covid-19 death (E196)

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frdécès par COVID-19edit
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

start = @<covid19death>

<covid19death> {
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q5  ] ;#death of a human
  wdt:P6949 .? ;#announcement date
  wdt:P509 [ wd:Q84263196  ] ;#cause of death is COVID-19
  wdt:P570 .{1} ;#date of death
  wdt:P20 .? ;#place of death
  wdt:P1677 .? ;#index case
  wdt:P1196 .? ;#manner of death
  wdt:P5008 [ wd:Q87748614  ]? ;#on focus list of Wikimedia project (notable)