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RePEc Data Check for series repec:col:000549

Each night we check the validity of new and modified templates in the RePEc archives mirrored at EconPapers and run a link checker on a portion of the data. Data for series last updated 2023-08-04 01:04:00 GMT.
  • Data checked 2024-10-27 06:37:25 GMT, 0 errors and 144 warnings. 130 templates without errors.
  • Currently mirrored files for series (login with username datacheck and password repec)
  • Results for the col archive.
  • Access statistics for repec:col:000549.

EconPapers listing for Revista CEA From Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
Contact information at EDIRC.

Bibliographic data for series maintained by Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ().

rdf/redif-files, ReDIF compliance

Templates with errors can not be processed correctly and are dropped. Lines with warnings are ignored when the template is processed.
Consult the ReDIF documentation for further information.

Data checked 2024-10-27 06:37:25 GMT, 0 errors and 144 warnings. 130 templates without errors.
Correcting your data? Use our interactive check to validate your corrections.

Files with errors or warnings

Click to view problems in context (login with username datacheck and password repec)


  1. (000549017814.rdf, line 16): An invalid JEL code used 'M32'
  2. (000549017816.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  3. (000549017816.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  4. (000549017816.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  5. (000549017820.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  6. (000549017820.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  7. (000549017820.rdf, line 20): An invalid JEL code used 'M32'
  8. (000549017821.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  9. (000549017824.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  10. (000549017824.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  11. (000549017826.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  12. (000549017826.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  13. (000549017826.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  14. (000549017826.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  15. (000549017826.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  16. (000549017829.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  17. (000549017830.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  18. (000549017830.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  19. (000549017831.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  20. (000549017831.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{FA} interpreted as Windows-1252
  21. (000549017831.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  22. (000549017831.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  23. (000549017840.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  24. (000549017840.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  25. (000549017840.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  26. (000549017842.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  27. (000549017843.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{C1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  28. (000549017843.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  29. (000549017843.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  30. (000549017843.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{FA} interpreted as Windows-1252
  31. (000549017843.rdf, line 13): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  32. (000549017844.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  33. (000549017844.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  34. (000549017845.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  35. (000549017846.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  36. (000549017846.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  37. (000549017846.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  38. (000549017849.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  39. (000549017851.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  40. (000549017851.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  41. (000549017852.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  42. (000549017853.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  43. (000549017855.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  44. (000549017855.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  45. (000549017855.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  46. (000549017855.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  47. (000549017857.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  48. (000549017860.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{C1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  49. (000549017861.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  50. (000549017862.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  51. (000549017862.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  52. (000549017863.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  53. (000549017863.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  54. (000549017863.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  55. (000549017865.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  56. (000549017866.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  57. (000549017867.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  58. (000549017868.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  59. (000549017870.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  60. (000549017870.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  61. (000549017872.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  62. (000549017873.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  63. (000549017874.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  64. (000549017875.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  65. (000549017875.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  66. (000549017878.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  67. (000549017883.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  68. (000549017883.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  69. (000549017884.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  70. (000549017884.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  71. (000549017885.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  72. (000549017888.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{FA} interpreted as Windows-1252
  73. (000549017888.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  74. (000549017888.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  75. (000549017889.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  76. (000549017890.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  77. (000549017891.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  78. (000549017891.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  79. (000549017894.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  80. (000549017894.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  81. (000549017894.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  82. (000549017897.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  83. (000549017899.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  84. (000549018115.rdf, line 16): An invalid JEL code used 'M32'
  85. (000549018116.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  86. (000549018116.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  87. (000549018116.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  88. (000549018121.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  89. (000549018121.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  90. (000549018121.rdf, line 20): An invalid JEL code used 'M32'
  91. (000549018122.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  92. (000549018125.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  93. (000549018125.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  94. (000549019247.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Purnamaningsih Purnamaningsih; Nosica Rizkalla', possibly multiple authors
  95. (000549019248.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  96. (000549019248.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  97. (000549019248.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Ana Esther Escalante-Ferrer; María del Carmen Torres-Salazar; Alejandro García-Garnica', possibly multiple authors
  98. (000549019249.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  99. (000549019249.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Ana Criollo-Uyaguari; Andrea Feijóo-Valarezo; Angel Torres-Toukoumidis', possibly multiple authors
  100. (000549019250.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Elissa Dwi Lestari; Miranti Kusuma Yuwono', possibly multiple authors
  101. (000549019251.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  102. (000549019251.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  103. (000549019251.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Guillermo Alex Guzmán-Narciso; Waynner Sánchez-García; Maritza Dorila Placencia-Medina; Javier Silva-Valencia', possibly multiple authors
  104. (000549019252.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Luis Roberto Vega-González; Roberto Misael Vega-Salinas', possibly multiple authors
  105. (000549019253.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Jorge E. Giraldo-Plaza; Demetrio A. Ovalle-Carranza', possibly multiple authors
  106. (000549019254.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  107. (000549019254.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Nicolás Borrero-Puentes; Luisa Fernanda Alcalá-Zarate', possibly multiple authors
  108. (000549019255.rdf, line 18): An invalid JEL code used 'M32'
  109. (000549019255.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Amar Nuriman Izudin; Endang Ruswanti; Moehammad Unggul Januarko', possibly multiple authors
  110. (000549019257.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  111. (000549019257.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  112. (000549019257.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  113. (000549019257.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  114. (000549019259.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  115. (000549019259.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  116. (000549019260.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  117. (000549019261.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  118. (000549019261.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  119. (000549019264.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{FA} interpreted as Windows-1252
  120. (000549019264.rdf, line 11): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  121. (000549019265.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  122. (000549019265.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  123. (000549019265.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  124. (000549019265.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  125. (000549019354.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  126. (000549019355.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  127. (000549019356.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  128. (000549019357.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  129. (000549019357.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  130. (000549019357.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{F3} interpreted as Windows-1252
  131. (000549019358.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  132. (000549019358.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E1} interpreted as Windows-1252
  133. (000549019359.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  134. (000549019360.rdf, line 9): Bad utf-8 character \x{ED} interpreted as Windows-1252
  135. (000549019360.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'María Angela Lorena Mosquera-Montoya', possibly multiple authors
  136. (000549019361.rdf, line 7): Bad utf-8 character \x{E9} interpreted as Windows-1252
  137. (000549019722.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Oscar Eduardo Ávila-Rodríguez, Silvana Janeth Correa-Henao, Laura Cristina Henao-Colorado, Héctor Alonso Monroy-Escudero, Jorge Iván Brand-Ortiz', possibly multiple authors
  138. (000549019723.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'César Omar Velázquez-Vega, Alfonso González-Damián', possibly multiple authors
  139. (000549019724.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'María Cristina Otero-Gómez, Wilson Giraldo-Pérez', possibly multiple authors
  140. (000549019726.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Yessenia Martínez-Ruiz, Diego Fernando Manotas-Duque, Howard Ramírez-Malule', possibly multiple authors
  141. (000549019727.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Tsumma Lazuardini Imamia, Agus Suman, Multifiah Multifiah, Asfi Manzilati', possibly multiple authors
  142. (000549019728.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Gerson Rueda-Vera, Henry Orlando Luna-Pereira, William Rodrigo Avendano-Castro', possibly multiple authors
  143. (000549019729.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Jorge Ariel Franco-López, Julián Alberto Uribe-Gómez, Sebastián Agudelo-Vallejo', possibly multiple authors
  144. (000549019731.rdf, line 3): Long author-name 'Elizabeth Jiménez-Medina, René Yepes-Callejas, Jim Giraldo-Builes, Iván Dario Rojas-Arenas', possibly multiple authors

URL check

URLs not checked

Page updated 2024-10-28