Connect XState machines with Lit Element components. Similar to @xstate/react
's useSelector hook.
Based on @ChrisShank's PR https://github.com/statelyai/xstate/pull/2581
npm install --save xstate-lit
export class MyElement extends LitElement {
count = new SelectorController(this, actor, (state) => state.context.count);
render() {
return html` <div>count is ${this.count.value}</div> `;
To run example install node_modules at top level as well as in example directory:
pnpm install
cd example
pnpm install
pnpm run dev
This Lit ReactiveController:
- Subscribes to all updates of an XState actor or service.
- Runs the user provided state selector function when the state changes or the actor receives an event.
- Triggers the Lit component to update if the compare function returns false. The default compare function uses
to check equality of the old and new selected values.
A wrapper for SelecterController that pulls the XState actor or service from a @lit/context
. This avoids needed to pass a shared actor down the component tree.