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  • 英語發音國際音標(幫助): /ˈhaɪ/, [haɪ̯]
  • (美國) 國際音標(幫助): /ˈhaɪ/, [haɪ̯]
  • (美国)音频(檔案)
  • (英国)音频(檔案)
  • 韻部:-aɪ
  • 同音詞hi, Hi, hie

词源 1


源自中古英語 highheighheih,源自古英語 hēah (高的,高耸的,高级的,上层的,杰出的,高傲的,深邃的),源自原始西日耳曼語 *hauh (),源自原始日耳曼語 *hauhaz (),源自原始印歐語 *kewk- ()

低地蘇格蘭語 heich (高的)薩特弗里斯蘭語 hooch (高的)西弗里斯蘭語 heech (高的)荷蘭語 hoog (高的)低地德語 hoog (高的)德語 hoch (高的)瑞典語 hög (高的)挪威語 høy (高的)冰島語 hár (高的)立陶宛語 kaukas (肿块,疮)俄語 ку́ча (kúča, 摞,沓)同源。


  • hi (非正式)



high (比較級 higher最高級 highest)

  1. 从基础高度向上延伸距离长的:
    1. The balloon rose high in the sky.   The wall was high.   a high mountain
      气球升到了高高的天上。 墙很高。 高山
      • 1930, Philip Sidney Smith, Mineral Industry of Alaska in 1928 and Administration Report:
        The Chitistone River Valley offers a more direct route for travel from McCarthy to the White River and the Shushana gold placers than Skolai Creek, but it involves a high climb over the so-called “goat trail” to avoid the canyon above Chitistone[.]
      • 2013年6月7日, David Simpson, “Fantasy of navigation”, 出自 The Guardian Weekly, 卷 188, 期 26,頁號 36:
        Like most human activities, ballooning has sponsored heroes and hucksters and a good deal in between. For every dedicated scientist patiently recording atmospheric pressure and wind speed while shivering at high altitudes, there is a carnival barker with a bevy of pretty girls willing to dangle from a basket or parachute down to earth.
      • 1922, Ben Travers, 章號 1, 出自 A Cuckoo in the Nest[1]:
        She was like a Beardsley Salome, he had said. And indeed she had the narrow eyes and the high cheekbone of that creature, and as nearly the sinuosity as is compatible with human symmetry. His wooing had been brief but incisive.
      • 1919, Martha Van Rensselaer, Flora Rose, Helen Canon, A Manual of Home-Making, page 376:
        A nightgown with a high neck and long sleeves may have the fullness set into a yoke.
    2. (棒球指球) 高于击球手肩膀的
      the pitch (or: the ball) was high
    3. (尤指语言)使用地区海拔高的,高地
  2. 高(某长度)的
    three feet high   three Mount Everests high
    3英尺 三个珠穆朗玛峰
    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, 章號 4, 出自 Mr. Pratt's Patients:
      I told him about everything I could think of; and what I couldn't think of he did. He asked about six questions during my yarn, but every question had a point to it. At the end he bowed and thanked me once more. As a thanker he was main-truck high; I never see anybody so polite.
  3. 地位高的,上层
    The oldest of the elves' royal family still conversed in High Elvish.
    • 1855-57, Charles Dickens Little Dorrit
      The Barnacles were a very high family, and a very large family. They were dispersed all over the public offices, and held all sorts of public places.
    • 2007, Sheila Finch, Shaper's Legacy ISBN 1434401596, page 122:
      Not a one of them was old enough to know what the high past of Liani separatism had really been like.
    1. 一流的,最重要
      the high priest, the high officials of the court, the high altar
    2. 严重的,严厉的,重要
      high crimes, the high festival of the sun
    3. 程度
      high heat; high noon; high seasoning; high pleasure; high colour; high scholarship; high tide; high [tourism] season; the High Middle Ages
    4. 复杂的,繁杂的,高深
  4. (一些固定短语内) 传统守旧的,保守的(如high churchHigh Tory
    • 1858, Joseph Howe, Speeches and Public Letters, page 346:
      The letter of a "Pioneer" was sent to the Chronicle office by a very respectable man, of a high conservative family, but whose interests have been injuriously affected by the constant fluctuations in the commercial policy of England.
    • 1861 (printed 2003), Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Regnery Publishing (ISBN 9780895261601)
      His family was ardently royalist, and might be compared to a high Tory family on this side the water; with some change of conditions, their prejudices and disposition of the mind were the same.
    • 2005, Jesse D. Geller, John C. Norcross, David E. Orlinsky, The Psychotherapist's Own Psychotherapy, Oxford University Press (ISBN 9780198030621), page 69:
      My father was the youngest son of a High-Church and high Tory family, the politically leftwing and religiously Nonconformist rebel; and antiimperialist who nearly lost his position in the City by refusing to sign his firm's pro–Boer War petition.
  5. 心情愉悦的,高兴
    in high spirits
    • 1970, Grateful Dead, High Time, on the album Workingman's Dead
      I was having a high time, living the good life.
  6. (指生活方式) 奢侈的,富裕
    high living, the high life
    • 2010, Rose Maria McCarthy Anding. High Heels, Honey Lips, & White Powder
      I was living the high lifestyle in famous sex clubs, relaxing on luxurious sofas, in the saunas and whirlpools, enjoying moments of excitement with my male and female companions while sipping champagne from crystal glasses.
  7. 高傲的,傲慢
    a high tone
  8. (带“on”或“about”) 热衷于...的
    • 2016, David Chan, Enabling Positive Attitudes and Experiences in Singapore,頁號 140:
      "Conversely, just because I am not high on positivity, it does not mean I am necessarily high on negativity."
    • 2010, Lena, quoted by S. Rosenbloom, The Multiracial Urban High School: Fearing Peers and Trusting Friends (ISBN 0230114733), chapter four:
      I'm not that high about the relationship.
  9. (指水体) 高的
  10. 纬度高的
    high latitude, fish species in high arctic and antarctic areas
    • 1966, Symposium on Antarctic Oceanography: Papers, page 242:
      But other euphausiids, Euphausia crystallorophias, are found in the pack ice region of the high Antarctic as food of Blue and Minke Whales (Marr, 1956). E. vallentini is very important in the lower Antarctic region, around []
    • 1990, International Union of Game Biologists. Congress, Transactions, the XIXth IUGB Congress: Population dynamics, page 219:
      We predict that L. arctica will coincide with the whole reindeer-caribou distribution, probably excepted Svalbard, South Georgia and other high-polar areas.
    • 1999, Peter John Hodum, Foraging Ecology and Reproductive Energetics of Antarctic Fulmarine Petrels, page 8:
      [] petrels, which breed primarily in the high Antarctic, the Rauer Islands are fairly central in their breeding distribution. This study documents the breeding biology of these four species of fulmarine petrels on Hop Island, Rauer Islands during  []
    • 2004, Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschungvolume 481-483, page 1:
      Except for some lithodid crabs that have recently been found in the Antarctic Bellingshausen Sea (Klages et al., 1995; Arana and Retamal, 2000), reptants are not known from high polar areas, where water temperature at the seafloor drops permanently below about 0°C.
    • 2007, Zoological Studies, volume 46, iissues 1-3, page 371:
      This study also analyzed the sources of variations over an environmental gradient extending from low (subtropical) to high (sub-Antarctic) latitudes.
  11. 高的,大量的,数值大的
    My bank charges me a high interest rate.
    I was running a high temperature and had high cholesterol.
    high voltage   high prices   high winds   a high number
    • Template:RQ:Dryden Aeneis
      Can heavenly minds such high resentment show?
    • 2013 July-August, Fenella Saunders, “Tiny Lenses See the Big Picture”, 出自 American Scientist:
      The single-imaging optic of the mammalian eye offers some distinct visual advantages. Such lenses can take in photons from a wide range of angles, increasing light sensitivity. They also have high spatial resolution, resolving incoming images in minute detail.
    • 2005, Tracy Martin, How To Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems[2],頁號 16:
      Ignition voltage needs to be high enough to overcome the high resistance created by the air gap.
    1. 富含...的(作表语时常带“in”指明哪种物质
      Carrots are high in vitamin A.   made from a high-copper alloy
      胡萝卜富含维生素A 使用富铜合金制成
    • 1907, The American Exporter, volume 60, page 101:
      Anyone can determine for himself whether certain wire is high carbon or not. Heat a piece of the wire red hot and while red plunge into water till cold.
  12. (聲學) 尖锐的,的,
    The note was too high for her to sing.
  13. (語音學) 上颚的,使用口中偏上部位发音的
  14. () 数值大的
    1. (扑克牌) 最大
      I have KT742 of the same suit. In other words, a K-high flush.
      9-high straight = 98765 unsuited
      Royal Flush = AKQJT suited = A-high straight flush
    2. (指一手牌) 能赢
      North's hand was high. East was in trouble.
      • 1894, Harper's Magazine, volume 88, page 910:
        Cutler pushed forward the two necessary white chips. No one's hand was high, and Loomis made a slight winning.
  15. (指肉尤指鹿肉) 味道的,开始腐败
    Epicures do not cook game before it is high.
    The tailor liked his meat high.
    • 1991, Stephen King, Needful Things:
      What he did know was this: something about the situation smelled wrong. Something about it smelled as high as dead fish that have spent three days in the hot sun.
  16. (非正式) (受毒品影响)兴奋的,
  17. (航海指帆船) 靠近风向的
    • 1784, William Falconer, An Universal Dictionary of the Marine: Or, A Copious Explanation:
      NO NEARER! (arrive! Fr.) the command given by the pilot of quarter-master, to the helmsman, to steer the ship no higher to the direction of the wind than the sails will operate to advance the ship in her course.
  18. (足球運動) 对手目标近的
    Our defensive line is too high.


  • 蘇里南湯加語: hei



high (比較級 higher最高級 highest)

  1. 高度大地
    How high above land did you fly?
  2. 大量地
    Costs have grown higher this year again.
  3. 音调高地
    I certainly can't sing that high.
  • 副词highhighly不能混淆
    He hung the picture high on the wall.他把照片高高地挂在墙上。
    As a politician, he isn't esteemed too highly.作为政治家他没有被尊重得很多
  • Yuri Dolgopolov, A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases: More Than 10,000 Idioms (2016, ISBN 0786459956): "high on something"



high (複數 highs)

  1. 高点高潮顶点
    It was one of the highs of his career.
    Inflation reached a ten-year high.
    • 2019, VOA Learning English (public domain)
      South Korea has reached a new high in a kind of air pollution measured in fine dust.
    1. (尤指一天内的)最高气温
      Today's high was 32 °C.
  2. (吸毒后的)兴奋
    • 2013, Daniel Taylor, Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic climbs highest to sink Benfica (in The Guardian, 15 May 2013)[3]
      They will have to reflect on a seventh successive defeat in a European final while Chelsea try to make sense of an eccentric season rife with controversy and bad feeling but once again one finishing on an exhilarating high.
    That pill gave me a high for a few hours, before I had a comedown.
  3. 兴奋毒品
    • 2013年8月10日, “A new prescription”, 出自 The Economist, 卷 408, 期 8848:
      No sooner has a [synthetic] drug been blacklisted than chemists adjust their recipe and start churning out a subtly different one. These “legal highs” are sold for the few months it takes the authorities to identify and ban them, and then the cycle begins again.
  4. (氣象學非正式) 反气旋,高气压地区
    A large high is centred on the Azores.
  5. () (抽到或发到的)最大的牌



high (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 highs,現在分詞 highing,一般過去時及過去分詞 highed)

  1. (棄用) 升起
    The sun higheth.

词源 2


源自中古英語 hiȝehuȝehuiȝehuiehige,源自古英語 hyġe (想法,心理,心,倾向,意图,勇气,自豪),源自原始西日耳曼語 *hugi,源自原始日耳曼語 *hugiz (感受),词源不详。与北弗里斯蘭語 huwggje (精神,感受)中古低地德語 högehoge (想法,含义,心情,愉快)中古高地德語 hügehugehoge (心理,记忆)丹麥語 hu (心理)瑞典語 håg (倾向,意愿)冰島語 hugur (心理)同源。与Hugh有关。



high (複數 highs)

  1. (棄用) 想法意图目的

词源 3





high (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 highs,現在分詞 highing,一般過去時及過去分詞 highed)

  1. 快走







源自英語 highhoch同源對似詞





high (強變化主格陽性單數 higher,無比較級)

  1. (非正式作表語) (受毒品影响而)兴奋的,
    • 2004, Schanz, Peter, “Rindfleischs Stolz”, 出自 taz[4], 期 7489 (16 October 2004):
      Aber es ist großartig im Nebel, es ist wie Schweben! Er hebt die Ufer auf, endlich, eine highe Welt.

