Sinéad O'Connor (Q193982)

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Cantant, compositor i activista irlandès (1966–2023)
  • Sinead O'Connor
  • Sinéad O’Connor
  • Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor
  • Magda Davitt
  • Shuhada' Sadaqat
Llengua Etiqueta Descripció També conegut com a
Sinéad O'Connor
Cantant, compositor i activista irlandès (1966–2023)
  • Sinead O'Connor
  • Sinéad O’Connor
  • Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor
  • Magda Davitt
  • Shuhada' Sadaqat
Sinéad O'Connor
Irish singer-songwriter and activist (1966–2023)
  • Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor
  • Sinéad Marie Bernadette O’Connor
  • Sinead O'Connor
  • Magda Davitt
  • Shuhada' Davitt
  • Shuhada Sadaqat
  • Shuhada' Sadaqat
  • Mother Bernadette Mary


Sinéad O'Connor (anglès)
0 referències
Sinéad O'Connor (anglès)
ʃɪˈneɪd oʊˈkɒnɚ
Magda Davitt (llengües vàries)
Shuhada' Sadaqat (llengües vàries)
Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor (anglès)
3 referències
Sinéad O’Connor obituary (anglès)
Caroline Sullivan
26 jul 2023
26 jul 2023
Sinéad Marie Bernadette O’Connor, or Shuhada’ Sadaqat, musician, born 8 December 1966; died 26 July 2023. (anglès)
Sinéad O'Connor: Pink & Brandi Carlile covern „Nothing Compares 2 U“ (alemany)
27 jul 2023
28 jul 2023
Bei einem Konzert widmeten Pink und Carlile den Song Sinéad O'Connor, die am 26. Juli überraschend verstarb. (alemany)
valor desconegut
26 jul 2023
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‘She found peace here’: local people tell of Sinéad O’Connor’s last years in Ireland (anglès britànic)
28 jul 2023
28 jul 2023
Rory Carroll
O’Connor moved to a small cottage in Dalkey, a coastal Dublin suburb that is home to Bono and other celebrities, and even there found anonymity. (anglès)
15 any
3 referències
‘She found peace here’: local people tell of Sinéad O’Connor’s last years in Ireland (anglès britànic)
28 jul 2023
28 jul 2023
Rory Carroll
In the seaside town of Bray in County Wicklow, the village of Rooskey in County Roscommon and the village of Dalkey in County Dublin O’Connor found sanctuary from the fame, if not her mental health problems. (anglès)
The Tiny Irish Village Where Sinéad O’Connor Escaped the World (anglès)
27 jul 2023
28 jul 2023
Megan Specia
in the seaside town of Bray that Ms. O’Connor had called home for over a decade before moving to her mountain retreat at the start of the pandemic (anglès)
Hundreds gather to say goodbye to Sinéad O'Connor at funeral procession in Ireland (anglès)
8 ago 2023
9 ago 2023
Catherine Nicholls,Amy Croffey,Caolán Magee
O’Connor lived in the seaside town of Bray, just south of Dublin, for 15 years. (anglès)
16 any
1 referència
28 jul 2023
Bill Crandall
Sinéad’s New Style (anglès)
After spending 16 years in London, the 35-year-old O’Connor now lives in Dublin, where she was born, along with her new husband, British journalist Nick Sommerland, Jake and her six-year-old daughter Roisin (both from previous relationships). (anglès)
1 referència
Sinead O'Connor she wouldn’t be alive today if she hadn't publicly reached out for help (anglès)
27 jul 2023
Jack Beresford
1 referència
Q&A: Sinéad O'Connor On How Gays Changed Her Life & Getting Her 'D*ck Hard' (anglès)
22 jul 2014
Chris Azzopardi
I don’t believe in labels of any kind, put it that way. If I fall in love with someone, I wouldn’t give a shit if they were a man or a woman. (anglès)
22 jul 2022
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1 referència
‘She found peace here’: local people tell of Sinéad O’Connor’s last years in Ireland (anglès britànic)
28 jul 2023
28 jul 2023
Rory Carroll
O’Connor lived nearby and had spotted a sign advertising the session. Strumming a guitar, she sang a song solo, then a verse of Amazing Grace. (anglès)
1 referència
The mother of four also said she believed Ireland would have been better off if it had remained under British rule and out of the grip of the Catholic Church.“Frankly, I wish England had never left Ireland,” she said. (anglès)
Sinead O'Connor: 'I wish England had never left Ireland... the church took over and it was disastrous' (anglès)
13 març 2015
28 jul 2023
Lynne Kelleher
Rockbjörnen for Best Foreign Artist
Billboard Music Awards for Rock Female Artist
Goldene Europa Awards for Best International Singer
CASBY Award anglès
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O'Connor, Sinéad
O'Connor, Sinéad Marie Bernadette
O'Connor, Sinead
Sadaqat, Shuhada’
O'Connor, Sinéad
O'Connor, Sinead
O'Connor, Sinéad Marie Bernadette
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O'Connor, Sinéad, 1966-2023
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Sinéad O'Connor
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Sinead O'Connor
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O'Connor, Sinéad (1966- )
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Sinéad Shuhada' Marie Bernadette Mother Bernadette Mary, Magda Sadaqat (O'Connor) aka Davitt (8 Dec 1966 - 26 Jul 2023)
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