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From Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE)
Voie du Roman Pays 34, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium).
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Alain GILLIS ().

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1605: Solving multi-item lot-sizing problems with an MIP solver using classification and reformulation
Laurence A. Wolsey
1604: Refinancement, autonomie et loyauté fiscales ou du bon usage des mots en politique institutionnelle
Henry Tulkens
1603: Family size and optimal income taxation
Helmuth Cremer, Arnaud Dellis and Pierre Pestieau
1602: A note on inequality criteria
Ernesto Savaglio
1601: La ville périurbaine
Jean Cavailhès, Dominique Peeters, Evangelos Sékeris and Jacques Thisse
1600: Dynamic knapsack sets and capacitated lot-sizing
Marko Loparic, Hugues Marchand and Laurence A. Wolsey
1599: Strategic inter-regional transfers
Jean Hindriks and Gareth Myles
1598: Taking the bite out of fiscal competition
Moshe Justman, Jacques Thisse and Tanguy van Ypersele
1597: Rewards versus intellectual property rights
Steven Shavell and Tanguy van Ypersele
1596: Profit maximizing in auctions of public goods
Dirk Alboth, Anat Lerner and Jonathan Shalev
1595: On the Riemannian geometry defined by self-concordant barriers and interior-point methods
Yu. Nesterov and Mike Todd
1594: Rescaled variance and related tests for long memory in volatility and levels
Liudas Giraitis, Piotr Kokoszka, Remigijus Leipus and Gilles Teyssière
1593: Microeconomic models for long memory in the volatility of financial time series
Alan Kirman and Gilles Teyssière
1592: Collective choice mechanisms and individual incentives
Claude d'Aspremont and Louis-André Gérard-Varet
1591: International treaties on global pollution: a dynamic time-path analysis
Parkash Chander
1590: The Kyoto Protocol: an economic and game-theoretic interpretation
Parkash Chander, Henry Tulkens, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele and Stephane Willems
1589: La formalisation et la prévision en économie
Jean Hindriks
1588: Optimal licensing in a spatial model
Francisco Caballero-Sanz, Rafael Moner-Colonques and José Sempere-Monerris
1587: Stochastic games
Jean-François Mertens
1586: Some other economic applications of the value
Jean-François Mertens
1585: The relation of time indexed formulations of single machine scheduling problems to the node packing problem
Hamish Waterer, Ellis Johnson, Paolo Nobili and Martin Savelsbergh
1584: Price vs quantity in a duopoly with technological spillovers: a welfare re-appraisal
Luca Lambertini and Andrea Mantovani
1583: Which shape for the cost curve of risk?
Louis Eeckhoudt and Christian Gollier
1582: Optimal educational choice and redistribution when parental education matters
Elena Del Rey and Maria Racionero
1581: Effet de frontière et interaction spatiale. Les migrations alternantes et la frontière linguistique en Belgique
Claire Dujardin
1580: Efficient use of higher-lag autocorrelations for estimating autoregressive processes
Laurence Broze, Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
1579: Inflation, welfare, and public goods
Gaetano Bloise, Sergio Currarini and Nicholas Kikidis
1578: Towards a common European electricity market
Jacqueline Boucher and Yves Smeers
1577: A geometric approach to sunspot equilibria
Gaetano Bloise
1576: Non-redundancy of high order moment conditions for efficient GMM estimation of weak AR processes
Laurence Broze, Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
1575: Monopoly versus R&D-integrated duopoly
Rabah Amir, Niels Nannerup, Anna Stepanova and Eline Eguiazarova
1574: Randomization, revelation, and redistribution in a Lerner world
Pierre Pestieau, Uri Possen and Steven Slutsky
1573: Quality underprovision by a monopolist when quality is not costly
Jean Gabszewicz and Xavier Wauthy
1572: La consommation est-elle à l'abri des crises boursières?
Helena Beltran-Lopez and Alain Durré
1571: Combining problem structure with basis reduction to solve a class of hard integer programs
Quentin Louveaux and Laurence Wolsey
1570: Taste heterogeneity, labor mobility and economic geography
Takatoshi Tabuchi and Jacques Thisse
1569: Bayesian option pricing using asymmetric GARCH models
Luc Bauwens and Michel Lubrano
1568: Non-standard approaches to integer programming
Karen Aardal, Robert Weismantel and Laurence Wolsey
1567: Cutting planes in integer and mixed integer programming
Hugues Marchand, Alexander Martin, Robert Weismantel and Laurence Wolsey
1566: Optimal redistribution with heterogeneous preferences for leisure
Robin Boadway, Maurice Marchand, Pierre Pestieau and Maria Racionero
1565: Museum assessment and FDH technology: towards a global approach
François Mairesse and Philippe Vanden Eeckaut
1564: Social welfare functionals and interpersonal comparability
Claude d'Aspremont and Louis Gevers
1563: Economic theories of voter turnout
Amrita Dhillon and Susana Peralta
1562: A remark on voters' rationality in a model of representative democracy
Francesco De Sinopoli and Alessandro Turrini
1561: Press advertising and the political differentiation of newspapers
Jean Gabszewicz, Didier Laussel and Nathalie Sonnac
1560: Free riding on altruism and group size
Jean Hindriks and Romans Pancs
1559: Matching grants and Ricardian equivalence
Charles Figuieres and Jean Hindriks
1558: How does imperfect competition in the labor market affect unemployment policies
Xavier Wauthy and Yves Zenou
1557: Strategic complements and substitutes in bilateral oligopolies
Francis Bloch and Hélène Ferrer
1556: A comparison of standard multi-unit auctions with synergies
Gian Luigi Albano, Fabrizio Germano and Stefano Lovo
1555: Incentive compatible core and competitive equilibria in differential information economies
Francoise Forges, Aviad Heifetz and Enrico Minelli
1554: Coopération versus "free-riding" dans le domaine des affaires internationales sur l'environnement: deux approches. Régulation environmentale. Jeux, coalitions, contrats, sous la direction de Gilles Rotillon
Henry Tulkens
1553: Agglomeration and trade revisited
Gianmarco Ottaviano, Takatoshi Tabuchi and Jacques Thisse
1552: Public versus private insurance with dual theory: a political economy argument
Jean Hindriks
1551: Tackling boundary effects in nonparametric estimation of intra-day liquidity measures
Joachim Grammig, Reinhard Hujer and Stefan Kokot
1550: Are we retiring too early?
Pierre Pestieau
1549: Coopération et design des institutions: une perspective économique. Autonomie, solidarité et coopération. Quelques enjeux du fédéralisme belge au 21e siècle, sous la direction de Philippe Cattoir, Philippe de Bruycker, Hugues Dumont, Henry Tulkens et Els Witte
Jack Mintz and Henry Tulkens
1548: Delegation in a vertically differentiated duopoly
Fatima Barros and Isabel Grilo
1547: Product lines and price discrimination in the European car market
Victor Ginsburgh and Shlomo Weber
1546: Misrepresentation of utilities in bargaining: pure exchange and public good economies
Özgür Kıbrıs
1545: Local labor markets, job matching, and urban location
Jan Brueckner, Jacques Thisse and Yves Zenou
1544: Economic and social security: the role of the EU
Jacques Dreze
1543: Dispersion, agglomeration et re-dispersion?
Jacques Thisse
1542: The importance of being small. Or when countries are areas and not points
Joe Tharakan and Jacques Thisse
1541: Integration, agglomeration and the political economics of factor mobility
Gianmarco Ottaviano and Jacques Thisse
1540: PAIR: une proposition pour la relance de l'aide au développement et pour une solution globale au problème de la dette des pays les plus pauvres. Les défis de la globalisation. Babel ou Pentecôte? sous la direction de Jacques Delcourt et Philippe de Woot
Lode Berlage, Danny Cassimon, Jacques Dreze and Paul Reding
1539: Some consequences of the unknottedness of the Walras correspondence
Stefano Demichelis and Fabrizio Germano
1538: Alternative models of restructured electricity systems, part 1: no market power
Jacqueline Boucher and Yves Smeers
1537: A note on research and development and voluntary export restrictions
Xavier Wauthy
1536: Mobility and redistributive politics
Jean Hindriks
1535: Is there a demand for income tax progressivity?
Jean Hindriks
1534: Modeling the interdependence of volatility and inter-transaction duration processes
Joachim Grammig and Marc Wellner
1532: Les modifications de la loi spéciale de financement dans l'accord du Lambermont
Géraldine van der Stichele and Magali Verdonck
1531: On the indices of zeros of Nash fields
Stefano Demichelis and Fabrizio Germano
1530: Optimal tax mix with merit goods
Maria Racionero
1529: La conception d'un marché domestique de droits d'émission de gaz à effet de serre: aspects économiques
Vincent van Steenberghe
1528: Direct versus indirect taxation: the design of the tax structure revisited
Helmuth Cremer, Pierre Pestieau and Jean Rochet
1527: Taxation équitable: évaluation du projet de réforme fiscale par la méthode Young
Jean Hindriks, Sandrine Pierloz, Arnaud Pinxteren and Olivier Romijn
1526: On solving complex multi-period location models using simulated annealing
Antonio Antunes and Dominique Peeters
1525: Monetary equilibria
Jacques Dreze and Heracles Polemarchakis
1524: Intertemporal general equilibrium monetary and theory
Jacques Dreze and Heracles Polemarchakis
1523: A note on the incentive compatible core
Francoise Forges and Enrico Minelli
1522: Rules transparency and political accountability
Massimo Bordignon and Enrico Minelli
1521: Location and education in South African cities under and after Apartheid
Harris Selod and Yves Zenou
1520: Scheduling projects with labor constraints
C.C.B. Cavalcante, C. Carvalho de Souza, M.W.P. Savelsbergh and Y. Wang
1519: Conflict and cooperation. The structure of equilibrium payoffs in common agency
Didier Laussel and Michel Le Breton
1518: Price competition when consumer behavior is characterized by conformity or vanity
Isabel Grilo, Oz Shy and Jacques Thisse
1517: On the Wagner-Whitin lot-sizing polyhedron
Olivier Pereira and Laurence A. Wolsey
1516: Modelling practical lot-sizing problems as mixed-integer programs
Gaetan Belvaux and Laurence A. Wolsey
1515: On invisible trade relations between Mesopotamian cities during the Third Millennium B.C
Audrey Bossuyt, Laurence Broze and Victor Ginsburgh
1514: Strategically stable cost sharing in an economic-ecological negotiation process
Parkash Chander and Henry Tulkens
1513: Aggregation and mixed integer rounding to solve mips
Hugues Marchand and Laurence A. Wolsey
1512: Press advertising and the ascent of the `Pensée Unique'
Jean Gabszewicz, Didier Laussel and Nathalie Sonnac
1511: Strategic multilateral exchange and taxes
Jean Gabszewicz and Lisa Grazzini
1510: On the macroeconomics of uncertainty and incomplete markets
Jacques Dreze
1509: Price competition when product quality is uncertain
Isabel Grilo and Xavier Wauthy
1508: Inflicting injury through product quality: how European antidumping policy disadvantages European producers
Hylke Vandenbussche and Xavier Wauthy
1507: Variational inequality models of restructured electricity systems
Olivier Daxhelet and Yves Smeers
1506: On economic geography in economic theory: increasing returns and pecuniary externalities
Gianmarco Ottaviano and Jacques Thisse
1505: On price competition with complementary goods
Jean Gabzewicz, Nathalie Sonnac and Xavier Wauthy
Page updated 2024-12-21
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