English: The signal of an AM radio station on the MW band. Time runs from up to down, frequency from left to right. The strong vertical line in the center, artificially colored red, is the carrier wave at 558 kHz; the two mirrored audio spectra (green) are the lower and upper sideband.
Suomi: AM-aseman signaali keskiaalloilla. Aika kulkee ylhäältä alas ja taajuus vasemmalta oikealle. Punainen pystyviiva on 558 kHz:n kantoaalto; sen molemmilla puolilla ovat toistensa peilikuvina alempi ja ylempi sivukaista (puhetta).
Received with a Sangean ATS909 radio and FFT'd in baudline; image edited in GIMP.
== Summary == {{Information |Description=The signal of an AM radio station on the MW band. Time runs from up to down. |Source=Received with a Sangean ATS909 radio and FFT'd in baudline; image edited in GIMP. |Date=June 21, 2007 |Author= [[User:Mysid|Mysid