For example, 1, 1111, and 111111 are repunits in base 10, while is a repunit in base 7.
In general, a repunit in base 1$"> made of repetitions of the digit has value
The repdigits composed by repeated ones are called repunits.
Since every number 2$"> can be represented as in base , I consider only nontrivial repunits, i.e., those that contains at least 3 ones in some base.
The first nontrivial repunits are , 13, 15, 21, 31, 40, 43, 57, 63, 73, 85, 91, 111, 121, 127, 133, 156, 157, 183, 211, 241, 255, 259, 273, 307, 341, 343, 364, 381, 400, 421more terms