Working Papers
From C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University
C.V. Starr Center, Department of Economics, New York University, 19 W. 4th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10012.
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- 08-01: The Foundations of Spatial Preferences
- Jon Eguia
- 06-01: The Problem of Prevention
- Jean-Pierre Benoit and Juan Dubra
- 98-42: Innovation Complementarity and Scale of Production
- Eugenio Miravete and Jose C. Pernias
- 98-41: A Note on the Convergence to Competitive Equilibria in Economies with Moral Hazard
- Alberto Bisin, Piero Gottardi and Danilo Guaitoli
- 98-40: Cultural Transmission, Marriage and the Evolution of Ethnic and Religious Traits
- Alberto Bisin and Thierry Verdier
- 98-39: An Experimental Study of Belief Learning Using Real Beliefs
- Yaw Nyarko and Andrew Schotter
- 98-38: Consumption and Income Inequality in Poland During the Economic Transition
- Michael Keane and Eswar Prasad
- 98-37: The Perils of Taylor Rules
- Jess Benhabib, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martín Uribe
- 98-36: National Trade Conflicts Caused by Productivity Changes
- William Baumol and Ralph E. Gomory
- 98-35: National Trade Conflicts Caused by Productivity Changes: The Analysis with Full Proofs
- William Baumol and Ralph E. Gomory
- 98-34: Monotone Games with Positive Spillovers
- Douglas Gale
- 98-33: Financial Contagion
- Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale
- 98-32: When Does Privatization Work? The Impact of Private Ownership on Corporate Performance in the Transition Economies
- Roman Frydman, Cheryl Gray, Marek P. Hessel and Andrzej Rapaczynski
- 98-31: Government Turnover in Parliamentary Democracies
- Daniel Diermeier and Antonio Merlo
- 98-30: Voting Procedures
- Steven Brams and Peter Fishburn
- 98-29: Diversity of Opinion and Financing of New Technologies
- Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale
- 98-28: Environmental Effects on the Participation and Fertility Decisions of Married Women
- Daniela Del Boca
- 98-27: The Asian Liquidity Crisis
- A. Velasco and Roberto Chang
- 98-26: The Case for a Populist Central Banker
- A. Velasco and V. Guzzo
- 98-25: "Overreaction" of Asset Prices in General Equilibrium
- S. Aiyagari and Mark Gertler
- 98-24: Moral Hazard and Non-Exclusive Contracts
- Alberto Bisin and Danilo Guaitoli
- 98-23: Social Mobility and the Demand for Redistribution: The POUM Hypothesis
- Roland Benabou and Efe Ok
- 98-22: A Country's Maximal Gains from Trade and Conflicting National Interests
- William Baumol and R.E. Gomory
- 98-21: Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: A Canonical Model
- Roberto Chang and A. Velasco
- 98-20: Fair Division of Indivisible Items between Two People with Identical Preferences: Envy-Freeness, Pareto-Optimality, and Equity
- Steven Brams and P.C. Fishburn
- 98-19: Evolution of Interdependent Preferences in Aggregative Games
- Levent Kockesen, Efe Ok and Rajiv Sethi
- 98-18: Bargaining, Independence, and the Rationality of Fair Division
- Giuseppe (Pino) Lopomo and Efe Ok
- 98-17: Education and Borrowing Constraints: Tests vs Prices
- Raquel Fernandez
- 98-16: Vintage Capital and Equality
- Boyan Jovanovic
- 98-15: Stock-Returns and Inflation in a Principal-Agent Economy
- Boyan Jovanovic and Masako Ueda
- 98-14: Why Ownership Matters?: Politicization and Entrepreneurship in the Restructuring of Enterprises in Central Europe
- R. Frydman, M. Hessel and A. Rapaczynski
- 98-13: Resolving Social Issues in a Merger: A Fair-Division Approach
- Steven Brams and M.S. Kulikov
- 98-12: The Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder: or Equilibrium in Beliefs and Rational Learning in Games
- Yaw Nyarko
- 98-11: To Mobilize of Not to Mobilize: Catch 22s in International Crises
- Steven Brams
- 98-10: Fallback Bargaining
- Steven Brams and D.M. Kilgour
- 98-09: An Asymmetric Kalai-Smorodinsky Solution
- Juan Dubra
- 98-08: Taxation and the Sources of Growth: Estimates from United States Multinational Corporations
- Jason Cummins
- 98-07: Taxation, Investment, and Firm Growth with Heterogeneous Capital
- Jason Cummins and M. Dey
- 98-06: Debts and Deficits with Fragmented Fiscal Policymaking
- A. Velasco
- 98-05: Financial Fragility and the Exchange Rate Regime
- Roberto Chang and A. Velasco
- 98-04: Modes of Interaction Between Divorced Parents
- Christopher Flinn
- 98-03: The Financial Accelerator in a Quantitative Business Cycle Framework
- Ben Bernanke, Mark Gertler and Simon Gilchrist
- 98-02: Monetary Policy and Multiple Equilibria
- Jess Benhabib, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe and Martín Uribe
- 98-01: Monetary Policy Rules and Macroeconomic Stability: Evidence and some Theory
- Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí and Mark Gertler
- 97-42: Pareto Optimal Sizes of Innovation Spillovers
- William Baumol
- 97-41: Returns to Mobility in the Transition to a Market Economy
- Tito Boeri and Christopher Flinn
- 97-40: Competitive Neutrality Via Differential Access Pricing: Preservation of Desired Cross Subsidies Under Competitive Entry
- William Baumol
- 97-39: The Productivity Paradox: Evidence from Indirect Indicators of Service Sector Productivity Growth
- Edward Wolff
- 97-38: General Competitive Analysis with Asymmetric Information
- Alberto Bisin and Piero Gottardi
- 97-37: Psychological Expected Utility Theory and Anticipatory Feelings
- Andrew Caplin and John Leahy