downloads
Juan Del Toro, Alvin Thomas, Ming-Te Wang and Diane Hughes
19-08-ff: Transforming Police Surveillance of Kids to the Civic Incorporation of Youth Downloads
Vesla Weaver and Amanda Geller
19-07-ff: Race, Skin Tone, and Police Contact Among Contemporary Teens Downloads
Amanda Geller and Ellis Monk
19-06-ff: Police Contact in Adolescence: Sexual Minorities and Health Inequality Downloads
Amanda Geller and Gabriel Schwartz
19-05-ff: The Role of Child Support Debt on the Development of Mental Health Problems among Nonresident Fathers Downloads
Hyunjoon Um
19-04-ff: Unintended Consequences: Protective State Policies and the Employment of Fathers with Criminal Records Downloads
Allison Dwyer Emory
19-03-ff: Children in Fragile Families Downloads
Sara McLanahan, Kate Jaeger and Kristin Catena
19-02-ff: The Effect of Direct and Vicarious Police Contact on the Educational Achievement of Urban Teens Downloads
Aaron Gottlieb and Robert Wilson
19-01-ff: Vicarious and Contingent Consequences of Adolescent Police Exposure Downloads
Kristin Turney
18-10-ff: Improving metadata infrastructure for complex surveys: 
Insights from the Fragile Families Challenge Downloads
Alexander Kindel, Vineet Bansal, Kristin Catena, Thomas Hartshorne and Kate Jaeger
18-09-ff: Privacy, ethics, and data access: A case study of the Fragile Families Challenge Downloads
Ian Lundberg, Arvind Narayanan, Karen Levy and Matthew Salganik
18-08-ff: The Effects of Maternal Depression on Nine-Year-Old Children’s Behavior, Physical Health, and Cognition Downloads
Christine Porr and Kelly Noonan
18-07-ff: The long-reach of nonresident fathers’ financial support on children’s skills in fragile families: Parental investments, family processes, and children’s language skills Downloads
Ronald Mincy, Natasha Cabrera, Elia De La Cruz Toledo and Hyunjoon Um
18-06-ff: The long-reach of fathers’ earnings on children’s skills in two-parent families: Parental investments, family processes, and children’s language skills Downloads
Natasha Cabrera, Ronald Mincy and Hyunjoon Um
18-04-ff: Unpacking the Drivers of Racial Disparities in School Suspension and Expulsion Downloads
Jayanti Owens and Sara McLanahan
18-03-ff: Racial Differences in Marital Outcomes among Unmarried Mothers: The Influence of Perceived Marital Benefits and Expectations Downloads
Calvina Ellerbe
18-02-ff: Policing America's Children: Police Contact and Consequences Among Teens in Fragile Families Downloads
Amanda Geller
18-01-ff: Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Reduce Housing Instability? Downloads
Natasha Pilkauskas and Katherine Michelmore
17-25-ff: Early Exclusionary School Discipline and Adolescent Wellbeing Downloads
Nayan Ramirez, Garrett Pace, Gerardo Cuevas and Wade Jacobsen
17-24-ff: Understanding Child Support Trajectories Downloads
Laurel Sariscsany, Irwin Garfinkel and Lenna Nepomnyaschy
17-23-ff: Neighborhood Connectivity and Residential Circumstances: Understanding the Role of Public and Private Support Downloads
Ellen Whitehead
17-22-ff: Parental Incarceration and Child Overweight Downloads
Amelia Branigan and Christopher Wildeman
17-21-ff: Does Birth Weight Influence Grit or Can Grit Be Learned After Birth? Downloads
Leah Gillion
17-20-ff: The Geography of Opportunity: Developmental Trajectories of Children in Baltimore Downloads
Elia Toledo, Irwin Garfinkel and Christopher. Wimer
17-19-ff: The Dynamics of Childcare Instability Downloads
Christina Caramanis and Cynthia Osborne
17-18-ff: The Role of Fathers in Reducing Income-Based Inequalities in Children's Behavioral Outcomes Downloads
Lenna Nepomnyaschy, Daniel Miller, Maureen Waller and Sarah Gold
17-16-ff: Adolescent Relationship Quality: Is There an Intergenerational Link? Downloads
Rachel Goldberg, Marta Tienda, Michelle Eilers and Sara McLanahan
17-15-ff: The Origins of the Racial Gap in School Suspension and Expulsion Downloads
Jayanti Owens and Sara McLanahan
17-14-ff: A School-to-Prison Pipeline? Locating the Link Between Exclusionary School Discipline and Juvenile Justice Contact Downloads
Joel Mittleman
17-13-ff: Taking Off the Rose-Colored Glasses? Comparing Mothers' and Children's Reports About Father Involvement Downloads
Teja Pristavec and Sharon Bzostek
17-12-ff: Fathers' Roles Amidst Family Complexity After a Nonmarital Birth Downloads
Marcia Carlson, Lenna Nepomnyaschy and Ariane Ophir
17-11-ff: Fathers’ Parental Leave Use and Relationship Promotion in Fragile Families Downloads
Brianne Pragg
17-10-ff: Nonstandard Work Schedules and Father Involvement Among Nonresident and Resident Fathers Downloads
Alejandra Ros Pilarz, Laura Cuesta and Yonah Drazen
17-09-ff: Multipartnered Fertility and Children's Behavioral Outcomes Among Urban U.S. Families Downloads
Marcia Carlson, Frank Furstenberg, Jr., Sara McLanahan, Nathan Seltzer and Alicia VanOrman
17-08-ff: Neighborhood Air Pollution and Children’s Cognitive Development Downloads
Brandon Wagner, Louis Donnelly, Sara McLanahan, Irwin Garfinkel and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
17-07-ff: The Protective Effects of Housing Assistance Programs on Eviction Downloads
Louis Donnelly, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Sara McLanahan and Irwin Garfinkel
17-06-ff: The Prevalence of Housing Eviction among Children Born in American Cities Downloads
Ian Lundberg and Louis Donnelly
17-05-ff: Links between Childhood Exposure to Violent Contexts and Risky Adolescent Health Behaviors Downloads
Sarah James, Louis Donnelly, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Sara McLanahan
17-04-ff: Developmental Pathways Between Low Birth Weight Status and Children's Academic and Socioemotional Competence: The Role of Parenting Processes as a Moderator Downloads
Sangita Pudasainee-Kapri and Rachel Razza
17-03-ff: Mass Incarceration and the Underground Economy in America Downloads
Brian Sykes and Amanda Geller
17-01-ff: Explaining the Consequences of Paternal Incarceration for Children's Behavioral Problems Downloads
Allison Emory
16-09-ff: Moving on Down: The Conflated Impact of Family Instability and Disadvantaged Neighborhoods on Cognitive, Externalizing, and Internalizing Outcomes Downloads
Walter Shelley and Colleen Wynn
16-08-ff: Reciprocal Associations between Neighborhood Context and Parent Investments: Selection Effects in Two Longitudinal Samples Downloads
Thomas Schofield, Melissa Merrick and Chia-Feng Chen
16-07-ff.pdf: Paternal Multipartner Fertility and Child Neighborhood Disorder Downloads
Colleen Wynn
16-05-ff: Race, Romance and Nonresident Father Involvement Resilience: Differences by types of involvement Downloads
Ronald Mincy, Hillard Pouncy and Afshin Zilanawala
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