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Autodescription — end (Q12769393)

description: termination of something
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Classification of the class end (Q12769393)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Only a process can have a beginning/start, middle and end/finish --Fractaler (talk) middle->end" class="ext-discussiontools-init-timestamplink">09:48, 11 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

conclusion vs. cessation


I merged several items into this one. I don't think any of them had clear semantic differences, or I wouldn't have merged them. However, I did debate, and still am debating, if a distinction could reasonably be made between:

  1. an ending or conclusion, meaning the last portion of something; and
  2. a termination or cessation of something, being an event that occurs at a point in time. This takes place after all portions of a series, including the conclusion.

Very few sources consistently maintain this distinction. Cessation is often a process rather than a momentary occurrence. If someone did want to make a distinction of this sort, you might consider reusing one of old merged items. Daask (talk) 13:56, 5 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]