two way state properties binding for v-model and any other usage (set\get methods generator)
npm i vuex-map2way
mapStateTwoWay(targetPath, actionName, propertyNames)
dot-delimited path to your state property. dot-prop used for it
action used for value setting. If you pass array as propertyNames argument
it shall
name (string) or names (array of strings) of target object properties.
If you pass string as last argument - your action shall receive simple new value,
otherwise if array given your action shall receive it in 'patch' format:
{ propertyName: value }
In case you want to edit some properties of some complex object, for example this.$state.panel.currentUser
<input v-model="login"/>
<input v-model="password"/>
import { mapStateTwoWay } from 'vuex-map2way';
export default {
computed: {
...mapStateTwoWay('panel.currentUser', 'editUser', [
Action handling that:
export function editUser({ commit }, patch) {
commit(types.EDIT_USER, patch);
[types.EDIT_USER](state, patch) {
state.panel.currentUser = Object.assign({}, state.settings, patch);
In case you have one property. for example state.wizard.step
and simple setter action for it:
<button @click.stop="step = ++step">next</button>
import { mapStateTwoWay } from 'vuex-map2way';
export default {
computed: {
...mapStateTwoWay('wizard', 'setWizardStep', 'step')
export function setWizardStep({ commit }, step) {
commit(types.SET_WIZARD_STEP, step);
[types.SET_WIZARD_STEP](state, step) {
Vue.set(state.wizard, 'step', step);