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pgsql-general since 1999-04-22 00:00

General discussion area for users. Apart from compile, acceptance test, and bug problems, most new users will probably only be interested in this mailing list (unless they want to contribute to development or documentation). All non-bug related questions regarding PostgreSQL's version of SQL, and all installation related questions that do not involve bugs or failed compiles, should be restricted to this area. Please note that many of the developers monitor this area.

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April 22, 1999

Thread Author Time
JPEG Files In Postgres Database Rick Bourassa 05:14
Re: [GENERAL] entity relationship diagram free software Stuart Rison 09:36
Offical 6.5 release Len Morgan 14:25
RE: [GENERAL] entity relationship diagram free software Michael J Davis 14:57
Re: [GENERAL] FAQ Louis Zirkel III 15:34
RE: [GENERAL] Offical 6.5 release Jackson, DeJuan 16:45
RE: [GENERAL] entity relationship diagram free software Stuart Rison 17:22
Re: [GENERAL] entity relationship diagram free software Ross J. Reedstrom 19:16
typeidTypeRelid Error JP Rosevear 19:47
9k limit? Justin Long 20:20

April 23, 1999

Thread Author Time
Re: [GENERAL] 9k limit? Chris Bitmead 00:16
some questions about gdb Guo Ge 00:31
Re: [GENERAL] Offical 6.5 release Bruce Momjian 00:49
Re: [GENERAL] 9k limit? Simon Drabble 01:06
Re: [INTERFACES] where did that date and time come from?? Thomas Lockhart 05:21
Re: [GENERAL] 9k limit? dustin sallings 06:17
Trigonometry Richard Lynch 06:49
Re: [INTERFACES] where did that date and time come from?? Chairudin Sentosa 09:13
Problem with an indexing on a large table. Suggestions needed. Martin Weinberg 13:41
Re: [GENERAL] entity relationship diagram free software Bruce Momjian 16:14
Re: [GENERAL] Trigonometry Statistical Solutions 17:01
left join M Simms 17:41
LIKE operator Paulo Parola 19:58
LIKE operator PostgreSQL 20:02
win98 odbc problem? some other limitation? JT Kirkpatrick 20:13
Re: [GENERAL] LIKE operator Bruce Momjian 20:55
Re: [GENERAL] LIKE operator PostgreSQL 23:01

April 24, 1999

Thread Author Time
[Fwd: [HACKERS] typeidTypeRelid Error] JP Rosevear 22:28

April 25, 1999

Thread Author Time
Vacuum Crash Richard Lynch 02:17
rel-vars? Richard Lynch 03:56
Re: [GENERAL] Vacuum Crash Vadim Mikheev 15:58
Status of group implementation Ernst Lehmann 21:32
[No subject] gorman 21:40
RE: [GENERAL] From: gorman@acheron.franken.de Michael J Davis 22:25
Re: [GENERAL] From: gorman@acheron.franken.de Ernst Lehmann 23:21
Re: [GENERAL] From: gorman@acheron.franken.de gorman 23:24

April 26, 1999

Thread Author Time
PGSQL/JDBC & browser compatibility Bob VonMoss 01:10
Re: [GENERAL] PGSQL/JDBC & browser compatibility Tim Perdue 01:59
Large, searchable text fields? Mike Frisch 02:21
advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Eric Enockson 02:46
Re: [GENERAL] Large, searchable text fields? Tim Perdue 02:47
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Bruce Momjian 02:53
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres dustin sallings 05:00
postgresql user gallery Eric Enockson 06:17
(no subject) Daniele Airola 07:09
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Chris Bitmead 09:47
re: left join Silvio Macedo 10:53
Trigger or Rule? Andy Lewis 12:59
Re: [GENERAL] Trigger or Rule? Adriaan Joubert 13:22
Re: [GENERAL] Trigger or Rule? Adriaan Joubert 13:33
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Statistical Solutions 13:51
Triggers ? Sergei Chernev 15:06
Postgres/PHP error message Marko's Work 16:12
PostgreSQL security Peter Blazso 16:31
Re: [GENERAL] entity relationship diagram free software Mark Dalphin 17:10
Using postgresql with perl 5.0 Oseas Rodrigues 17:24
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Dustin Sallings 18:24
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Bruce Momjian 18:47
Re: JPEG Files In Postgres Database sobrien 19:12
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Jim Jennis 21:18

April 27, 1999

Thread Author Time
INDEXes and UNIQUES and PRIMARY KEYS Chris Bitmead 00:54
UNIQUE performance? Chris Bitmead 01:01
INDEXes and "*" notation ? Chris Bitmead 01:14
unknown symbol 'lo_unlink' Tatsuo Ishii 01:32
Why are my index files are much larger than my datafiles Michael J Davis 03:35
PL/pgSQL Andy Lewis 03:57
Re: [GENERAL] Why are my index files are much larger than my datafiles Ari Halberstadt 06:00
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Adriaan Joubert 06:09
Re: [GENERAL] Using postgresql with perl 5.0 Remigiusz Sokolowski 06:23
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Chris Bitmead 10:22
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Maarten Boekhold 10:31
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Chris Bitmead 10:50
Re: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL José Soares 13:09
Re: [GENERAL] unknown symbol 'lo_unlink' JP Rosevear 13:29
Desperately Seeking Regular Expression Thomas Good 13:35
Re: [GENERAL] PL/pgSQL Andy Lewis 13:38
Re: [GENERAL] Desperately Seeking Regular Expression Adriaan Joubert 14:03
Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] unknown symbol 'lo_unlink' Tatsuo Ishii 15:02
Speed Justin Long 16:30
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Dustin Sallings 17:21
RE: [GENERAL] Speed Jackson, DeJuan 19:18
RE: [GENERAL] INDEXes and UNIQUES and PRIMARY KEYS Jackson, DeJuan 19:21
RE: [GENERAL] UNIQUE performance? Jackson, DeJuan 19:22

April 28, 1999

Thread Author Time
DBI driver for Postgres? Anand Surelia 00:12
Re: [GENERAL] DBI driver for Postgres? Aaron Holtz 00:15
Re: [GENERAL] DBI driver for Postgres? tc lewis 00:20
RE: [GENERAL] DBI driver for Postgres? Michael J Davis 00:45
RE: [GENERAL] DBI driver for Postgres? tc lewis 00:54
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Chris Bitmead 00:55
Re: [GENERAL] DBI driver for Postgres? dustin sallings 01:19
RE: [GENERAL] DBI driver for Postgres? dustin sallings 01:20
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres dustin sallings 01:34
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Chris Bitmead 02:03
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres dustin sallings 02:35
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Chris Bitmead 02:43
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Rudy Gireyev 04:46
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Artur Pietruk 06:34
pg_dump and operators oid Valerio Santinelli 08:34
Trouble getting started.. David Kelly 08:46
Re: [GENERAL] Offical 6.5 release A James Lewis 10:22
UnixWare chokes Thomas Good 13:04
PLpgSQL Stat Problem Andy Lewis 13:42
Re: [GENERAL] PLpgSQL Stat Problem Oleg Broytmann 13:57
Re: [GENERAL] PLpgSQL Stat Problem Andy Lewis 14:23
Re: [GENERAL] PLpgSQL Stat Problem Jim Mercer 14:41
Re: [GENERAL] PLpgSQL Stat Problem Oleg Broytmann 14:48
subscribe pgsql-general bachir ramdani 14:55
Re: [GENERAL] PLpgSQL Stat Problem Andy Lewis 15:05
Re: [GENERAL] PLpgSQL Stat Problem Jim Mercer 15:27
Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Aaron Holtz 15:50
Search engine with PostgreSQL Wim Ceulemans 15:58
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Oleg Broytmann 16:00
Re: [GENERAL] DBI driver for Postgres? Kevin Lo 16:05
Re: [GENERAL] Trigger or Rule? K.T. 16:10
Re: [GENERAL] Search engine with PostgreSQL Karl DeBisschop 16:21
Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL security K.T. 16:27
Re: [GENERAL] Why are my index files are much larger than mydatafiles K.T. 16:31
Re: [GENERAL] Desperately Seeking Regular Expression K.T. 16:42
Re: [GENERAL] Search engine with PostgreSQL Kevin Lo 16:42
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? K.T. 16:49
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Aaron Holtz 17:07
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Aaron Holtz 17:08
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Gene Selkov, Jr. 17:16
[No subject] bachir ramdani 17:50
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Bruce Momjian 19:43
Re: [GENERAL] Search engine with PostgreSQL valter 21:43
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Thomas Good 22:02
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Thomas Good 22:54
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Bruce Momjian 23:07
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Thomas Good 23:16
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Bob Dusek 23:28

April 29, 1999

Thread Author Time
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Thomas Good 00:07
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Bruce Momjian 00:19
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes Bruce Momjian 00:21
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Aaron Holtz 00:45
LIMIT QUESTION Martin Wong 02:07
Re: [GENERAL] PLpgSQL Stat Problem Andy Lewis 02:14
RE: [GENERAL] LIMIT QUESTION Michael J Davis 04:18
Re: [GENERAL] LIMIT QUESTION Chris Bitmead 04:28
Re: [GENERAL] Desperately Seeking Regular Expression Herouth Maoz 11:34
Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] unknown symbol 'lo_unlink' Herouth Maoz 11:42
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes on ECPG Thomas Good 12:12
Re: [GENERAL] Desperately Seeking Regular Expression (fwd) Thomas Good 12:31
2 gig limitation? Jim Mercer 12:48
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes --- Resolution Thomas Good 12:55
Re: [GENERAL] 2 gig limitation? Jim Mercer 13:11
Re: [GENERAL] Desperately Seeking Regular Expression (fwd) Herouth Maoz 13:29
Re: [GENERAL] LIMIT QUESTION José Soares 14:07
Re: [GENERAL] LIMIT QUESTION Margarita Barvinok 14:36
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Herouth Maoz 14:44
serious bug in "alter table tbname rename to newname" Jim Mercer 14:51
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes --- Resolution Jun Zhang 14:54
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Herouth Maoz 15:09
RE: [GENERAL] LIMIT QUESTION Margarita Barvinok 15:32
Re: [GENERAL] LIMIT QUESTION José Soares 15:50
Timing queries Adriaan Joubert 18:02
Re: [GENERAL] Any ideas why this doesn't work or how to rewrite it? Brett W. McCoy 18:04
RE: [GENERAL] LIMIT QUESTION The Hermit Hacker 18:50
Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes --- Resolution Thomas Good 19:39
postgres and AOLserver Louis Zirkel III 21:19

April 30, 1999

Thread Author Time
HELP in Porting Versions Martin Wong 06:25
HELP in Porting Versions Martin Wong 06:42
Mailing list 'relay' sites ... News servers ... WWW/FTP Mirrors The Hermit Hacker 15:00
Date/timestamp math question Aaron Holtz 15:06
RedHat 5.2 & PostgreSQL 6.3.2 Michael Konrad 18:23

May 1, 1999

Thread Author Time
Query I cannot work out M Simms 02:14
cluster truncates table name? Ulf Mehlig 11:16
[No subject] Mario Simeone 11:16
NOTICE from the backend Ulf Mehlig 11:24
Re: [GENERAL] NOTICE from the backend Vadim Mikheev 12:24
PostgreSQL on BeOS ? Constantin Teodorescu 16:17
ODBC samples Bogus User 18:10
psql segmentation fault Bogus User 18:12
thread question Bogus User 18:15
Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL on BeOS ? Adam Haberlach 20:52

May 2, 1999

Thread Author Time
Re: [GENERAL] psql segmentation fault Oliver Elphick 06:44
Re: [GENERAL] NOTICE from the backend Ulf Mehlig 08:48
creating a table with ODBC Bogus User 09:32
[No subject] Mario Simeone 10:48
Re: [GENERAL] Query I cannot work out K.T. 16:49
Locking M Simms 23:27

May 3, 1999

Thread Author Time
Re: [GENERAL] Locking Bruce Momjian 01:59
(no subject) Thomas Malkus 08:53
Re: RedHat 5.2 & PostgreSQL 6.3.2 Mike Thompson 08:54
DBI : Keep the db handle ($dbh) trough several cgi Righetti Livio 09:53
Re: thread question Frans Meijer 12:51
Problem indexing on internal functions . . . Martin Weinberg 13:22
RE: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Greg Youngblood 17:28
Trying using Postgresql on FreeBSD Allan C. Lemos 18:48
Thing that makes me go "Hmmm" Bruce Tong 18:48
Re: [GENERAL] advice on buying sun hardware to run postgres Bruce Momjian 18:59
RE: [GENERAL] Thing that makes me go "Hmmm" Michael J Davis 19:03
RE: [GENERAL] Thing that makes me go "Hmmm" Bruce Tong 19:10
RE: [GENERAL] Thing that makes me go "Hmmm" Michael J Davis 19:15
RE: [GENERAL] Thing that makes me go "Hmmm" Bruce Tong 19:24
RE: [GENERAL] Thing that makes me go "Hmmm" Michael J Davis 19:34
RE: [GENERAL] Thing that makes me go "Hmmm" Bruce Tong 19:45
Re: [GENERAL] Trying using Postgresql on FreeBSD Chris Bitmead 23:51

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